Mobile players have been getting many challenges to win boosters, usually they have to collect a certain number of candies of one colour from any level they want to play.
We have been getting a lot of players on our All Help Group asking which levels are best for whatever the colour is that they need for the challenges.
I decided to try to collect all the information together so that whatever colour is needed you can find the best levels all in one place. Here are the suggestions from our group members.
55, 252, 268, 281, 336, 339, 435, 666, 1000, 1108, 1476, 3064, 3234, 3246, 8328, 12305, 13733, 15500
What are the best levels for blue candies?
55, 222, 252, 268, 276, 281, 666, 1000, 1108, 1168, 1476, 3064, 3234, 3246, 8328, 12295, 12305, 13517, 13733, 14723, 14870, 15500
What are the best levels for colour bombs?
202, 252, 281, 336, 666, 1000, 1055, 1276, 1476, 2000, 3309, 6192, 8328, 13202
What are the best levels for red candies?
128, 220, 236,
746, 819, 846, 1039, 1138, 1186.
What are the best levels to get green candies?
202, 268, 276, 281, 282, 336, 344, 400, 591, 595, 621,
666, 1000, 1108, 1476, 3064, 3234, 3246, 3309, 4915, 8328, 12295, 12305, 13517, 13733, 14870, 15500
What are the best levels for purple candies?
1000, 1168, 1476, 3234, 3246, 9000, 13517, 13733, 13889, 14288, 15194 (150-300)
What are the best levels for yellow candies?
286, 306, 321, 408, 1055, 1063, 14723
What are the best levels for wrapped candies?
1000, 1168, 1476, 3234, 8328, 14758
What are the best levels to get striped candies?
666, 906, 932, 1003, 1066, 1073, 1137, 1157, 1168, 1476, 3234, 7777, 8328, 12305, 13517, 13733, 14870
What are the best levels to collect jelly fish
3000, 14798, 15425
What are the best levels to collect gummi dragons
8917, 13889, 14241
What are the best levels to collect cream blockers/frosting
14998, 15269,
What are the best levels to collect licorice
13018, 14763, 15194, 15629
We are still compiling the lists for the other colours and will complete this page as we find the best levels.