Candy Crush Saga Level 1753

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1753 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
As with all timed levels the secret to passing is getting extra time candies to fall. To do this you need to make cascades and to make cascades you need to work close to the bottom of the board.
Take a second to look at the board before every move and look for moves which will lead to other matches being made without using a move. Look especially for colour bomb patterns and use these to collect the extra time candies from the top right.
However before you switch a colour bomb to collect time candies check you actually need the time, if the timer is full the extra time candies will be wasted as the timer will not go past full.
Keep working near the bottom as much as possible and if you haven't yet read our tips on beating timed levels you may find them helpful.
I did not find level 1753 especially hard to complete and I am not the best player of timed levels, so if I can do it so can you!
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Anonymous said...

Right then, 1754. Any ideas because I'm at a loss. You use your skill to set up bombs and the RNG won't drop the right candies and if you don't get a good board to start, the chocolate will get you. I'll keep trying but these last 2 levels are draining the fun right out of this game.

Tony H said...

I concentrated on getting the wraps first, as I was doing this the chocolate around the frog cleared itself in the process. you can then get the sprinkle balls with the frog when it grows enough, but don't try growing the frog, keep getting the wraps first as they are the hardest thing to collect. I managed to get the frog and the sprinkles using this method and also had all but 2 wraps needed with 10 moves left and managed to get the two needed with a couple of moves left. If you try this method you will see that this level is doable. good luck.

Tony H said...

Just want to add to the above, When you first start making the wraps use opportunities that arise to clear chocolate in the corner,, also avoid unlocking the caged chocolate. If you follow these tips and those above you should manage to pass.

Jenene said...

So I think this is going to be wait for a lucky board. I have tried everything and have not really gotten close. Cascades are hard to do. Not sure how to pass this level but I will keep trying. Hoping for some good hints. The 2 comments above are from a different level.

Silage. said...

Why have you got comments on level 1974 when this level is 1973? Regarding timed level 1973 this is as bad as the other timed levels that is nigh on impossible unless you wait for the tablet version.Waste of time trying. Are they taking the piss?

jan n said...

Level 1753 just another fucking mess have used every booster i had still not even close don't even waste your chocolate bombs by trying to use them you will just get a board that is even more fucked up the damn fools at candy crush have no respect for their players so sick of their ass

Anonymous said...

Is level 1753 on kindle fire hd and if so how do i sync it with facebook my kindle only goes to level 1745 been there for ever

silage said...

levels on computers are one week in front of tablets,the levels are updated on wendesday morning. They seem to be a lot easier on the tablets. couldn't do 1733 on my laptop, but did it in two goes on my tablet.CC are taking the piss for whatever reason,maybe to slow you down.

Silage. said...

Oh and this is another impossible game.We shall see.

Anonymous said...

I've been on this level for 6 days and getting very fed up with it, almost got it once 59,700 points just needed 300 more.

Anonymous said...

I have been on this level for 6 days, too. I can't seem to ever get more than 30,000. And that's if I'm lucky. I don't agree with the comment that this is a relatively easy level.

Anonymous said...

I feel defeated, completely defeated. Because of this level I am never coming back to this money grubbing game. This current episode I attempted has way too many hard levels. CC has taken all the joy out of playing this game.

Anonymous said...

Tin tin the original here. Well, like the others I have been stuck here for days and days and getting nowhere at all. I suppose there will be a lucky board, but it sure is taking its time to appear. Seems pointless using boosters, they don't make any difference.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

My strategy on these crappy timed levels? Play one game a day, no boosters. When I pass, I pass. King won't make one cent off me and when I and other players get bored enough this greedy money grubber will lose enough paying players to get the message. GAMES ARE SUPPOSED TO BE CHALLENGING AND FUN. This is why I will never start another game developed by king.

Jane said...

I am also stuck on this level. For days, not even close!

Anonymous said...

On the iPad you really only have 80 seconds on the clock and it's impossible. In the video you can see the pc version actually starts with the clock at 1 min 20 even though it says in the text to complete in 80 seconds.

Anonymous said...

1 minute and 20 seconds is the same as 80 secs, isn't it?

Unknown said...

Has ANYBODY passed this level? Tips please!

Anonymous said...

I created 4 colour bombs and yet still cannot pass this level.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ridiculous level. I just created 4 colour bombs as well - same as in the video - but only got 38,000 points.

Anonymous said...

seems like king want everyone to quit candy crush !

Unknown said...

Passed on first try. Had quite a few chocolate sprinkles. Only one star, but I don't care.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Apologies, my brain was obviously fried from way too many unsuccessful attempts at this level :(

Anonymous said...

Lucky board 2nd try. Got to 51K then used 9 free gold bars from SD to extend time finished with 66K. Glad to move on. Good luck everyone

Anonymous said...

Oh lordy, I hate these timed levels. You will win when the game decides it is time for you to win. Pull up a chair and get comfy and good luck to all.

Anonymous said...

I think this will be the last level I play...... no fun anymore

Anonymous said...

This level is impossible to pass on ipad. Not enough time, cant get anywhere near 60,000. Needs to be fixed.

Unknown said...

Took a bazillion games but I passed. It kept throwing me sprinkles. Don't waste your boosters. It'll happen.

Van5 said...

I have done this at least 100 times! I have over 100 chocolate bombs and stripe/wrap boosters and I am using no avail! The closest I'm getting is 41K and that was once! Getting very frustrated! Ugh. Also on iPad.

Anonymous said...

I completed this level after many, many tries last night. Used lots of boosters and none
of them helped. Finally got one of those lucky boards and ended up with about 25,000 points above the required amount. Just came back today to see how everyone is doing. I was sure the required amount was 60,000 yesterday. Today it says 100,000??? Is that correct?

Van5 said...

I finally got this after many many least 120! I am useless at timed levels. Stopped using my boosters as they really didn't help. It was just as easy to make colour bombs as I spent most of my time trying to get a wrap or stripe with it when I started with the bomb. Finally got my lucky board. I was getting very frustrated with this level and was going to give it a rest for awhile. This was as bad as level 500 which I spent days on! Good luck everyone! Your lucky board will come.

Anonymous said...

For those of you just starting, DON'T WASTE ANY OF YOUR BOOSTERS ON THIS GAME!!! And above all, do not BUY boosters as they do not help. You just have tp wait for the lucky board.

Anonymous said...

Don't waste your boosters. They don't help at all.
Just play until you get the lucky board.

Anonymous said...

This was a very hard level to pass. It probably took me a week to pass it (I'm retired and play throughout the day). I noticed on the game shown that he used the gumball on an individual color not a stripe. After I started doing that the points added up much faster and I passed the level. Wish I had paid closer attention to that sooner! lol Good luck to all!

anonymous37 said...

It probably took about 60 attempts but I finally got it, 89,460, two stars. I came close (in the 50,000s) a few times but mostly got in the 40 thousand range. As Cookie said, take a second (yes, those seconds are precious!), and look to see if you can make a sprinkle, and work as close to the bottom as possible. It would be great if you didn't have to "touch" the timed candies on the right as they all turn into wrapped at the end for major points, but that never worked to get me over the top. Ikept working at the bottom and tried to make specials while keeping an eye on the clock. I was shocked when I saw I finally passed.

Anonymous said...

I play on iPad and android...need 90,000 points. I can't even get close!

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous. Impossible. And not even fun. I find myself looking forward to when my five lives are over so I don't have to play any more. Is it time to quit?

Anonymous said...

Waiting for a lucky board .... Will it ever come ?!!! This is getting monotonous .... Sick game !!! Quit quit I say !!!!! Then what ???!! If not ?!!

Anonymous said...

I'm finally done with this game. Goodbye cc

billyrabbit said...

Sick of this. I've been stuck here for a week and haven't got over 45000. Time to take a few weeks off and maybe break the habit!!!

Anonymous said...

I finally got to the 50,000 range and bought extra moves TWICE and then my screen froze up again. I must be crazy to continue to try and best this level.

Anonymous said...

I feel like this level is truly impossible, I am praying for that 'lucky' board as I am NOT having any fun here!

Anonymous said...

Truly boring and impossible! I'm not buying anything on this level!

Anonymous said...

4 days and still no lucky board. Boring level. Nothing is working. Have even wasted some boosters. Combos, chocolate ball, nothing gets me the number I need. Hoping posting on this site brings me luck. Come on King, have mercy on me!

Jeff said...

... they throw up these bullshit levels that require one lucky board out of a thousand to slow people down because no matter what combos or extra time I get the score is always near 30k. These people aren't creating a fun game that can be won with skill rather it's just a rigged game ...

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck, until now no luck at all.....pfffffff

Anonymous said...

Ok I must say I love Cookies blog! This is the first level that I am no longer excited about playing.... Impossible. This blog has helped me many times. But on this level not even Cookie can help. I will be like a lot of you and spend no money and just play and go on with other games! This IS THE FIRST TIME I REALLY DONT PLAY LIKE ALL THE ITHER LEVELS! So that being said...I found FISHDOM not a King game! Seem like for kids But I on level 37 now! Quite chanlleging. Take that King! You lost my interest!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip. I'll try fishdom as this game has gotten so tedious.

Anonymous said...

It has.... This is the first game I ever got addicted to. But this level woke me up! King will get no more money from me going forward!!

Victoria said...

I am so tired of seeing "you failed." Like the above commenter, I don't even get excited about playing since I have been stuck on this level. I find myself gathering sugar drops on other levels rather than try to pass this level. I don't care about the treasure chests; sugar drops provide boosters, so the chests are not a motivation. I am so over this level.

Anonymous said...

I played on the PC and used a sprinkle ball booster and passed on the second try getting just over the 60K required.

Anonymous said...

I must've been super lucky because I passed on my second attempt on ipad. Completely ignored trying to get the bonus time candies on the right. Just focused on making special candies on left and then cascades would drop more bonus time.

Anonymous said...

I am so sick of playing this level. Never went beyond 40k.impossible, stupid, irritating level. CC is hell bent on making us quit. Bye Bye. You got your wish

Anonymous said...

Passed with no boosters.. Used the color bombs that I made to take out plus candies, and when I had two color bombs on the board near the end of time, and couldn't match with the ones that were left, just matched with anything. Got just over 60.000. Moving on. JS

Anonymous said...

Been stuck on this level for 4 days and not once have I even come close to the required 60K. Not remotely close.
I have used countless boosters, to no avail. Are these levels vetted?? There is either a bug, or someone is trying to torture us.

Unknown said...

Am not going to spend anymore money on this game so if I don't get lucky board soon that's it for me so will wait and see

Unknown said...

I agree freaking impossible they want you to spend money and I will not spend money on this stupid game guess I will be stuck forever

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Victoria said...

Finally passed this level. Now I don't even want to attempt the next level. Maybe I'm now burned out on CC?

Anonymous said...

Still stuck played 2 weeks ! King needs to change! I have lost interest! My husband is very happy!! Lol. Back to FISHDOM NOT A KING GAME!!

NancyO said...

So I've tried every thing I know how to do. Blown through many boosters. The good thing is I'm loosening intrest. Like a gradual weaning from CC. So will be moving on. It was fun.

Anonymous said...

they need to nerf this level. it's ridiculous. I have come within a few thousand points of the goal only to have to spend money to continue....the better you do....the suckier the board is likely my farewell. I wrote off soda saga for the same reason. Jelly saga is getting like this just can't win til you do and there is no rhyme or reason to it. I have a non-King game I play....Gummy Drop....frankly a lot more going on there and I am starting to feel like I want to break up not just with CC but with King....already almost never play Farm heroes as well....for the same just have to wait til it happens....I have better games to play. just really so bored. level after level after level.

Anonymous said...

I see people have passed this level, but I am really Sick of being on this level for a couple weeks. I don't think I'm addicted anymore! Trying every few days is ok for now, maybe CC is finally over for me! YAY!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great another pisser of a timed level I'm so over this waiting for a lucky board bullcrap! Grrrrrrrr

Anonymous said...

Been on this level for 3 weeks now. Finding it absolutely impossible. Don't know how I'm going to pass it. Maybe it really is time to give it up. My husband would be thrilled!

Anonymous said...

Stupid level! Can't even come close to getting the required points, been on this for over a week. I despise timed levels!

Booboo said...

I've been on it for over a week too and cannot get anywhere near the target. I've tried on a PC as well as iPad and neither is possible. I find it hard to believe it will ever be possible and therefore after playing for nearly 3 years I am giving up CC. It is no fun when you are given a task that is fixed with no chance of coming close. King will loose players when they continue to create impossible tasks which are so boring. We should vote with our feet and leave King Games for good!

Tamijay said...

Oh thank goodness. Finally got the much-awaited lucky board. Near the end of the game I had two colour bombs and 3 striped candies. Rather than using them, I waited until time ran out. Between them and the unused 5-second candies, it put me well over 60,000. No skill - just played over and over until i got a lucky board.

Anonymous said...

Message to CC crush - boosters do not help on this level, If you want people to spend money (buy boosters) you do not make levels so difficult to pass, meaning take weeks. This level is obvious ALL luck - no longer going to waste time WAITING for that lucky board, therefore I will not be buying boosteres/time again! Lost customer.

Anonymous said...

CC- this is a luck of the board no skill! I love challenge but this is nothing but luck 50 times some with boosters and can not get close. If you want a game that is nothing but luck than I am better off playing power lost a customer. Great game until this point....

Michelle said...

Switched to my tablet....3 tries over.
Get off your mobile...go tablet

Michelle said...

Switched to my tablet....3 tries over.
Get off your mobile...go tablet

Anonymous said...

I used to be addicted to candy crush. In the last few months the boards have been mainly luck based. Especially the timed levels. Oddly, I am thanking king for getting me off this game. I don't play nearly as much any more.

Anonymous said...

This level is impossible.

Anonymous said...

How do you pass this stupid level? I don't get the opportunity make sprinkle balls much at all, and when I do, I end up having to use them because there aren't anyvither moves. Once I got to 47K. Should've used gold bars to get more time! I don't think I've ever spent this long on a candy crush level.

Anonymous said...

I'm stuck...days ... not fun

Anonymous said...

Still stuck. Have been here for days and not come closer than 37.

Ultramum said...

Been stuck for days and bored to tears

Anonymous said...

So i used both boosters, again, and got to 51,000. I thought surely more time would take care of it, so I used 9 gold bars for more time. Only got to 54,000, so I used 15 gold bars to extend it again. Only got to 57,000! I didn't have enough gold bars to get more time, so it was all wasted. I was so mad ibwaljed away for awhile, then came back and tried again with no boosters. Passed. Before anyone starts a rant about greedy King, I've never spent a penny on Candy Crush. I play my favirit sugar Drop levels twice a day, before I go tobwork and while on watch TV at night, and get plenty of boosters which I use without shame. I usually collect on all the treasure chests too, so no need to spend $$.

Anonymous said...

I've been on this 2 weeks. I've never even come close enough to use gold bars. When King wants you to pass, you will. Im so bored with this level because it's so impossible without the lucky board. No skill required only luck.

Anonymous said...

Level 1753 too hard. I've been stuck on it for three weeks to the point of boredom. Too many hard levels. Not fun anymore. It used to be enjoyable but it isn't now.
Cannot play on ipad (2year old) as game keeps crashing. When I contacted King it transpired that if you cannot update to the latest software update which on this ipad I obviously can't then the game will freeze. Are they working hand in hand with Apple to try and make you upgrade to a newer version of your device. FFS my device should not be outdated that much after only 2 years.
I really feel like quiting now no thanks to King.

onward said...

Was stuck here longer than any other level in the game. Lucky board finally came after weeks.

Anonymous said...

Tried several strategies and haven't even come close! Stuck for quite a while now. Hope my luck board comes soon. :-/

Anonymous said...

Just disgusted with this level. Been on it for over two weeks without even a glimmer of hope. Come on King. Give us a chance to pass.

Anonymous said...

When are you going to let me pass?

LouAng said...

THIS LEVEL SUCKS!! I don't know when I will ever pass it. The closest I've gotten was 4500 points away from the 60,000 needed. I'm going to just keep trying.

Anonymous said...

This is fucking impossible. I have tried everything. There are just not enough points to be found. I have tried all combos, tried not breaking stripes, wraps, tried chocolate sprinlkles side by side, I've opened up the board, I've left the board closed, I've let time run out. You name it, I've tried. I've been stuck here for three weeks. Fuck you King.

Anonymous said...

This has been shit since King sold the game. They don't bother with making creative levels any more. They must have their lowest level developers working on Candy Crush. No imagination, no creative talent. And they can't keep up with the demand. Can't devise enough good levels, so they keep us stopped with these pathetic timed levels. Something Candy Crush only gave us very, very rarely until recently. Failures.

Anonymous said...

This level has me completely dumbfounded. There seems to be nothing I've been able to learn as to which actions will up my score. Sometimes, I feel llike a game is going well ... and I get a crappy score. Other times, I feel like I'm wasting my time, but the score will be higher. I've played where I have zero timed candies drop let alone any hope of making colour bombs, stripes or wrapped ones. Other times I get a colour bomb just drop randomly down and I try to eliminate one colour from the board while also getting an additional ten seconds from similar coloured timed candies at the top right corner. Nothing seems to help. Yesterday, in complete desperation, I played my treasure chest six hours of unlimited lives on this damn level. I've never gotten much above 40,000 points. There now I feel better for just venting and letting off steam. But I won't quit. It's not in my DNA. lol

Ness said...

I agree...treasure chest hours spent on this level and only got to 39000!

Ness said...

I agree...treasure chest hours spent on this level and only got to 39000!

LouAng said...

FINALLY!!! I passed this level!! 60,160!!

LouAng said...

FINALLY!!! I passed this level!! 60,160!!

Anonymous said...

Posting for a lucky board since I've come close a few times but no cigar.

Anonymous said...

This is no fun anymore. I can't determine which combos give big points. Nothing seems to work to increase your score very much. Not getting many extra time candies. Give us a break King. Considering quitting.

Anonymous said...

I hate these timed games, I have been on this one over a week and can't even come close, unbelievable that this one is not rated as a hard level. I have decided to call it quits, it's been fun, but this one has finally made me decide to find another past time I can actually enjoy without the frustration.

Anonymous said...

At long last and countless tries, I can finally wave goodbye to this stupid level. Can't say that I got an amazingly lucky board, but I just plodded away and kept getting bonus candies when I needed them most. Good luck to those still stuck here. By the way, I only play on iPad and this was anything but easy for me.

Anonymous said...

Miss Cookie, can you please give us another pointer or two as to how to get bigger scores. No combos seem to help. I feel it is useless to keep trying. I rarely get even close to 60,000. May have to leave CC soon.Give us some help!!

Anonymous said...

After a fun few levels here is another seemingly impossible level! Very boring & completely ridiculous. No fun at all. Zzzz

Anonymous said...

Fifteen days - highest score around 43,000. BOR-ing.
Anybody have suggestions for other games?

Anonymous said...

After what seemed like months( actually weeks) imagine my surprise passing this level...nothing I did seemed to work until this morning...I think the candy crush gods finally decided to smile on me...scored almost 80K ..still not sure how..but on I go for more not so much fun from what I'm hearing from others...good luck those of you who are still stuck...keep on and you will get it, too...

Anonymous said...

So tired of the amount of timed levels lately. Just seems one has to wait and wait for that lucky board...😕

Anonymous said...

Why so many timed levels? Have King decided to try to reduce the number of players? This must be losing them customers just waiting for a "lucky board" - no fun.

Will try a few more times but am rapidly losing patience.

Anonymous said...

Just when I notice a treasure chest in my future, there is another horrific timed level keeping me to pass!

Anonymous said...

Ugh, ugh, ugh!

Anonymous said...

Happy 4th of July.
I'll take a lucky board now :-)

Anonymous said...

Just another ridiculous timed level. Just need a lucky board.

Anonymous said...

Another day on this crappy level.

Anonymous said...


Laura said...

First time poster......HELP! I've never been stuck on a level like I have with this one. Any pointers other than waiting for a lucky board?

Anonymous said...

I'm in the same boat as above...not even coming close!

Anonymous said...

May I please get that LUCKY BOARD 😄

Crusher said...

For the first time since playing I would say this level is a fix!! Trying to get u to buy extra moves!! Might have had enough now been on it a week boring repetitive & definitely a fix!!

Anonymous said...

I give up...this is ridiculous! and becoming very boring!

Anonymous said...

Have no idea how many times I have played this, but it's was too much. Really starting to lose interest :-(

Anonymous said...

Wishing you players "good luck". I am not having any luck with this ridiculous level. Seems I am just wasting my time....and not having any fun!

Anonymous said...

Have managed to come this far, but I can't see how people have passed this one. Much needed break!

Anonymous said...

This is total bs!

Anonymous said...

Looks as though I'm reaching the point of saying goodbye to cc....sad!

Anonymous said...

Appears KING wants to get rid of another!

Anonymous said...

Hoping you players have better luck on this level...I'm not even getting code! Goodnight cc!

Anonymous said...

Over 5 days on 1753 and have not come near to the required points!

Anonymous said...

One of the worst levels ever...impossible!

Anonymous said...

Screw this. I've had my fill.

CCAddict said...

Yes !!!! One day of trying and crushed it...lucky board or not !

Anonymous said...

Good for you! I'm beginning to think this is rigged!

Anonymous said...

Beginning to think the cc god doesn't like me!

Anonymous said...

Sorry but this has to be the end, not even close after many many attempts, never even close enough to consider buying extra time... I've enjoyed my time on CC but just too many times we now need to wait for the 'Lucky Board'. All the fun has gone with the proliferation of timed levels..

BYE BYE CC............

Annie said...


Anonymous said...

This one has really taken away the enjoyment of the game!

Anonymous said...

KING...please send me a lucky board!

Anonymous said...

Totally at a loss on this one.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, I surrender!

Anonymous said...

Based on reading numerous comments here, it's pretty obvious that I am not alone being unable to beat this horrific level.
Can anyone recommend another game that is fun?

Anonymous said...

THIs is without a doubt IMPOSSIBLE on the iPad!

Anonymous said...

This 1753 has to be the most pathetic level I have ever played on cc. Thanks for ruining the game King!

Anonymous said...

Have been on this crappy level for over a week!

Anonymous said...

Guessing I will never get that lucky board since I've had to of played this one over a hundred times 😢

Anonymous said...

Not sure if this question should be posted on this blog, but I will ask King this s question here anyway.....why are you making this level impossible to beat. Are you really trying to get rid of players?

Anonymous said...

Come on, King. This level is sick!!!

Anonymous said...

Apparently there s no lucky board for this level!

Anonymous said...

Have completely lost interest on this hideous level. See ya!

Anonymous said...

So KING....have followed tips from other bloggers and have gotten nowhere. Boosters are of no help. Seems this one is impossible, so I would like to have some tips from whoever created this horrible level. It's truly getting boring!

Anonymous said...

Guess I have been jinxed by cc!

Anonymous said...

Normally I would say I am not a quitter, but since I am not getting close to getting the required points on this one, I may just have to use up my lives and say goodbye to cc. 😕 Wishing other players good luck!

Anonymous said...

my strategy on this that worked, focus on getting as many points as possible, make combos and blow them, finally got it while half distracted while watching tv which is how i finally pass most of my challenging levels!. was on it for a day or so. tried focusing on horizontal stripes, but that never got me the points. the goal is points. focus on that.

Anonymous said...

Directed to the above comment ..happy it worked for you. Have tried and tried for over a week and a half, without getting close. This game is no longer fun.

Anonymous said...

600000...what a joke

Anonymous said...

No longer getting frustrated by this one...just find it to be comical now. You really found a way to ruin the game for so many players King!

Anonymous said...

Since the new owners have made this level impossible to pass, can anyone recommend a fun game to play that is challenging without having to wait for that so called lucky board?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I would really like a explanation from KING on why this level is impossible to beat. Nis it all about spending money or what?

Anonymous said...

Hey players..I've never seen so many complaints. I think we have been PUNKED! It's got to be a joke!

Anonymous said...

KING....would you kindly revise this level so players have some chance of completing it. In the years I have been playing, I have never been on a level this long!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, enough, this is a horrible level, not going to try much longer.

Anonymous said...

I agree!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like King is not going to make this one doable. Shame on you!

Anonymous said...

This is pointless!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, King! Now 3 weeks! This is absurd!

Anonymous said...

For the third weekend in a row, I can see treasure chests in the future. Probably won't be able to reach them unless I get that miraculous 1753 board to pass.

Anonymous said...

Another day and not even close. Boosters are useless as many players have mentioned.

Anonymous said...

There HAS to be a GLITCH on this one. Certainly has ruined the game.

Anonymous said...

OK CC techs....with all the complaints about this level, it's time to make this a doable level. I, along with other players, are disgusted!

Anonymous said...

This has to be a total joke! See ya!

Anonymous said...

Just curious, King. Is this going to be another wasted day here?

Anonymous said...

I appreciate Ms. Cookie's tips, but they haven't helped me whatsoever. So fed up and bored with 1753. Anyone have any other tips before I end this horrific level?

Anonymous said...

Looks like King wants to force players to quit. Impossible to get the required amount of points! Creators of this level has to be off their rockers!

Anonymous said...

This is total BS!

Anonymous said...

Think it's time just to delete this game and end the frustration.

Anonymous said...

Willing to pay to get off this stupid level!

Anonymous said... need to change this level so players at least have a chance of beating it. Thank you!

Unknown said...

Timed levels are beyond idiotic, especially one like this. limited space and combos that don't do anything point wise. Boosters don't do anything at all. King once again wants you to spend money to get past this board.

Anonymous said...

You are right on, Ric

Anonymous said...

Never in all the time I have played cc, have I had such a problem with a level like this. Approaching 4 weeks now. This has to be defected.
Just saying!

Dowerland said...

So hard, can't get anywhere near it, I am starting to dread the timed levels, I used to look forward to playing, nit these days though.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

King...after all the complaints about this level. I believe it is time to make a change to this one,, that is if you have any compassion for all who have invested so much time, and in many How about making it some fun again.

Anonymous said...

I wish the cc techs would look into this level. It's pretty obvious that many players are unable to pass 1753....including me!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Crusher. I have had boards where I've gotten umpteen great combos, retrieved all +5 candies on right side of board in timely fashion. I could not play any better, making great, fast moves, with long games. Still falling short. This level is rigged. I have no choice but to stop. Played hundreds of times, getting nowhere, though countless combos and timed candies.

Anonymous said...

Cant get above 40000

App deleted

Anonymous said...

Time to throw the towel in! There is no way of passing this one!!! Played hundreds and hundreds of times over the past 3 or more weeks!

No one important said...

I got with in 300 points I used a hammer to get 5 more seconds, and still fell short, I used 9 gold bars for 15 xtra seconds....then passed! Did it on iPad have some gold bars for this level and use them when you get close...once I had 57,600..... Good luck...try and make speckled candies, but don't use on stripe or wrapped, just so you can keep making speckled balls.....

Anonymous said...

Happy for no one important. I just checked back on this level to see if King made it doable....but no such luck?

Anonymous said...

This 1753 board is such a JOKE!

Anonymous said...

Quite honestly, don't know why I just updated to the new version, since I will never get beyond this level!

Anonymous said...

It's now 1 MONTH! BS!

Anonymous said...

I've never hated a level so much, because it's stupid. This is not a game of skill but is arbitrary. I finally passed because at the end, the point counter went high. I had played better at other times and with better boards. I passed, but done with CC anyway.

Anonymous said...

Please King techs....make this doable for your players....

Anonymous said...

Sad......this level is definitely rigged!

Anonymous said...

So disgusted with this game. Have gotten through over 1750 and more levels...there is definitely a glitch on this one!'s about time that you make this one possible KING!

Anonymous said...

Need to find a new game. Can't even get close to the required points.

Anonymous said...


Joosy said...

Absolute load of #%$@&*!! And that's putting it mildly. Ridiculous level. Have given CC the flick and gone to play Genies and Gems. It's fun, relaxing and I don't need to spend megabucks just to get to the next level. I used to play CC because it was something to do in my spare time, to relax. It's just not relaxing anymore, too stressful. King, you have lost a long-time player (not that you care)

Anonymous said...

It's apparent, Joanne, that King doesn't care.

Anonymous said...

1753 should be removed from this game since it is impossible to pass!

Anonymous said...

Hey King...why don't you have your cc tech who created this ridiculous level post a video on how to beat this, unless of course. It truly can't be done!

onlylisa said...

I just passed this level after days of not even coming close. I had a board that I was able to make plenty of combos and that's what got me through. I didn't even have to use the extra time candies on the right of the board, I got enough from the ones that dropped.
There's no secret to passing this level than to play as often have lives and eventually the lucky board will come.
Don't use specials - they're a waste. Don't spend money on extra time if you're happy to wait for the lucky board.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you, onlylisa. I must have played this level over 1000 times with no luck. Have wasted boosters, but refuse to pay money. It's a rip off! Glad to hear you are moving on...I doubt I will never get that lucky board at this point.

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