Level 8001 - 8100

  Level guides and tips for level 8001 - 8100.

Due to the ongoing problem with sending and receiving lives on my windows 10 app I will be unable to write tips for these levels until the FB game catches up next week. I need to play each level at least 3 times to work out the best way to clear it and I just don't have the lives to do this. 
Any of you who are experiencing the problem please go to the King Care website and complain.
Thank you all for your support.

Click on the link below to see the tips and video for the level you want.

Level 8001                   Level 8051
Level 8002                   Level 8052
Level 8003                   Level 8053
Level 8004                   Level 8054
Level 8005                   Level 8055
Level 8006                   Level 8056
Level 8007                   Level 8057
Level 8008                   Level 8058
Level 8009                   Level 8059
Level 8010                   Level 8060
Level 8011                   Level 8061
Level 8012                   Level 8062
Level 8013                   Level 8063
Level 8014                   Level 8064
Level 8015                   Level 8065
Level 8016                   Level 8066
Level 8017                   Level 8067
Level 8018                   Level 8068
Level 8019                   Level 8069
Level 8020                   Level 8070
Level 8021                   Level 8071
Level 8022                   Level 8072
Level 8023                   Level 8073
Level 8024                   Level 8074
Level 8025                   Level 8075
Level 8026                   Level 8076
Level 8027                   Level 8077
Level 8028                   Level 8078
Level 8029                   Level 8079
Level 8030                   Level 8080
Level 8031                   Level 8081
Level 8032                   Level 8082
Level 8033                   Level 8083
Level 8034                   Level 8084
Level 8035                   Level 8085
Level 8036                   Level 8086
Level 8037                   Level 8087
Level 8038                   Level 8088
Level 8039                   Level 8089
Level 8040                   Level 8090
Level 8041                   Level 8091
Level 8042                   Level 8092
Level 8043                   Level 8093
Level 8044                   Level 8094
Level 8045                   Level 8095
Level 8046                   Level 8096
Level 8047                   Level 8097
Level 8048                   Level 8098
 Level 8049                   Level 8099 
Level 8050                   Level 8100


abcd said...

8075 done using so many hammers and 6 ufo in this episode.

Ditte said...

8105 done. Everything is a blur with that many levels. 8065 needed boosters. So did 8072, where it's really difficult to get the waffles in the corners. 8073 is really annoying. Got the Oops so many times because I ran out of candies before the gap in the belt let new ones fall.

Roger75 said...

Levels higher than 8000 are not available to me... :(
Playing from smartphone Android.

abcd said...

8105 done, agreed with Ditte

sleepless wherever said...

8065 horrible, took 2 UFOs and 3 hammers to clear !!

candy l said...

stuck in 8065 .. pfl

Anonomous said...

A very severe week. Finally done. Tons of boosters. Nearly every level difficult. Last three of the final one were easier, but still had to use a hammer or two. OC

sleepless wherever said...

8072 took1 ufo and 2 hammers. 8084 5 hammers after many tries !!!!!

Rick said...

To Roger75
They are using Windows 10 which is 90 levels (6 episodes) ahead of mobile users. I cannot comprehend the logic of King in giving priority to Windows 10. Did King receive a bribe from Microsoft to do just that? Did Google (Android) and Apple (IOS) did not pay what King is asking for parity of levels for Android and IOS users? There are inherent much more mobile users than PC users because of our device’s portability and convenience. Cell phones use cell towers which are almost everywhere. Cell phone users can play Candy Crush anywhere. Windows 10 will need at least WiFi to be able to play Candy Crush. PCs need Internet connection. Mobile users can play Candy Crush while lying in bed. (Try doing that with a laptop with Windows 10.) Facebook is second now to Google on advertising revenues. NOTE THIS: 98 percent of Facebook’s active user accounts worldwide accessed Facebook via any kind of MOBILE phone, NOT PCs. Over 67% of all website traffic worldwide is generated through mobile phones and tablets. Does your King management know that or it just does not care.
The All Help blog on Candy Crush becomes practically a forum of Windows 10 users, because mobile users are 90 level behind.
I have complained several times and they say they will work on it but they haven’t. Maybe if all mobile users complain to King, King will be swamped with complaints and might do something with it.

Cookie Kirby said...

Windows 10 players are used as testers for the new levels, bugs are found and fixed and often levels are made more playable. The downside is that easy levels can be made harder.
Until the lives bug is fixed this blog won't be a forum for windows 10 players as I have to work with the FB levels as they come out, which is the same as mobile.

abcd said...

NEW episode not come yet.

kik said...

4 more this week- very late

Ditte said...

4? Again? I was hoping for just 2 since we had 4 last week.

abcd said...

8120 done, use 1 ufo in 8113. Easy episode.

Anonomous said...

very easy first episode no boosters needed. OC

Ditte said...

Yes hoping the rest are as easy as the first.

Ditte said...

8135 done. Again fairly easy. Used a UFO in 8123. Might not be needed, but I wanted to keep the winning streak. Used a few hands and hammers for 8130 and 8134. And had a cb/cb start in 8132. Might have been difficult without it.

Ditte said...

8150 done. Had a lucky streak with cb/cb starts in 8140,41 and 42. Oh the good old days before "the Fix". Used some hammers and hands here and there. Most in 8145. In 8150 I had trouble getting through the chocolate and gum and ended up using 2 UFOs and way too many hammers and hands. Did consider using a party booster. Am using way more boosters than usual because of the winning streak.

Ditte said...

4th episode so far not fun. 8152 took lots of boosters. Now stuck at 8158 which is just horrible.

Ditte said...

Done for today. Still stuck at 8158. Don't see myself passing it anytime soon.

Pat said...

Mobile users got only three episodes last week and three episodes this week. We are much further behind windows 10 users.

Rocky said...

Help needed on level 8015! They dropped number of moves from 32 to 24! That is not enough to clear cakes and let cherries fall! Please fix!

E.M. said...

Yes,8015 only 24 moves now,not enough to get through all the licorice and curls to get the cakes. It's either one cake or the other. Getting boring.

E.M. said...

Yes,8015 only 24 moves now,not enough to get through all the licorice and curls to get the cakes. It's either one cake or the other. Getting boring. Lots of shuffling going on but not getting anywhere.

Wider Smile said...

Stuck at 8018, no videos available here. Posting for a help

abcd said...

8150 done, use 1 ufo in 8123 , 8142 and 8150.

pinlock said...

wider smile..there are vids on youtube but its been made imposable.less moves and all the candies are now suger coated and the chocolate is locked..i used 10 gold bars for 35 extra moves and used 24 of those moves..why king would make a level like this ill never know..good luck

julia said...

Yep I just got my new levels yesterday and King already increased the obstacles in level 8018. It will take me a while to get through that one one.

Ditte said...

8158 done with extra moves after lots and lots and lots of tries.

Ditte said...

8165 done. Not too bad after the horrible 8158. In 8165 position the frog on the belt below the keys to get them. I hope they don't plan on 4 episodes every week now.

E.M. said...

We need those extra 8 moves back to get even close to getting this level,24 is just not enough. Even if you manage to clear the cakes if you're extremely lucky,you still need more moves to get the cherries out. The board is very restricted and most moves are gone before you even get to the top of one cake let alone two. Very frustrating. Every video I have seen uses all 32 moves. Please fix.

Wider Smile said...

Thanks Pinlock, but I do not have any more gold bars or boosters left :{
Still struggling with the level 8018! Need a lucky board ...

pinlock said...

ditte lol youve just done 60 levels in less than a day and you say its to much..i think you need more levels not less.

Ditte said...

Nope. Just 15 or 30 levels would suit me just fine.

E.M. said...

In the videoes from 8020,the bottom pies are not covered up which makes it a lot easier. I hate these changes.

Danielle said...

Stuck On Level 8015....used all three boosters about 20 times not even closed! Not enough moves

Jimmy said...

Looks like 8018 is this weeks 7994 unless of course you play on windows 10. Just gonna wait for king to make enough money out of the level then they’ll fix it. Blatant greed

abcd said...

8165 done. Used 1 ufo in 8152 and 8154.

Anonomous said...

Well I'm gonna share this. My internet went out today, but early this morning I kept playing with no Internet. I found that my hammers and UFOs didn't go away no matter how much I used them. I can hammer my way out of any situation and if I want to, I can use UFOs as much as I like too!!!! I wonder how long this glitch has been going on without my knowing! It really is not much fun though... what's the point if you can hammer away at will. I'm not done... don't even have time to finish the week right now. Curious how long that will last after I have spilled the beans. So try it... log out of the internet and keep playing and see if your hammers and ufos keep coming back!!! Weird huh??? OC

Ditte said...

That does sound weird. Shouldn't the same thing happen when in airplane mode then?

Anonomous said...

I didn't try it in Airplane Mode. I did go out after a while to see if my levels that I was passing at warp speed would remain passed. They did. I tried it again... logging out of the internet and again I got to keep my hammers and ufos not my hands though. I'm going back in now to see if it keeps happening. I can try Airplane Mode. OC

Anonomous said...

Worked in airplane mode too. Also, got to keep hands too. Done for the week. I don't know why I have this glitch. I did play the new game and got the hands and hammers and a stripped ball. I wonder if that has anything to do with it. Oh well... some of those levels looked tough. Kinda pointless so not sure I truly like this glitch.. lol. OC

Isa D said...

Dear, I inform you that the problem was not with the King platform, but with Facebook, and apparently they have already solved it

Ditte said...

I thought so. The glitches regarding boosters seem to always be Facebook related. So I've never been able to take advantage of them. I did consider getting an account back when you could get the boosters from level 2000 over and over.

pinlock said...

Level 8030 has had moves reduced from 30 to 25 then today reduced to 24..finding it impossible to get close to passing..give us a break king for once with the ridiculous reduction in moves ..I know now why the windows 10 players can pass 60 levels in less than a day

Lcky said...

level 8027 is absolutely impossible without a lucky board been on here forever

Please give me a lucky board or some tips on how to pass it. Thanks.

Jimmy said...

The fun keeps coming. 8035 was 30 moves now 25. 8040 was 30 moves now 25. Strange how so many levels get reduced by 5 moves. It’s almost like they are forcing players to spend what gold they have left or just endlessly wait for a lucky board. Only got this far cos I discovered a one off glitch if you play on more than 1 device. Extra party boosters and ufos are always welcome

SDM said...

Hi all, I'm on level 7182 but am struggling as since Halloween update cc keeps crashing. I've tried everything I can think of, uninstalling and re-installing, clearing cache, uninstalling old apps to make more room on my tablet. Any help or ideas please xx

Wider Smile said...

Finally the developer has changed the 8018 launch board! little easier now. Thanks. Its done now

Anonomous said...

I still have my glitch. Does anyone else have the ability to use endless hammers, switches and ufos...???? I truly don't know what to do. I have completed the diamond path by hammering my way through (you get a popper) and the skull game twice. The thing is the game is totally pointless if you can just win regardless. I am thinking of telling them to fix it. what do you think. I thought I might wait till Wednesday to see if it rights itself. OC

sleepless wherever said...

Haha OC, I got it too and consider it a good option with impossible levels or those that needs a lucky board. I use discretion on when to use it!!

Roger75 said...

8045 completed!

Jimmy said...

8045 down to 26 moves. Some players get 30 or 33 moves from the videos I’ve seen on YouTube. Used a ufo and got 10 gold in episode race. Everyone else stuck on 8040

Anonomous said...

Awwweeee Sleepless thank you for responding!!!! I can trust my friends..... SO I won't report it LOL NO!!!! of course not for those who want to use with discretion. That is the answer. Use when you have to. Perhaps King will get a clue ... or not LOL! OC

sleepless wherever said...

8158; used 3 ufos and 1 hammer to clear . Thanks to what I named “the OC Special,”

Anonomous said...

LOL Sleepless:) OC

Mr D said...

I cant get past 8043 nearly time to quit as this episode has been no fun at all

Anonomous said...

Mr. D there is currently a way for you to get around the tough levels. I am hoping King fixes this glitch because the glitch makes the game way too easy. See my previous posts for what happened to me. Maybe it will happen for you too if you want it too. King might have this fixed by tomorrow. OC

Ditte said...

Again a 4 episode week.

Ditte said...

8180 done. The first half pretty difficult. Calling 8168 a nightmare would be an understatement. Very difficult to get the yellows, even if you clear the blockers early. The O.C. special comes in very handy there :-).

Kathy said...

Posting for luck on 8049

Ditte said...

Done for the week. I had trouble figuring out how to get the fruit to move in 8218. The trick is to put the frog in the top left corner above the fruit. Where are you all? Out counting votes?

Jimmy said...

8081 has been butchered from 35 moves down to 28. You really need at least 30. What a surprise to see a windows 10 player completing this weeks new levels in a few of hours. They’re playing a different game to the rest of us

Sandykp said...

8073 is a joke. The only way to win is a lucky board. Oh and try really hard not to make matches till more candies fall down. I’m sick of seeing oops. Good luck everyone.

Jimmy said...

8073 is definitely a joke took a lot of goes to get the lucky board. 8087 is beyond a joke. The keys are now yellow so color bombs are no use to clear them anymore. Kings sadist development team have outdone themselves with this level. Even with 24 hours of unlimited lives I don’t think this level can be done in 27 moves. It was 30 moves too with green blue orange or purple keys. It is not even worth using boosters other than the fish

sleepless wherever said...

8158 impossible , even with boosters. Looks like OC special for me too!!

sleepless wherever said...

I mean 8168!,

Ditte said...

Jimmy you don't know how many boosters (a lot!) and how many hours it took. I don't have a lot of patience with this game anymore. Practically none after all the changes made the last year or so. And I've got a lot of boosters saved up from the good old days where I almost never used any. I'm betting 8168 and maybe a couple of others will be made easier by the time you get to play it.

Jimmy said...

You can see from the time of your posts how long it roughly took you. You literally post every week your progress and it amounts to a few hours to pass the weeks levels. Most of the levels now have less moves more blockers locked up keys & liquorice etc etc etc etc etc. We have this every week and most of us have have had minimal boosters for nearly a year. You’re done for the week so relax 🥱

Ditte said...

Totally relaxed:-). Just got of work and I've got tomorrow off so early weekend. I get that it must feel unfair that the levels you struggle with have had moves reduced or have otherwise been made more difficult, but just remember, that some levels which we struggled with on Win 10 have been made easier for you. And I just played 8081 on my phone and passed in 24 moves.

Ditte said...

And now I got 8087. After several tries I got the "lucky board". Forgot to see how many moves I had left, but I did have some. Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket. Must be my lucky day :-).

abcd said...

8225 done.
Thanks to Ditte for the tip on 8218.
Thanks to Anonomous for the glitch. Its working for me.

Sandy crusher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sandy crusher said...

No worries, just passed it!! Good luck everyone, was tricky without Cookie's comments

Rocky said...

Still stuck on 8095! Another ridiculous level waiting for lucky board! Losing my patience with the game!☹️

Rocky said...

You know you are in trouble when all the game does is reshuffle!

Mr D said...

Thanks but it did not work for me used a spaceship and hammer it helped me get past the level but they did not get replenished

julia said...

Mr. D, it did not work for me either

Rocky said...

Stuck on 8101! Waiting for lucky board. So far after using up my moves still need around 24 chocolates! In other words not coming close. Another waste of time!

Rocky said...

Still waiting! Down to 19 chocolates! ☹️

Anonomous said...

Tbe OC special only works if you are OFF line or in Airplane mode. When you are there, just use a hammer at first. It will deplete by one. Use it again and it will come back. Same with the other boosters. Use a UFO it will go down by one, use a hammer and the UFO will come back. Of course, you want to save those big guys so be careful. Try again in Airplane mode not while live. Its a crazy glitch... Now I have spelled it out again, perhaps King will see this and fix it... so while we wait for it to be fixed try it and see if it works for you. Although I love a few free boosters, this glitch is beyond anything I have experienced in this game... and it really is no fun if you can just hammer your way through every level. God luck!!! OC

Ditte said...

OC I don't think the glitch is present on phones? I think it's just a windows 10 thing? I'm just glad that for once it's a glitch I can take advantage of since I couldn't hoard UFOs and poppers with level 2000.

julia said...

I see that is my problem... I only had one!!!!Now I have none!!! oh Well, guess it was not my time!!

pinlock said...

8084 is a nightmare..been stuck on it now for 24 hrs and havnt got close..has anyone passed it without boosters or not...sick of waiting for a good board on this one

Ditte said...

I just replayed it and first try got the lucky board with lots of wraps. So yes can be passed without boosters. Should have bought that lottery ticket 😀. Didn't come close when playing it a couple times more though.

Lcky said...

lucky board needed for 8084 please..

mickjack said...

stuck on level 8016. the last 4 liquorice curls don't seem to drop no matter what combination i use. any answers please. asked king if there was a glitch but no reply

Ditte said...

Not sure I understand your question? Do you mean the swirls inside the white/red fence in the middle? The ones the yellow keys unlock? They're not supposed to drop. You hit them with stripes and wraps while they're still inside the fence.

Lcky said...

Stuck on 8090 and need Help badly.
It is impossible with no boosters.
Lucky Board Please.

Houtje said...

You can just duplicate the tab to get extra lives.

pinlock said...

Finally passed 8084,,total nightmare but managed with no boosters,,definitely do that lottery ticket Ditte

sleepless wherever said...

Had to OC special my way through to 8200 as many levels were just too difficult!

kik said...

New update available - not game in case it's a 'fix' haha

Ralph said...

@Kik. Not a fix. Enjoy :).

Roger75 said...

8105 done!

Mr D said...

Stuck on 8098 not coming close with the amount of moves reduced from 40 to 29. Really getting fed up of these crap levels

sleepless wherever said...

Think the OC special is gone ?

Ralph said...

@sleepless. Nope :).

sleepless wherever said...

@Ralph thanks, glad to know (:

kik said...

Is this 'Star Tournament' instead of new episodes?

abcd said...

No new episode today.

jeanbean said...

No new episode today!?!

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Just got 4 new episodes (8106-8165) 9:30 am New York time, good luck this week everyone!

Ditte said...

8255 done and done for today.

Kathy said...

Posting for luck on 8117

Kathy said...

Level 8117 has moves reduced to the ridiculously low amount of 27. Kazuokh’s youtube video shows 42 moves for 8117 and he finished on the very last move.

Anonomous said...

Well I rode the Special to find out what the star tournament is. You just gather stars in a special tournament to try to get the most stars. I can't believe King has not fixed the glitch. Oh well.. I'm not much interested in blasting my way through to earn stars. Good luck... OC

Ditte said...

8262 done. 8260 needs the O.C Special to get enough licorice :-).

abcd said...

8270 done.

kik said...

8270 done only with OC's help.

Ditte said...

8270 done. I had the stars tournament 2 weeks ago, but by the time I found out about the O.C. Special the leader was far ahead so I didn't participate.

Rocky said...

Stuck on 8147! Changed number of moves again. No video of new set up. Not coming close!

Roger75 said...

8165 done!

JaneM said...

4 Luck

Mezzanine said...

8132 posting for luck please

kik said...

Is Ms Cookie retiring?
Top of this page says 'Level 8101 to end"

JaneM said...

4 Luck

Patty123 said...

Me neither!

Anonomous said...

If you click on that big pink writing you will get the next link. Cookie has trouble with adding links like she usually does. No one has posted on the new link yet -- probably because they don't know where to find it:) OC

kik said...

Thanks OC

Sandrexx said...

Big up OC for the tip. I like reading the comments (if there any) before playing each level!! Sander

JaneM said...

4 Luck

abcd said...

Only 3 episode this week. 8300 done.

abcd said...

8315 done.

Raangle5 said...

Awful level! Need a lucky board. Posting for luck☘️

JaneM said...

4 Luck

JaneM said...

4 Luck

Kathy said...

posting for luck on 8282. The moves have been reduced

Raven73 said...

8108 is a nightmare not even marked as such. Way to much going on nowhere near enough moves..... how long will I be stuck here .... and why is three no updates for 8001 and up

Sue T said...

8099 is impossible. How do you reach the two dragons?