Candy Crush Saga Level 1710

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1710 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 1710 has been changed from a timed level into a score level, you have 20 moves to get the score required.
First try to break the blockers in the bottom left to get candies into the middle part of the board, then look carefully to see if you can make moves in the middle section to clear the bombs. Getting the score is not too hard but clearing the bombs before they count down can be tricky if you can't make moves in the middle.
You can try making stripes and wraps to clear the bombs in the middle, but this isn't easy on the restricted board.
Colourbombs are best if you can make them, so look carefully for chances, especially in the top right section.
Video below
Below are tips and video for the original timed version of level 1710.
It it very important that you break through the blockers on the bottom left of the board, this will allow the candies to move into the middle where the extra time candies are.
If you can make matches in the middle do it, but the shape of the board makes this very difficult most of the time, so try to make matches in the bottom left, which will keep the candies moving and cause cascades. Cascades will give you more extra time candies.
You need to keep a keen eye out for chances to make stripes and especially colour bombs as these will enable you to collect the extra time candies from the middle and will also make more cascades, which means more extra time.
You need a good start to get through the blockers quickly, without that you will have little chance of getting anywhere near the score.
A colour bomb booster may help, or a stripe/wrap booster, but since little of the board has candies the colour bomb won't give a lot of points, but it may help to clear the blockers and unlock the extra time candies.
If you struggle with this, and any other timed level, read our page on beating timed levels.
Video below
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Silage. said...

Good advice. No point in using boosters, when the timer runs out it can add 20,000 points or thereabouts to your score I got to 45.000 and bought some time with my accumulated gold bars. Waste of time when the timer runs out you get no extra points, One of those games that just happens,took me a day(not so bad)finished with a score just short of a 100,000.The rest arn't to hard.

Anonymous said...

Whatever you do, if you're not that close to 50,000 don't bother using your gold bars for extra time. Matches are few and far between, and you don't receive any more extra time candies. Ugh.

Kevin said...

No way of doing this without a good dollop of luck. Been trying for a day and a half and nearest I've got is 42000.

Lucia said...

I got to 48000 or thereabouts and bought extra time to pass. I would have been stuck on this level forever otherwise. I'm lousy at timed levels, but this one is especially evil. (Yes, I've read the timed-levels page. I still can't do them.)

Anonymous said...

OK CC, we all get it, you da man. We got to 1710 but now we get to endlessly try and squeeze out 3 color bombs on a timed board with only 4 possible row/columns of 5, and the cascades running diagonal at a snails pace, not to mention jelly locked +5 seconds which is totally random if you can manage to unlock them.

So we play it over and over again, wow, looks like no additional +5 candies again. Totally random crap. So yeah, you got me, I'm stuck here for 7 days now, whoop dee doo.

Anonymous said...

I just can't figure out a way to get past this one. Had a choc ball/wrapped on the last try, still didn't come remotely close. Just don't know what to do.......

Anonymous said...

A nightmare level - one of the hardest i have come across! Finally got through with a lucky board and using gold bars for extra time.

Unknown said...

I think I am seriously done with this one. The highest I've gotten was less than 30K. Done Done Done. There are no boosters that can help with this one unless you keep buying extra time and I don't even think that will help!

Unknown said...

Thanks for strategy tips. Prioritised hitting +5 seconds instead of waiting for them to explode as wrapped candies at the end of the game. Got a more or less lucky board with 47,780 points at the end. Bought more time and thankfully finished it. Your blog with its tips and comments is invaluable. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there! I played so many times without coming close and FINALLY got the lucky board.

Anonymous said...

while the cascads fall the clock keeps ticking. By the time it stops the time is almost up... this is going to take forever!

Anonymous said...

The color bombs don't help at the beginning of the level as there are only few candies on the board (I wasted several bombs this way...). Finally, I used hand switches to make 3 color bombs when the board was full of candies. This pushed the score to 70k. It took 4 hand switches, but it was certainly worth it!

Thresa said...

After using all of my lives on the Tablet (never even close to 50,000) I switched to the laptop and past on the 2nd try ! This seems to happen a lot, easier on one format that another. Moving on.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Thresa, did the same thing, switched to iMac computer via Facebook and passed second attempt. That after 25 tries on the iPad and not even close. Hate those timed levels. Good advice.
Alex S

Pegisu2u said...

After 1710 episodes, I've finally felt the need to post here. Thank you all for your tremendous help over the nightmarish levels we've played along the way. This one almost did me in. In all seriousness, you truly have to play it 50+ times until you wear it out. Others call it waiting for the lucky board. Pay your dues (as CC needs to show games being played). PC did it for me, as I wasted so many lives, and for the first time ever, used 25 gold bars, it did nothing, then I just waited it out. I love the game and am always wondering when and what they'll do to "challenge" us toppers (those who've played the game this long). Good Luck all, as it only gets worse (or better as I like to call it). Brainfood.

Anonymous said...

I dreaded this game as it is a time game, but got it in the first try. WOW. Maybe time to buy a Lotto ticket. Hope springs eternally.

Unknown said...

Day 3...I HATE timed levels.

Huntinup said...

Ease up there cc it's about time you gave us a fair go

J.Alison said...

This is not fun--I dread timed levels. This one is probably the worst. I don't think CC is fun anymore. I'm seriously addicted but its getting really boring.

CC from vero said...

I wasted some boosters thinking I could change the outcome but got nowhere so I played regular- won with just a lucky board. It'll come when King gives it to you😁

Unknown said...

I hate this level it stinks

Cat said...

Got tired of going through many lives waiting for the lucky board, so when I got a game in the 20,000s somewhere, I made use of some of the accumulated gold bars. It was worth the three shots to be done. Better luck to you all.

Unknown said...

Boring and aggravating

Anonymous said...

Wondering if level has been nerfed? Never came closer than 30k then this afternoon got 49k, so of course I used 9 free gold bars and ended up just over the 50k. Good riddance!

Anonymous said...

My husband, who doesn't play CC, was watching me play this level said it isn't fair that time ticks down during cascades. I agree. JS

Anonymous said...

Just posting for luck. I too don't think it's fair that the clock ticks while it's cascading. It uses up most of the precious seconds.

Anonymous said...

Finally got a lucky board & was given 3 color bombs several stripes and wraps. Low score of 52,000 but at least I'm done with this bad boy!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck. Stuck.

Anonymous said...

I think I'm done. I can't even get to 40,000 on mobile or PC. I detest timed levels anyway. I get sick of waiting for lucky boards. And I refuse to buy anything.

Anonymous said...

After posting the above comment, I won this level. Started with a stripe/wrap booster and got a good board. Actually able to form two sprinkle balls which helped me take out 5+ candies. Tried to stay relaxed and kept making good moves. JS

Anonymous said...

Gradually realizing that I'm having no luck and no interest in continuing. I guess this is it.

Unknown said...

you just. shouldn't. need. a lucky board to pass nearly every level which is what this game has become. and let's be real...if you play Farm Heroes....that's even worse. I never pass a level there without it just "happening"

Anonymous said...

I finally got a frickin' lucky board. Thank you Lord. Now I have a chance to get a treasure chest. Good luck.

Unknown said...

Think this is the one that is going to finish me, never posted before but his really is impossible, can't get past 35,000, been trying for days, had enough

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck, the lucky board is my only chance I can see that from the posts! I'm NOT buying anything!

Van5 said...

Probably took me at least 30 tries for this one. Managed a colour bomb/ wrap combo twice which boosted up my score. Just kept trying to hit those +5 candies and I finally got through. Two stars only but so glad to be done. I'm no good at times levels. Was just waiting for the lucky board and it finally came! Good luck everyone!

Anonymous said...

This is looking so absurd !!! When does one get the lucky board ???? Does it mean goodbye King ?!!!

Anonymous said...

My biggest problem with getting stuck on this level is that it's incredibly boring. Also, it's unfair that the candies don't cascade faster. Most of the time gets eaten up because of that.

Unknown said...

This level stinks

Anonymous said...

I do not like playing for LUCK!!! This level is ridiculous!!

Anonymous said...

They just make it hard so that we are not able to complete it since they are still working on their other levels and so they want us to stay stuck on this level!! I am getting annoyed now

Anonymous said...

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein
Some levels like this one make me feel this way!

Anonymous said...

Man, I am getting nowhere with this board!! I've used up all of my gold bars, all of my sprinkle balls, all of my hand swaps and lollipops. I got 30k and used 2 sets of gold bars, and still.. nothing! I've been trying for several days and I am getting so frustrated with this board!

Anonymous said...

and just like that, i comment/complain on here... next try, pass!! crazy how that works!! lol

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

So frustrating . Why is it impossible then suddenly easy just stupid hard right now.

Unknown said...

posted a day or so ago....still no luck....twice the sugar crush put me within about 3,000 pts....but when it started I was at like 5,000 points....and on my devices....sugar crushes are worth nothing but extra time candies drop....just not nearly enough...there are never any "Good" one game once it offered me a color ball...but I have matched them with stripes and wraps....few points come from I have figured out is the sugar crushes are better the more extra time candies you have left....but they have to be unblocked first. disgusted with this one beyond disgust. said before...have a couple non-King games I like...spending a LOT more time on those these days. this is just stupid. either they are ridiculously easy or impossible. not really interested anymore at this point.

Anonymous said...

It's been over a week now stuck here on 1710. Come close ONCE early on wit 48000. Wish I had used gold bars for extra time. Haven't even come close enough to risk them since. This truly stinks. Why would they do this, make such an impossible challenge? I'm getting close to ending this goofy addiction.
Lisa in KY

Ultramum said...

Hate this level

Ultramum said...

Went and played on PC - passed first time despite not even knocking a single jellied +5 out from the middle and not a single combo!- at the end it just kept cascading and reached the 2* score!!! - now stuck on 1711 :-(

Anonymous said...

Another miracle board required. The timer should pause when a cascade happens, time wasted. Does anyone know how to get IPhone and IPad to update to current levels? My laptop show the most recent but not the other two even though they connect to Facebook when I load the game.

Anonymous said...

Not a chance. No more than 23000 points. Played for days. King just has us on the ropes.

Anonymous said...

Have been on this level for days!!! No fun at all! Not even close! This is the first time I've really considered quitting CC. No combos seem to add very many points. This may be it for me.

Anonymous said...

First time I am ever saying this..... but I think I am giving up on CC

Anonymous said...

Very very difficult.... And make feel stressed...

Anonymous said...

CC knows frustration leads to buying help. They're doing on purpose!

Anonymous said...

That's my anonymous post above. Played another hour since I had 6 free hours on iPad. Looked down halfway and saw 48,000 points. Then chocolate balls started coming. Finished with 90,000 points and 3 stars. A lucky board for sure!

Anonymous said...

Come on King. You let me get to 4820. That's just cruel. Let me get past this wicked level. It's so evil.

Anonymous said...

So disappointed with this level. I've played it over and over and never come close. I had a long train journey today and was looking forward to passing the time by playing the new levels, but still stuck in this vile rut. HATE timed levels, Candy Crush was never an against-the-clock game which is why I liked it.

Mason barge said...

Yep, it looks like CC may finally have lost me with this level.

Bored now.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

GRRRR I spent four bucks on this today after over a week of trying. Finally passed with extra time times three..... stinks....I don't know why I didn't just quit.

Anonymous said...

bye bye!!!! bored to tears now!

Anonymous said...

This is no fun anymore for me, time to say goodbye to CC, and get back to real life!
I'm done with this stupid levels!

Anonymous said...

Niet te doen dit level, belachelijk!!

Anonymous said...

This level is definitely going to have me finding a new game. I play to relax, not to stressed by playing a level for days and not even getting close!

Anonymous said...

I just posted the comment about finding a new game and went back for one more try and I beat the level!! Coincidence or luck?

Anonymous said...

If someone has ANY tips on how to make enough points to pass this level, PLEASE SHARE!! I am tired of being stuck on this level.

Jane C said...

Totally stuck on this level. I can't see any possibility of me passing it as the highest I have managed so far is 32,000. I even asked my son to have a go as he is good at timed games but he couldn't do it either. I will give it one more day and then it is goodby to CC. Such a pity as I enjoy it but I can't spend my life attempting this silly and frustrating level.

Anonymous said...

In the video Cookie hits a color bomb with just a colored candy and gets 12,000 to 20,000 points. I've done this several times but I don't ever get the amount of. Points for it that she does. Have no idea how she gets over 90,000 points. I've watched video several times. I just don't understand this level.

Anonymous said...

This is the most ridiculous level so far. Not to mention boring! Can't even get close. I refuse to buy more time. Stupid King

Anonymous said...

Stuck here for nearly two weeks now. Never get more than halfway to the target, no fun playing this at all. No room for skill or strategy. I just don't want to play it any more.

Bill said...

This is not my cup of tea!

Marc Shapiro said...

49,990. Kill me now.

Anonymous said...

I need luck 'cause I am stuck!

Anonymous said...

This evil level is going to give me a new phone because I'm going to throw this one through the wall. I was close and used gold bars for extra moves only to end up with 49940 points. Been stuck for 3 days played at least 50 times.

Anonymous said...

CC you just lost a customer! This board is nothing but luck - boring at that, now that we are at the 1700 level all you want to do is get us to spend money which i do not have a problem for puzzled challenging levels but timed "luck of the board level" is not worth my money...This is obviously why many people have given up on CC...Kind of like when Ms Pac Man took over pong...hire some new devlopers....Good BYE

Lizzysparkle said...

I find these levels very frustrating when there is no tactic or skill involved, just waiting for the 'lucky board'. I have not paid for any boosters and I do not intend to start now.

Nineteeneightyfourr said...

I refuse to spend a single penny on this game. Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

68,080 after three weeks of trying. No idea what I did to pass. Definitely just a lucky board. The worst level EVER!!!

Nineteeneightyfourr said...

After literally wasting two hours unlimited lives from a treasure chest yesterday, I revisited it today and I got my lucky board. Really was just a case of making matches in the lower left of the board to encourage specials and time candies to fall up on the right. In the final moments, 2 speckle balls formed so I left them to detonate during the crush at the end and finished with 2 stars. Onward and upward.

Anonymous said...

Again the people ith eye problems r just not able to distinguish colours quickly enough. The clock ticks down and the arthritic fingers don't help. Not fair.

Anonymous said...

I have gotton this far in candy crush. I have always hated timed levels but this is ridiculous
. I am on this now for a week. I am glad in a way as I have not spent any money in two weeks to buy bars. This is the end of the road for me. No skill just keep playing the stupid thing over and over and over ...

Anonymous said...

Definitely a pure lucky level.....ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

Another timed level....ugh!

Anonymous said...

I'm ready to quit also. These timed levels seem to be in abundance lately and almost impossible to pass withou a lucky board. No longer enjoyable.

Anonymous said...

One definitely needs a lucky board in order to attain the absurd amount of points in such a short amount of time.

Anonymous said...

Guess I won't be spending much time playing cc this weekend since lives are used up in matter of minutes...

Anonymous said...

Can I get a lucky board, please, please, please!

Anonymous said...

Well that was a fun 3 weeks stuck at this level, or was it closer to 4? Sorry I don't have any tips, just waited for that so called "lucky board" whilst being bored in the mean time! I can't even be bothered to start on the next level as it too is marked as "hard" as well. Maybe time for a break for a while from CC. Hope you all get that lucky board soon as well!

Anonymous said...

Could not agree more with the above comment. This is a crap level!

Anonymous said...

Not even getting close!

Anonymous said...

So tired of this one!

Anonymous said...

This is sad...I give up!

Anonymous said...

Can I please get a lucky board 😢

Anonymous said...

One of the worst timed levels for me. Guess I won't be reaching that treasure chest.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely a horrible level!

Anonymous said...

Guess King is not sending out any lucky boards!

Anonymous said...

Been here three weeks now. Such a boring game that I only play sporadically in hopes of the lucky board, but it soon bores me away again.

Anonymous said...

Agree with the above comment. This may be the end of the long road with cc because of this horrific level. No longer enjoying it.

Anonymous said...

Same way I feel. Time to take a break when you want to chuck the phone! Lol

Anonymous said...

Stupid ass level. This has got to be one of the top 5 most annoying, and makes me want to chuck my phone. Break time, my blood pressure doesn't need this!

Unknown said...

Sucking level... King only wants us to buy extra moves and I am hell bent on not buying any... Let's see King who wins... My patience or your nastiness... I am still waiting after 3 weeks almost...

Anonymous said...

Posting for a lucky board. Tight board.

Anonymous said...

There have been some pretty lame levels but this one takes the cake so far. You need to do it on the PC to come anywhere close to finishing. Mobile versions I have not cracked 30k. Challanges or ok, but this is lame. Does King think I would want to try any of its other games after playing crap like this ? Not likely...

Anonymous said...

2 moves, reshuffle, no more possible matches. WTF King!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Tchaik here. This is another useless level. After several plays, used a choc bomb booster and the board placed it in a position where using it had absolutely no chance of causing anything to happen. Then it shuffled the board, then ended my game with "no more possible moves". I resent that. Deeply. What if I'd paid for boosters (I won't, ever)? To pay and still have no chance to play - that's out of order.

Sally said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

So sorry, would love to leave a helpful hint here but I can offer nothing...I came back to see if anyone else posted but I see not...this level really is for the birds and I just don't understand with all the complaints King has done nothing to help ....I came this far so I guess eventually I'll get it (hope, hope, hope) so I can go onto the next level or just keep getting collecting sugar drops !!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Posting for luck - no skill whatsoever:( not getting even close

Anonymous said...

This may have done me in.

Anonymous said...

I just posted the message above and my next board was THE LUCKY BOARD. Go figure!

Cindy. Buckels said...

Posting for luck.

Sunnyday said...


Tou52 said...

I see no way of finishing this level. Just posting for luck because I'm totally fed up with trying. Unless King does something, he's going to lose a lots of players

Dowerland said...


The game kept me in the top right hand corner for the whole 60 secs, I broke through the blockers but only three fell through to the left and they didn't match, come on King, play fair!!

Unknown said...

Struggled for days on my phone and tablet. Nowhere near. Tried the PC and hit it first time with no real effort. Just 1 star but given I'd expected to fail badly as it was a short game I'm happy enough. The board just went into a massive cascade and rolled the points over.

Unknown said...

Struggled for days on my phone and tablet. Nowhere near. Tried the PC and hit it first time with no real effort. Just 1 star but given I'd expected to fail badly as it was a short game I'm happy enough. The board just went into a massive cascade and rolled the points over.

Tou52 said...

Finally!!! Used a chocolate ball and was very careful not to use the extra 5 second candies around the 60 minutes, because they are just wasted, the time never goes over 60 seconds. I also bought 15 extra seconds at the end. Now on to other levels, a thought I didn't think possible for a long time. Good luck everyone.

Anonymous said...

ahhhhh! give me something! it's 88 and no a/c and this level sucks!

Anonymous said...

still nothing

Anonymous said...

why do I just get one sprinkle does no good at the beginning and then I don't get any more. getting nowhere on this one

Anonymous said...

This is so messed up. it seems I make less points when I manage to get to the +5s...torture

Anonymous said...

NOW would be the right time to let me win

Anonymous said...

Been playing CC for 3.5+ years now. Yep it's taken me that long to get to this level. This is too much. This one may force me to delete the game from my phone. Gotten to about 45,000 a couple times, nearly impossible.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck...have been playing for days & the closest I've been is 44000 still needs to fix the timer from counting down when cascades are happening...have tried different ways to beat this level but no luck...this one definitely bites!! Saw a complaint about 2711-really makes me wonder how much worse it can be than this timed level... :(

Aggie said...

After trying this level for days on end I finally discovered the key to passing it. I was lucky enough to make two sprinkle candies but I didn't use them. At the end they exploded and added probably 20k points each pushing me well over the needed 50,000. Good luck to all!

Janine Marie said...

I am normally pretty good at timed levels....but this one is annoying me! The good news is that I try 15 times and am bored and the go do something else.

Anonymous said...

Just played 1710 for the 200th time. Still not even close. Posting for luck... 1710 just sucks.

Rob in Banner Elk, NC

Anonymous said...

Wish King would post the most recent comments first and not ones from months back.....anyway I just wanted to say this is a boring level. You are so limited in what moves you can make. I've made it into the 40,000 range a couple of times but DO NOT waste gold bars by buying extra five minutes as I got one move in before my time ran out. I'll give it a few more tries then give up and stick to my Pyramid Solataire as there you have to plot your moves and not depend on the so called "lucky board". The fun has gone out of this game and I'm surprised so many of us stuck it out this far. MS

Anonymous said...

Posted for luck yesterday and got it this morning. Only one star, but after that many tries, I'll take it. Someone earlier posted about getting a color bomb and not using it. That did the trick for me. When it blew up, after time ran out, it blew me into the first star. Game over... thank God.

Rob in Banner Elk, NC

Anonymous said...

Time to get a life. Bye bye CC. This nightmare level has given me my freedom back. Good luck to those of you that remain. Enough is enough, deleted app and back in the land of the living!

Anonymous said...

Come on King. Stop the clock when cascading. I play other games and the timer stops when cascading more do able. I'm over this level not even close.

Deena said...

Same here -posting for luck.

Josie said...

I need a lucky board please...

Anonymous said...

I really need a lucky board or I'm going to go hunt pokemon...this level is ridiculous and I am sick of these types of levels. Pokémon Go is much more fun!

Josie said...

I'm done thanks CC!! I too am going to go find Pokemon!!!!tell your advertisers that your loyal player base are moving to Pokemon go. Your poor quality control on the levels you release are to blame. It's okay, at some point all games go by the wayside! For the most part, it's been fun. Peace!

lucy said...

This level is bad because you really don't get to play ,you run out of lives so quick that you have to wait to long to play again.

lucy said...

Don't see how you can pass this one.I usually like to play after dinner for awhile but your out of lives in just min not fun cc :(

ChrisR said...

Spent ages on this level both on PC and iPad. Wasted lots of bonuses. But just passed - thanks to tip above. It was a lucky board - got to about 30K (most times I'm way below 20K) and then got a sprinkle which I kept until time ran out (at which point I'd got to 35K) and the sprinkle then gave me 16K!

Candy Thompson said...

Why is CandyCrush STILL CHEATING? Hasn't anyone even noticed that while the candies are falling the timer is still taking your seconds away? The whole time the candies are falling you can't make anymore moves until they STOP falling...but the seconds are STILL ticking UNFAIR is that?

Anonymous said...

Agree with the above statement! Cascades may bring some points but take many seconds off the clock. Why can't the timer stop when cascades are falling??? Posting for luck...

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Frustrating.

Crushed said...

I don't think cc could care less about all the negative comments. 4 months of it on this level and they do absolutely nothing to help resolve the issues.

Crushed said...

I don't think cc could care less about all the negative comments. 4 months of it on this level and they do absolutely nothing to help resolve the issues.

Crushed said...

I don't think cc could care less about all the negative comments. 4 months of it on this level and they do absolutely nothing to help resolve the issues.

Anonymous said...

Where is the strategy when your moves are limited to one spot on the board??? Send a lucky board so I can get out of this horrible level!

Sonia said...

I absolutely know the trick to passing this level! Just like a few levels in the past! The trick is to have chocolate balls on the board when the time runs out. The trick is to not use them if one is created for you. I know it's hard to not want to use them but by leaving them, they bump your score tremendously after the time runs out. I've known this trick but it's hard to do bc you end up needing to use the chocolate ball bc of no more moves. However, after playing this level a week, I finally did it! I luckily ended up with three chocolate balls on the board at the end, let the time run out with only 12,000 points and ended up with over 76,000 points! I also used my 5 second times, they are needed to prolong the game so use them! Good luck!

Anon said...

Grrr this level is the pits. I tried leaving chocolate sprinkle on board, using both boosters, getting extra time... all it does is deplete your stock of boosters for games where they help. Cannot crack it. Just keep playing CC for 5 mins at a time before being locked out and waiting till I can play another 5 mins!!! The lucky board is few and far between on this level and as a poster mentioned previously whingeing does nothing to fix this!! Just vents frustration!!!

Margaret said...

I've been on level 1710 for 7 or more weeks. I just can't get it. A time or two, I've come close but not enough. It's the hardest level. I say it's impossible to win. I've read all the hints and still can't get it.

Susan said...

Awww come on king!!! Lighten up on us handicap peeps, time levels kill ya when you can't use your hands fast enough :(

Susan said...

Awww come on king!!! Lighten up on us handicap peeps, time levels kill ya when you can't use your hands fast enough :(

GC said...

This seems to be the worst timed level so far. It doesn't help that you're losing seconds waiting for the candy to settle. I checked whilst it was happening and lost 10 seconds. They should freeze the timer the same way they do when it's shuffling. All we can do is keep trying until we get good combos to get the score at the end. Although I did try what another poster suggested, to start off with a sparkle and leave it if you can. But unfortunately mine had to be used everytime because there were no available moves.

Oh well try again.

Anonymous said...

Rigged = hard

Mark said...

Possibly the crappiest level so far. Aimed at trying to get you to spend ur hard earned dosh on extra moves.

Anonymous said...

Another stupid wait for lucky board waste of time again!/still trying make money on hundred yr old game?/dumb

Krusher said...

I sense a lot of panic over this level. This is nowhere near as bad as 1694. This is doable. Its hard - yes - but there's no point in having every level that you can pass within 2 or 3 goes.

This one is challenging, but my tip is to go for the striped/wrapped combos and let the +5s take care of themselves. Also, the usual tip of making 3s near the bottom of the board to increase your chances in a cascade.

Like a lot of levels, you do need a decent start and a bit of luck, but I had several 40k scores before passing. Keep going and you will get through. Don't waste any boosters though.

Anonymous said...

This level is stupid played for 6 min still lost cheats the crap out of ya no way unless lucky board dumb Level!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah if ya buy 1 hrs worth not happening! Dumb dumb dumb!

Anonymous said...

Ok I have got this far in the game and had many frustrating levels but got through to this point and had some fun along the way but now this is just not fun anymore and not even a challenge. Can anyone recommend a good game for me to change over to as I am about done now with this one now. Thanks x Jan from Dorset, England

Anonymous said...

I hate this level. Need a good board, with some good moves. When you spend days on a level it gets tiring. Not fun.

Anonymous said...

Why is the video always a better board then what we get? More 5's, better moves, more combos. I don't like time levels anyway, but I haven't gotten close to 50,000---not even close!!! Please give us a lucky board too. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you CC.

Anonymous said...

Been on this level for days and can't get anywhere near no fun any more and getting bored

Anonymous said...

Impossible level - bored now. Time to say goodbye! I spent too much on 'buying' my way through level 1694 - never again! It was fun - sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Ok, this is the 3rd timed level where I have been stuck so long that the joy is gone from this game. I was stuck for the whole summer on an earlier level. Then was stuck on 1694 until the time was increased to 60 seconds from 25 seconds. Will there ever be relief on this level or is this the jumping off point for the game?

Anonymous said...

Old Gran here....Oh how I hate these timed levels. I can't even think, much less get my hands to work on these. Give me the spawners, the chocolate, the bombs. Please, anything but the timed levels. I managed to pick up every time increase that came down and still not close.

Anonymous said...

Ok, enough..... where is that Lucky board..... I've been trying for weeks......really ready to quit.......

Anonymous said...

I was playing this level for upteenth time on my phone. Had a play which would activate two plus 5's. Looked at time it said 7 ... moved the candy to activate the 5's. Both popped so should go to like 16 or 17 .. clock changed to 8. Anyone else notice this issue?

Lu santana said...

Tá chato!! Além de ficar presa esse nível é muito ruim. Se ainda fosse emocionante... Não quero parar com CC é o meu único jogo.

Anonymous said...

Really almost impossble - know it is though as have friends who have passed. But I can't even get close. How does it ever happen. Can't think of anything to do differently. Have even gone to help site for timed levels. I think the only way is to beg for a lucky I am begging!!!

Anonymous said...

There's only one tip possible for this rubbish level - stop thinking, and play it like a robot over and over again until King gives you the lucky board. Should only take a week or two. not much fun though. Bit like serving a prison term. Voluntarily.

Mad Man said...

Finally got it! Lost fifty times or more on mobile, succeeded first try on PC.

One piece of advice: ignore the advice to not detonate candy bombs. What you need on this level is cascades, epic cascades, and candy bombs are the best way to start them, regardless of how many points you get. Counterintuitive, but give it a try. Also, check out the YouTube videos of this level. They all set off the candy bombs as quickly as possible.

Mad Man said...

Oops... colour bombs, I meant. Guess I was delirious. :-)

Anonymous said...

Looks impossible. I just can't go on.

Susie said...

Another lucky board game...irritating

Anonymous said...

Played it 50+ times already and twice got 49K plus and fell short by a few hundred. Dont have any gold bars and wont buy them either. Guess it is time to try it on a PC

Anonymous said...

I give up on Candy Crush as have been on 1710 for over 2 weeks. Stupid level! CC you need to fix this now!

connie said...

Posting for luck as I've tried everything suggested above & the most I've gotten is 35,000. I might be here forever.

Anonymous said...

NOPE!!! still not buying boosters! Lucky board please!!!

Jo said...

Crazy! Played this board for days. Read the comments. Tried the odd sprinkle booster. Just kept on going with what came my way. Then, just now, did very little, no boosters, time counted down and I was on about 9,000 when it ran out. And the board did itself and I ended with 56,000!!! So hang in there people, at some point, the lucky board will arrive!

Unknown said...

My first try I had 42,000 so bought more time and still didn't make it so bought time again!!! and finally made it... I just couldn't stop being so close but ouch that hurt.

Anonymous said...

After 10 days of getting nowhere near 50000, I looked on this blog again and thought that is it, I'm giving up CC. One last go on my Galaxy phone and scored 58000, but got 3 or 4 colour bombs in the course of the game - pure luck, no skill required at all. Onwards and upwards.

Kaba said...

Lucky board please ❤️

Kaba said...

Seriously 😒 lucky board is the only way to pass this level ffs

Anonymous said...

I do enjoy reading the comments, .....but the topic is always about TIMED levels! .... yes , I know I'm rotten at the timed levels, and it's here on this blog , I'm finding "new friends" with exactly the same problem.....TIMED levels! ..... I hate begging , but damn it ! I'm passed being coy ," please can I have a "magic board " that will let me continue the journey , without pulling out all my hair in FRUSTRATION!"
Thank you for listening to my rant.J.M.

Teresa said...

Freaking timed levels SUCK!!!!!!

Donavan said...

You need a minimum of 2 maybe 3 color bombs once the board is fully opened. Color bombs to begin the level don't do much so don't even waste them. Also don't try to save the color bombs just match them with whatever color there is the most of on the board. I had about 10,000 points when I got my first color bomb followed closely by a second color bomb. I considered saving the color bombs if the time was getting low but I had about 30 seconds left. When I set off the color bombs I had about 15,000 points and afterwards I had just over 47,000 points. I finished with just over 53,000 points and glad to finally be moving on.

Candy Thompson said...

When the candy is falling and you cannot play ... the clock is supposed to stop until you can play again but this 1710 clock just keeps on counting down the seconds...why is CC doing is cheating!

Anonymous said...


Fish are dumb said...

OK, I'm done. Been playing for a couple of days. I play this game to relax, not to get stressed out.

One time I did not hit any of the candies in the middle - and I had one Sprinkle Bomb and did very poorly and they all exploded for 38000 points.

One time I got 46,000, but NOPE.

Bye, bye, wasted time.


Anonymous said...

Bye cc, so glad to be done with this futile, frustrating and disappointing "game".

ginbuck said...

What a boring boring level. Have been stuck for two weeks and used every booster I had accumulated. When I was close I used 10 gold bars to get 15 seconds. The game ended up at 49,900 points and then had the nerve to post that "you only need 100 more points" crap. This could be end point that I have been looking for to cure my CC addiction.

Anonymous said...

Holy cow been at this for at least 2 weeks lives are gone in a minute no boosters guess I will just shut it down dont need this timed, predictable, frustation anymore!

Anonymous said...

Yep, everyone is right. A big fix - clock still counting down during cascades, very few moves to make, often the +5 candies in the middle are unmatched challenging, left hand corner of the board often has no matches so can't break through the blockers so only play area is top right, never scored over 30,000 yet - and boring to boot. Yet again waiting for a lucky board, no skill involved. That, to me, is not a game.

Anonymous said...

Just watched the video above again and I can't believe how quickly the score rises in it. When I'm playing even got a sprinkled ball loads of stripes and a few wraps and my score just managed to scrape past 20000!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Let me start by saying I HATED times levels. This one is ridiculous. Good thing I have no boosters cause I probably would have used them to no good. I can't even get close. I guess I'll just have to wait for my lucky board. Oh did I mention I HATE HATE HATE timed levels.

Anonymous said...

This is a very hard one like it said 😢. Hoping for a lucky board 😊

Anonymous said...

Ignore the advise at the beginning. You do NOT get extra points for striped candies. You only get 60 points for each striped candy activated. If you match striped candy with striped candy 60 points. Color bomb with striped candy 60 per striped candy activated, NO extra cascade points. If you match three you get 60 points. If you cascade another three after that 120 points. The clock is running during ALL cascades. It will stop for a shuffle. Reality check, King cheats (deliberately program unwinnable boards) to make you spend money so you can win and advance.

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