Level 3901 - 4000

Level guides and tips for level 3901 - 4000.
Below are links to the level guides with tips and videos for all the Candy Crush Saga levels between 3901 and 4000.
There are hints and tips from our expert players and from other readers of this blog.
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Click on the link below to see the tips and video for the level you want.

Level 3901                                       Level 3951
Level 3902                                       Level 3952
Level 3903                                       Level 3953
Level 3904                                       Level 3954
Level 3905                                       Level 3955
Level 3906                                       Level 3956
Level 3907                                       Level 3957
Level 3908                                       Level 3958
Level 3909                                       Level 3959
Level 3910                                       Level 3960
Level 3911                                       Level 3961
Level 3912                                       Level 3962
Level 3913                                       Level 3963
Level 3914                                       Level 3964
Level 3915                                       Level 3965
Level 3916                                       Level 3966
Level 3917                                       Level 3967
Level 3918                                       Level 3968
Level 3919                                       Level 3969
Level 3920                                       Level 3970
Level 3921                                       Level 3971
Level 3922                                       Level 3972
Level 3923                                       Level 3973
Level 3924                                       Level 3974
Level 3925                                       Level 3975
Level 3926                                       Level 3976
Level 3927                                       Level 3977
Level 3928                                       Level 3978
Level 3929                                       Level 3979
Level 3930                                       Level 3980
Level 3931                                       Level 3981
Level 3932                                       Level 3982
Level 3933                                       Level 3983
Level 3934                                       Level 3984
Level 3935                                       Level 3985
Level 3936                                       Level 3986
Level 3937                                       Level 3987
Level 3938                                       Level 3988
Level 3939                                       Level 3989
Level 3940                                       Level 3990
Level 3941                                       Level 3991
Level 3942                                       Level 3992
Level 3943                                       Level 3993
Level 3944                                       Level 3994
Level 3945                                       Level 3995
Level 3946                                       Level 3996
Level 3947                                       Level 3997
Level 3948                                       Level 3998
 Level 3949                                       Level 3999 
Level 3950                                       Level 4000


Ditte said...

Done. Not as bad as last week, but not easy either. Easiest levels are 54,55,56 and 63. 62 probably the worst. Good luck to the few that are left.

Anonymous said...

well I am on day 4 of 3944 and refusing to spend money on a flying saucer so I guess it will be a while (if ever as I am seriously fed up) before I join you. S.

Ditte said...

I don't have UFOs either. A wrap/colourbomb combo after having cleared some of the licorice did the trick for meget. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Sad too that I am not with you. Still stuck and definitely not spending another dime on this game. I only play once a day and when that's gone about 2 mintues then off I go to Candy Saga Friends and Garden Scapes... no more for me. I know how you feel S and CJ. Ditte you are totally amazing... OC

sleepless wherever said...

I am away till Sat night , Good to see OC & S persevering.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said...

Anyone get a party mode? While I was in the middle of 3960, suddenly magically, 2 bows appeared on 2 candies with a message of, "match two candies with bows and get a stripe before the timer runs out". Really weird. Hope that keeps coming. I lost lives so I'll wait for more lives and see if that party mode appears again.

Anonymous said...

3944 may be the death of me. I have tried cb/cb, cb/wrap, and space ships and have gotten virtually nowhere. Any other suggestions? -mg

Ditte said...

I feel your pain. If you can back out with esc and still keep the dash, wait for the right board. Use fishboosters and wraps in addition to the space dash, if you've got them. Then wait until you can start with a board with cb/cb AND wraps next to the two top spawners. Or maybe set off a wrap/wrap in one side before a cb/cb in the other. " Just" a cb/cb is not enough and a waste of time. And then pray you'll get the opportunity for a wrap/cb combo before the spawners take over again. I had cleared some of the licorice and got a chance to set up a wrap/cb with a hand or two.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Sleepless I am sorta still persevering:) However, I am ashamed to say that I bought the pig and used a party popper to kill 3944 -- so that's cheating:) No way to get it any other way.... mad at me for craving... what's the matter with me... addicted beyond belief... and that's scary. I am still stuck though... Hopefully, our little band of warriors here on this blog will make it to 4,000 before decisions are made to keep going. I did get those bow things... not that they made a whole lot of difference, but it was fun to get a variation to kill the boredom. OC

Anonymous said...

I finally did 3944 with a space dash, double wrapped near the side and double colour bomb on the other, followed. by a very lucky board. I am now stuck on the infamous 3949. I am really losing heart and with a busy time at work and Christmas coming up this episode may well have started the end of my addiction. S.

Anonymous said...

S you are a hero like Ditte and anyone else who made 3944 without the popper. I am so sickened by this game. I like the friends saga and play that quite a bit... no buying anything there. They still let you beat the hard levels. I'm stuck again on Candy Crush so what's new. The whining OC here.

sleepless wherever said...

OC, you got to do what you got to do. I understand your situation. I am down 5 party boosters this week for levels 3951, labelled nightmarishly hard level, 3953,5 , 3961 and 3962.

Anonymous said...

OK so I'm trying to catch up but I have a serious problem. the second fruit wont drop on 3946.. so I might be doomed forever I have party popped... space shipped dd candy bomb and I am pretty MAD> What do you have to do???? How do you contact support? HELP! OC

PA Crusher said...

Made it through 3944 without the party popper (I don't think I ever had one of those). Actually did use a CB/CB combo and had one wrap form in the lower end in the aftermath. Was able to hit that and had a couple of more moves hitting the spawners and clearing jelly. In the end, I used a hand and a hammer to maneuver to the end. Extremely lucky. 3949 was awful due to the licorice continually falling. Used probably 3 hands and 5 hammers to get thru. Then I saw that 3951 was ALSO a hard level. It is truly evil to make the FIRST level of an episode, "hard". Somehow, got it on the first try with 1 hand. Now on 3953 and cautiously moving ahead. PA-C

Anonymous said...

Thank you Ditte. Backed out about 50 times before getting a reasonable board on 3944. Finally made it through. -mg

sleepless wherever said...

OC , looks like you need 5 moves after first cherry for the 2nd to drop from the same place. Best boosters is the candy wheel.

Anonymous said...

I got a message yesterday saying that boosters needed a holiday so I have lost the space dash and all other boosters . I could be on 3949 for a while.

Anonymous said...

The booster holiday would definitely be it for me. I'm still struggling but I've made it through to the current episode. My biggest problem is that I don't have any little boosters like the hammers and switches. I don't have the patience to do sugar pops over and over. I hate having to play 606 over and over for the space thingys. So, I dunno, I might be there on Wednesday. All those horrible levels are behind me. I am now stuck on 3960 but it is because I don't want to keep doing 606 over and over. Have a great one. Thanks for the tips Sleepless and Ralph I passed one of those levels thanks to the tips... not sure which now... all a blur!@ OC

Anonymous said...

Any of you amazing people have any clues for 3938? Been stuck for a week and lost all my boosters- even with space dash! Maybe my addiction is cured :) kik

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said...

Try to get more boosters using the daily wheel & going back levels to get space dash. I used a combo with cb/wrap to get 3938 completed. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

3938 needs a space dash, all available boosters and lots of combinations, plus a huge dollop of luck.

Anonymous said...

Yep, 3938 nearly did me in.... but I caved and brought the pig so I could get a popper. I said I was quitting and caved.... Used it and a few other hammers etc. It is a horrible level and the few to follow. I am still stuck on 3960. OC

Anonymous said...

What an ordeal. I finally completed up to 3965. I'm thinking just 35 more for me... we'll see. Obviously, my will power is pretty weak since I already said I was going to quit loads of times during the last two episodes:) See you all tomorrow. Onward crushers! OC

JayCan said...

3966 - Dont destroy the mixers too quickly, you need them for the licorice

CJ said...

Ok, I ended up boostering my way through last week, begrudgingly I must say. Am on 73 now. 2 episodes and no end in sight. Good luck to all this week!

Ditte said...

My laptop is in for repair again so I'll not be playing today.

Anonymous said...

JayCan is right about 3966... I jump right in attacking mixers... oooops! Very bad week for people with a compulsive need to get three stars. I made it through, but had a one star and three two star levels. DOn't know if I'm going to try to upgrade them or not. I'm starting to think 4000 might be a good place to park it.

sleepless wherever said...

Well done OC. First episode this week is just horrible. 3966 71 72 75 and 76. On to 2nd episode.

sleepless wherever said...

Done, 3993 is challenging. Down to the low 30s for the 2000 boosters.

CJ said...

76 giving me a fit!!

CJ said...

i meant 77! why do i have trouble with ones others do not!!

JayCan said...

Well, I'm still stuck on 69! and getting nowhere on it still.

sleepless wherever said...

CJ it’s not that those levels not mentioned are easy but that I list the most challenging ones.

Anonymous said...

I am struggling with 3969 too.S.

tim walker said...

I'm dead on 3940. Funny thing is I just watched the video and who ever posted it got a wrapped and strip combo next to the fish and got 16 fish all go straight for the cakes. If I get that I get 4 fish 2 which go for the cake and 2 which do nothing. So what is the point of the videos ?

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said...

And in those videos, they have over 500+ to thousands of boosters in their collection. Are they spending so much on them or hacking the game to get those I wonder. There was one person I added on Facebook while back to give each other lives. He would get 100X the score than everyone else. It was very obvious he was hacking the game so I removed him off my 'friend' list. I'm working on 3983. I got lucky with 69 because of the party mode. I get it once in awhile and it blasts the whole thing for me. Wish I had that for every level.

CJ said...

Yes 83 has me stumped right now and no space dash today either...Has anyone finished this weeks levels yet?

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said...

Finally done with both this week's episodes. Whew. 83 was difficult. It's classified as super hard level. I think I used an flying saucer to finish up the top ones. Awful. Impossible without boosters for sure.

Ralph said...

There *used* to be a glitch with Facebook Candy Crush, Chrome, and feed Rami. That would allow you to get a ton of boosters if you had the patience (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvfak-VtZRY). I discovered it independently but kept quiet. The first rule of Candy Crush booster glitches is to not talk about them :).

King did fix it several episodes ago by disabling the granting of additional boosters when using the glitch.

Ditte said...

I'm sooo sick of waffles, fences and licorice. 75-78 are awful. I had a nice streak from 79-82. I much prefer the timed levels everybody complained so much about that they stopped making them to those annoying waffles. In 78 the game ended twice because there weren't enough orders ( where were the waffles, when I needed them?!) on the board. I still have a glitch that tries to connect to facebook unless I'm really careful where I click.

Ritu Pande said...

Am on 3169. Any tips?

CJ said...

Am SO happy to finally be done for the week! I do not know why I continue to torture myself with this!! Next we will hit the 4000 mark. That may be the perfect time to walk away from all you good people and this money pit of a game!

Ralph said...

Done as well. Can't wait to see what level 4000 has in store.

Just noticed, the number of moves in level 666 appears to have been restored to 66 from 52 or so but there are now 10 chocolates and two 5 layer waffles at the beginning of the round. 666 is back on my go to list for maximizing candy drops.

Ditte said...

No waffles in 666 here in win 10. I haven't tried the phone. I do remember it has been changed earlier. Chocolate/no chocolate and not being the same on the phone and on king.com. I haven't played it for a long time.

Ralph said...

Hi Ditte. I'm also running win 10. There are only two waffles at the beginning and no other waffles are generated. Not a big deal, just surprised to see waffles at such a low level. Just tried it and the waffles still show up at the beginning of 666.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said...

Ditte, I didn't realize there was another one at King.com. I've been using FB and Win 10. A 3rd site!!!! If I use it, I'm at level 1. I guess if I'm bored, I'll play it.

Ditte said...

Ah yes now I see them. They're "hiding" by the roped in bombs. If only all waffles were so easy to get rid off.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm through the horrible zone and on my way with the rest of you in getting to 4,000. After 4,000 I will just be playing with the space dash boosters. If that doesn't do it, well so be it. Candy Crush got greedy and made levels impossible in these last few episodes. It was nice to have a pretty good run after about 3989. Looking forward to being with you guys as we go past 4,000. It's a fun blog here and I always enjoy the comments. Onward Crushers we go. See you all on Wednesday. OC

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said...

So glad Win 10 and FB versions did away with asking friends for tickets to get to the next episodes. King.com has that and it's a pain. It's a memory I wanted forgotten.

Anonymous said...

I also didn't realise that there was aversion at King.com and I have also finally made it to the end, just in time for the new release.

If 4000 had been at the end of an episode I probably would have stopped but I know I just wont be able to resist finishing the 15 / 30 :( S.

Anonymous said...

any one done 4001?

JayCan said...

I'm on it at the moment. Got all the fruit out once but didn't get all the jelly. I think you need to get the fruit first and cannot destroy any of the yellow candies in the lower LHS as you need them to exit the fruit - if that makes sense.

Anonymous said...

Woke up to 45 new levels...maybe catch-up time. Ugh!

sleepless wherever said...

Hurrah cleared 4000 in a 3 episodes week. 3997, 8 were tough. On to 4001.

sleepless wherever said...

4001 needed a wrap candy to clear last 2 jelly.

Ditte said...

4001 took a few tries. The yellow keys got destroyed no matter what I did making it impossible to get the fruit down. I finally passed it WITHOUT the space dash. Used a hammer for the last jelly. No Rami today? It was there monday as usual, but gone now.
And why three episodes? Wasn't this supposed to be a one episode week?

Unknown said...

thanks Jay can.done with it

Anonymous said...

Cleared level 4000, gifted a booster of each type. Taking a break for now. Good luck all.


Unknown said...

stuck at 4009. Have no clue how to get the cherries out..frustrated. its no longer fun to play. Too many difficult levels

Anonymous said...

Satisfied to have reached 4000 and to have received the boosters of each type. Did everyone get one of those? I made it there this morning with no other boosters except the space dash which I didn't even have for 4000. Decided I wasn't going to buy any more boosters. Congratulations to all my friends here for reaching such a high level. 4,000 was a good level... not exciting, but at least doable without boosters. Onward Crusher friends.... I'm just slowing down now.... I have reached my goal.... yeah!!!!! OC

Ditte said...

First two episodes done. The second one wasn't too difficult. 4026 seems bad though.

sleepless wherever said...

Difficult levels 4004,6,9,19,20. Stuck at 4026.

Ditte said...

4026 is a nightmare. It's difficult just to get the keys within the moves. Fish are useless as they just eat ordinary candies instead of targeting keys. I finally passed by using the partybooster from 4000 when I had grown enough chocolate. I had planned to save the two colourbombs from the popcorn for the chocolate, but one was accidently set off by a stripe.

Ralph said...

Ditte: Rami was there but only for a limited time. Tuesday (yesterday) afternoon I noticed there was only about 12 hours left. I had to hustle yesterday afternoon into the evening to get everything.

motherof4 said...

Anyone else notice a glitch on 4035? The nut never drops for me, so I can’t win! No dispenser so not sure where it’s supposed to drop from.

Ditte said...

Re 4035. Both the nut and the cherry are on the board from the beginning. No problems here. I'm through for the week.

Anonymous said...

so I come home from work to find 45 new levels and all my 137 stored lives have been wiped away. I don't have time for this at the moment. It was fun catching up with you as I was a late starter to Candy Crush but now it has lost the enjoyment. So I will probably fall back. Thanks for the ride. Off to crack open a bottle to celebrate 4000 levels. S.

Ditte said...

Have you seen that 3944 has been made a lot easier? Now only some of the licorice is covered with marmalade so starting with two colourbombs will take out some of the licorice and bring down candies near the spawners. I just played it with the space dash and made it with 14 moves left!
So as I told the person complaining about 3871 being made impossible (which it really isn't) since the "elite" played it, it works both ways. Some levels are made easier.

Ditte said...

Ouch I hope your lost lives turn up again. Good luck to all.

sleepless wherever said...

Done with boosters down to high 20. Tough levels 4026. 4028 and 4032 needed party poppers. I started most levels fully loaded with boosters as didn’t want to spend too much time replaying.

apex said...

Unexpectedly stuck on 3968. Boosters are of little help there. Apex.

Anonymous said...

I just found out that all of the timed levels have been removed from the game... after we had to fight through all of them.

Ditte said...

I didn't mind the timed levels so much. I would prefer some of them to the endless waffles we have now.
And I definately don't see the point in removing the ones already there. Obviously they were passable, especially now with the space dash, which we as far as I remember only had for the last few of the timed levels?.

CJ said...

I have spent hours on 4010 and cant get it, with and without boosters. What am I missing?
Also what is Rami? Is that the glow in the dark key that appears sometimes?

Ditte said...

Rami/Didi is the sheep/dragon? cake egg thing where you collect a certain colour and get rewarded with an hour with a colourbomb. I didn't have problems with 4010. I don't have time to replay it now though to check, but passed it first try yesterday.

Anonymous said...

CJ, For 4010, stripe/wrap combos down the left and right sides keep the licorice in check while clearing. Starting with colorbomb/colorbomb helps. -mg

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said...

CJ I can't clear 4010 either. CB/CB doesn't help especially with those 4 squares on the bottom. Waiting for that lucky board I guess.

Ditte said...

Re 4010. I most likely started with a double colourbomb. I almost always do now. And I might have been lucky to have a double wrap or a wrap/stripe at the bottom to take out some licorice before using the cb/cb.

CJ said...

Thank you all!!I ended up using the party booster as I was pretty fed up. will go back later and try some of these suggestions (after I catch up with you all!!). Only on 4020 now.

Anonymous said...

3980 is the highest level I show playing on android. If you have the rest of the episode starting at 3966, you should have that level. You may need to restart the platform you are playing on. -mg

Anonymous said...

How do so many people start with TWO COLOURBOMBS? I have one in my boosters to choose before I press play but no sign of a second one!!! Used to have SPACE DASH or Mort's Helmet but they disappeared months ago... Is it possible to get these back? and if so What do i need to do?

Anonymous said...

Got a glitch on 4018 where the top left is a wrapped which blows up the next one to it, which drops down a wrapped which blows up the left... In a never ending cycle. S.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said...

How do so many people start with TWO COLOURBOMBS? From the Space Dash. Get 5 of them gives you two colourbombs, extra lives, wraps and stripes. If they are gone, nothing you can do. That's what KING decided. They randomly assign people those extra perks.

S - I got that same glitch yesterday with 4018 so I just left it running for hours and went out. Came back to it closed so I guess I gotta do that level again.

Anonymous said...

Still working my way to the last of this week's nightmare. I had tons of trouble with 4010. Finally got it with two hammers and a hand switch. I didn't have a popper. Did use the space bot but my double bombs were destroyed before I could use them like that. I did focus on the side special candies as mg mentioned. Got a lucky board I guess. Took a long time. On 4018 I got the glitch too, but I remembered the minimize trick. If you minimize the game and then go back in it will stop. Or it did for me and I could finish the level. Very easy one. So onward crusher friends. Maybe I will be there on Wednesday but it sounds like Sleepless had to use poppers for the third episode and I have none and will not be spending money.... OC

CJ said...

Finally done, but used a couple poppers and other boosters. Not a lot of fun anymore but appreciate all of everyone's help and thoughts.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said...

I tried minimizing the game in an effort to stop the 4018 glitch but no luck. It resumed and kept on going! Must've had over million points. Then the game crashed after I went away for awhile thus making me do it again. I finally got it by bringing down the two wraps down then mixing them over and over on the left & right sides. Worked well.

Unknown said...

stuck at level 4026. Can anyone guide me how to do it? as color bomb combo destroys the chocolate and order cant be completed

Ditte said...

4026 is definately a nightmare. You need to collect the keys quickly, then let the chocolate they unlock in the bottom right grow until you have enough. When I finally managed to do that, I used the partybooster I got from level 4000 to clear the chocolate and I think I also had to use a hammer or two for the last jellies. Or if you can, try to save the two colourbombs from the popcorn and use them when you've grown the chocolate. One of mine detonated to early, so I had to use the partybooster instead. At first I also tried not to destroy the chocolate in the top left, by not using colourbomb combos, but then I couldn't get past the licorice to collect the keys. Good luck.

sleepless wherever said...

You have to let the chocolate grow till 15 , I managed to keep the 2 Color bombs to then destroy them all. Also had to use hammer.

Ditte said...

No new levels today?

Ditte said...

I'm already stuck at 4042, nowhere near the goal.

Ditte said...

First episode done. 4042 is horrible. Needed three cb/cb combos to pass. The rest is managable with the space dash. In 4053 beware not to wipe out the chocolate too soon. On to the next episode.

Anonymous said...

Any tips for 4041? Can't get anywhere close even with spacedash KB

Ditte said...

I don't remember, if I added a fish booster for 4041. Started with a cb/cb, but you also need a little luck with stripes, wraps and cbs to get the last jelly in the corners.

Ditte said...

4056-4070 done.
The first time I played 4061 I was one bomb short. You only get the ones on the board from the start. No more fall. I had added a fish booster, had the space dash, a cb from Didi and a wrap/stripe from the friends challenge and because of that there weren't room for all 24 bombs. So before you play check that all of the bombs are there.
62-67 are difficult. In 4062 you need to clear the candy in the top right corner, when the nut is in the bottom left corner to get it into the main board. 67 is very very difficult. You need to collect bombs, but they're eaten by chocolate and licorice get in the way. I ended up hammering my way through.
Good luck :-)

sleepless wherever said...

Done 4041-4070. Difficult levels 4041,42,54, 56 & 60 needed poppers, 62,64 and like ditte said 67 just needed hammers to get through

Anonymous said...

Level 3987 is changed first it was 9 yellow Candy’s now they have changed it to 19 yellow Candy’s Maybe now they just want money and no skills

Anonymous said...

Some of you guys might want to go back and try 3980 again if you are bored.
They have made it impossible, not hard or difficult but impossible.
I just don't see why they would do this.

sleepless wherever said...

Agree 3980 is now impossible.

Anonymous said...

I just had another episode open up of 4071-4085. -mg

sleepless wherever said...

I don’t see it yet.

Ditte said...

Not here either. But when the friend challenge came up, I think the level it suggested I play was 4071.

Anonymous said...

I did get the level after I hit play on the friend challenge. Once I played 4071, the remainder of the episode was visible. I am currently stuck on 4079. The Chocolate is tricky. -mg

Ditte said...

Yeah I closed down the pop-up with the friend challenge/level 4071. I wonder when I'll get to play.

sleepless wherever said...

MG, thanks got new levels and stuck at 4079, 4071,2 and 4075 were challenging too.

Ditte said...

Still nothing for me. Didn't get the reward for completing the friend challenge (with old levels) either. It seems a bit unpredictable, when the reward comes? Almost never when you need it.....

Luci said...

Hi all, I made it to 4084 and stuck. It is a chocolate level and not enough chocolate on the board, at least the type of chocolate you need to collect. The kicker is, there are not enough moves given to collect the chocolate, even with a checked candy. People need to use gold bars I guess to extend the game to collect chocolate and win. If there is another way I have not found it. I am still stuck on this level because I do not have enough gold bars at this point. Will not buy any! Good luck to all.............

sleepless wherever said...

Also stuck at 4084 , worse than 4079 where u need to let the chocolate grow to 12. Had to use a popper then to clear all. Have to grow and clear 40 chocolates for 4084, so far without success and kept running out of lives.

Lynn said...

Hello Everyone
Up until level 4000 I have used Cookie's tips at the Candy Crush Saga All Help website. She doesn't seem to go past 4000. Any ideas on a good site to use for tips/hints? Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Lynn, you are on the best site for tips Miss Cookie goes along with the Facebook version, which has not reached 4,000 yet. However, there are great tips from the players here. I always come here before I do a difficult level. Ditte, Sleepless and MG are great along with lots of others. I was up with the "elite" in the game but after 4,000 decided that Candy Crush is making the game too frustrating to play. I'm still progressing but at my speed. At level 4053 and stuck because I'm outta lives and because I took the chocolate out too soon. If you do that the games says opps level failed.... what the heck I thought then realized that you have to let the chocolate grow. Monday will get here too soon and then back to work. Right now I gotta go decorate the tree .... happy holiday season everyone.... OC

Lynn said...

Thank you OC for your reply. My other question is how are you able to play the upper levels? I don't get beyond the next episode beyond 4010 until Wednesday? Is it your device? I play on Ipad and Iphone. Thank you

Anonymous said...

How does one get a popper or is that just for the few ‘special ppl’?

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said...

Lynn, the Win 10 app goes further than the Facebook version.

Anonymous said...

4084... I haven't passed it yet but here are my thoughts if it helps: Don't go in with a fully loaded Bot, just a Bot that has 3 additional moves. This is a finesse level. There are 6 of the "candy crush" chocolates on the board to begin with, only 31 moves (going in with the additional 3 from the Bot) 6+31=37 but 40 chocolates are required. Use the "check mark" booster going into the level to hopefully get the remaining chocolate. Because the chocolate doesn't generate for one move after exploding the "Cake", you need a total of 4 additional chocolates, assuming you haven't touched any before then. I don't have enough gold bars to extend play yet. -mg

sleepless wherever said...

You get the poppers from the days when playing level 2000 gives you poppers , flying saucers and others. Sadly this was removed.
When my low stock runs out will join OC and just take my time or give up if impossible without boosters. Think 4084 impossible.

sleepless wherever said...

4084, I tried popper to wipe the board, hammered the key to gain extra ground and had check mate, all to no avail as the game ends prematurely with message NOT ENOUGH ORDER on the board. This ending of game happens a few times when I had the chance to reach
the goal of 40 chocolate..very frustrating and I am giving up for now.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said...

If this is what I have to look forwards to, I might as well give up now. I'm stuck on 4042 and am just realizing now that I'm tired of struggling to play. Game should be fun not aggravating or feels impossible. Also on the Space Race event, someone hacked into the game and put their score of 4000+ on there suddenly as I know it was at a low number previously. Ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Space Race Event??? New to me... what's that? OK so, I've only been gone a week and now I've missed something new LOL? OC

Luci said...

mg - and everyone else stuck on 4084. I have been pondering this through for quite awhile and I have also been using the Bot with only the boosters up to the 3+ moves. The less boosters the better for this one. I cannot even get close to collecting enough chocolate. Always about 10 short and I tried once to extend moves with the few gold bars I had saved but still did not win... and now my gold is gone. Any help will be appreciated, thanks to everyone for your help.

Anonymous said...

4084... The best I have done is down to 4 chocolates. That is without extending with gold bars. This one may take time waiting for the "lucky board" or King making positive changes... -mg

Luci said...

-mg and anyone interested in 4084.........there is hope, alas, not much. I just beat this level and do not have any gold and did not buy any. I went into the game with the Bot loaded to level where I had 3+ moves and I used the check mark booster. Just bide your time and try to let the chocolate take over and anytime you get a checkmark candy don't use a "move" but hit it with a lolli to open up the chocolate. This saves a move but adds a piece of chocolate. I had three of these during my game. Now when I was playing prior to this level I saw that I had the option of spinning for a free spin after you loose a level and saved it just for the purpose of this evil level 4084. At this point I needed 6 more chocolate and lost the game but I had the chance to spin for a free booster or +5, +10 moves. I got the +5 move prize by dumb luck. I was back in the game and left the chocolate grow for another 4 moves and moved my 2 striped candies together with the hand booster and positioned them so they would set off the last piece of cake and also take out the chocolate. At this point I was short one piece of chocolate but what else could I do but destroy the cake on my last move. After the cake was destroyed I saw that all my chocolate had a check mark over it and I WON. Happy Day!!!! Good Luck to all crushers.

Anonymous said...

Stuck on 4008. The moves have been reduced. Posting for luck.

tim walker said...

I've slowly made my way to 3956 and it has changed from the original video. It seems impossible to get the last cherry to drop.
Sometimes there's a hole for it to drop down but nowhere for it to drop too.
Sometimes there's no hole at all.
Beyond me.

Ralph said...

¯\_(ツ)_/¯: 3309 - 'nuff said :).

sleepless wherever said...

Congrats Luci. I will wait this out as don’t want to waste my boosters. Also unable to get extra moves and the spin is no sure thing.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Ditte and Sleepless for your tips on 4026. Couldnt play after that as I was travelling. Will try my luck now. But it is no fun to play any longer.And what I see from the comments above, its not getting any better. Time to quit I suppose.....

Ditte said...

Now I got the next episode through the friend challenge. Am stuck at 4079. How do you get the yellow keys without destroying the chocolate? Hammers? And what do you mean by letting it grow to 12? I need 30 chocolates :-( And need to grow it from the 3 in the bottom of the starting board.

Ditte said...

I got through 4079 by backing out until a colourbomb was next to a yellow key and using some of my goldbars to buy extra moves. Now stuck on 4084. I did buy extra moves there too, but then the cake blew up before I had grown the last chocolate, so that was 10 goldbars wasted -:(

JayCan said...

Thanks for the tips Luci on 4084 but still not getting anywhere close. Nearest I think I've got is 6 short and no free spin. I don't mind the levels where you know it's just a matter of time before you will win but this one is really frustrating.

JayCan said...

Just got 4084 with a bit of luck. Started with 3+ moves from the Booster Bot, but not the full set, and the check booster. Made as many safe moves as possible but still needed 4 chocolate and one cake when my lives ran out. Got the free spin and was lucky enough to get the extra 15 moves so could grow the last few pieces of chocolate and then get the cake.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said...

How are you all getting past 4070? My Win 10 stops at 4070. Tomorrow it'll open up another episode but I just realized that mine stops at 4070.

Ditte said...

Do you have the friend challenge? We got 4071-4085 through that. Sunday I closed the pop-up with the challenge down and then had to wait until today when the next challenge came.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said...

Ditte - I do have the friend challenge but it just consists of collecting items like collect green candies. Once I do, I get a free booster for an hour or two. Nothing spectacular. You're lucky!

Ditte said...

Sunday when the challenge came up the first time we were offered to Play level 4071. I closed the pop up down without thinking and then the opportunity was gone and I had to wait for the next challenge Tuesday. If you don't play the new level when it's first offered the new episode doesn't open .

Ditte said...

So if you start the challenge by playing one of the old levels the new level doesn't open. I hope my explanation makes sense😁

Ditte said...

And that is the same challenge we're talking about so keep an eye out. But maybe this week was a mistake and it won't happen again.

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AlexCrush said...

Come on Candy Crush. This is boring. I like to enjoy playing the game. Need some luck

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