Levels over 10,000

 This blog is now complete, I will not be doing any more tips or videos after level 10,000.

I will be working on lower levels that have been changed to make them more relevant for newer players who need help.

Thank you all for supporting the blog and the FB group. I may post links to relevant videos but can't guarantee to be able to do this. The FB group is still open and members can often help if you have problems.

You are welcome to post any tips you have for future levels in the comments of this page, however please keep the comments to tips, any irrelevant comments will be deleted.


I am working on a few levels which I know have changed or hard levels that I can manage to do and I will post links here when I do them. Here are the first few.

10003 - 10007 - 1011210141 - 10150 - 10408 - 10414 - 10427 1062810642 - 10852 - 10874 - 1088812175 - 13938

14071 - 1417314709 - 15759


1 – 200 of 2187   Newer›   Newest»
José Savelkoul said...

Thanks Cookie for all the years you've done this, for all your dedication. You really are amazing.

Thea said...

Thanks for all the help, I’m gonna miss you. Lots of success with everything you are going to do.

Elektra said...

Wow! Thank you Cookie, for getting so many of us along so far with your tips. I for one will miss you but can appreciate that at some point you just have to move on. I’m glad that you’ll be refining older levels for the next few generations of Candy Crush players. I want you to know that your blog was instrumental in my enjoyment and skill at playing CCS. I’ll also miss the community of those here — many of whom, like me, are also members of the Wednesday Facebook group — but (for some reason I don’t understand; I tried to sync them but never could and now it doesn’t matter) on Facebook I use my real name and here I’m Elektra. So I don’t know who Sunny In Buffalo or Carol the Elder are, just to name two. So thanks to all of you out there who provided tips and those who “posted for luck” relentlessly. Thanks Cookie for bringing us all together.

kik said...

Thanks Cookie, I'm amazed you kept us all going for so long! Enjoy :)

Thesink said...

Thanks Cookie, for all the good work! Really helpful. A good idea to stop at 10.000.
I hoped King did the same ;)

Ditte said...

I agree with everything Thesink said.

Ana said...

Muchas gracias por toda la ayuda

abcd said...

yes only 4 swirls there not 8. Its impossible.

abcd said...

10116 done, use 16 hammers to destroy the swirls.

Ditte said...

10130 done. For once got the episode race. 10122 is bad. Needed UFOs and hammers. Also ran out of moves in 10125. Saw too late that I needed blockers from the lucky candies.

Deb said...

Thank you Cookie. Your website has been exceedingly helpful and provided an outlet for players to express their concerns. Unfortunately Candy Crush has changed, and the emphasis is now to block you from winning instead of making difficult but enjoyable contests

kik said...

10116 fixed- thanks Ditte. 10125 used a check mark, 10130 try get a colourbomb/stripe combo early. Episode race came back, it's been months since I could get any gold bars!

Raangle5 said...

10057 Only 22 moves not 33 and 166 jellies with extreme blockers, impossible to pass even with boosters. Posting for luck ☘️

cvbcb said...

Thanks Cookie! You contributed immensely to my success and enjoyment of this game! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Mima53 said...

Bye MsCookieKirby! Thanks for you help me. You are fantastic. Gracias por todo. I’m gonna miss you.

Ralph said...

Thank you MsCookie for all the help over the years! I dare say the vast majority of us would not have made it this far without your help. Thank you thank you thank you!


kik said...

Bit of a glitch on 10179- no yellow candies available to collect. Random combos seem to work somehow.

abcd said...

10220 done, hard episode. Use 2 ufo, hammers and hand switch in 10213. So many hammers and hand switches use in rest of games.

Deb said...

10105. Have played this level approximately 30 times and have not come close even with boosters. What is King trying to achieve. There is no incentive to keep playing CC.when they reduce the number of moves to ridiculously low levels. The use of blockers to prevent you from completing a level has got ridiculous.

Rick said...

Done thru 10115. Many ridiculous levels, the most is 10012. Won 25 gold bars but spent much more. Till Wednesday for new levels. Good luck guys.

Pat said...

Am I missing something on 10123? My version has encased blockers at the bottom, and nothing I do can break the encasing. I even threw a couple of the party booster. Nothing happened.

Rick said...

Pat, the blockers at the bottom are order-locked by licorice swirls (not encased). It will show only after you collect that right number (12) of licorice swirls locking it.

Pat said...

Thanks, Rick. Hopefully I can get through it now.

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Agree with Rick on 10,112, the frog is the key to get left/right columns that can't be hit, finally got it by using hand booster twice to get 2 CB's from middle together to get side columns. 10,113 was tough too, need CB/wrap or CB/stripe to crack this one, onward...

KS said...

Really miss Cookie's help.Would never have gotten this far without her help Been stuck on 10102 for 2 days. Finished with CC as soon as my boosters run out. Not enough moves and hard to win boosters. Thanks Miss Cookie KS

Dee said...

Thanks, Cookie! It’s been a pleasure getting your tips and meeting other Candy Crushers. I’ve surpassed 10,000 because of you think I’ll wind down! Best to you!!

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Done thru 10,115, found 10,112-10,114 most difficult, good luck to all, til Wednesday...

Raangle5 said...

10111 - Been struggling for days. Need a lucky board. Posting for luck 🍀

Fred said...

Level 10012 is impossible with 20 moves
Very very difficult
Posting for lucky board
Thanks CC :)

Rick said...

In 10112, try to clear the CB dispensers in columns 4 and 6 of blockers. When 2 CBs fall from the dispensers, use a hand switch to bring them together to create a CB combo.

KS said...

Thought I would be finished with CC by now but I did pass 10102 and now am stuck on 10111. Find it impossible. Now that Cookie is gone, has anyone else got any tips to help me? KS

Raangle5 said...

10113 Impossible! Posting for luck ☘️

Raangle5 said...

Still stuck on 10113. With only 20 moves, more ingredients and more blockers I just can't seem to get through it. Need a lucky board. Posting for luck☘️

Fred said...

Another wonderful easy sympathetic frustrating hard level
Can’t get it close
Use my last boosters
Posting for lucky board
Thanks CC:):):):)

Raangle5 said...

Now I'm stuck on 10114. I've used cb combo and all possible boosters, have none left. Need a very lucky board. Posting for luck 🍀

abcd said...

10235 done, use 1 ufo in 10231 and 1 or 2 hammers and hand switch use in some game.

abcd said...

10250 done, easy episode.

Rick said...

Done thru 10130. The levels from 10119 to 10130 are mostly very hard. On some of them you need powerful boosters like UFOs or pinatas to clear the thick forest of 5-layered Toffee Swirls with jellies underneath them to pass these kevels. For instance, I have to use 2 UFOs on 10126 to pass it.
Goid luck to all.

abcd said...

10265 done, use 1 ufo in 10264. Easy episode.

Raangle5 said...

Made it to 10126. Unfortunately the board I'm working has the unbreakable red/black candy swirls on left and right so there's that. Less moves and even more blockers. Looks impossible to clear. Posting for luck☘️

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Agreed on 10,126, got it by using 2 hammers on stripes that fall from left/right columns, just wait til 10,128, stuck here since extra blockers & less moves than video! Good luck...

Luís Bernardo said...

Done thru #10130. Awful episode. Some levels are undoable without UFO or extra moves. To me the worst was #10129. A nightmare. Good luck everyone 🍀

Fred said...

No solution for level 10022
Impossible for me
Posting for lucky board
Thanks CC:):):)

Rabster said...

Thanks for your help, i have carried on past 10k until all boosters are gone. Most have now gone on episode starting 10116

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Done thru 10,130. Found 10,126 - 10,129 super hard! Used 1 UFO in 10,129 after countless tries, good luck, you'll need it!

Never pay a cent Bobby said...

Can any computer savvy person create a supplement to Cookie's over 10,000 so we can enter hints by levels? If there was just a list of levels to click on to add comments it would help.

Rocky said...

After 2 days of struggling on the new levels this week I give up. Now stuck on level. 10122. Candy crush expects you to buy boosters to get any further in the game. Good luck everyone!

Deb said...

10132. Absolutely ridiculous. Most of the levels since 10116 introduced this week have been impossible without special boosters. Candy Crush is no longer fun. What is the use keeping playing if King treat players this way

Raangle5 said...

Okay... my 10127 is totally different than any of the videos. I'm lost! Posting for luck ☘️

Deb said...

10132. That’s it! I am finished. I have played this level at least 50 times and never came close. I had two piñatas left after the award for getting to 1000 and used both plus a spaceship and two hammers to pass 10132. If that is the way King wants to treat long time players, it’s time to quit. The game ceases to be fun. Hard levels that require skill can be fun but impossible levels that have been thrown at us over recent times are an insult.

Kim said...

10129 is verschrikkelijk. Na level 10000 is het niet meer leuk om te spelen. De levels zijn erg moeilijk. Denk erover om te stoppen. Alle plezier is bijna weg.

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Wow, 10,132 was tough, CB/wrap was the key. Adding the coconut wheel helped in 10,133, good luck!

Fred said...

Level 10027 is another very very hard level
Have no boosters to close it so …
So posting for lucky board
Thanks CC;););)

Lcky said...

Oh Darn we need that little bir of help.
Thank you.
Does it help to ask for a Lucky Board.

Raangle5 said...

10129 Just ridiculous! Every board is impossible! I need help. Posting for luck ☘️

Kim said...

10132 is een belachelijk level. Wat wil cc bereiken? Dat je stopt na level 10000 want vanaf dat level zijn de levels zo lastig dat de fun om te spelen weg is.

Deb said...

10138. Cynically King have have reduced the number of moves from 38 to 22. Been playing it for 50 moves and have not come close even with boosters.

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Agreed 10,138, after countless tries finally got it by starting with CB/CB combo from videos, work closer to the right if possible, 1 hand switch to get wrap/stripe combo bottom row & 6 extra moves from video, that ought to tell you something! Just wait til 10,141, much harder & different than video, good luck everyone...

Luís Bernardo said...

Done thru #10145. Needless to say that it is one of the most difficult episodes so far. #10141 and #10144 are designed to force us to give up. You do not need tips to pass it. You need special boosters and a very very lucky board. Good luck everyone 🍀

Rick said...

Done thru 10145. The only levels I did not pass on my first try are 10131 and 10141. I was cheated again by King in 10131. I started with a CB combo but a few moves later, the program suddenly closes on me, the second time King did it to me. I used a lot of UFOs in this episode and used 140 gold bars to buy boosters.
Good luck to all. You will need it.

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Done thru 10,145. Agree with Luis, hardest episode ever! 10,144 has fewer moves, more blockers, finally got it with 1 UFO, 1 hand & 2 hammers, impossible w/o boosters. Like Rick my game will close during play too :( Hoping the 3rd episode shows some mercy! Good luck to those behind us, you'll need lots of it!

JaneM said...

4 Luck

Janesh said...

Posting for luck. I will miss this site for sure. Where are you guys going to to find suggestions and help? I have never spent money and won't. King you should be grateful to all of us who have made it so far.

Deb said...

10144. Have played this level at least 70 times and have not come close. King are not playing fair. They have continued to reduce the number of moves that make it impossible to pass. For 10144 they have reduced the moves from 33 on 28 August to only 21 now. There is no incentive to play now days. It is sad that the game has deteriorated so much to a state that it is not fun anymore.

Elektra said...

I’m just starting 10,131 and I’m terrified given the comments already left here! I also agree with Never pay a cent Bobby (9/16) that it would be great if someone with the right tech skills could give us more of a framework to leave comments so that tips for specific levels would be easier to find. Anyway, good luck everyone.

Ana said...

10134 ayuda por favor!! 🙏🙏

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Tips for 10,150? All I can figure is this: you have to hit 5 skulls to open up the board, when you destroy the 2 cakes that gets 2 skulls, the other 3 can't be reached unless you use 3 hammers, moves are reduced & cakes have an extra coating, stuck again, thanks for any thoughts :)

Luís Bernardo said...

Done thru #10160. This is not to terrífy you but this episode is very similar to the previous one in terms of difficulty.
Sunny, the only way I found to pass #10150 was using some hammers to destroy some slices of the cake and to force CB with stripes. Very difficult. #10155 is also a nightmare. You need to open the top left part of the board and then destroy the stripe that drops from the third column. In my opinion and unless you succeed to make a double CB this level is undoable without extra moves. Good luck everyone 🍀

Rick said...

Done thru 10160. I passed all levels on my first try except 10156 and 10159. They contain the heavy forest of double jellies covered by 5-layered Toffee Swirls which is becoming a favorite of King. I used one UFO on 10156 and 2 UFOs on 10159.
To Sunny, in 10150, try to open up the board by clearing the Sour Skull ASAP which has the cherries on its pedestals.  Try also to clear the Rainbow Twist on columns 3 and 7 for the keys to drop to be able to unlocked the Jelly Jars on rows 6 & 7 which will make the other jellies . All this you have to do in 25 moves. Isn't that ridiculous?
I passed 10150 on my first try.  Wait till you get to 10156 and 10159.
Good luck to all. Till Wednesday for the new levels.

Raangle5 said...

10135 Another impossible board. Only 20 moves more blockers and ingredients than any videos I've seen. Posting for luck☘️

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Thanks to Luis & Rick I'm done thru 10,160 too! I also won a side "challenge" and got 1 free hour of CB, wheel, life, & wrap/stripe and still struggled. 10,155 & 10,156 should be labeled nightmare. Done til Wednesday, good luck to all...

Ana said...

10135!!Ayuda, por favor!! 🙏🙏

Raangle5 said...

10141 My board is different than videos. I don't have cakes to clear the board. Need some luck here. Posting for luck ☘️

Eileen & Skip said...

Not at all happy with the levels they are putting out, stuck once again, this time on 10135, really is time to call it quits, not a fun game any more, way too stressful

Raangle5 said...

Still struggling with10141. No chance without cakes to open the board like showing in the videos. Why is mine so different? So frustrating, especially with more blockers and no boosters. Posting for luck☘️

Deb said...

10147. I have been playing this level for two days and have not come close even using boosters.. I have played it at least 70 time and have earned 25 extra moves for playing it so long. However I have to use 10 bars which I don’t have. I have never purchased boosters, however I am pleased to watch advertisements that King employ for their profit. I have been at the top for over a year but I realize that I am not going to get to the top anymore because King continue to reduce the number of moves to ridiculous levels combined with their use of blockers to make it impossible. IIt makes no sense in playing levels that you need to play 50 or more times. Sad what has happened to an excellent past time.

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Figured out in 10,161 to play to the right to get "bon bons" to hit skulls, 4 episodes this week, oh boy, chill that bourbon! Good luck this week everyone!

Ditte said...

60 levels again this week:-(. And I'm waiting for 10266 to be fixed so I don't lose my win-streak/candy necklace on an impossible/faulty level.

Luís Bernardo said...

Done thru #10175. Easier than last week. Good luck everyone 🍀

Fred said...

Level 10042 is very very difficult
Haw close without boosters
So need a great help
Posting for lucky board
Thanks CC:):):)

anonymous said...

Posting for luck on 10144. Very difficult!

Rick said...

Done thru 10175. Not as easy episode as Luis said. I still have to use a lot of boosters including a piñata in 10174 (of the 10 piñatas I got from level 10000, I have only one left.) Four episodes for mobile this week, but I will take my time.

Fred said...

Level 10042
Have only 25 moves
Vidéos shows 29 pr 30
And this is not fair
Too hard

Deb said...

10147. Still playing this game for the third day. In the Episode Race two other contestants are stuck on 10147 also for the third day and the other two have not completed the final episode for the week. I bet they are not happy as well with the ridiculous levels King are dishing out.

Unknown said...

I wonder if there’s a bug with the boosters. I've got reward when I completed level 10 000. But every time, I start the game I get 3 more party boosters and now I have over a hundred of them?
Playing the game is not fun anymore.
Anyone else have the same bug in WIN10 -version?

sleepless wherever said...

10147 has been fixed. Just cleared after getting 2 extra moves.

Ditte said...

Sounds like a nice bug, but no I don't have it. It's probably Facebook related, they usually are. The only bug I've ever had to give me extra boosters was the "OC special". And yes the fun has long gone.

Sunny in Buffalo said...

To Unknown: just logged on to find I have 72 pinatas! Can't explain it but yeah me! Done thru 10,175, easier than last week, good luck to all...

Rick said...

i was trying to play the next episode but it starts with a Nightmarishly Hard level in 10176. I played it 5 times and did not even get close. I'l try later.
The All Star Tournament hosted by Chloe Kardashian has began. Qualifying starts with collecting orange candies. (No wonder I notice that the orange candies are star-shaped.) Since I needed orange candies for my Chocolate Box, I played it, although I have no intention of competing in the tournament. Right now, I am leading the qualifiers with 57,000 orange candies and the closest next to me has 37,000. Somebody will pass me because it willl still go for 50+ hours.

Fred said...

Level 10048
Same as 10042
Have 25 moves and videos shows 32
Is this fair ?
Can’t get it close
This level is very hard very difficult
Posting for lucky board
Thanks CC:):):)

Rick said...

i finished the second episode today for mobile up to 10190. I completed all the levels on my first try except 10166-7 and 10183. The episode started with a Nighmarishly Hard followed by a Hard level.  There are many ridiculous levels here (10183, 6 & 7) but the most ridiculous one is 10183 which has 2 cake bombs covered by double crystals and protected by candy cane curl fences. You have to remove first the double crystals and/or the candy cane curls before you can take slices of the cake bombs. I was just able to start with a CB combo that remove one layer of crystals that is why I was able to pass it.
Good luck fellow mobile players!

M T said...

Thanks Cookie. We will certainly miss you.

Still Here said...

Thanks Cookie!

In another news, I finished the complete nightmare that was level 10051 only to come across 10057 and die a little bit inside again. All the videos on the Internet are different - they have more moves, less obstacles etc.

What is going on.

Deb said...

Candy Crush has become completely boring and not fun. Having to play levels 40 or more times. King are not listening to players complaining about what they are doing. They will suffer in the end because players are leaving.

Fred said...

Level 10057
Give up
Too hard and no fun

anonymous said...

Done through 10152. This series has 6, yes 6, difficult games. No fun anymore...very difficult!! Liked the old Candy Crush levels before reaching 10,000.

Fred said...

Have only 22 moves
Not enough moves to close it
Vidéos shows more and this is not fair
Posting for lucky board
Thanks CC

Luís Bernardo said...

Done thru #10190. Some very tough levels in this episode, specially #10183. Brutal. Good luck everyone 🍀

Raangle5 said...

10153 I'm at a loss! Just ridiculous, not enough moves, tons of blockers and more ingredients! Posting for luck ☘️

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Done thru 10,190, agree that 10,183 was super hard, good luck everyone!

Rick said...

I think I am quitting Candy Crush now. I have only 18 gold bars left. King is putting out this ridiculous levels that you won't be able to pass without using boosters and I don't have enough gold bars left to buy them. Goodbye Candy Crush. Good luck to those who are still playing it. It is not fun anymore anyway to play it.

Rick said...

I was able to complete the episode up to 10205 and still win the Episode Race although I feel like playing with only one hand because I have no more bo boosters left. It is another terrible episode that King dishes out to us like the previous ones.

Deb said...

10172. Sorry to see you are giving up Rick. I enjoyed your comments. I am going to stop after this week as well. Did not complete the number that was introduced last week and am only half way through the first of three episodes introduced this week. That was the first time in over a year and a half that I failed to get to the top. With all the ridiculous levels
King has introduced with not enough moves and excessive blockers that are still being thrown at us, I will not get to the top again.I suspect that this may also happen to many other players as well. If CC introduce three episodes next Wednesday. It will mean that the top will be unattainable for many players who normally get to the top. Why is Candy Crush doing this to top players who have supported this game for the past three or more years, and who have encouraged friends to play this previous enjoyable game. Sadly that is no longer the case

maanu said...


Has Anyone managed to pass this without boosters?

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Done thru 10,205. Hang in there Rick we need your tips /comments, slowing down now, good luck everyone, Go Bills!

Fred said...

Level 10063 is impossible with 22 moves as videos shows more an d no boosters left
So,time to stop definitely ?
Posting for lucky board again
Thanks CC

Raangle5 said...

10153 My board is different from videos I've seen. No coconut wheels more blockers and less moves. Been stuck for days, it's just frustrating. Posting for luck ☘️

GloryB said...

From reading the comments, Cookie’s help is still needed. Hope she comes back to continue past 10,000. Her help and suggestions are already on the lower levels so why go back there? Just saying.
Stuck for two days now, so I will Post for Luck and see if that helps.

Elektra said...

Rick, let me join the chorus in encouraging you to continue playing. Your detailed and specific information and tips have helped me get this far — I’m currently on level 10164 playing on mobile. I am in AWE of your first try record! Whatever you decide, thank you for your integral part in supporting this community. Best, Irene

Deb said...

10192. Been playing this level for most of the day and have not come close. The same is happening to others in my Episode Race. It is obvious by the way that King has packed the levels with blockers of various kinds and with reduced moves that they want to prevent you from passing the levels. Playing most levels 50 or more times is ridiculous. Boosters in most instances are not helping much. People are starting to realize this and are leaving the game in droves. The business model King are adopting is not sustainable in the long run. They should be making it enjoyable for participants. Losing players, loses people buying boosters and watching advertisements. When will King wake up.

Cookie Kirby said...

I am not coming back to do the levels above 10,000. The lower levels have been changed so much that many of them are totally different from the ones on the blog. I feel it is more useful to newer players update them rather than trying to write tips for experts who have completed 10,000 levels.

sleepless wherever said...

@cookie Kirby where are you now at lower to spread the word.

Luís Bernardo said...

Done thru #10205. Tomorrow I refuse to play CC. Monday is an horrible day and I choose not to increase my suffering playing this game😂😂😂😂😂 Good luck everyone 🍀

pinlock said...

Stuck on level 9995,,what a nightmare this game has become..hopefully I’ll make it to 10.000 soon so I can delete the game for good this time..they might offer me a lot more rewards to come back like they did a few months ago but I won’t be..congratulations to everyone who’s still playing after 10,000 and thanks to this web site for all its help but I really can’t take this game anymore …time to start playing royal match ..

Rick said...

Thank you guys (Sunny, Deb, and Elektra) for your support and encouragement. There is still some life left me because I have increased my gold bar count from 8 to 73. I can buy some more boosters but not the kind or as many as I would like. The levels that King is putting out now require powerful boosters like UFOs and piñatas. I will still play Candy Crush but might not try to complete the levels on my first try to conserve boosters. So I might not be able to stay near the top as I used to be.

Rick said...

Cookie, since you have access to this blog, why don’t you create century buckets (for instance Level 10,001–10,099; Level 10,100-10,199; Level 10200-10299, etc.) instead of just Level over 10,000? You don’t have to list the hundred levels under each bucket. That way we can narrow down to the hundreds where to post or look for tips. Right now there are 140 comments already on the Level over 10,000. What more if the players reach levels over 11,000 and beyond.

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Great idea Rick to list games by 100's to narrow the search for players over 10,000 for tips/comments, perhaps Cookie will take the lead on that and allow us to provide help going forward! I too have taken on your new strategy. Done thru 10,220, break time, til Wednesday...

Rick said...

Sunny, I hope King's gift to you of 72 piñatas is helping you pass levels. I got a gift before of 21 UFOs from King (which I have used already) but they are no match against your 72 piñatas.

Deb said...

I want to thank King for the wonderful prize I won for the competition they ran called The Best Date Ever. There were numerous contestants and it ran for most of the week. I am grateful for the wonderful prize of a single hammer.

Luís Bernardo said...

You are not alone Deb. I never received the kind of prizes mentioned by Rick. I also got a wonderful single hammer after winning the weekly race😅🤣😅🤣😅😂😂😂

Janesh said...

Really? Prizes? That would be nice. I thought hitting 10000 would be a splash but nope. I think the levels are harder to push us out and King can quit coming up with levels.
I often wonder how much $$$ is spent on boosters to keep him going. Not a cent here.

Rick said...

Done thru 10220 and completed all the levels on my first try except 10207.  The hardest level is 10209 (not 10207) and I'll tell you why later. I won the Episode Race and collected 25 gold bars, increasing them to 118. If someody missed my previous post, I'll repeat that I haven't spent a single penny playing this game and never will.
Good luck fellow mobile players!

Rick said...

Speaking of prizes, King is really very very cheap. I qualified first on the orange candy contest in the Al Star Tournament hosted by Khloe Kardashian. What prizes did I get: 3 color bombs and 1 striped/wrapped candy. King, you very cheap! Shame on you!!!

Rick said...

In 10209, you have only 20 moves. Pay attention to my tip because it is probably the only tip you can get on this level. Clearing the Sour Skull will take 5 moves already. The Sour Skull is protected by Licorice Fence. The only way to clear it is by hammering it 5 times (to save on moves) or by fish. To get the fish, you have to collect the keys on top to open the bobbers on the bottom row. You have to hit them with vertical stripes (or detonate the wraps on the conveyor above them) to release the fish. There are UFOs under the Skull's pedestals on the last column. You have to activate them and to send wraps on the first 2 columns which have Bubble Pops alo protected by Licorice Fence. The lone cherry is ordered-locked by these Bubble Pops, so it won't show until you clear 80 of them. They you have to clear the last column for the cherry to exit and pass the level. All this you have to do in 20 moves!

Janesh said...

Rick I appreciate your helpful comments. Thank you.

Ditte said...

You're right Rick. The prizes aren't worth the effort. But today I got the Jackpot in the treat machine. Much much better than the daily spin. At least you can still get gold from the episode race. I think I've only gotten 25 bars the last couple of months. No episode race at all or one that isn't working. And before that even when it was there it was just for the first of the 3 episodes.

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Ditte: what do you get from treat machine jackpot? I usually get 1 of a booster, couple times 3 of a booster, thanks :)

Deb said...

Candy Crush has changed markedly since I started to play four years ago. Now you have to play levels for 50 or more times. It is ridiculous and I for one am not going to continue to waste my time trying to pass levels King designs with excessive blockers and reduced moves.

KS said...

Can't believe I am still playing this game. I am finding these levels
so hard. Have reached 10159 without paying a cent and guess King has given up on me unless I buy boosters. Can't win them any more. I have played most of the levels in this episode for 2 days or 100's of times. How does anybody pass this level on luck. I sure need help or this is the end for me. KS

Luís Bernardo said...

Done thru #10220. I found #10207 the most difficult of the episode. Good luck everyone 🍀

Raangle5 said...

Does anyone have advice for 10153? I don't have coconut wheels, less moves and more blockers. I no longer have any boosters. Any advice would be appreciated. Posting for luck☘️

Fred said...

Level 10077 looks easy but is very difficult for me
No boosters left
O lucky board
3 days on this level
Too much
Bye bye

Rick said...

Done thru 10235 all on first try and got 25 gold bars. Much easier episode the previous ones. Goodluck to all!

kik said...

Taking a break at 10339- awful level. No episode race here either Ditte, although the chocolate box had a couple of chances for gold bars recently :)

Unknown said...

Wait! What? You are amazing. What an awesome body of work. I never knew who was behind this site. You will be missed. Thank You for your help on those sticky levels.

forgetmenot said...

will really miss your tips on strategy, thanks for all the help

Lynn K said...

Level 10152. I have been on for days. I have no boosters or gold bars. Would have been able to pass with gold bars. Refuse to buy.

Roger75 said...

Posting for luck for 10045. Lately, not very excited to complete all levels... CC must find a way to make the game funnier to play...

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Done thru 10,235, now stuck on 10,237, "air delivery" balloon is back & "chocolate box" now has a better offer of 2 CB & 2 hammers, good luck to all!

Rick said...

Done thru 10250 all on first try and got 25 gold bars, increasing my stack to 268. Probably the hardest is 10240 where I used 2 UFOs. Is there a 4th episode this week? Good luck to all.

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Done thru 10,250 too, found 10,245 & 10,246 hardest, good luck everyone!

Deb said...

People without the luxury of gold bars and piñatas are struggling. For instance the players in my Episode Race have been struck about 26 levels from the top playing the same games over and over. That is not fun or entertaining. Simple boosters don’t work against the multitude of blockers

Unknown said...

Level 10147 is impossible. Been on it for 5 days. Your walk through videos show 30 moves and 83 waffles. My game is 25 moves and 105 waffles. So goodbye candy crush.

anonymous said...

I totally agree with what so many others have said "I can't believe I'm still playing Candy Crush". I have been on 10159 for over a week now with no success. The games are so difficult and impossible to pass now. I used to be on the top each week passing all three games in just two days....now I can't pass one level in two weeks!! I am so far down now that I will never be able to catch up. No fun anymore, and I can't even remember when I passed one game on the first try! I haven't played much anymore, and will continue to do so until I find another fun game out there that isn't so frustrating, and a lot more fun.

Janesh said...

Pat, what the heck is a season pass?

Rick said...

Done thru 10265. Last episode is harder than the previous ones.
Till Wednesday for new levels. Good luck to all!

Rick said...

King has another gimmick named Milestone Challenge. I won't even intend to waste my time playing this one, considering the crappy prizes King is handing out these days. Don't waste your time making the 50 levels in the Sweet Crew, another gimmick by King. All you will get is 1 hour of timed boosters.

Pat said...

Janesh, the Season Pass allows you to get certain boosters each time you pass a level. If the pass comes on Wednesday, you can do well. But after Wednesday, you have no new levels.

Deb said...

10243 has so many blockers that it is ridiculous and impossible to pass without piñatas. Candy. Crush has changed for the worst.. King are alienating the players and fans who have played and supported Candy Crush.. Time to quit.

Janesh said...

Thanks for explaining Pat.

Fred said...

Level 10086
3 days on this level is too much
No boosters left
No lucky board
Stop definitely
No fun anymore

Hank said...

Played level 10155 for 3 days ,23 moves no booster,getting nowhere …,once waisted an ufo no help ,posting for luck uh…

Deb said...

10249is another level that simple boosters are no help. You need special boosters to break through the multitude of blockers . Have accumulated 30 extra moves but they are no use as I don’t have any gold bars left. I really enjoy playing a level for 60 or more times and never get close to complete the level. I hope other participants are enjoying Candy Crush as much as I am..

GloryB said...

I don’t know how you guys have gotten as far as you have but I’ve been stuck on 10029 for a couple of days now. Granted I haven’t played as much as I used to. And I’ve never paid for boosters and never will.the game has changed a lot. It used to be fun and challenging but now it’s just frustrating. After the first couple of tries at it you KNOW you’re going to be stuck for awhile. How anyone gets 72 pinatas or 50 gold bars is beyond me. NEVER has that happened to me. The only booster that I have quite a few of is the coconut wheel. And that’s because you can’t use it in most games. Funny how that works huh?? It’s a shame no more tips after 10000. That, to me, was the only thing that gave me hope of passing a level since I have no boosters to speak of. Good luck everyone that stays but I’ll be here less often for sure.

Unknown said...

اجتزت مرحلة 10000 ولكن لم تعيطني اللعبة تمييز 10000ولكنه بقي عند 9000 ارجو الحل او الطريقة

Rick said...

GloryB, in 10029, in order to have a chance of passing it, you have to collect the 5 yellow keys on the 8th row to unlock and open up the board. They are protected by licorice fences on the top and on the sides which protect them from stripe blasts from the top and sides. To collect them you will need a CB combo, a pinata, or hammer them individually. Unless you collect the keys, you will be just like spinning your wheels but going nowhere.

Lorena CC said...

Back here to Post for Luck! 10195 is so annoying, as are all the levels now.

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Done thru 10,265. Good luck everyone, til Wednesday...Go Bills!!!

Luís Bernardo said...

Done thru #10265 too. Tough episode. #10261 is a nightmare. Undoable without special boosters. Good luck everyone 🍀

Hank said...

20 moves on 10158 ,wt…

Deb said...

10260. I have used boosters on this level and have not got close. I have been playing with five contestants in the Episode Race for three days and no one has has gone pass 10260. What is King up to. Playing each level is 50 or more times is ridiculous.. The game is not sustainable if they keep treating their customers in this way.

Deb said...

An example of how ridiculous Candy Crush has become I won an hour of candy bombs and striped and wrapped from Fantastic Five and still could not pass the level.

Deb said...

10261I have won one game in three days. Now I have accumulated 35 extra moves which is the maximum King give you after playing a level for about 60 times . The extra moves are of no use as I don’t have any gold bars. So I have been playing 10261 for more than 96 times. What is King trying to achieve. They don’t produce interesting and challenging levels anymore. They just fill up each level with a multitude of blockers that you cannot pass in a reasonable time without special boosters such as piñatas. Strategy doesn’t matter at all anymore

Rick said...

Deb, in 10261, try to activate the vertical stripes Bonbon Blitzes on the first row columns 3 to 9. They will hit the bottom of the board. Before, they can fire 3 times. Now they only fire once. i don’t know if King changes that to make it harder.Things get harder when the Magic Mixers on the 8th row get unlocked because they will lock everything near them. You might need a UFO to destroy them. I passed this level on my first try buy can’t remember how I did it.

Deb said...

Rick I have tried that way multiple times to no effect. I have played it 100 times and so has my husband on the iPhone on my account. In all, we have played over 200 times.. Kings attitude to its players has changed for the worse. The use of cellophane, multitude frosted items toffee and blockers that you have to hit multiple times are designed to prevent you from passing levels. Gone are the interesting levels that require strategy.

Sunny in Buffalo said...

10,267 tough to get top left/right columns, after countless tries used the frog in those spots, 4 episodes this week, good luck everyone...

Luís Bernardo said...

Done thru #10280. Awful episode. #10270 is very tough and hard to understand what to do. Pay attention, you have to destroy the last row in order to get the cherries. Good luck everyone 🍀

Rick said...

Done also thru 10280 all on first try and earned 25 gold bars. Four episodes this week for mobile. Good luck fellow mobile players.

Eileen & Skip said...

So sick of these ridiculous levels, have finally had enough, have been stuck on level 10195 for days, not fun anymore, it just infuriates me now & seeing a Kardashian face just capped it off for me, I am removing the candy crush app

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Done thru 10,280 too, now stuck on 10,281, ugh, good luck to all...

Rick said...

I won’t play the next episode until Monday. I have to wait till the Weekly Contest is reset. The top 3 players have 74, 65, and 64 levels already. Even if I complete all the 4 levels, I’ll just have 60 and that won’t be good enough even for 3rd place.

King has change 8031. i play that level for completed levels in the Chocolate Box. Now, King added 6 blockers to complete the level, which makes it a little harder but it is still easy.

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Just wait til 10,283, should be "nightmare" rated. I use 6,000 & 10,000 for "chocolate box", good luck!

Fred said...

Level 10095
No boosters left so no chance to get it close
Have to leave Candy
Good luck

Luís Bernardo said...

Stuck on level 10286. Completely impossible without lots of special boosters. I give up😂😂😂😂

Deb said...

10261. This level is beyond ridiculous. Playing this level for the the fourth day. We can’t pass it without special boosters.There is no strategy required to playing Candy Crush anymore, it is boring.

Luís Bernardo said...

I have just finished level 10295 spending almost all my special boosters. This game became weird and I do not understand King’s rationale. No strategy required and a lucky board is not enough. Special boosters are always a must to pass the level. I do not know how many players are still trying to overcome levels beyond #10000 but with this kind of comments I do not foresee a brilliant future for this game. Good luck everyone 🍀

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Agree with Luis, done thru 10,295 too! I've got lots of boosters but rarely use them anymore just for the reasons given, they're just never enough until you get that "lucky board", good luck moving on, time for a break!

Rick said...

Sunny, I am just curious. How many of the 72 pinatas you got have you used so far?
I also agree with Luis. Regular boosters (hands and hammers) are usually not enough for the levels that King is "feeding" us right now. We will need UFOs and pinatas to pass them, that is why I am saving the UFOs for such purpose.
My chocolate Box disappeared again this morning.

Janesh said...

I just don't understand how you even get piñatas, flying saucers or paint brushes. I rarely get them but somehow I've gotten this far by plugging along. It's frustrating because I feel like King is just wanting the money and could really care less about the "dedicated". I do look forward to reading your comments and thanks!

Luís Bernardo said...

Done thru #10310. It seems that King took into consideration our comments. Some difficult levels in this episode but all of them doable without special boosters. Good luck everyone 🍀

Ditte said...

Chocolate box goes away and when it comes back I have to start over. I did 3 tasks Wednesday, but they're gone now. Same happened last week.

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Done thru 10,310, used 1 "pinata" in 10,306, still have a bunch left from the "glitch", saving them for nightmare levels. Have amassed 6 UFO's from "fantastic 5", saving them as well. Still have "chocolate box" with new choices. Overall I plug away and eventually get the elusive lucky board. Good luck to all & Go Bills!

Rocky said...

Stuck on 10219. Dropped number of moves from 30 to 23. Got plenty of extra moves but no gold bars to buy. After using moves given still need over a hundred jellies to clear. No fun as usual. How many people have quit candy crush after reaching 10000. I have given up and only play occasionally.

Rick said...

Done thru 10295 all on first try except 10288 and collected 25 gold bars.

Luís Bernardo said...

Done thru #10325. No comments!😂😂😂😂😂😂Good luck everyone. You will need lots of it 🍀

Rick said...

King cheated me again!!! When I opened Fantastic Five this morning, it said it timed out already. Did it happen also to any of you? It took us a lot of effort to get the 7000 points and then King cheated me. Shame on you King!

King, stop cheating us, your players. It just made my resolve stronger not to spend a single penny of my own money to buy anything from you King.

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Done thru 10,325, found 10,315 most difficult. Had full "win streak" which helped. I've had "fantastic 5" time out as well, very disappointing! Good luck & til Wednesday...

Aussie said...

10209 Thanks Rick. When clearing candy for more stripes do it above the skull blocks so they won't be in the way of the bobbles after the conveyor belt moves. Two stripes together on the far right will help clear the way for the cherry.

Rick said...

Done thru 10310 and collected 25 gold bars.

Brown dog said...

The levels are getting impossible for the normal player without a lot of skill. Very disheartening in even trying

Fred said...

Level 10017
Have only 24 moves
Vidéos shows more and this is not fair
No boosters left, no enough moves, some players get a great board with more moves
So …why so big difference ?
Time to leave

Shanne said...


Rick said...

Done thru 10325 and collected 25 gold bars. Many ridiculous levels, the most is 10314. Good luck everyone.

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Done thru 10,340, found 10,337 most difficult, earned 25 gold bars thanks to Rick I now see the value! Good luck everyone! Time for a break...

Rick said...

Sunny, what do you mean you now see "the value"?

Luís Bernardo said...

Done thru #10340. All levels very difficult and some of them undoable without special boosters. Good luck everyone 🍀

Fred said...

3 days on the level 10107!
This is a joke
Do not understand
No lucky board

Sharda said...


Unknown said...

The fun is totally gone in this game!! Only thing they want is money!!!

Sunny in Buffalo said...

To Rick, if I'm out of moves but am close to completing the level I'll use 10 gold bars to get the extra moves, thanks again for all your tips, comments & strategy. 10,345 was tough. Chocolate box has changed & more difficult to complete. Good luck!

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