Level 5201 - 5300

Level guides and tips for level 5201 - 5300.
Below are links to the level guides with tips and videos for all the Candy Crush Saga levels between 5201 and 5300.
There are hints and tips from our expert players and from other readers of this blog.
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Click on the link below to see the tips and video for the level you want.

Level 5201                                       Level 5251
Level 5202                                       Level 5252
Level 5203                                       Level 5253
Level 5204                                       Level 5254
Level 5205                                       Level 5255
Level 5206                                       Level 5256
Level 5207                                       Level 5257
Level 5208                                       Level 5258
Level 5209                                       Level 5259
Level 5210                                       Level 5260
Level 5211                                       Level 5261
Level 5212                                       Level 5262
Level 5213                                       Level 5263
Level 5214                                       Level 5264
Level 5215                                       Level 5265
Level 5216                                       Level 5266
Level 5217                                       Level 5267
Level 5218                                       Level 5268
Level 5219                                       Level 5269
Level 5220                                       Level 5270
Level 5221                                       Level 5271
Level 5222                                       Level 5272
Level 5223                                       Level 5273
Level 5224                                       Level 5274
Level 5225                                       Level 5275
Level 5226                                       Level 5276
Level 5227                                       Level 5277
Level 5228                                       Level 5278
Level 5229                                       Level 5279
Level 5230                                       Level 5280
Level 5231                                       Level 5281
Level 5232                                       Level 5282
Level 5233                                       Level 5283
Level 5234                                       Level 5284
Level 5235                                       Level 5285
Level 5236                                       Level 5286
Level 5237                                       Level 5287
Level 5238                                       Level 5288
Level 5239                                       Level 5289
Level 5240                                       Level 5290
Level 5241                                       Level 5291
Level 5242                                       Level 5292
Level 5243                                       Level 5293
Level 5244                                       Level 5294
Level 5245                                       Level 5295
Level 5246                                       Level 5296
Level 5247                                       Level 5297
Level 5248                                       Level 5298
 Level 5249                                       Level 5299 
Level 5250                                       Level 5300


kik said...

5255 now has 4 extra moves, (with full Bot +3 more moves.)
Double wraps and cb/wraps are the most useful.

Eindo said...

I can’t get candy crush all help blogspot to load past level 5216 on iPad or iPhone 7 Plus.

Anonomous said...

WOW finally made it to the finish line. This past week was pretty hard. The last one I was dreading but it was easy in the end and I made it in one go. Just a few hours till the new episodes. OC

abcd said...

stuck on 5259.

sleepless wherever said...

Stuck at 5259 too. Impossible to get the required mystery candies.

Ditte said...

Same here. Get blocked by mystery candies turning into either chocolate or blockers. But nice to have the BOT back after last weeks nightmare. And Fab 5 has gone from being Fab 3 to now just Fab 2.

Ditte said...

I spoke too soon. Now Dexter and his friends are back to needing/taking breaks, so no BOT. I've gotten down to 9 mystery candies left. Checkmark booster doesn't seem to help. They turn into blockers and when the blockers are collected into stripes.

Ditte said...

5259 has been changed already. Made it with 22 moves to spare. Tried again to see, if it was just pure luck, but no, passed it again with 18 moves left.

Ralph said...

@Ditte. Candy Crush has been crashing on me. Once you get the message that Dexter and his friends need a break, leave and restart Candy Crush. Your ability to use BOTs again will be restored. Unfortunately, it crashed on me while trying to leave the level so I lost the boosters. Back to 606 ...

Ditte said...

Done for today at 5295. Some needed more than one try, but after 5259 was fixed nothing too bad. Well after last week everything seems easy....

Rick said...

I'm glad to finish level 2540. Mobile users are now up to 2540 but still 3 episodes behind the Win 10 players,

Rick said...

Sorry, I meant level 5240, not 2540.

abcd said...

Done up to 5285.

Anonomous said...

Done first batch. Nothing hard --- some took a few hammers and hand switches. Done for the day. Had some trouble with crashing... and Dexter taking a break... but just closing all windows and logging back in got me back to the full bot etc. Just annoying... Off to work I go:) Darn! OC

Unknown said...

It now takes 60 minutes to get a new life—-use to be 30 minutes. Anyone else have this issue??????

abcd said...

done up to 5300.

Ditte said...

Still 30 minutes here on the Win 10 app, haven't checked my phone.
My Fab 5 (3) didn't make it in time today. So it searched for a new team and ended up with the same 5 players where 2 don't play at all and this week the 3rd didn't do much either.

Roger75 said...

5240 completed. Found 5238 very hard, had to use three flying sauccers.
See you next week.

Anonomous said...

Done easy 45 levels. Arrived at 5300 - can you believe we are heading towards 6,000 when many said 5,000 would be it.. LOL... oh well... having fun and finding a glitch here and there.... OC

CMF said...

Stuck on 5238 and no help from cookie...?!

sleepless wherever said...

Stuck at 5297, played over 10 times. Need a lucky board!!!

Ditte said...

I passed 5297 first try Friday. Just replayed it 3 times. Only needed a couple more jellies the second time and passed it the 3rd, where I was able to make a few colourbombs and a cb/stripe combo. So definately doable just with the full BOT. Must be your turn to get the right board soon. Good luck.

sleepless wherever said...

Thanks ditte , I have no BOT at mom. Just cleared with lucky board and 1 hammer.

sleepless wherever said...

done, I found 5297-5300 needing at least more than 1 try and in some cases 1 hammer or hand. I need replenishment.

abcd said...

again no BOT in this week.

abcd said...
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sleepless wherever said...

Used a UFO on 5309. Done 1st episode and will take a break till tom.

Ditte said...

Phew done for today at 5341. 5313 where it's difficult to get the chocolate under control and 5326 were the ones I struggled most with, but also 5312, 5315 and 5329. In 5329 it took me a while to figure the fruits route out. They need to go down the portal in the right column and from there down the middle. Good luck!

Roger75 said...

5285 done! See you next Wednesday (very unfair other people having higher levels available).

sleepless wherever said...

Struggling at 5326.

Ditte said...

I used a few hammers for 5326 after many tries. I don't know if a UFO will go where it's needed. It will probably take out the blockers in the top, but might not go to the bottom where the exit is.

abcd said...

stuck at 5326.

sleepless wherever said...

Done 5345, Used 2 hammers for 5345, had lucky board for 5326!!!!!

sleepless wherever said...

played 5345 a second time, no booster needed. Wasted my hammers!!!!!

abcd said...

5326 done with 1 ufo 3 hammer and 5 extra moves.

junec81 said...

What happen to the space race it was there I collect my 50 green candies and then it disappeared. Anybody know???

Pat said...

I no longer have Dexter. Is this the end for him!

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Done thru #5285, fortunate to have "space dash", timed boosters & other "contests", good luck everyone, til next Wednesday...

Tree said...

Happened to my sister and I too 😕.

abcd said...

5345 done. no space race .

Anonomous said...

On 5326 the UFOs work, but I had to use two of them. I also wasted a couple of hammers trying to figure out the fruit. You have to get them on the bottom and then they move along. I think I also might have had a lucky board with a wrapped near the exit for the fruit so that helped with the moving of the fruit. But the first UFO cleared the top and the second one helped move the fruit. It is not an easy level. I'm just starting the last batch. All doable without purchase of extra stuff. OC

cj said...

Finished through 5345 but headed out of the country for 3 weeks with no win 10 (super withdrawal possibilities!), so hope I will be able to catch up when I return!
Happy crushing to all!

Anonomous said...

OK done now with 2 ufos to spare thanks to Sleepless comments on the last one. I just refilled the bot and waited till I got the lucky board. Not that hard --- so now we wait. OC

freecaroljoy said...

5280 used to have 30 moves before and now we get 18 moves. Unbelievable how ridiculous this game is getting. I now wait till all my group pass and then I start working on the the last game. Sure enough I finally win to let the whole group go forward. Little cheating on your part. I don't buy anymore as you have taken over and it is not random

Pearcys74 said...

The current 5298 is not the same level you are showing.