Candy Crush Saga Level 1706

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1706 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
There is no jelly under the Evil Spawners, so no need to clear them to complete the level, but, if you don't clear at least two or three of them you will have little chance of clearing the jelly as they will constantly spawn licorice and cover the candies.
The most frustrating thing is that the licorice will invariably eat your stripes and wraps and there is little you can do to prevent it.
You need lots of luck and a good start to have any chance of clearing level 1706. A colour bomb/stripe will be great if you can get it early on, as will stripe/wrap combos.
A double colour bomb combo will also be good as it will give you a hit on all the spawners as well as clearing the licorice and any exposed jelly.
Before every move see if you can make a move that will hit a spawner, the candies on the conveyor should be matched first as they will move, but look to see if they will move to a better position when the conveyor stops, and if you have moves in the middle of the board they will still be there next move.
A fish booster may be helpful if you are struggling, but if you don't get a good start this is a very hard level.
Video below.


dahui said...

Another shit level... among the worst ever.. This is truly an impossible one. Got close a few times but not to be... Even fish couldn't clear the licorice, as the adjacent one will drop right into it.

Kevin said...

Worst level ever. All you need is a ridiculous amount of luck, as no strategy will get you remotely near finishing it and neither will boosters.

Unknown said...

Luck, Luck, Luck is what you need usually only have one move available and that move is irrelevant...the Licorice spreads too rapidly...IF you were to explode the Spawners sooner, then MAYBE you would have a chance...Bottom Line: I am getting really tired of this can't even say "almost", so you could possibly get your hopes up...could this be the end to playing Crush???

Lucia said...

Whenever Cookie admits that a level is hard I know I have no chance of clearing it without boosters. Since boosters don't even help on this one, I have no chance at all. Color-bomb-stripe or double color bomb combo? Yeah, right.

Anonymous said...

I got this one without even knowing I had cleared it. Put all of the boosters on it and didn't realize I didn't need to clear the clocks. Thought it was going to take forever. In the end I did it in about 15 tries.

Anonymous said...

Tintin 1 here. I agree with the others...seems impossible, even if I blow up one or on a fantastic game two of the spawners, the licorice just takes over. I have tried heaps of times and not even got close, and the boosters don't seem to help at all.

Anonymous said...

I have to laugh when i get another licorice from lucky candy

Anonymous said...

In the first place, those "question mark" candies are not, necessarily, "lucky candies". They're "mystery" candies (hence the question mark) and can be good OR bad.
Secondly, I have to laugh at Cookie's comment about not needing to clear the spawners. If you don't clear them, you'll have absolutely no chance of beating this level.
It would have been helpful if she told us just how many times you had to hit them before they explode.
These "so-called" hints and tips make me laugh.

Anonymous said...

I just found out it takes 4 hits to explode them. I guess I should have known that. :/

Anonymous said...

I am getting really bored with this level. Not once have I cleared more than one spawner. I'm playing a lot less now due to the boredom. Candy Crush, if you're reading this, please do something with this level.

Anonymous said...

yep. This one is the worst ever. Nowhere close in a million tries. Pfff. JJ from NL

Anonymous said...

king seems bound and determined to run Candy Crush out of existence with this level. It is not a fun thing to fail and fail with no hope of passing.

Anonymous said...

Impossible to clear. Finally a level to make me quit.

Anonymous said...

This is impossible. Finally a level to make one quit .

Unknown said...

This is defenitely the worst level so far. Actually its time to quit.
Commentet twice on that this level is the worst one, but both comments removed by moderator because of 'duplicate'.
Poor King.

Anonymous said...

I am thinking this might actually cure my Candy Crush addiction. Spitting out 8 licorice every three moves on a limited board is beyond ridiculous. Maybe I will just wait until it gets to my phone, where I have over 100 lollipop hammers....yeah, I am still addicted.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm pretty ashamed of myself because I did exactly what they wanted us to do. I used up my lollipop hammers, extra 5 moves and a UFO to beat this wicked level.

jann said...

King you not only screwed the players with this level you have screwed yourself no one is going to ever come close enough to take a chance on spending a couple of bucks to get off this horrible level you idiots need to make some changes asap to this one

Mark H. said...

After 200+ tries, and getting absolutely nowhere w/o boosters(!), here's how I finally got past this level with boosters: I picked the following boosters, a +3, a fish, a wrapped/strip, and a chocolate sprinkle ball to begin the game. First I set up & combined a fish/wrapped, which did major damage. Then I lined up the chocolate sprinkle w/ a stripe, which cleared a lot more, and made more fish appear. Then I combined a fish/striped, and surprisingly got it down to needing only 2 squares left and about 17 moves to go. I had to play 2 or 3 moves more to get the licorice to move so the 2 remaining squares were uncovered... and then just used 2 hammers to take them out before they got covered up again. (Wasn't going to risk it even though I had plenty of moves left.) Game over! Do not let your boosters linger on the board, or they'll get covered in licorice when you blink, and will be wasted. Absolutely worst level ever. And I hate using all those boosters at once. But I was close to just quitting permanently. And I guess that's the point of boosters Hope this helps all of you. I feel your frustration. These levels of no-skill-required and waiting-for-a-lucky-board are obnoxious.

Anonymous said...

No fun what so ever! Will wait to play it on my phone but just a stupid stupid stupid level.

No skill just luck, absolutely shameful king.

Anonymous said...

Yup, usually you need some sort of skill to pass these levels. I am at week 2 of trying to pass it and when they say nothing is impossible, they lied. I'm getting bored of playing the same level over and over to no avail. Something needs to be done to fix this level. I am about to quit. Also, what if you have no boosters because you used them all on this level? Well, it's sad to say but you are "SOL" have fun trying though. The fun for me is finished. Another disappointed player.

John said...

hope they fix this soon - so outofhere

Anonymous said...

i wonder did they try out before release the level is impossible to play ! guess is time to quit

Brux said...

After many tries i used the Fish Booster. I was lucky.

Anonymous said...

So glad I read this blog before I started. After 3 miserable attempts, I threw all of my boosters at it from the start - fish, stripe/wrap and chocolate sprinkle. Was able to make a wrap early on and combined with chocolate bomb, which took out one of the spawners and did a lot of the jelly clearing. Used my last hand switch and last hammer to clear the last two jellies. Hope there are some good boosters in the treasure chests ahead!

Hans said...

Don't understand how. First time ok. No boosters used. Must be pure luck! I am glad.

Anonymous said...

I finally cleared it after a few days. Then the game froze and said something about "error 002". So now I have to try and get lucky again. Pisses me off!

Anonymous said...

Stupid level. I cleared all but 1 jelly in one try but had no lollipop hammer to break that - lost it. After that have tried a million times and the most I can clear is 2 spawners and then only get the moves in the center. When is the android version getting updated to have this level. It is still stuck at 1700 for me.

Anonymous said...

First time posting. Used sprinkle bomb with wrapped candy combined and fish. Took out all but one and fish took out that.

Anonymous said...

Finally got through this horrid level. Got down to two candies and used two lollipops. So glad to be moving on.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Finally, I got the lucky board, which was evident on the very first move. Destroyed one spawner, which resulted in a stripe/color bomb combo next to another spawner. That gave me two jellies with 16 moves left. However, with four moves left, I just used the two lollipop hammers and finished my misery. Good luck to all the patient players waiting for that elusive lucky board!

Anonymous said...

My First posting! I hate this level and am now really going to quit! I'll get my life back. This is most unfair, boring, frustrating and stinky level. Not a game anymore. Wish I could gift all my boosters!

Anonymous said...

Finally completed this level, Took a hand switch and 4 hammers to do it on the only occasion I have even got close.

Anonymous said...

Horrid level! Do the hammers work on the evil spawners? Still, it would take a lot of hammers to dispatch them.

Anonymous said...

King should stop updating Candy Crush with 15 levels a week. They run out of ideas and create a shite like level 1706... i'd be much happier with a 15 level update every month and enjoy the game, rather than hoping in sheer luck. Hence, I'll move to a different game.

Have You Ever Noticed said...

Another money grabber. they want you to use and buy boosters to complete this level. Absolutely no skill required here, just a lucky board and boosters. boring. done for awhile until they fix this. won't ever buy a booster.

Have You Ever Noticed said...

I think King makes these impossible levels so that people get hung up on them and it allows them more time to complete future levels. also is a good way for them to make money from people who are willing to buy boosters. but the unintended consequence is that people simply quit and never come back.. Get your act together King. this one is so boring, often only one move is available, constant reshuffling. no strategy, no choices, only licorice everywhere! this isnt a game, it's boring torturous and stupid. Luckily I am not stupid so i won't be playing this level until they fix it!

Anonymous said...

Boring, Boring, Boring!!!!! Glad I'm off on My hols may forget the game altogether and not come back, its getting so tedious!

Anonymous said...

Ok. I give. I have read these comments and never thought I would say it, but I give up on level 1706. I feel ripped off and feeling like this level is rigged. I need a break and don't want to look at this game for a while. I'm happy for everyone who has been able to get through this level, but it won't be me any time soon. Signing off......disappointed and let down.

Anonymous said...

Finally did it! Yes, it takes a lucky board, BUT you also have to make your own luck. I was waiting to get close to use hammers so I was never using them. The time I was successful I used a hand switch and a hammer, each time to align a wrapped and a striped candy. That did the trick so all I needed was a hammer to finish off the last jelly. ... AWFUL LEVEL!

Unknown said...

Hi! After many trials I used the three boosters combined (fish, color bomb and wrapped/striped and got it in the first try with lots of movies left. (Forgot to tell you that I removed the last jelly with a hammer, but it was worth it).
So... don't get desperate and try it! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I've only played 4 times so far, but it's obvious this is a game of luck and minimal skill. Don't really want to use lots of boosters, but it's the only way I'll have any chance of passing. Horrible level.

Anonymous said...

Started with all the 3 boosters, got a few good hits and a sprinkle/stripe combo. Only had 4 jellys left, and 17 moves. Took a side one out with a hammer (as those are almost impossible once the licorice starts), lucky cascades got another two, and I used hammers on the last jelly (needed 3, as a licorice fell in the space.) It took more hammers than I like to use, but I was so close, I wasn't letting it get away.

Anonymous said...

This level is a good example of why one needs to collect and save boosters. Took me one chock ball, one stripe/wrap, one fish booster, one hand switch and three hammers to pass it...

Anonymous said...

Atlast today I got this level is on IPhone and passed in 1st try. Not believing, played twice again and passed quite easily. Lol. This level is hell easy on mobile. Evil Spawners don't throw any licorice. I repeat Evil Spawners don't throw any licorice at all.

Anonymous said...

And also there are 38 moves on IPhone instead of 28.

CC from vero😎 said...

After a couple of tries, I came here and read all the comments so I went back and threw all my boosters at this! Matched a sprinkle with a stripe and that did quite a bit of damage. I made some more combos but I could see with only 4 jellies left that I needed to use a couple hammers to get a color into the licorice which had been growing. That worked and then a fish took my last jelly.🙄

Having said this level can be beaten ( and I never cleared the spawners in the process😳) I think King has made so many levels impossible without boosters that this is no longer a skill game and has gotten pretty boring!!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely ridiculous. Time to find a new game to pass the time. Having made it this far, we all love a good challenge but how about actually making this level beatable. I can't even get the boosters needed for this level. It's like the game knows what I need so they give me studid crap I can't use. Fix it CC.

Anonymous said...

Ugh! I used a chocolate sprinkle, wrap/stripe booster, and jelly fish multiple times and I still can't pass this level. This is so frustrating!!! I'm not going to waste anymore boosters on this if I can't even get close using all the boosters I can.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tips. I used all three boosters available and reset the board until a wrapped and sprinkle were side by side and that did most of the damage. Fortunately, there was a decent number of the same colour as the wrap and these same colours turned to wraps and exploded. They took out two of the evil spawners? Still needed 2 hammers for the last jellies. So, my advice is simply to use boosters if you have them and to reset the board until the candies are in your favour. Still a horrid game, by far the worst one of this episode so far. Good luck.
ALex S

Anonymous said...

10 more moves on iPad version makes a big difference. before, i was only able to get to within 8 left.

Anonymous said...

Why do the spawners not reset the full timer after you hit them? All it does is delay them one move and then, if you hit only one or 2, they're all out of sync and fill your board with almost every move. This is a TERRIBLE level. Increase the timer on the spawner or reset the timer after hitting them.

Ugh, I have things to do that don't involve playing the same level for a month.

Anonymous said...

So glad Summer is almost here so I can stop this ridiculous level and enjoy please stop being so unbelievable and bring fun levels back.. They don't have to be easy just realistic..

Anonymous said...

Just completed this level with no boosters on the PC. WTF!!! Thought I'd be on this level for ages given all the negative comments. Only played this level maybe 20 times. I did get a lucky board though. Got a sprinkle ball fall next to a wrapped candy early on and that got rid of most of the jelly and a couple of evil spawners. Then a few moves later got a sprinkle ball fall right next to a stripe and voila!

Anonymous said...

Guess they made it easier. On iPad. Read comments started with all 3 boosters. Used 1 hand switch to line up a stripe. Chock ball conveyed over to a wrap hit those together. Finished with 12 moves left. Go figure

Anonymous said...

Bill's real and imagined, where art thou? I miss all the fun banter. Tedious, yes, but fun to read

Anonymous said...

Tried numerous times to complete this atrocious level. Then decided to use some bonuses. Used speckled bomb and striped/wrapped plus fish. Kept resetting board until speckled and wrapped came together. Switched and the rest was easy. Got 3 stars.

Jeff said...

For you Mobile players- today (May 20) you are getting a free sprinkle ball on every game. If you have a sprinkle ball booster, just keep resetting until the two line up together (happens pretty frequently). You may still need to worry about the squares on the equator between the spawners, but you should have a lot of moves to work these out... Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

Because of these comments, I threw all 3 boosters at it. Apparently, one sprinkle ball is on the iPad board at the beginning. Just reset until the two sprinkle balls were together and matched them. After that it was easy. JS

Anonymous said...

How do reset the board without losing the booster. I play on iPad.

Anonymous said...

May 19 Thanks to the person who mentioned the free sprinkle ball at the start of each game today. I added one of my own and reset till they were next to each other. Not too hard after that but I still had to use a hammer to get rid of the last jelly. I had lots of moves left but I didn't want to play this lousy game again.

Jeff said...

To the iPad player above: If you hit "quit" before your first move, you do not lose a life, you do not lose the booster you selected...
Note - this does not work if you are playing on FB.

SueJ said...

I did what others above did - used a sprinkle and kept resetting until it was next to my free one - it cleared all the edges. I was then lucky to get a stripe/wrap combo that took out most of the rest of the middle. It was helpful to hear that the spawners do not have jelly underneath as this saved me having to focus on them at all. Having read these comments and played a few times, I actually beat it quite quickly with the tips above. Keep trying with the free sprinkle - it makes all the difference. Good luck.

Unknown said...

You know I play this game a lot. every day. and this level is another reason it is just no fun anymore. Not available on FB .... yet....but found a game on my phone I adore....a lot more to do than tear your hair out over insipidly impossible levels until all of a sudden you win and don't know why. It's called Gummy Drop. Check it out. A lot of fun. addicted as I am to this game....i find myself going there less and less....often not even playing all my lives....I think the love affair is over. Sorry King. Farm Heroes Saga is another game I have tired can't "win" you just have to wait til it works out. More fun to play something that actually challenges me to do more than wait for the elusive lucky board. Which incidentally I still haven't gotten close to after who knows how many tries on this level.

Anonymous said...

I would have happily cleared the entire board with Lollipop Hammers in the stupid level, if Candy Crush did not mysteriously wiped off all my earned boosters (again).

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous and impossible after 3 days!!!! Help!!!

Anonymous said...

Most tiresome level, simply stupid, WTF

Unknown said...

Am not going to buy extra moves as they get eaten up Will just have to wait for lucky board I think

Anonymous said...

Simply annoying

Anonymous said...

I too thought you had to clear the spawners. Once I read you didn't have to, I started off with a color bomb and stripe/wrap combo. Kept restarting until the bomb and the stripe were together and used them. They cleared the entire perimeter since you only need to hit those once. Left some of the center section which I managed to clear with 28 moves left. Definitely the best strategy for this annoying level.

Anonymous said...

Easy if you start with a wrapped/striped and sprinkle and reset until you align the wrapped with sprinkled. left me with 3 jellies left to take care of

Stephanie said...

Another ridiculous level which I will ignore until they make it easier. In the meantime, i'll collect boosters. Have had it.

Van5 said...

Well I have no idea what just happened. I got the sugar crush with 22 moves left. Second try. Had started with all the boosters and got 2 wraps together and then a little later a stripe/wrap combo. I did not clear any spawners, but I guess I must have cleared all the jellies. No idea how, as the licorice was filling up my board. Well good luck everyone. Your lucky board will come. Mine happened to come on the second try. Unbelievable. After reading the comments, thought I would be here forever. Still can't believe it.

Anonymous said...

Torture! Whoever designed this level needs to be HUNG!!

Unknown said...

I'm thinking of quitting as it's an impossible level bye

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping that posting a comment on this board will bring me my "Lucky Board" as it usually does within a day of posting anything here.

Go Lucky Board!

Unknown said...

Here's my take on it:

If you want to get thru this level you will need a color bomb and a stripe wrap combo boosters.

Select both the boosters and start the level. Keep quitting the level until you can see the color bomband the wrap align ( or if you can align it after one or two tries). Then mix the two and voila 90% of your work is done. Try to finish the rest as soon as possible.

Anonymous said...

Hhmmmmm they ripped off every one of my boosters (50 hammers, 20 plus switches, fish,color bombs, jellies ) and now throw this at us.....hmmm. Actually want to finish this and start another one of the games they tell me about but every time I think I am done they just add another 100 levels. If they can just take away your boosters with no recourse, think I have to get over wNting to finish this game.

Anonymous said...

This level impossible without boosters! Scam for money! First level I find totally screwed! Use hammer and black licorice drops in its place not doable! Sucks!

Anonymous said...

This level telling us Candy Crush addicts, it's time to retire !!!! Before I reached this level, i was easily passed more than 10 levels passing few treasure chests, hence I had more than 8-hour unlimited to play, I spent more than 3hours just to play this ridiculous level alone without success, maybe this is really the time for me to focus on my family instead of busying with my gadget crushing ridiculous candy, my hubby will be delighted for sure ...bye to my fellows candy mania buddies !

Anonymous said...

Ok King.... Here we go again. Back to solitaire for me.... You make us think you're "gifting" us with your "free" sugar drops but all you are doing is conditioning us to have to use your boosters. This level is probably created by the same jackass that created the tornadoes. You have stolen all of my lives I have stockpiled and ALL of my saved boosters. I decided that if I couldn't accomplish this level with what I had stashed that that would be the end of our tumultuous relationship. You win! I've grown to hate your game.

Anonymous said...

After more than one week of frustration... I had a lucky day: first I got for the first time in years the jackpot (I thought this was never possible) and than I finished this shit-level in 8 moves.... I used all the boosters and three extra moves... so I had 30 moves left.... ridiculous!!

Unknown said...

Can't get near I keep ending game with 30 moves left (IMPOSSIBLE)

Anonymous said...

This level has made me realize that this game is useless, unproductive and makes you annoyed frequently. So thank you King! Finally able to get rid of this ridiculous addiction. Uninstalled.

Anonymous said...

What you really need is the choco ball matched with a wrap candy to set off some pops to clear as much as you can. When I got down to 3 jellies and few moves left had to use my lollipop hammers.

Anonymous said...

Thank the lord for them finally opening up this level on the mobile version. That's the only way I even came close to passing this level.

Susan said...

This could be the level that I finally quit on..It's no fun when you don't stand a chance. Will give it a couple of more tries and then I will move on to something else.

Anonymous said...

This level is soul crushing. No hope is offered and no game play or boosters will help. On top of everything, the daily spin for boosters is gone. Have run out of reasons to play.

Anonymous said...

I'm playing less now. These levels are just stupid.

Anonymous said...

Impossible, impossible level. The moves end up being in the middle and when you can blow something up, it clears a very small area and doesn't make it to outside. There are four spawners throwing out licorice at a ridiculous rate and moves can't set up with all the moving parts. Playing on laptop, IPhone and IPad and haven't even gotten close. I don't mind the hard levels if there is strategy involved, but this one is sheer luck. It is a waste of time to use boosters.

Anonymous said...

This level is impossible and King has finally lost me.... I am done.

Anonymous said...

Reading these tips proves once again to be invaluable...I read each and every one, and following your advice played once more and cleared the level...I can't thank you enough for all your help!!

Anonymous said...

This can't be done - I surrender.

Anonymous said...

add me to the growing list of frustrated Candy Crushers! Played for days on this level never even getting close, boosters are all used up and I refuse to buy! Good thing the weather is finally nice here so I can forget this game!

Anonymous said...

Ok now! This level is the wors by far! I'm on 1710, timed level and it sucks! But thought I'd let you know THE ONLY WAY I PASSED 1706 was use 4 flying saucers and 2 hammers! I cleared as much as I could with 9 gels left! Then used those boosters to pass! No other way! Good luck hope it helps! I played this level 100+ times before using boosters!

Anonymous said... not use hammers when trying to clear jelly in the vertical. I was down to 2 jellies. Every hammer took out a swirl but was immediately replaced by another which slipped into the place. I wasted 6 hammers before I realised what was happening. And, no, I didn't win.

Susan said...

I was about to give up on Candy Crush. I had played this level about 50 times and never came close. I decided to play it on my phone and used a candy bomb to start. I don't know if I got lucky but ended up with 2 bombs next to each other mid game and that took care of the swirlee makers. Even had moves left over..Play it on your phone not your computer.

Anonymous said...

Million tries, hardly ever took out a spinner, never saw a "lucky" board, choco bomb booster useless, used fish booster and 5 hammers ...finally done.

Anonymous said...

What a huge bugger of a level. After something like 2 weeks of playing maybe 100 tries I finally managed to kill the game with the use of 1 switch. Did not want to risk loosing this opportunity to end. Simply a lucky board and 200 % concentration so I did not miss any possible combos. Good luck to you all. JJ from NL

Anonymous said...

For some reason I passed it on my second try lol.
Onwards and upwards!

Anonymous said...

I must have got lucky as cleared this on my 3rd try with a sprinkle matched with a stripe!

Janelle said...

This level is horrible but this is what I did to pass it. It actually, of course, was a little bit lucky that it worked out this way. I used the color bomb, fish, and stripe/wrap booster at the beginning. My color bomb just happened to be a few candies away from the wrap candy, so I used 2 hand switches and was able to do a color bomb/wrap combo. That blew up one of the chocolate spawners and left me with 7 jellies. I then just focused on getting those 7 jellies as quickly as I could, as the licorice started to build up. Then for my last jelly, I had a fish on the board and waited until the jelly was not covered in licorice and then used the fish and got that last jelly. Good luck to everyone-this level really stinks!!

sprocket2 said...

I came and read all of the comments AFTER I had passed this level. I was kind of surprised how many there are. I played 4 or 5 times without boosters and decided this was one that need all three thrown at it. I got my color bomb next to my wrap (playing on a mobile device and reset till it happened) and the first move took out most of the jelly. I got down to one jelly with 17 moves to go and finally got it with a stripe. I ended up taking out one of the spawners by accident but I didn't waste any moves trying to get them out of the way. I had made that my objective in my first few tries and it just didn't work. So it's over and I'm on to the next level but I'm kind don't understand why anyone who has gotten this far in this game is so thrown by this. Especially if you are playing on a mobile device. It's got to be much harder on a PC where you can't back out of games without losing lives AND boosters. But if you're willing to use some of the free boosters we can collect this is totally doable.

Anonymous said...

I had a really lucky board and cleared on first try. I didn't blow up the spawners but managed two striped/wrapped combos that cleared the licorice on the conveyor.

Anonymous said...

Now this one is ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

Unable to hit even one spawner!

CCAddict said...

This level is the Master of Patience !!!!!!! grrrr.....drrrr....prrrr....zrrrr mrrrr...errrr...wrrrr

Bobbie-Jane said...

Hi all, I don't post much, just come for tips usually. I find all levels now ridiculously hard or mind numbingly boring. I read alot of tips here plus alot of frustration.. I followed the advice and used all 3 boosters, I hear people say that they reset until things are in the right place, I tried that once but lost a life, so I dont do that Anyway, using the 3 boosters did help alot and i managed to get through. Does anyone know when this game ends?

Lisa said...

Huh. Just scanned posts...I play on kindle fire, and the spawners spit out....nothing! I saw one other reference to it. I feel bad for you all, because with nothing coming out it was still a little tricky. Odd...but not complaining!

Unknown said...

Maybe they have made it easier but I got it on second try without boosters at PC/Facebook. On my first try I only had three jellies left but I have 0 hammers or hand switches. I didn't kill any spawners. On the second try no boosters I was able to blow up one spawner and got down to just one jelly. Thankfully a stripe appeared and took out the last jelly.

About resetting without losing life or boosters: you can only do that on mobile devices and even then it doesn't work if it is a timed level. For mobile devices just hit the back button (lower left corner) before you make any moves.

Anonymous said...

Used sprinkle and fish. Lucked into stripe next to sprinkle very on 1st try. Fish not very effective.

Fish need better training said...

I got this on the first try without boosters.

I read the first comments, tips and got scared so I stocked up on boosters from the sugar drop levels.

I just tried to defeat the lower Spawners and by doing so I cleared most of the jelly. I did pay attention at the end to the non-cleared jellies as I realized I just might do it.

Good Luck.

Denise said...

I think King knows that CC have ran its course. It's about to end because he's intentionally running the players away and that's sad 😡😫👎🏽

Anonymous said...

Too Many comments on this level. CC, i don't even try this level������ not waisting my time.

Anonymous said...

Impossible level, so i wont waist my time on this level or game. There are enough
Nice games to play. To be honest, kingsize games are not my favorite. So good luck few players, cause all my 300 friends stopped playing it. And i am 301 player!

Annomous said...

Why do you make these games virtually impossible to pass, hit at least 3 spanners to clear all the jelly yes right your lucky if you clear one. No matches at all over the spawners even used all my bonuses, that was a waste. It seems to me and as said on other comments you have run your course, do you not want people to enjoy playing this game or are you running out of ideas hence making the games harder to pass. Come on King sort it out as I can forsee you losing a lot more players.

Annomous said...

Got down to needing one jelly and so used my wheel to hopefully get more moves, achieved 5 extra moves but you guessed it not one match to finish the game. What a bloody waste of time. I don't think any one reads or listens to people's complaints. Come cc put some enjoyment back in is game. On it for 2HRS SOLID yesterday and again today just can't get through it.

Annomous said...

Give us a break cc I need some help getting through this game, perhaps you could give me a lucky board before I end up going nuts. How long do you let some one struggle.

Carole said...

Frustating level...

Anonymous said...

Worried after reading comments ��

Unknown said...

Thank you for such excellent advice! This was exactly what I needed to pass. I managed it second try. I needed a hammer and hand to finish with 3 stars, and it was worth it.

Anonymous said...

Didn't think the games could get worse...Boy was I wrong...this one is terrible

TRE said...

Posting for luck