Level 3101 - 3200

Level guides and tips.
Below are links to the level guides with tips and videos for all the Candy Crush Saga levels between 3101 and 3200.
There are hints and tips from our expert players and from other readers of this blog.
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As the levels are becoming harder the tips and videos may not be up to date but I am doing my best to show the most up to date videos of levels that have changed since release, which means I have to work a couple of episodes behind to get the changes.
Click on the link below to see the tips and video for the level you want.

Level 3101                                      Level 3151
Level 3102                                      Level 3152
Level 3103                                      Level 3153
Level 3104                                      Level 3154
Level 3105                                      Level 3155
Level 3106                                      Level 3156
Level 3107                                      Level 3157
Level 3108                                      Level 3158
Level 3109                                      Level 3159
Level 3110                                      Level 3160
Level 3111                                      Level 3161
Level 3112                                      Level 3162
Level 3113                                      Level 3163
Level 3114                                      Level 3164
Level 3115                                      Level 3165
Level 3116                                      Level 3166
Level 3117                                      Level 3167
Level 3118                                      Level 3168
Level 3119                                      Level 3169
Level 3120                                      Level 3170
Level 3121                                      Level 3171
Level 3122                                      Level 3172
Level 3123                                      Level 3173
Level 3124                                      Level 3174
Level 3125                                      Level 3175
Level 3126                                      Level 3176
Level 3127                                      Level 3177
Level 3128                                      Level 3178
Level 3129                                      Level 3179
Level 3130                                      Level 3180
Level 3131                                      Level 3181
Level 3132                                      Level 3182
Level 3133                                      Level 3183
Level 3134                                      Level 3184
Level 3135                                      Level 3185
Level 3136                                      Level 3186
Level 3137                                      Level 3187
Level 3138                                      Level 3188
Level 3139                                      Level 3189
Level 3140                                      Level 3190
Level 3141                                      Level 3191
Level 3142                                      Level 3192
Level 3143                                      Level 3193
Level 3144                                      Level 3194
Level 3145                                      Level 3195
Level 3146                                      Level 3196
Level 3147                                      Level 3197
Level 3148                                      Level 3198
 Level 3149                                      Level 3199 
Level 3150                                      Level 3200


MB said...

Hi all, I just watched the videos of this week's batch (3126 - 3140). Again, NO timed levels. I'm thinking 3132 and 3134 are going to be my biggest headaches. 3132 involves clearing 100 licorice and 100 meringue in 22 moves. 3134 is one of those annoying (for me) level where if you accidentally destroy the evil spawner, you don't get the items you need to collect.

Goodest luck everyone!

Luci said...

Since the windows 10 app has now been synced to get all the stash of boosters, I played 2000 on windows 10 a few times and I also get that reward again and again also. So it seems things have been synced across the board for me.

sleepless wherever said...

Done 3126-3140. 3132 needed a party booster. Rest pretty easy.

MB said...

Got em. 3132 was a real thinker. Pretty light booster week.

Ditte said...

A lot more difficult than the last couple of weeks. Used a couple of hands and hammers for 3131 and checkmarks for 3132.

Ditte said...

No such luck for me Luci. I just tried playing 2000 on the windows app, no reward for me.

Luci said...

That's too bad Ditte. I neglected to say that I still have to log in and play the level and then log out and you know the same old routine but keep trying one of these days it will work.
I found this week episode pretty easy also no really rough ones.....all done for another week!

Ditte said...

Nope logging out didn't work either. But at least I didn't have problems logging back in as I had the last time I tried. I guess I'll just have to go without the UFOs, paintbrushes and partyboosters

CJ said...

Me too Ditte! Can't figure it out. Easy week though and glad to be done!

MB said...

I go back to Farcebook and play a lot of 2000s. It all comes through to the Win app even with a party and UFO for each time I do 2000. Obviously I have to go back to the Win 10 app to play the new levels.

MB said...

...and a paint brush.

Anonymous said...

Done, way late. Played a little game with me... I tried to see how long it would take me without my big booster friends. Probably until next Christmas on that one level where I had to use the popper.... the rest I did like Ditte on the resources I had. It was fun! Good level this week and some really fun ones. Onward crushers.... OC

MB said...

I watched the videos of this weeks levels. The only thing that scares me is that there are NO videos on 3142, 3144, 3152, and 3153. The videos are almost always done with no boosters. I wonder if that means they are not solvable by sane means.

Goodest luck all!

MB said...

I may have been right about 3153. Unless it's a glitch, and it probably is, the level seems impossible. This is the first life I've lost since 3040. Need 10 cherries to win and the game starts with five on the board. No matter what I try, I never get more cherries. The level always ends with me needing five more. Anyone make it? Where do the other cherries come from?

sleepless wherever said...

Agree with MB, there's a glitch on 3153. Missing 5 cherries. I wasted 2 party boosters on this level. Was trailing MB with his super high scores. What's the secret as for some levels I ajm not even close.

ditte said...

That's it for today. I will wait until 3153 is fixed. Pretty easy week . 3152 took a couple of tries and I used a hammer to get the last colourbomb in 3148.

Luci said...

Now we all play the waiting game....but we only have a few more levels to go after the fix for 3153.

Ditte said...

I hope it will be fixed before the loveletters run out so we don't have to load up again.

Anonymous said...

3153 is now fixed.

MB said...

Yep, it's fixed and this week's batch is done. Pretty easy except for the glitch that ruined my first try streak.

Anonymous said...

Very easy. Glad I was too busy to play. By the time I got there the glitch was gone. I think this was the most fun and easy week ever!They must love us! Valentine week special:) OC

Anonymous said...

I have completed level 3110 but cannot access further levels. Can anyone help me? Done updates.

Ditte said...

Susie if you're playing on your phone you'll get level 3111-3125 on Wednesday. Phones are behind the Windows 10 app where I and others here play. I don't know how far behind Facebook is.

sleepless wherever said...

Ditto, Susie
FB and mobile phones are 3 episodes behind.

mb said...

Not much video to watch for this weeks batch. Only 5 levels have had "no booster" videos posted. None of them were timed. Hopefully more will come out today.

Goodest luck all !

MB said...

WOW! Extra episode this week. I made it through the 30 levels, on one life, BUT... The first episode seemed to be the harder of the two. Nothing deadly hard, but definitely not the easiest ever. Three of those episodes were very hard to get high scores on. I will be going back to (hopefully) pick up some missing stars. Second was easier but some thinking required. Again, the biggest plus: No timed levels. Goodest luck all!

MB said...

Correction: In above comment "three of those episodes" should read "three of those levels."

Ditte said...

Late start for me this week and 3156 took me a while to get through. I recommend using a fish, if you don't have UFOs and partyboosters. I'm not a fan of the new feature, where the boosters from Space Dash etc take a while to appear.

Ditte said...

Level 3166 is a pain in the.... Too much licorice and difficult to get the UFOs to land in the middle column where they're needed. I would prefer timed levels over this.

Ditte said...

I think this is a horrible week. Maybe easy for those of you with level 2000 boosters, but not without them. I hammered my way through 3166, but am now stuck on 3167.

CJ said...

Holy cow, I can't even get out of the gate on 3156!

Anonymous said...

May have been answered already but am I correct in that the space dash / helmet booster, game, whatever you want to call it... is not available on iPhone?

Ditte said...

I would think it's available on iPhone. I have it on both my androids. But apparantly not all people have it.

Ditte said...

CJ I also had trouble with 3156, but just wait until you reach 3166! Horrible horrible, horrible level. 3167 is just as bad and 3168, 3169 and 3170 not much fun either. The next episode is easier, especially when you get past the first levels. 3183 also difficult. Not a fun week, too much licorice, evil spawners and bombs, but I've finally finished. Good luck, you're going to need it. Don't worry too much about the spawners in 3173. Unlike 3167 they don't hide jelly underneath them.

sleepless wherever said...

Was trailing MB last night and he beat me at all 30 levels. Agree on difficult levels needed UFOs and used 2 party boosters.

CJ said...

Thanks Ditte! Made it to 3166. No party boosters left and you can't even buy them. This isn't even challenging but hard, it is just miserable!!

MB said...

Sleepless: Sorry, but I've become obsessed with play methods leading to the highest possible score. Little thing that I found out I was doing wrong. Such as... for a long time I thought that resetting until I could start with two color bombs, side by side, was ultimate. Truth being, it helps finish a level quickly, but almost never leads to a high score. I'm trying to compile some strat notes to share here, but work has been hell for the last few weeks. Will share as soon as I can.

Anonymous said...

This pointless never endless pouring out of liquorice on almost every level is making this game unplayable. Not so much unplayable but no fun and pointless playing much more.
Then add that after you finish a game you have to click this. that. that. this, anon for ages is pointless also. Is there any fun left to be had ?

Ditte said...

I agree. So much clicking this and that and now also having to wait for the space dash boosters to appear on the board.

Anonymous said...

CJ are you able to play the Microsoft Windows App 10 game. Your boosters from Facebook will transfer over. If you play 2,000 and know how to get the boosters from that repeatedly you can always have a party booster when you want it. Agree not much point any more, but I still enjoy my weekly romp on Candy Crush. All done and dusted for another week. I am trailing MB too on all levels and Sleepless on most. Snow day here:) OC

CJ said...

Thanks Ditte. Finally finished today but not without using a lot of boosters. FB boosters did transfer but not the Ipad and Iphone ones which is where I still have party boosters but I am not going to wait around just to use them if I can get ahead on Win 10. ALso I have tried all the hints for the 2000 repetitive boosters but the only way I was able to get them again was to play 2000 on different devices but they only gave them to me once on each device. I guess I can try to go from computer to computer at my office!!

Tessy said...

On Level 3166 and it is really impossible, really needs a fix, anyone out there completed this one without 10 hammers?

Taittinger28 said...

I agree - level 3166 is impossible to complete without a ton of candy hammers. It's no surprise that I csnnot find a single YouTube tutorial on this level where the user hasn't had to use shedloads of boosters!

Anonymous said...

3166 -3170 are killer levels for sure. You need a ton of boosters to get through those 5 levels. The next episode is like a breath of fresh air until you reach 3183. Still working on it and posting for luck!

Anonymous said...

I have a question for all you crushers. You are very far ahead of me by at least 6 months. I do appreciate all your tips. I have NEVER had the opportunity to play with space dash. I take advantage of the free daily boosters. How do you get space dash? And I never had the opportunity to play with the helmet. I'm only on 2720 but I will catch up to you I promise. Lol.

MB said...

Late starting this morning. No new levels yet. I'm going to have to stop getting up so early on Wednesdays.

To the previous poster: I don't think you do anything to get the dash or helmet... they just started showing up one day. I don't know if they appear on all device types, I only play on my PC with the Win 10 app.

Anonymous said...

I think for the space dash and helmet you need to clear lives first go.
Try going back to level 1 and play 1,2,3,4,5,6, and 7. That's what I do to get it. Get 2 choco balls 3 extra moves and a couple of stripe/wrap combos.
Currently on 3192. Is it messed up ? need 5 cherries and 5 nuts. Not managed to get them all on the board yet.
Once I lose a life now I have little interest in trying again til the next day.
Games getting way to boring.

MB said...

Done with this weeks batch. 3198 is a real *&^^&@*(!@ ! (Unless I just got a bad run at it). Ended up wasting several switch hands to get it done, and still just barely did that. If the ingredients manage to drop straight down, to the bottom, they get stuck on the conveyors. One way or another, it seems to turn into a hand issue. That's probably why there are no "no booster" videos of 3198.

Goodest luck all!

Ditte said...

When I played at king.com there was no space dash/helmets etc there. Only on my (android) phones and the windows 10 app.

Luci said...

MB, I agree 3198 is a real stinker!!! I had to use many hand swaps also to get the ingredients down or off of the conveyor belts. Really down and dirty I think of this level. Good luck to all.

sleepless wherever said...

Trailing MB all the way especially his high scores. Can’t figure how to clear 3198. Blasted everything and still stuck.

Ditte said...

I haven't even managed to clear the cakes in 3198 yet. Very easy up until then and needed after last week, where it took me most of the day. Where do all the colourbombs come from? 4 in every level?

sleepless wherever said...

Finally done. For 3198 lost count of number of hand switches used. Needed party boosters after switch else can get stuck in endless loop.

Ditte said...

Done. Used coconutwheels, hands and a couple of hammers for 3198 and a fish for the last one.

Luci said...

I forgot to tell you, I played the whole episode with "two" lovely letter boosters. Instead of 2 color bombs I had four and 4 combos. Yes, I had two sets of everything and the envelope was showing up twice. Did this happen to anyone else during this episode?

Ditte said...

Luci I also had four colourbombs. I don't think I had it for the first level, but for the rest I did. Didn't see two envelopes.

MB said...

Last week I had two sets of lovely letter stuff. This week I only got one (sniffle).

Anonymous said...

3198 is only possible with hand switches. No point in playing to break the cakes until you have used 4 hands to move cherries into position, then do the same again when the next 2 are there.
No sure I understand the point of levels that are truly impossible without the aid of boosters.

Paul said...

3198 has now been "fixed" so you don't need switches but sadly you can still end up with a never ending cascade. I think I'll wait until it's fixed properly.

Anonymous said...

IMHO 3198 has NOT been fixed. You still need four hand switches and perhaps a couple of hammers. If you destroy the bottom cakes you will get endless cascades. I am not a fan of doing 2000 over and over again, which I will have to do to pass this level. Leaving it for now. Later, when I have nothing to do, I will pursue the bonkerness of trying to keep up and finishing this episode, which again, in my humble opinion, is not a very nice one. I have had to secure my booster friends a lot in this episode. OC

Anonymous said...

OK my posts are not getting through?OC

Anonymous said...

3198 needs a ton of boosters. I got it by removing the cakes from the top down. If you remove the bottom cakes you get constant cascading. I made it so that I removed the top four cakes first. Then hit the other two with a popper. This got everything going. I still had to use some hand switches and the rest of my booster friends to make it through. It is possible. I am proof positive that it can be done without the cascading but it is far from fixed. If you have eight hand switches you could do it without removing the cakes and therefore no risk of endless cascading. The might not fix it cos it really doesn't need to be if you have hand switches and we all do even if you are not on FB and don't get the poppers. Nasty old week I thought. Glad to be through it.... took me way too long... I resisted getting the additional boosters but I needed them this week. OC

Ditte said...

I just loaded up the spaceship. Double dose again for me this week :-)

MB said...

Only one space dash this time. I just watched the videos for this week. No timed levels, but a few with very few moves to get a lot done. The only video I found for 3213 says it's "glitched." Not sure what the glitch is. You have to collect 15 yellow candies and almost no candy appears that will turn yellow. Near the end, the guy mixed a color bomb with a stripe and the screen suddenly said he had all the yellows, and the level was over. I think I only saw one yellow in the entire video... take a look.

Goodest luck all!

sleepless wherever said...

Done 3201-3215, levels were late coming out but easiest so far. Used only 2 boosters with 2 space dash given at every level.

MB said...

Done with this week. Pretty light booster usage. 3213 is odd... I played it several times. Matching up a color bomb and a stripe, late in the game seems to win, no matter how many yellows are on the board. One time it didn't work, the rest it did.

Ditte said...

Now I'm done. I spent more time waiting for the episode to appear than playing it. No additional boosters. Double space dash and a fifth colourbomb from the egg-thing. As MB I finished 3213 with a stripe/colourbomb and the yellows seemed to come out of nowhere. 3210 was a bit tricky. The last jelly in the top left was a bit difficult. I tried several times with a colurbomb, matched with the right colour but it seemed like the candy fell down and was replaced by a "wrong" colour before the colourbomb got to the top corner. But after 3-4 tries with a colourbomb I got the jelly.

sleepless wherever said...

3213 on my first attempt combining Color bomb and wrapped candy finished the game with 1 move buy low score. On 2nd attempt it cleared 14 yellows with the last one covered by chocolates and gone. Towards the end last yellow just cleared on its own and had high score.

Ditte said...

For once not a bad glitch :-)

MB said...

No videos this week for 3216, 3223, and 3226. If there's a terrible one, it's probably one of those.

Goodest luck !

Ditte said...

No wonder there aren't videoes of 3216. And only one space dash for me this week.

sleepless wherever said...

MB is right 3216 needs boosters. Other difficult levels 3223 3226 and 3230. Fun levels 3219 and 3228. Will miss the next 2 episodes as traveling till Apr 2nd. Have fun crushers.

Ditte said...

Done. 3216 and 3230 the worst. 3216 is completely ridiculous. Good thing I had lots of hammers.

MB said...

I would go as far as to call 3216 "drug induced." Tried several times, but can't get three stars on 3217. Darn, haven't missed a star since 2846. May keep trying, but hate to waste the boosters. Have a safe trip Sleepless!

sleepless wherever said...

Thanks MB

Anonymous said...

Been on 3126 since it came out on Wed. No idea how to do it. Used up all my store of boosters. Also what is a space dash? Sue

Anonymous said...

How do you get party boosters from 2000? Have tried logging out, but nothing. Also what do you mean by lovely letters? Thanks for any help.S

Anonymous said...

I just finished level 3185 and have to wait for new games to appear. In reviewing your sight, you already have games up to 3200. Why do not I have the. As well.

Ditte said...

It depends on where you play. I'm guessing you use your phone? They're 3 weeks behind the windows 10 app, where level 3230 is currently the highest level available.

Ditte said...

Sue, the lovely letters is the same as the space dash. Just another name for it used around Valentines Day. If you don't have a spaceship in the top left of your screen it's ufortunately for some reason not available to you.
I can't help with getting boosters from level 2000, since I can't make it work either. Probably because I'm not on Facebook.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Ditte. I am on Facebook too but it only let me play 2000 once on each device. I do have the rocket but didn't realise that was what you called it. Thanks for our help Sue

Anonymous said...

Ok, thank you Ditte. I play both phone and iPad. Just have to wait a couple days.

Ditte said...

Have you tried clearing your browserhistory? As far as I understand it you need to do that to get boosters from level 2000 more than once. And

MB said...

Just watched the videos for tomorrow's new levels. No timed levels, and there are "no booster" videos out for everything up to 3249. On 3246, which should be next week, unless they double up again, there is a new type of obstacle. It looks like a candy cane fence around blockers which makes them harder to get rid of. Google Candy Crush 3246 to see it.

Goodest luck all!

Anonymous said...

To get boosters from level 2000 you have to play on Facebook using the Firefox browser in private mode and I think it only works on the Windows 10 version of Candy Crush. On Firefox, you can set your browser to private mode by going to menu, options, privacy and security, then under the History section click the box next to always use private browsing mode. This will close out your existing tabs and you will need to close and restart Firefox. Open Facebook and go to level 2000 and you will get a ton of boosters when you play this level. You can't just replay the level to get additional boosters. You have to refresh the browser and scroll back to level 2000. If you hit refresh, you can play as often as you'd like. Your boosters may or may not sync to the Windows 10 version. When I asked the same question you did, one of the people who post on this board gave me the helpful suggestion to open Candy Crush on the Xbox app if your laptop uses Windows 10 (hit the windows icon in the bottom left corner - this app can be found there). It took several times to get this to work. As was suggested to me, you might have to log in and out of Candy Crush several times before the sync finally sticks for good and the boosters that you earn on Facebook sync to both the Windows 10 and the Xbox versions. It is a bit of a pain to go through this process, but it is really handy when you encounter a particularly tough level. Hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

One more thing to mention - when you are done, you can just uncheck the private browsing mode box, close and re-open the browser and it will go back to normal mode.

MB said...

Done with this weeks batch. 3239 and 3243 seemed the roughest, but it might have been just the way the candies fell for me. I had to play 3231 four times to get three stars. I got two stars on each of the first three tries. It's not a hard level, just hard to get the stars. Whoever explained how two thousand works, above, great job. I'm going to copy that to a file so I can use it if anyone asks in the future.

MB said...

One more thing about 2000: you can go into your Windows mouse settings and increase your scroll wheel setting so scrolling down to 2000 is very fast and easy. This also helps if you need to go play level 1 several times to fill your space dash.

Ditte said...

3245 is definately the worst. I'm nowhere near getting enough yellows. 3239 also took a few tries. The rest are pretty easy.

Ditte said...

Finally done. I think the trick to 3245 might be to switch a colourbomb with a stripe. That seems to give you yellows out of nowhere, like one of the levels last week (or was it two weeks ago?)

Ditte said...

Switching a colourbomb with a wrap or stripe is definately the way to beat 3245. The wrap or stripe you switch with won't count but the other candies of that colour will count as yellows.

Ellie said...

I have the same problem Ditte!

Sue said...

All fairly easy apart from 3245. I will try your tip to get the yellows. Thanks

Ditte said...

Even with the trick you still need a lot of luck to pass 3245. Matching a colourbomb and a stripe or wrap from the spacedashboosters isn't enough because there aren't enough candies on the board to give you a lot of yellows and the bombs seem to sometimes go of with no reason if you try to save them until the board is opened up.

Ditte said...

Oh and let's move on to the next page for levels 3201-3300.

Anonymous said...

Today, 23 march 2018, i can't have any booster from the helmet ! Helmet is no longer available!

Anonymous said...

Level 2000 trick - I had responded the other day to the person who asked about how to get the boosters on 2000 and had given instructions on what to do on Firefox. I updated my Firefox today and was adding an extension and noticed something - don't know if this is only on the most recent version of Firefox or on earlier versions as well. When you click on the menu icon on Firefox - this is the thing with the three bars that is at the far right of the menu bar - there is an option that says New Private Window (second line down). If you click on this, it will open a new private window and does not require that you close your existing regular window. You can keep both windows open and this is SO much easier than having to open/close windows to use the private browsing mode. I have tried the level 2000 trick doing this and it works like a charm.