Candy Crush Saga Level 1735

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1735 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have to grow the two popcorns as well as collecting 15 licorice and 70 cream blockers.
This can be a tricky level as you need to clear the blockers, but once you do that more licorice will fall and block off your combos from hitting the popcorn.
It is almost impossible to hit the popcorn at the start, so work on clearing some of the blockers out of the way.
It's tempting to work near the top as that's where the blockers are, but working nearer the bottom of the board will cause cascades which will help clear blockers without wasting moves.
However it is importand to still look at the top in case there is a chance to make a special candy that can be used to smash the popcorns.
Double colour bomb combos are brilliant for clearing everything and hitting the popcorn at the same time. I'm not normally a fan of this combo but on some levels it is one of the best.
Video below

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Anonymous said...

I got this one by first opening up the board, then I got two combos of chocolate bomb + stripe.

Sparkiestchica said...

What am I doing wrong? Can't even open this level! The treasure chest won't open - when I click on it - it says claim treasure when you reach this level - but nothing happens!

Sparkiestchica said...

What am I doing wrong? Can't even open this level! The treasure chest won't open - when I click on it - it says claim treasure when you reach this level - but nothing happens!

Anonymous said...

That happened to me, too. I closed CC and when I reopened it, it worked.

Anonymous said...

The levels in this episode so far are almost impossible to complete. The main problem in this level is to pop the two popcorns on the top corners because they are hard to hit. The next problem is to get enough licorice. You have to clear first a lot of blockers to open the licorice dispenser. What I did is to start with a check candy and a stripe/wrap candy. Then, reset until the stripe and wrap candies are in the middle on the 2nd/3rd or 3rd/4th rows where they will a lot of blockers. Most of the chech candies turned into popcorn in the middle of the board where they are much easier to hit. I still have to use a hand switch and a lollipop hammer to complete it in 3 tries.

carlton said...

That's the key...close and then reopen. The unlimited playing time is crucial as these levels have not been easy

carlton said...

That's the key...close and then reopen. The unlimited playing time is crucial as these levels have not been easy

Anonymous said...

All three of my Android devices require 74 blockers, 30 licorice and 2 popcorn in 36 moves compared to: PC's 70 blockers, 15 licorice and 2 popcorn in 40 moves.

anonymous37 said...

Very hard level. Thanks to anonymous at 8:53, I also used a check plus stipe/wrapped. Only one check opened to a popcorn but it was good enough as I was able to pop the popcorn at top right. I still needed extra moves to finish collecting the licorice. I was lucky enough to win 15 extra moves on the wheel...first time that's happened.

Majs said...

Impossible on Android!! Much different then on pc! Just have to wait until they fix it.. :( Why is it so often like this?? Dont they check the levels before they release them?? Annoying is the nicest word I can say.

Anonymous said...

Very difficult to get the popcorn !!! Plus the screen keeps going blank !! Is anyone else having it go plank too ?!!! Very tedious this game is getting .... Almost want to call it off now !!!

Anonymous said...

Very difficult Level on Android... The 3 boosters don't help (I wasted 8 sprinkles, 5 stripe/wrap and 10 lucky candy boosters this way...).
Afterwards I played without boosters and waited until I got a lucky board with lots of specials. Finally it came and I had to use only two hammers to pop the last popcorn.
Good luck everybody!

Anonymous said...

Restart your device. I was playing on my iPhone when this happened so I shut it down & when I restarted the chest opened.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if there is a place to go, if you do this on i-pad? I think it would be usefull to se how its done with a video of the actual level, where the popcorns are in the corners and you have the right amount of blocks, licorise and moves? This page is clearly for the players that use their PC...

Anonymous said...

Once again, the game is so different on Android.

Anonymous said...

And the popcorns are at different positions.

Cat said...

Thanks for the tips. Hated this level, so after several tries used all boosters (resetting) to no avail. Final game used all boosters plus hand switch and then a few hammers on the remaining popcorn to escape. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Way easier on the PC. Two tries. Killed the last popcorn with a lollipop hammer.

Campbird said...

I keep seeing comments about resetting the board. How do I do this? And, can I reset on my IPad or just my computer?
Also, many years ago, I purchased a permanent stripe candy and a permanent time freeze booster. I am able to use the stripe candy whenever I need it .. Once per game. The time freeze booster comes up whenever I play a timed game. It freezes the time in between each play. Does anyone know how to purchase these now?

Anonymous said...

This is impossible on android. What gives King? I feel like Sanders trying to catch up to Clinton in a rigged primary.

Unknown said...

Am I the only one that can't come close to beating this bloody level? Looks like I will have to spend the next couple weeks building a booster stash so that if I ever get a game that is remotely within finishing possibility, I have a chance. This is boring futility.

Anonymous said...

Why is this level different on the laptop? It is time for me to find a new game to play. I do this to relax.....not to be stressed! Goodbye Candy Crush!

Anonymous said...

Laptop it is 2,15, 70. On iPad it is 2,30,74!!!!! How crazy is that.....Hey Mr. Candy Crush please fix it. Impossible on the IPad!

Anonymous said...

Consulting this page + 2 Hammers on the last two popcorns did the trick!

Anonymous said...

Decided to try again this morning and still can't even come close. They need to make the mobile game the same as the pc so we might have a chance. Until then I'm moving on to something else.

Anonymous said...

WAIT... read this before you use your check mark and other boosters. I just wasted all three of mine. I was so excited to see that I got the sprinkle and a stripe next to each other.
BUT I did not look and see that my check mark was in the top middle row. As I played my first move it clear most of the lower board! Then I looked up and the check mark turned into a popcorn and blocked that middle top row and DID NOT allow new blocks to drop therefore, GAME OVER.
Wasted all 3 of my boosters. Thanks again King.

Anonymous said...

Just quit the game BEFORE making any moves if the board isn't to your liking. You won't lose boosters you may have chosen. Keep doing it until you find a board you like.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


It's as anon. at 8:30 says. Having gotten this far, you probably know to quit you have to go to the arrow and then the red square, but just in case...I'm on iPad, and I keep reading you can only do this on mobile platforms.

Anonymous said...

OMG some say PC is easier and some say phone, I've played both and cannot beat this crap..Damn.....I am posting for luck as I don't have a lot of boosters and I refuse to pay for booters. So I will continue to play on but thanks for nothing CC friends, at least this you'all but I don't see any advice!!

Anonymous said...

So first I get a treasure chest and when I click on it, it goes away without giving me anything. Then I get to 180 booster points and the reward shows up empty. What is going on? I need my boosters. Grace from DU

Anonymous said...

Ridiculously hard on Android (the board not shown on Cookie's tips.) Tried many times, then gave up till I could get on the computer. Managed it first attempt on PC, with one hammer to finish the last popcorn.

Anonymous said...

Fuck off CC

Anonymous said...

Playing 3 days...Impossible level!!! None of these are fun anymore!! Help!!

Anonymous said...

I've played this level several times and not one time I was able to hit a popcorn.....Grrrrrrrrr!!

lkinjax said...

Very hard, but kept playing and waiting for the lucky board . . . it finally came and I was able to line up a sprinkle with a stripe twice.

lkinjax said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lkinjax said...

And when you finally do pass it, the next one is an actual easy enjoyable one :)

Anonymous said...

Worst level yet!!! Been one move away but I refuse to buy boosters. Haven't yet and never will King!! I will quit first. Since I've been stuck for four days on this tedious money grubbing level...may be a great time NOW!!!!

Anonymous said...

Impossible level. Very frustrating.

Anonymous said...

I have been playing this level for almost a week. I have used the check mark booster as someone suggested that it turns to popcorn. Well not in my game so that was a waste. Used colour bomb, stripe. Just a waste of boosters. I have not even broken one popcorn.
Just sititing and waiting for the lucky board.

Anonymous said...

Popcorn is in a different spot than on video. What gives King? Play fair.

Anonymous said...

Mine are also in corners. I feel like a complete idiot. It's as if I have played before. About elf nothing work. Losing my addiction if thi continues.

Anonymous said...

Oh NO. I got three flying saucers for free and used two of them to get this level out. Lovely, I thought. But dear old CC doesn't think I passed despite the fact all the targets were ticked and I had a good score. So now more days of sheer frustration and I refuse to spend money.

Anonymous said...

What's going on CC ? Why different on android to PC only need to to get 15 liquorice on PC but need 30 on android with 4 moves more on PC and popcorn in a different place!!!!

Anonymous said...

Been here for > a week. Best I've done is clear blockers and licorice; don't know how to even get near the popcorn.

Wasted several check mark candies, which did turn into popcorn, but there weren't enough moves left to blast them.

Anonymous said...

Impossible on android completed on PC with one hammer.

sprocket2 said...

Good Grief! This level was a nightmare. Worst for me in ages. I tried it Ms Cookies way, I tried it working closer to the top, I tried (and wasted) a ton of boosters. I finally got a board where I got all the licorice on the bottom and then had a little room to make moves in the middle near the top. I got lucky and cleared everything except the two blockers under the licorice dispensers. I needed 14 more licorice with 4 moves to go. I was able to clear those blockers then ended up buying time so that I could collect the rest of the licorice. I didn't want to,but I'd been playing this level for two days and used up at least 50 lives without ever getting this close. So I bought the lives and it's over. Thank heavens!! BTW this level is now the same on the iPhone as on the PC.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Unlike any other level I don't actually see this being possible!! I think it's time for goodbye :-/

Anonymous said...

I don't see how this one is even possible without a nmiracle board

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

My board doesn't look like the one above. My popcorn is in the corners. Making it impossible to do!

Anonymous said...

How In the world are you suppose to hit those popcorns!

Anonymous said...

Not even getting close!

Anonymous said...

I will wrestle with a level for a long time before I start using up my boosters. I've used them all up now and STILL can't win!!

Anonymous said...

This is getting BORING now!

Anonymous said...

Agree with 22:32...,I'm never going to pop those popcorns!

Anonymous said...

I give up!

Anonymous said...

Feel like I'm never going to pass this level 😕

Anonymous said...

Another ridiculous level which depends on pure luck. Send some my way and anyone else who's having difficulty with this level.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Disliking this level immensely!

Anonymous said...

Feels like I have been on this one forever and have yet to even pop ONE popcorn, no less TWO!

Anonymous said...

Hess I won't be able to reach thAt treasure chest 😥

Anonymous said...

Ok CC, guess looking for people to stop playing and you're getting it. This level isn't even labeled Hard. It should be Mission Impossible.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ugh, ugh, ugh....I surrender!

Ness said...

Nightmare...Can't get near popcorn!

Anonymous said...

Me too. Wasting lots of lives. There's for to be a better way to break the damn popcorn.

Anonymous said...

Just wasting my time trying to pass this one....rather than enjoying playing!

Anonymous said...

This total BS!

Anonymous said...

Ok I wrote a bunch of comments of how bad this level is. Definitely go to PC. Countdown of 40, not 36. Also popcorn are near the bottom center. Way different than Android. I must have tried 60 times on phone. Once on PC.

Anonymous said...

I need a miraculous board....this is absurd!

Anonymous said...

Try on PC. Much easier as I stated above

Anonymous said...

Wish I could.....but thanks.
Looks like another morning on this horrific level.

Anonymous said...

Guess you finally got to me King....just can't even break 1 popcorn...

Anonymous said...

I can officially say now that I no longer enjoy this game. This level absolutely stinks!

Nineteeneightyfourr said...

After days of pointlessly trying to beat this level and managing only the liquorice target, I went and tried on pc - popcorns are lower down on the board making this level actually achievable as well as a lower number of liquorice required. Did it in about 3 attempts. Onward!

Anonymous said...

Good for you, nineteen...looks like it is the end of the road for this player :-(. Sad...I'm normally not a quitter and enjoy challenging levels, but this one is absurd.

Anonymous said...

What do I have to do to finally beat this frustrating!

Anonymous said...

It's been a week or more now....not even close on the iPad!

Anonymous said...

Time for a cc break...disgusted with this level!

Anonymous said...

Sick and tired of level 1735. It's a complete NIGHTMARE!

LynnR said...

If you are able to play this on pc don't even waste your time with android. I lost a lot of boosters and lives trying to get it on my kindle fire and then got it 1st try on the PC using a check mark booster.

Mantygirl said...

Thank you LynnR...I could not get close on my Kindle so played on the computer and passed first try with lots of move left. Only ONE popcorn to clear, and it is at the bottom of the board so it is soooo easy to hit!

MMBin ATL said...

Unbelievably easier on PC than on iphone! Tried for days on phone and got no where even close. One try on PC. Was wondering why it wasn't calling itself a Hard Level - PC is why!

Anonymous said...

This level is much easier on a PC if you have the option. There is only one popcorn at the bottom

Unknown said...

This is one time it pays to come in late... they have made it easier on tablet. Only one popcorn on the very bottom and I took Ms.Cookie's tip and played only on the bottom pretty much and passed first try.

CatB said...

Passed on first try by playing on the bottom.

Good Luck

Suzzi said...

nice one can i asked a question?