Candy Crush Saga Level 1627

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1627 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
This is an orders level and you have to collect the 9 popcorns as well as 6 striped candies and 3 wrapped candies.
To begin with try to make moves in the middle to open the board as the moves are very restricted, but before every move check to see if you can make a stripe or wrap anywhere.
Once the board is opened up it's not hard to make special candies, but getting them in position to hit the popcorns is not always easy.
I used colour bomb/stripe combos and a double colour bomb combo to get the popcorns. Wrapped candies exploded next to the popcorns will give you 2 hits as long as they don't drop down the board too far.
Don't quit just because you are getting low on moves, the last few moves will give you loads of cascades which can finish the job for you.
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Anonymous said...

Probably doable with 50 or 60 moves. With 30 moves, good luck.

Bill. said...

Need alucky start with some wrapped candy to grow the popcorn then chocolate bomb plus striped candy. Took a lot of attempts.

Lisa said...

Kinda cheating but this is how I did it. I used a booster the check mark one. Whenever I matched it, it turned into a popcorn, BUT when it turns into a popcorn on the conveyor belt, it automatically turns into a chocolate bomb. Score! So I did it in one game, with a booster! Good luck all!

Anonymous said...

This one is seriously boring. Many times the only move available is to use a stripe in the wrong position. Will be glad to get off this one and on to one more fun.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Lisa above. I had tried this over 30 times getting nowhere. I then used the tick booster and did it first time. Sue

Bill. said...

I have yet to reach this level as it has not come out on Iphone yet.

Unknown said...

This level has a bug. Numerous times after a choc bomb is created the game freezes. Has happened on 2 different android devices now.

Newme07 said...

You're right Chris, it does freeze. Did you have to restart your game? An obvious bug for sure!!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Create a colour bomb and then screen freezes - 3 separate occasions now 😡

Unknown said...

Yeah had to restart the level. Extremely annoying

Unknown said...

Yeah had to restart the level. Extremely annoying

Anonymous said...

Having the same problem on the iPad each time a check booster changes into a colour bomb board freezes .

Anonymous said...

I messaged King. My game keeps freezing when I use the check booster as well.

Unknown said...

Game freezing same as above. I guess I'm done until it's fixed.

Anonymous said...

Same here on iPad! What a rip-off😡

Unknown said...

Game freezing same as above. I guess I'm done until it's fixed.

Anonymous said...

Bugs and more bugs.... Not only has it frozen on me multiple times the time I finally got it the game shut down and returned to game board with the level still yet to pass.... Very annoying and now I have no lives left.... I hope King takes notice and fixes!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Again another problem....getting tired of this. Game freezes on ipad.

Anonymous said...

Also having trouble with the game freezing. This is wasting my boosters! Also, getting 8 popcorns seems impossible in the amount of moves you have. The odds of even hitting them is very low. This level is the pits!

Unknown said...

Same here but on iPhone. Have used so many boosters and it just freezes! Ugh!

Anonymous said...

Same issue with 1627 freezing on my iPad. Very frustrating and the game is now getting boring. May be time to move on, although you do get sucked into wanting to finish all levels!

Cash Back said...

Ever time I get a chocolate bomb from check mark game freezes. What a waste of boosters!! Please fix!!

Unknown said...

Ugh, level keeps freezing on me. How do we report this?

Unknown said...

Ugh, level keeps freezing on me. How do we report this?

Anonymous said...

Can't play until problem is fixed . Every time I get a colour bomb screen freezes on the iPad

pjmugs said...

Same here, froze on me three times now, once when I actually completed. Wasting boosters, very annoying.

Anonymous said...

Wasting my check boosters.. Game freezes..has to be fixed... Annoying..

Anonymous said...

After posting the above comment, tried without using boosters and passed easily.. Just given in the tips, the last few moves gives loads of specials to finish the game !

Anonymous said...

Is it only freezing when the check mark booster is used? I've been playing on the iPad and colour bombs that form in the game or from popped popcorn are not causing the game to freeze. The level is not easily achieved, though, the closest I have come is when I have managed to get a colour bomb next to a wrap candy. On every turn, you have to watch for potential combos because you can't afford to waste any opportunity.

Anonymous said...

I have used all 3 boosters and nearly completed the game several times. The game freezes on me too. No idea why but had 3 colour bombs on the screen when it died on me. Very annoyed at losing so many hard earned boosters on this, Going to give up for a few days and hope ths problem gets fixed.

Anonymous said...

Same here - has frozen three times; have lost numerous boosters.

Anonymous said...

Screen freeze problem on my iPad too. It seems to be every time I get a choc sprinkle & have the tick booster on the board. Very frustrating.

Patty said...

I also played many games with boosters, with the game freezing, well the last game I played I didn't use any boosters, when I got down to a few moves I needed 2 popcorn, so I used my hammers and hit each one 2 times and won the game, that may help you.

Anonymous said...

After the board freezing so many times when I used boosters I have Just completed this level on the iPad without using boosters . It is possible just keep trying .

Cat said...

Hi all. Took maybe four tries with resetting, but came close enough each time to say you don't need boosters. My only tip would be don't save specials like choc balls, as they're not difficult to make as the board clears. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Yeo, freezes for me too, sort it out King

Patti said...

FReezing 4 X in a row. - I use iPad. Waiting for a fix now. Frustrating. Colour bomb certainly seems to trigger the problem.

Anonymous said...

It has frozen on me also 4 times and always when I'm about 5 or 6 moves from clearing the board

Newme07 said...

Freezing again!!! I too am losing boosters. How do you email King. Yes Chris, very annoying!!! Sick of this.

Newme07 said...

I used a chocolate ball with the stripe and passed. Sick of this bugged level.

Anonymous said...

Finished the game but can't go to the next level on iPad.

Anonymous said...

Used chocolate sprinkle booster worked great. By eliminating a color with it, allows you to make more combos. iPad, check mark booster froze like everybody else. Good luck

Unknown said...

Major flaw on devices android....if I use a booster the board freezes every time.

Anonymous said...

After reading about the freezing, I didn't use a check booster, but did use the sprinkle and stripe wrap boosters. Passed first try on iPad and it didn't freeze.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how many people are still playing at this level?

Huntinup said...

As stated by many others the board freezes often wasting many boosters in the process after 30 attempts and not many boosters left am struggling and frustrated to no end King u need to fix this glitch asap please

Anonymous said...

Made this level on a Samsung tablet (no issues with freezing on any attempt), though I had to use some accumulated gold bars from the sugar drops to buy extra moves. I was so close to making it (just needed one more hit on the ninth and final popcorn) that I could not resist the extra moves. Otherwise, used no boosters (I never start with boosters, except on one level I used the fish, but I'll use hand swaps and hammers within an attempt) to make this level after fifteen attempts. One of those attempts was on Windows Phone, and I noticed that the stripe-candy and wrap-candy requirements aren't there, just the nine popcorn. I got all the popcorn playing on a Lumia 640, but came up way short on the points.

Unknown said...

Seriously pissing me off. I've lost 5 boosters because it keeps freezing. Glad I'm not the only one but seriously they need to fix it

Anonymous said...

Same problem here. Frozen three times, all three times when using a booster. One time it froze when I was just about to complete the level. Please fix.

Anonymous said...

Exactly the same issue here ... everyone time I use the ✔ booster game freezes ... what gives King?

Anonymous said...

I just posted the following: "Exactly the same issue here ... everyone time I use the ✔ booster game freezes ... what gives King?"
After my post I updated CC app and voila ... used my ✔ booster and passed through first time with 3⭐

Ngie said...

Many boosters lost for the last 3 days. Have restarted game every single time but of no help. This level has a serious bug. Waiting to be fixed by King before playing again !

CC from vero said...

Playing on Ipad- the glitch is real! I used a color bomb booster just to open up board faster and then started making combos. Used one hand switch to get color bomb next to stripe and that really blew a lot so then I had plenty of color bombs to match to complete game.
As Cat said, this is doable even with the glitch. God luck all

Anonymous said...

Happened to me too on ipad. Bites when you've used a booster because it's been wasted.

Anonymous said...

Bill, grow up. What are you even doing here if you don't even have the game yet. Have you ever considered that there are probably a hundred Bills out of the millions playing this game? Don't flatter yourself that you have a troll. NO ONE CARES!!!!

Unknown said...

Beat this level but do not use check candy or it will freeze.

Unknown said...

Beat this level but do not use check candy or it will freeze.

Anonymous said...

Won on iPad, but I did buy 5 extra moves because I needed only one more move to get the last wrap. During game I got quite a few sprinkle balls. Was able to match two together twice! Thought it would be a long time before I got that good a board again, so went for it. Didn't use any boosters to start because of what posters said about the game freezing. JS

Anonymous said...

Keeps freezing on me too. And won't reset. Just trashes my use of booster. I'm beginning to believe the developers aren't even bothering to beta test the new levels of the game before they throw them out there. This is frankly, just silly. Shame. I'm guessing they are bored with it and hope we all move on soon to something else,

Bill. said...

Thanks for the comments above. I avoided using any boosters and just bided my time to wait for that lucky board. Finally got it with a few lucky well placed wrappers and finished it off with 3 choc/stripe combos in a row! Good luck everyone and don't use boosters!

Anonymous said...

Used a stripe wrap and a sprinkle ball at the start. Did not use a check mark after reading about freezing problems. Got a lucky board and passed. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Use the check mark, finished the board. Game froze. Just my luck.

Bill. said...

This level cannot be beaten.

It can shive off!!!

gunslinger said...

So annoying! Three times for me too whenever a colour bomb appears but ONLY when I use a dam booster!

Anonymous said...

I finally got a lucky board and game freezes on my ipad.

Rose D. said...

Is there something wrong with this level? I tried it on IPad, laptop & iphone & it keeps freezing!!! Has anybody else encountered this problem..? I hope King fix this..not happy!!

Anonymous said...

Used the check candy booster, and was doing really well. Had one sprinkle/sprinkle match, then another appeared - and the game crashed, going back to the King opening screen. So frustrating. It's the only time I've got close.

Catgirl said...

Ugh so many negative comments, do
I even bother playing this level?

Anonymous said...

Yet another ridiculous level!!!! If you're lucky enough to make stripes or wraps you spend ages waiting to get them into a useful position & then you're out of moves! Even with 2 hours from a treasure chest I can't crack it! Boring King!!

Anonymous said...

Game crashed again when I was doing well. Not fair.

Anonymous said...

My game froze also.

Anonymous said...

I completed orders twice on this level on my iPhone but it would not pass me to next level. So annoyed and tired of this level. Help!!!

Anonymous said...

Gave up on Android, and switched to PC. Threw all the free boosters in from the start, stripe/wrap. sprinkle, and mystery candy. Tried to only explode the mystery candy when it was on the conveyor (from tip above, so it becomes a sprinkle instead of a popcorn block.) Got a couple of good sprinkle/stripe combos. Thought I wasn't doing well as there were 7 popcorns on the board, but I only needed two of them. It was close, but I won with 2 moves to go. So pleased I'd finished until I saw that the next level is timed :(

Anonymous said...

Tired and frustrated so I used the check mark booster again. Got through the board and this time the game didn't freeze. Thank goodness. Good luck everyone.

Anonymous said...

Game freezes. Waste of booster. Please fix this King.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Yes, happened to me twice on iPhone and once on iPad.. Using precious boosters that included chocolate bomb. I've never had CCS freeze on mobile devices until this level. Wasted games, extra moves, boosters that I can't get back again.

Anonymous said...

Completed level and it said I failed. Not right, I quit.

Maggimacpool said...

Completed this level twice and both times it causes it to freeze/crash and won't let me progress. This is on android tablet.

Unknown said...

Excellent tip!It worked on my first attempt, and I don't care if it is cheating. This level seemed impossible.

Shay said...

Wth is going on with this level? I beat it 3 times already! Got 2-3 stars then it freezes and crashes. Then says I never beat the level.. Guess I need to stop playing for Ahole til they fix the bugs.. Stupid King! You make a million dollars a day and can't fix bugs :(

Anonymous said...

Finally passed this level. Used 3+ moves, special candy booster and chocolate bomb booster. The special candy booster gave me a new one about ever other move. It was very helpful. Passed with 20 moves left.

Anonymous said...

The exact same scenario as Shay. I have won 3 different times today and CC closes out just before it shows the star count and says I did not pass. Frustrating that this is still happening weeks after it has first been identified.

Anonymous said...

YUP, anyone that has gotten this far knows we will eventually get past this horrific level. It takes me 30 moves to open up the came and get a few stripes or wraps. WTH, so bored at this point. Whoever makes these levels should be fired.

Lori R

Anonymous said...

Call me an idiot but I paid for 10 extra moves at 24 bars and a hand switch to get past this horrific level. It was well worth the $2.00

Lori R

Anonymous said...

Tick booster helped me get through.

Sami said...

Hi there has happened to me and pee'd off... just needed one move, spent 9 precious gold only for the game to crash. Reported it but just annoyed cause i had finished it!!!

Anonymous said...

Used a tick and got all the needed goals. The game crashed and didn't let me move on. Thought that this would have been fixed by now.

Anonymous said...

Colour bomb / wrapped combo clears out all the popcorn in one move!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Used my only check booster and actually beat the level after days, only to have the game crash while it was doing all the post-winning explosions. 😡 Using an iPad. Anyone else have this happen?

Marc Shapiro said...

Brutal. Stuck.

TJ said...

Brilliant!!! Thanks for the tip!!

Annonymous said...

Froze on me on iphone then I passed it on ipad and it froze again. Grrrr!! LA

Anonymous said...

I've beat this game twice on my iPad and each time it has froze on the final cascade and hasn't given me the win. Very frustrating as I used up nine gold bars and a few boosters. What a rip off!

Anonymous said...

Same thing happened to me twice. The check mark turned into popcorn and then sprinkle, then the cascade started and the three items were checked I took a picture in case it would crash again with 10 moves left, puff it disappeared from the screen. I wrote king customer service, but I just finished opening three treasure chests and have 11 hours left. Guess I will have to go w/o boosters till bug is fixed.

Anonymous said...

I just posted re two crashes. This time no check mark, just wrap/sprinkle did the trick.

Anonymous said...

Stupid game crashed on me twice after i got the required ingredients and sugar crush. What the heck, how am I supposed to win???

Anonymous said...

Game crashed on me twice after completed using the tic on tablet. Tried on pc with tick and worked great.

Anonymous said...

We've beat this level 4 times and it will not advance....just shuts down the game. Candy Crush will not respond to my requests for help. WHAT A RIP OFF! It's taken us 2 years to get this far :-(

TNPatti said...

I've just won this level twice in a row (with the help of some boosters) and both times, the game closed and jumped back to my home page. This is on my iPad. I see some others have had this problem. Is it always on the iPad? Should I try it on my iPhone?

TNPatti said...

After rebooting my iPad, I was able to complete the level and it didn't freeze. Of course, I didn't get back the boosters I lost during my first three wins when the game froze. It makes me mad at myself that I didn't try that in the first place. Usually that's the first thing one should do when having problems, especially those of us who never completely shut down our devises. One question - is it possible to get back those boosters that I lost?

Anonymous said...

I passed this twice and the game crashed. Used up my boosters, even docked a hand switch, but ripped off did not move on to next level. What a rip off. FIX THIS KING. can't you read all the complaints from all these players. Today is June 12 and this is still happening. Annoying!

Anonymous said...

Exactly, I've passed it 3x now, today is June 12th and it crashed each time. I reset my iPad and made sure app is updated (which it is). Unreal that 2 months later King has not fixed this.

Anonymous said...

I play on iPad. Used check mark booster, passed 3x and game froze /crashed each time. I reset/reboot my iPad and made sure app is current (which it is). Still I was ripped off and not passed to next level. I see all the comments dating back to April with same problem. FIX IT KING!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes same. Game froze just as I was completing it, and I lost the boosters I had used.

Anonymous said...

And again. From me above. Passed the level and it just froze. What a waste of boosters and time. Has anyone actually got through this level or does it freeze every time?

Benny said...

It surely has a bug! I have completed it TWICE! Both times it kicked me out of the program and when I went back in it did not recognize that I had completed it. I guess this is it for me.

Benny said...

It's the boosters that are causing the bug. I finished the level twice with boosters and got kicked out and the completion wasn't recognized. After reading the comments here, I went back and completed the level without boosters but a lot of luck and it passed me on.

Anonymous said...

Have beaten this level three times on two Ipads only to have system crash and not give credit for the win. Need to fix their problem.

~T said...

I have beaten this level twice today and it won't advance me to 1628.
Very frustrating.

Unknown said...

Same here, twice in a row I win using the check booster and the game froze and shut down as the final explosions were going. Lost the boosters and can't get past the level. Grr.

Kathleen said...

Boring level. Tired of CC these days. Need to find something else to play. Any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

Game froze--lost all my sugar drop boosters. King, of course, doesn't care.

No one you know said...

Came to see if I was alone in my problem of the game crashing each time I FINALLY WIN - and I see that many others are suffering along with me. Very irritating to lose the boosters I used to win, only to have victory yanked from me! I'm on an Ipad - and that's my only way of playing. So, I guess I won't bother playing anymore until See that this has been fixed.

Unknown said...

I have beat the game three times and every time when it gives the striped candies for the number of move you have left it crashes every single time and takes me right back to the level what the frick

Unknown said...

I have beat the game 3 times on my Samsung Android phone and it crashed every time and I lost all the boosters I used to win as well I hope they fix it soon because I'm not going to try anymore either what a waste

Anonymous said...

I had not visited this site until the game froze right after I got all the required elements. King needs to fix this

Anonymous said...

Well two times in a row .. I won't be playing this level again til it's fixed. All the way through, won with 9 tries remaining and after it started the countdown of the remaining tries the game froze. KING FIX THIS!!!

Anonymous said...

Well after reading the comment above that the freezing was only happening after using boosters I decided to try starting with no boosters selected. After numerous tries I was successful and the game completed and advanced to the next level. Good luck

Samantha said...

Beginning of August 2016: completed the game twice and it crashed after Sugar Crush, updated game, completed again and crashed again. Each time it registers that I've used boosters, but doesn't register I've passed the level when I restart! Can't understand why there's still a bug 4 months later after updates?! V annoying :-(

Buffy said...

I've had same problem. Completed game twice and crashed after sugar crush. Not happy. Lost boosters as well.

Anonymous said...

Love how ten chocolate bombs just appear on the video screen when I got none. Must wait for a lucky board, I guess.

Anonymous said...

lucky board please!

Anonymous said...

Its 12.31 am on 1st October 2016 and the freezing thing is still happening. Come on king, after 6 or more months its time to sort it out.

Anonymous said...

On android you only need to knock out 9 popcorns which I did only to be told at the end that I didn't have enough points!! What's that all about? It say nothing about needing a certain amount of points ay the beginning.

Anonymous said...

What's going on with this game? On my phone you don't need anything but popcorns but you cant use boosters cos it freezes! Is it my phone or a glitch?

Lola said...

Thank you! Worked and don't care I use boosters anymore lol

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous level!!! Not enough moves to collect orders and not enough space to move around.

Anonymous said...

Thank you worked for me too, I was on this level for two days!!

Anonymous said...

The booster check mark is the way to go. BUT don't reveal it when it's NOT on the conveyor belt as it just becomes another popcorn in the way. Just wonderful watching all those checks turn into popcorns and fly off the board. Did it with 6 moves left and a score of 369,000. Thanks for the tip.

Anonymous said...

Used the Tick booster (Tho I live in Africa we speak English here, not Americanese).. aka check mark. Got quite a few and all turned it to the striped or wrapped candies (aka known as sweets, lol). Loads of cascades at the end too.

TRE said...

Posting for luck