Candy Crush Saga Level 1730

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1730 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
This is a timed level and you have to get 130,000 points in 75 seconds. Following the nightmare that was level 1723 this one is quite easy by comparison, so you shouldn't have too much trouble with it.
Clear the blockers in the middle and make stripes and stripe/wrap combos to hit the extra time candies locked in marmalade in the top part of the board.
Once you begin to clear the extra time candies you will start to get time bombs dropping from the dispensers. The bombs are easier to deal with if you can clear the popcorn and allow them to fall down into the main playing area.
Create cascades using colour bombs and combos to get more extra time candies to fall. Every time you have a cascade of 3 matches another extra time candy will fall. The longer the cascade, the more extra time candies you will get.
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Anonymous said...

1730 came out today for iPad. It is completely different to this version. It isn't even a timed level. FM

Anonymous said...

I was stuck for a couple of days on this troublesome timed level on my PC. Today, it updated onto my mobile device and lo and behold, the level is completely different. It is not timed, and it is much easier to burst 4 popcorn. It is not the first time that there has been a discrepancy between the two. Sometimes it is in favour of the PC and sometimes the mobile

CC from vero😂 said...

Yes, not a timed level on IPad- and a real stinker! I tried lucky candy booster but in some cases it gave me more popcorn! Haven't popped anything yet!

CC from vero😎 said...

Ok, after posting above, I decided those 4 pop corns were in a tough spot so I used a color bomb and lucky booster and was able to get/ make several color bombs which I moved next to stripes and that blew up a lot. The ticks that became popcorn blew up with my matches so I didn't have to get all the lower ones, though I got a couple to win.

Good luck crushers! Another week to a new level

Anonymous said...

Got this on my 2nd try. Used a hand switch to line up two Chocolate Sprinkles, then got Chocolate Sprinkle/Stripe combo. Then used a Lollipop Hammer on one popcorn to match with the Chocolate sprinkle beside it which cleared my last popcorn.
Only good thing about this episode was that it didn't have any combination levels that we couldn't use coconut wheels on. Til next Wednesday.

A test is always a good thing said...

I didn't break the popcorn and I had 3 bombs with 1 move left and 3 plus 5 candies, I was just shy of enough points so I let time run out instead of making a move and was able to beat the level without any boosters. I hate timed levels but was super happy to pass this one.

Reenie said...

Not a timed level on my mobile. But ugh why do I keep playing this game?! Fun levels are rarer now but I can't help myself...

Thresa said...

It is a Timed level on my Tablet and Laptop but beat it 1st try on the Tablet. The Combo's just kept coming. Now have to wait for more Levels.

Anonymous said...

This was a four popcorn ingredient level on both my Android tablets and phone. I just don't understand how King can put out such different levels between iOS and Android devices. Sharon

Bill. said...

Found it much easier to do the timed level on the PC rather than popcorn version on the phone.

Unknown said...

Tip on the timed level. If you are close to the point total, and you have a bomb that is down to 1, just let the time run out. The resulting explosions should put you over the point total without the bomb exploding.

anonymous37 said...

I also had the popcorn. Used a tick booster which gave several popcorns on the main level. I was able to pop 3 of them as well as one on the bottom left. Otherwise this would have been extra hard.

Maria Fernanda said...

In my tablet, level 1730 is not this!

Anonymous said...

Even though I detest timed levels I simply couldn't get the iPad version after many tries. Went to the
PC and got a lucky board and passed after a few tries. Go figure. Now to wait again. Good luck.

Unknown said...

I play on my iPhone, this level has flummoxed me, can't get anywhere near to smashing the god damn popcorn. AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHH

Anonymous said...

I play on the IPad n it's a time level !!! How is tht then ??!!! N it's impossible to get the target it seems !!! Just keep going n get frustrated ???!!!

Anonymous said...

I have wasted at least 15 check marks trying to get past this level. Not enough moves to finish. Sucks.

Anonymous said...

Thank you King for not making timed level for iPad users and showed that you have concern over us. Passed in second try by using check booster. It gave lot of popcorn n could be popped easily than the other four. Done the episode. See you.

Anonymous said...

Don't use the checkmark! It just gives you more useless popcorn that further restricts the board. I got sick of this level and finally used three lollipops to get rid of the popcorn. BTW, what's up with not getting your free boosters when you hit the number? It keeps telling me to connect to claim your reward, but I AM connected...???

Anonymous said...

Different on android - get 4 popcorn. After several tries, got a lucky board and had 2 sprinkles created and fall together, which happened twice. Game over, 3 stars.

Anonymous said...

Ok. In 1730 levels I have never posted, but this deserves it. Now, apparently CC has removed sugar drops??? Guess it's true. All they want is our money.

Anonymous said...

Timed level is easier, passed it in no time.

Anonymous said...

It is an Order level for 4 popcorn hidden in two corners for my Android. Still waiting for the legendary lucky board to appear. Anyone who can clear this level on Android without boosters and lucky board is just bluffing.

Anonymous said...


Ultramum said...

Nightmare on iPad

Anonymous said...

I only have one friend above me level wise, he passed level 1730 with 88,300 points, I have to reach 130,00! he must have had the other version requiring the 4 popcorn style! I hate timed levels! My PC shows the 4 popcorn level, guess I'll keep trying both until I finally pass one of them! How ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

Been on this 4 popcorn level for a week. Best I've done is break 2 popcorns, when check boosters gave me popcorns in the middle of the screen.

Frustration has turned to boredom.

I deleted AlphaBetty when it became more difficult than fun. CandyCrush likely will be next. Need to find a new game.

Crusher said...

Used tick booster got it first time

Anonymous said...

After resetting till I could make another Color bomb close by (29x) and having all three boosters, lots of popcorn appeared on board, now with flying saucer got 3 for 20 bars, and they started exploding one after the other. Trust me, worth every nickel after 6 hours of agony from free plays on treasure chest. good luck all.

sprocket2 said...

Arrrrgh!!! I don't know why, since I am also playing on an iPhone, I still have that nasty timed level where I need 130,000 pts. And unlike Ms Cookie I DON'T get +time candies falling when I make matches of three. I have to make up to 5 matches of three candies to get 1 of them. I need big cascades to get them to fall, stripe/wrap combos work best. I found this level much harder than the last timed level. I finally got close and decided to buy my way out of it. My only advice (if you have this timed level) is to try not to pay too much attention to the timer (it'll make you crazy) and watch out for the bombs. I used a hammer to smash the last one that would have kept me from completing the miserable thing.

Anonymous said...

Playing on Android tablet and I have a timed level? 130,000 points. Losing the will to live. Timed levels show a LACK of IMAGINATION. Getting very bored with CC now.

Anonymous said...

Seriously...another timed level!

Anonymous said...

I give up...will never pass this...not even close!

Anonymous said...

Can't believe some players find this one easy....I certainly don Nottingham! HELP!

Anonymous said...

This is truly a miserable level!

Anonymous said...

😢😪😥 I can't even reach half of the required points 😠

Anonymous said...

Cc god....please send me a lucky board.

Anonymous said...

Sure could use some more tips on this dreaded timed level....

Anonymous said...

Ok...have had enough on this frustrating timed level....grrrr

Anonymous said...

Absolutely hate this one!

Anonymous said...

very difficult level. Bombs are a killer. Help!!

Anonymous said...

Well that was fun. First try, I barely made a couple of moves, thought I was done because the time ran out. Then everything turned into bombs and a couple of sprinkle bombs and I just sat there and watched my score keep going up to 288,000. So, don't give up.

Mantygirl said...

I have the 4 popcorn, not timed. Used the check mark to make popcorn where they could be dealt with. Easy after that.

Anonymous said...

insane...slowly weaning myself...just not fun anymore

Anonymous said...

timed level AND 10-second bombs? wtf

TNPatti said...

I've been on this level for a week. Tonight I finally got over 155,000 points when 130,000 is required but it still said I didn't get the level. People on here say this is easy and some say it's not a timed level and has 4 popcorns. Mine is timed and has one popcorn on my iPad. I can't believe I just finally won and it didn't give it to me.

TNPatti said...

King answered my question immediately. Even though I got the required number of points to win and even 20,000 more, my game ended with a bomb exploding and a game can't be finished that way. How are we supposed to know these things! I got it a few times lasted but I used several booster to get it.

Anonymous said...

10th try, again only one star (and I still don't care). All I did was clear the blockers on the bottom. Then started building stripes and wraps and letting them sit, along with a few +5s that were nice enough to show up. NEVER disturbed the top. When time ran out, everything was nice enough to blow up as it does. When everything on the top blew, I somehow ended up with a color bomb on the bottom. It then blew and threw me over the line. Took a few tries doing this before it actually worked. came very close a few times.

Rob in Banner Elk, NC

Anonymous said...

WTF its a timed level on my mobile and tablet. Come on king make it the same no matter what you play on. I think i would rather the popcorn over a timed level. Few more tries. If not i quit.

Gil said...

You are on level 1730, you should know these things already...

Jon In The Rock said...

No idea what I did. Played about 25 times, then all of a sudden, played the same way, couple of extra candies, and when it ended, my score shot to 216,360. Played it exactly how I had the other 25 times..

Unknown said...

This level is a complete joke not even down as a hard level!!

Anonymous said...

Impossible! Even after clearing the blockers and creating a few cascades, there isn't enough opportunities to get many points with the little time remaining. Please send a "lucky" board!

cb43 said...

Rubbish level

Anonymous said...

On Android, one popcorn & 135000. Having played many times(!) you must clear the popcorn & play the timed sweets until you have about 90000, then hopefully you'll keep a couple of colour bombs, then let the timer run out, worked for me 135000!

Krusher said...

A bit like an earlier writer, I was on my 20th or 30th go and had got to about 20 or 30K when the final cascades started - then something went BANG and I saw about 100K added to my total. Not sure what happened, but I'm pleased to be off this level.

Prior to that my best score was about 90k

Anonymous said...

The first three tries I couldn't break into the top half and scored as low as 12k but on the third attempt I managed to break the popcorn and sprinkles appeared everywhere. Game over with over 100k.

Anonymous said...

I hate to keep asking for a little help on these timed levels, because I'm just to slow on them. I don't like timed levels. So I'm asking again for help. Please. Thank you!

Susan said...

Once again! No reguards to us with hand, handicaps. Grrrrrrrr so disrepectful cc. Hope someone will help me beat this crap, if not bye bye!

Susan said...

Once again! No reguards to us with hand, handicaps. Grrrrrrrr so disrepectful cc. Hope someone will help me beat this crap, if not bye bye!

Anonymous said...

Old Gran again: What do you do when you have tried every booster available, used all available lives on pc and many, many lives on iPad. Over and over with always the same result. Why can they not just make more spawner or chocolate or any kind of candy hell, just not timed. I simply hate it when this one thing spoils what is otherwise a great game. I never complain about any other thing but I cannot move this fast. I do not care how difficult it is, just not timed. Okay, rant over. Guess I will just go and collect sugar drops.

GC said...

Well I've lost count how long I've been on this level. This is the longest I've been on a timed level and agree with other posts. The seconds still go by whilst you're waiting for the candies to settle. It's also annoying when you play 9/10 on just matching 3 candies. And why is the score so high? It's ridiculous. I'm convinced every so often they want members to give up and delete, and what better way to do it than annoy them with these unnecessary timed levels. I don't see not only the point but the reason if it's not enjoyable. It's just plain pointless.
The highest I've got so far is 90,000.
Moan over!

GC said...

Well I am surprised no one else has been on here for the last two weeks with problems of getting through this level. The same thing happened to me as with another blogger, I played as normal with 17,000+ on the clock, time running out and expected to fail when the board took on a life of its own. The next I knew the score was reading over 131,000. I got 1 star and I'm happy with that after being on it for over a month!
Good luck everyone.

Anonymous said...

On this for over a month now. Older hands just don't work so well on timed levels. I have collected a ton of boosters, but can't use most of them on these timed levels. And can't seem to collect enough gold bars to help either. Maybe King should allow a trade of boosters to pass the level without having to struggle through it.

Anonymous said...

Tried countless times on my iPad then today I had a look at it on my iMac and discovered a different board: it has extra time candies on each side, below the blockers, easy to access, so I got it first time.

Deedle said...

I admit,timed levels are not my forte...But somehow, I have managed to pass all of them in 1729 games. I keep thinking there is something I am missing...Some tip that helps me with something I must be doing wrong. But I still don't know,after at least 35 tries at this. I don't think that I have even made it to 100,000 points

Unknown said...

Arrgghhhh!! those stupid timed bombs keep getting me.

Unknown said...

Switched over to PC and while it is so much slower I am getting a higher score but still not even half way there!! Lucky board come to me please!! I have not broken the popcorn even once.

Unknown said...

Finally passed on PC (177,000) and like some others here have stated I didn't do anything different and had a low score when I ran out of time.

One thing I noticed is it didn't make any difference if I used a sparkle booster or not so I didn't use boosters. Another strategy is to break some of the cream off the extra time up top BUT try not to collect any of them and you will avoid the bombs that way. Also if the cream is off the extra time they will all turn into wraps at the end even if only one is uncovered.

Another tip is while we have to wait for the candies to settle when a comment like "Delicious" or whatever comes can make moves before the comment goes away!!. Good luck to all just coming here!

Anonymous said...

Posting in hopes of a lucky board...

Anonymous said...

Super difficult level, 1723 was easy compared to this one IMO

CatB said...

I passed this on the second time with no boosters.

I did not play with skill.

I passed a couple vertical stripes to break the jelly
on the timer extender candies above.

I made VERY FEW cascades so some timer extender candies matched in the nick of time.

And so when the game ran out of time all the freed timer extender candies above became wraps, popped the popcorn, and they all exploded to give me points and the Sprinkle Ball exploded. Passed with 130,000 points.

Just luck. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

I am having a hard time with this one. Can't get pass 100,00. But I will keep on trying.

Anonymous said...

I'm finding this level very hard. I seem to be abe to make loads of horizontal stripes but few opportunities to make vertical ones and definitely not where it would clear the popcorn. I have also cleared some of the jelly off the top ones but unlike previous comments my score dosnt shoot up when they turn into wraps at the end . Most I've scored is 70000.

Anonymous said...

HELP 😳. The bombs are terrible - lucky board PLEASE 😉

Anonymous said...

HELP! Been playing for days 😢. Come on lucky board!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In one click you can end this game, go on with other games who does not have the stupid changes like the moves etc. I hate time levels so i don't waist my time, there are a lot of funny, not kingsize games!

Anonymous said...

I am done with CC, i am to old for time levels an the rules you change in levels, SORRY! For me it ends here!

Anonymous said...

Niet leuk dit soort levels bommen popcorn en te veel ijs. En dan ook nog in een bepaalde tijd. Kan nog geen duizenden van de punten halen grgr

Carole said...

Not sure why this is not labeled "hard" . It is so difficult to get the points. Grrrrr

Carole said...


Anonymous said...

HELP !!!

Anonymous said...

Ok behind you guys on this blog but like the tips seems cc is making us want to give up stupid time level

Anonymous said...

Impossible level cc who makes these levels up at king games

Debbie said...

I can’t stand timed games and I just refuse to waste time on them anymore. This has been sitting for 3 weeks and I have no interest in trying to play it. The non-timed games have become really boring. It’s time to quit.
I want to thank the hosts of this site, Ms. Kirby and Ms. Rumsfeld, and the many people who provided helpful tips. I couldn’t have done it without you. I had surched a long time and this is by far the best site for help on the internet. I wish everyone well.

Anonymous said...

Been on this level for weeks read all the tips thanks but nothing seems to work might have to give up on candy crush for awhile shame on you cc

Anonymous said...

After posting comment last week finally passed this hard level thanks for tips if I can pass this you can good luck

Anonymous said...

Didn't find the last timed level too bad but this one is impossible. It's not even marked hard! Nowhere near the 130,000 points needed and have no clue how to progress. Lucky board please cc.

Barbc said...

What an impossible level! Timed level plus the bombs on the top after you burst the +time candies makes it impossible. I’ve lost so many lives because of the bombs on the top. A diabolical level for sure. Don’t see any strategy that will work so like everyone else, waiting for the lucky board to pass.

Barbc said...

Wow, second try after posting the previous comment I passed with 172000 points. There is definitely something about posting here that brings us luck. Or the CC gods are watching, or something mildly creepy like that!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck, and no, I'm not going to bail like a child.