Level 2801 - 2900

Level guides and tips.
Below are links to the level guides with tips and videos for all the Candy Crush Saga levels between 2801 and 2900.
There are hints and tips from our expert players and from other readers of this blog.
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Click on the link below to see the tips and video for the level you want.

Level 2801                                      Level 2851
Level 2802                                      Level 2852
Level 2803                                      Level 2853
Level 2804                                      Level 2854
Level 2805                                      Level 2855
Level 2806                                      Level 2856
Level 2807                                      Level 2857
Level 2808                                      Level 2858
Level 2809                                      Level 2859
Level 2810                                      Level 2860
Level 2811                                      Level 2861
Level 2812                                      Level 2862
Level 2813                                      Level 2863
Level 2814                                      Level 2864
Level 2815                                      Level 2865
Level 2816                                      Level 2866
Level 2817                                      Level 2867
Level 2818                                      Level 2868
Level 2819                                      Level 2869
Level 2820                                      Level 2870
Level 2821                                      Level 2871
Level 2822                                      Level 2872
Level 2823                                      Level 2873
Level 2824                                      Level 2874
Level 2825                                      Level 2875
Level 2826                                      Level 2876
Level 2827                                      Level 2877
Level 2828                                      Level 2878
Level 2829                                      Level 2879
Level 2830                                      Level 2880
Level 2831                                      Level 2881
Level 2832                                      Level 2882
Level 2833                                      Level 2883
Level 2834                                      Level 2884
Level 2835                                      Level 2885
Level 2836                                      Level 2886
Level 2837                                      Level 2887
Level 2838                                      Level 2888
Level 2839                                      Level 2889
Level 2840                                      Level 2890
Level 2841                                      Level 2891
Level 2842                                      Level 2892
Level 2843                                      Level 2893
Level 2844                                      Level 2894
Level 2845                                      Level 2895
Level 2846                                      Level 2896
Level 2847                                      Level 2897
Level 2848                                      Level 2898
 Level 2849                                      Level 2899 
Level 2850                                      Level 2900


Anonymous said...

Just watched videos for tomorrow's batch. Once again they show no timed levels. I guess we will see how accurate that turns out to be. Goodest luck all ! ! !


Anonymous said...

This is interesting. I loaded CC this morning, for the new levels, and it has me on level 1. I still have all my boosters, but I'm on level 1. Anybody else run into this?


Anonymous said...

Mostly easy this week. You will only have problems if you don't have the spaceship!

Everything normal on my end.

Moany Pete

Anonymous said...

It took reloading the game several times, but it finally sent me to 2811 instead of level 1. No big problem levels. Have fun!


sleepless wherever said...

Haha all done 1 hr 21 mins��

larfingravy said...

MB - bet that was scary for a while!

Ditte said...

Seems like there won't be more new levels on king.com after this week. So my stock of boosters there are wasted......

Anonymous said...

Well something changed today. I finished 2825 and then got the following message:
"Sweet! You've reached the end of the journey. Unlock more levels by heading over to the mobile app." There is a button below that message that says "Find out more" and when clicked brings you to the following web page:
King keeps talking about the HTLM5 game working with Windows PC. From what I see (and experienced), it's not compatible with Windows 7 and the associated browsers they say work with HTML5 - WHEN PLAYING ON KING.COM.

Anonymous said...

Any hints on how to pass 2820

Anonymous said...

I play almost entirely on Farcebook, using the Firefox browser, so I guess I am safe for a while. Would hate to get stuck with over 14000 useless boosters. I wish King would do a booster "buy back." Then I could retire from the game in style.


sleepless wherever said...

2820 I used 1 UFO. You just need a lucky board

Anonymous said...

I used to think you lot were genius. But its so easy now its just not true. I past most lives first go and didn't even bother going back to the start to get a decent space helmet.
All these boosters make it far to simple.
Used a few more hammers than I would have liked but those levels whereby liquorice doesn't stop falling is mega boring. But 2000 and I got them l back already.
2820 I think I played and didn't get anywhere the points needed but the board decided I had scored enough and moved me on.

sleepless wherever said...

Haha anonymous, fully concur but I like it this way as can spend time on other things. I used to take 2 to 7 days to complete, if lucky 2.

Anonymous said...

2820 is easiest if you work trying to clear the liquorice at the bottom part of the board striped and wrapped are your best bet.
Much easier to blow the bombs that way rather than trying to hit the popcorn.

Dee said...

More or less easy this week - albeit, as usual, heavily booster dependent.
Still, they are free, and thanks to 2000 they are plentiful, so passing the levels is no longer an exercise in aggravation.
I am warning you all against using the mobile app. I stopped playing on it at level 2275 after they wiped out all my boosters - yet again.
This was the third time.
I reasoned that the first time might have been a glitch on their part.
I rationalised that the second time was possibly an accident with their server.
The third time launched me into paranoid conspiracy theories.
Download it at your own risk!

Anonymous said...

2000 seems to have stopped working for me. And all that scrolling is wearing my finger out.

Anonymous said...

Done AM this morning. I'm a lagger these days... job super busy right now. 2K works fine for me still so no worries... just had to play it a few times to reimburse boosters. I got through most of it with the helmets not the space dash cos I couldnt play till Saturday for the most part. Glad we have all these free boosters otherwise I'd have quit long ago. Hope I make it to 3K if so I think that's it for me.... pretty pointless game these days. OC

Anonymous said...

2000 working fine here. Also, when I'm doing 2000, I go into my mouse settings and change scroll wheel lines to maximum. Gets there super quick.


Dee said...

MB - I learn more about computer management here than from all my years operating them. I never knew about the mouse scroll settings!!!! I have been cursing King for months, and possibly exposing myself to tunnel carpel syndrome or whatever. Great tip, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Going by the videos, there is only one timed level tomorrow. I guess they were trying to save the best for last. 2840 is the timed level.


Anonymous said...

Does anyone else have the new batch yet? I don't see it on Facebook although it was only last week that I switched over from King.com.

Anonymous said...

New batch came out reallllly late. I just finished them. Nothing terrible. The timed level has plenty of easy +5 candies, so it's no problem.

Goodest luck!


sleepless wherever said...

All done. My most difficult was 2840 the timed level. Played 3 times with full boosters.

Ditte said...

I thought 2840 and 2838 were easy. Made both in one life. The ones I struggled most with were 2830 and 2837. Also 2826, 2827 and 2828 as far as I remember. Took a while to get through this week but I only used a couple of hands and hammers.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Moany Pete -- 2838 is a killer! Am I missing something about how to crack that level? I'm going back now to re-create my spaceship just to start that level with enough boosters....ES in Boston.

sleepless wherever said...

Moany & ES
2838 just need lucky board without need of booster. On my third attempt after a few moves it just went auto till scores completed.

Anonymous said...

Not too bad. 2838 was a bit of a joke.... and yep I agree with Sleepless it just goes auto after a while... took me a couple of lives... sorta fun though.... I remember the days when that kind of level would freak us out for days.... the last one was a pretty easy timed one... I didn't realize it was a jelly one too... I was going for three stars and boom sugar crush cos I had hit all the jelly. Onward super Crushers.... till next week... I just play on Wednesdays now... I fire up that space ship and get me a few 2K treats and off I go....OC

Anonymous said...

All fairly easy.
But its time King gave to liquorice a miss for a while.
It is seriously boring.

Anonymous said...

Silly levels can be fun, but 2838 is stupid. 100% lucky level.

Ditte said...

I haven't gotten used to the combined jelly/timed levels either. Didn't understand why it suddenly said "sugar crush" with 35 seconds left :-)

Dee said...

2838 stripped me of all space ship help, and i had to redo till the lucky board went onto automatic. thanks all of you for the warning and the tip.
2840 a nightmare. timed levels are my bugbear. had to use extra time or i would still be there.
However, managed to finish in one fell swoop, so no complaints.
back to 2k for boosters, and sugar drop levels for gold bars for much needed extra time.

Anonymous said...

Just made it to over 15,000 boosters. 15,007 actually. STOP the madness!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Stuck on 2839, takes lots of luck.

Anonymous said...

Is this problem specific to me, or has anyone else noticed that CC takes a long time to load on Facebook? I've only been using the FB version for just over a week, but every time I go to load it, it takes a long time or hangs and I have to refresh to get it to load again. Sometimes it loads but is incomplete as it starts out at level one. I reverts to where I am after another refresh.

Anonymous said...

No, it's not just you. I play on Farcebook using the Firefox browser. I've been noticing the same things for the last few weeks. Slow and loading issues.


Anonymous said...

Just watched the videos of this week's new batch. No timed levels or anything that looks too tricky. Goodest luck all!!!!


Anonymous said...

I noticed an improvement in loading performance when I switched from Chrome to Firefox this morning. There are still sometimes problems loading but nothing like what I experienced during the last week when using Chrome.

Anonymous said...

Yes me too about loading issues. Thanks MB for doing the research on next week. See ya all Wednesday.

Ditte said...

Now I know why I didn't understand some of the levels you thought were difficult last week. I play on the windows app and last week the levels didn't have the same numbers as this week. Same levels but in a different order. So 2838 weren't the same in the app and on facebook.

Anonymous said...

It's harder to post in here this week. Pressing all these stupid cars. AAAAAARGH. Just a few difficult levels but easier this week.

Anonymous said...

Moany Pete above. It's really shit this pressing street signs and cars.

Anonymous said...

I hate street signs the most. Anyway, done with this week. Made it on one life. HATED 2842 and didn't particularly care for 2852. Ok, let's see what must be pressed to get this posted. Have a great day everyone!


Anonymous said...

I don't have to press anything to post.

Anonymous said...

All done for another week. Had trouble on both levels that MB said and also the last one. Managed it all on just five of each of the 2K gifts with none to spare. I just get more next Monday when I charge the space ship on 2K and so far that is all the madness I need to do to complete an episode. See ya next week... pretty easy and if you have tons of boosters you will be done in no time... it is an easy week... OC

Anonymous said...

Well other than the 1st 3 I got each one first go. Cost me 3 free hand swaps and 2 free lolly pops.
2842 and 2852 I just got the choco balls together and the rest was pretty easy.
Getting 2 choco balls together seems to be the way to get thru most levels first time.
Less than a hour to do the episode. Really is far to easy now.
Oh well time to get another 100 or so boosters before next week.

Ditte said...

Took a couple of hours, but only used two hammers and one hand. Now onto the next episode, which for some reason is available on the windows app.

Ditte said...

Seems like 2856 is faulty. The goal is 12 cherries. 8 are on the board and the final 4 never show.

Anonymous said...

There shouldn't be anymore levels until next week, none on my windows.
Maybe they are going to wipe your bonuses out :)

sleepless wherever said...

Haha all done 2842 was a struggle till I used UFO

happy said...

Finished 2855 waiting for more levels. It was really nice to get back to some fun playing

Anonymous said...

Hi Ditte how did you manage to get to 2856? I have no more levels on PC or IOS?

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, there is definitely a new episode showing up as available on the Windows app but its first level is glitchy and can't be completed, just like Ditte said. "Party Park" it's the episode's title. Looks like some kind of technical error and, apparently, not everyone can see it. And, anonymous above, knowing how sneaky these devs are, perhaps they're going to wipe out YOUR power-ups first! :)


Anonymous said...

I disagree with most of you about the latest episode being easy. But then again, most of you play the game with tons of boosters emanating from the inexhaustible source of power-ups, aka level 2000. Even with the Space Dash and a decent amount of power-ups, IMO this was by far the hardest episode in a long time. Not so fun either.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to add my name in the post above.


sleepless wherever said...

2856 is on apps in windows 10, alas I have no required boosters there.

Unknown said...

Next time you post a comment just bypass the "I'm not a robot" and just click on publish... that's worked for me for a long time.

Anonymous said...

It would have been great if we were able to edit our posts. Anyway, just wanted to add to my comment above that I'm talking about the episode as a whole. Sure, a few levels were relatively easy but as a whole... it was quite difficult.

Susie O, thank you for the tip. Unfortunately, it doesn't work for me for some reason.


Ditte said...

I didn't think this weeks episode was easy, but easier than last week. I don't have the "level 2000 bonanza", because I'm not on Facebook, and have started only playing for sugardrops wednesdays, I just open the app every day to get the daily booster, so I'm trying not to use to many.

sleepless wherever said...

Tammy I just cleared 2856 with UFO. My boosters now all appear in windows 10 CC app

sleepless wherever said...

Haha all done 2856 to 2870. Need lots of double bombs.

sleepless wherever said...

There’s one timed level.

Ditte said...

The timed level is easy. The rest not so much. Pretty boring. As said above you need a lot of double bombs and I sure could have used some UFOs. Stuck on 2867.

Ditte said...

Finally done. Difficult and boring. Seemed to me there was a lot of pointless moving about candies to try to set up combos to hit the endless amount of blockers. But probably easy if you've got lots of UFOs.

Anonymous said...

So after 3 years and opening up to level 2814 I get the Jackpot on the daily spin...however, I claimed my prize and absolutely Nothing Happened!? WTH?

Anonymous said...

Since moving to the Facebook HTLM5 version, there are now days when I don't even open the game. I used to play it in the morning and evening using level 1476 to collect boosters. Now that I feel I have enough boosters, I don't have any interest in reviewing levels I've already played - I don't have any players to compete with as was the case with the King.com version and playing level 1476 to collect the odd gold bar just doesn't seem worth it when I can get multiple boosters on level 2000.
I'm getting bored with Candy Crush - this is a good thing.

larfingravy said...

2862 proving a struggle for me. Have to resort to posting for luck.

Unknown said...

I'm so confused!! Can anyone help me? I'm playing on Facebook and haven't been there for a few days. The last level I played was 2825. Today I refresh the page and a message comes up saying I've reached the end and if I want to unlock more levels then update my browser. I've always used Firefox and it IS updated.

Unknown said...

Never mind, I figured it out. They no longer support the Flash version and I have to switch to HTLM5.

Anonymous said...

I got bored silly playing level 1476 so have been going over a few of the older levels to see if any give good candy drops. Just played level 666 again and got 47 drops for the game.

Anonymous said...

I was playing level 2000 this morning while waiting for the new batch to be available and noticed that King has redesigned the left side-bar of the level. What I also noticed was that I can no longer play the level over and over to collect boosters the way I could when using Firefox - even after I cleaned the system cache. Switching to another compatible browser showed the same result. Can anyone else confirm that they are seeing the same change? Thanks - Alan

Anonymous said...

Levels ain't appearing today and I have a strange piggy bank thing at the side. Will have to play it later on tonight. Stupid Candy Crush developers.

Moany Pete

Anonymous said...

Alan again - scratch the above post regarding boosters and level 2000. The only thing that has changed is there is no longer a prompt at the start of the game indicating that there is a special reward at the end. The level still gives plenty of boosters. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Still no new levels today. I'm still playing on Facebook and using Firefox. Played several rounds of 2000 and collected the prize boosters, but it's now time to head off to work. Hopefully the new levels will come out soon and I can play them at lunch.

Goodest day to all!


Anonymous said...

Well, I'm at work now and still no new levels. I can't remember them ever being this late. On the bright side, there are some changes in the HTML5 version running on Farcebook. For the first time, in centuries, the game displays the number of paint brushes I have. I've been having to go to my Linux machine which, still runs the flash version on Facebook, to find my brush count. Also, happily, 2000 still works.


Anonymous said...

OK, the new levels finally appeared, and I finished them on an "early" lunch break at work. Nothing was super difficult, but neither was it fun / entertaining. Is this one of the symptoms of CC burnout?


Anonymous said...

This was the hardest set of levels ever. No question. Maybe if you have ufos and shit it won't be but believe me when I say this was really difficult at times and a lollipop gobbler. Truly horrific week.

Moany Pete

Ditte said...

Done with 2871-2885. One timed level which didn't cause me problems. Difficult to survive the bombs in 2872. 2873 is nasty. You need double colourbombs to have a chance. Lots of popcorn, licorice and evil spawners in this episode. Bot more fun and less boring than 2856-2870.

Ditte said...

And 2882 is the same as 2838. The one lots of people found difficult.

sleepless wherever said...

Having difficulties with 30s timed level 2871.

Anonymous said...

Seems like this episode is designed for people who have access to the helmet and 2000 bonuses...hardly fair to those of us that don't...

Ditte said...

I think 2871 is pretty easy with the space dash. Especially if the two colourbombs are next to each other. Switch them and then concentrate on the extra time candies falling from the dispensers in the sides. Then the jelly will pretty much take care of itself.

sleepless wherever said...

2871 took 12 tries. Don’t use fish as precious seconds taken away. 2882 a repeat. Timed bombs with boosters should be ok. All cleared 2871-85

Anonymous said...

As someone above said this is designed now purely for the level 2000 players. It's not a level playing field at all. I see comments about paint brushes and shit, I ain't got no freeking paint brushes. I have survived on lollips and hand moves which are almost running out. I will have to start the 1476, 1168 etc level shit again but I stopped doing that when they stopped doubling the bonus, now it's an even bigger chore and I ca't face that shit. I freeking hate this game. Today it says click to play new secret levels and wtf are they? The game should be the same for everyone across the board. King has precided over an utter shambles and the only way to make it right is to remove everyone's hoards of shit and start it all afresh and remove that level 2000 crap that we all don't have. The game will stop being easy then.

Moany Pete

Ditte said...

I sure could use the UFOs from the 2000 bonanza. I too have tired of playing for sugardrops and only do it wednesdays, but I open the app every day to get the free boosters. I load up the spaceship and try not to use to many boosters apart from that. I only use a couple of hands and hammers for each episode. Would it be easier with the 2000 bonanza, sure, but it's doable without it.

Anonymous said...

so my last level is 2871 are some of you able to do another level? I am so stuff on the timed level 2865 OC

Ditte said...

Last week we got two new episodes on the windows 10 app. Level 2841-2855 and 2856-2870 (horrible episode!). And a new episode this week 2871-2885. Some difficult levels, but more fun than 2856-2870.

Anonymous said...

Ah well on my Windows app that didnt happen. I'll try again when hubby has finished with the puter. I'm done with the nasty one. Took way to long and $2.00 because I didnt have enough gold and I'd rather pay they play to get it... I had to go get a few 2K treats to get done... and I hate playing that too... takes a long time to load... and on Chromebook I dont have FireFox.... so done thank goodness. Anyone get Tiff's Challenge.... not for me yet. Have a fun Halloween and see ya Wenesday...but I'm swamped at work so who knows when I will get a break... OC

Anonymous said...

OK my MSN just hadn't updated. So, now I have next weeks on my MSN App. That timed level is nasty! So stuck already! As you can tell I'm not a fun of timed levels! OC

larfingravy said...

2865 timed level is killing me. Closest I've come is 4 blockers left. Even with the maximum boosters from the Witch Hat promotion doesn't get me there. Being a timed level you can't exit on a poor board set up without losing a life. Hate it.

Anonymous said...

Moaney Pete:

I'm sure this will be deleted, but: kiss my ass. The 2000 thing obviously isn't a secret anymore. It still works, and anyone that wants to invest the time to "earn" the boosters can. As far as your "remove everyone's hoards of shit and start it all afresh" goes, it was done within what the system (right or wrong) allowed. Why should my efforts be wasted because you were too lazy to do it? The game is a joke anyway with all the helmet stuff. All of us, that got to the higher levels, without helmets and endless boosters, are being laughed at by the people who now get it for free.


Anonymous said...

To anyone, other than Pete, that my comment offended: Sorry.


Anonymous said...

Aw did I hurt your feelings. Loads will agree with my words that the game is different across platforms and browsers. Lot's in here do not get the level 2000 thing. I don't need it as I have got this far without it and I will quit at 3000.

Anyway spaceships are no longer in play now and the helmet only gives me a wrap and a sugar bomb. I have no idea if it should go higher than this like the spaceship did.

Much more easy this week. A couple of bad levels starting with a shitty timed level that I somehow done it right away. The developers gave us a clone of that level that had about 12 squares with so many blues and greens to get (2882). Bastards.

Everyone just chillax it's only a game and dry your eyes MB.

Moany Pete

Ditte said...

If you think the timed levels we've had recently were difficult then just wait until you get to 2890! Not easy to get the extra time candies. Licorice blocks the way and chocolate eats them :-(. Maybe I should just wait and see, if the Space Dash comes back tomorrow. Not much magic about Morts helmet. I miss the two colourbombs. 2889 wasn't fun either.

sleepless wherever said...

All done 2886-2900. 2890 timed level doable with boosters like UFO.

Ditte said...

I don't have UFOs. Takes a long time this week without the space dash. I'm currently stuck at 2894.

Ditte said...

Finally done, but I had to use a lot of boosters. I hope the space dash will be back next week.

Luci said...

Using Windows 10 app and I have access to the newest levels starting at 2886. I do not have any of my boosters transferring over to this app when I sync through facebook or just play on the app. So none of the boosters I have acquired by playing 2000 are transferred. The only boosters I have are the ones that I earn on this app. Is this the way it is for everyone here or am I being cheated from earned boosters. Just wondering if anyone here can answer this question for me. Thanks

larfingravy said...

Luci - my iphone game is stuck at 2840 with lots of boosters available that I can easily collect. The Windows 10 app game is, like yours, updated to 2885. But I see some have got updated further. On this app I have very limited boosters available only a handful in total. It also does not give me the daily bonus wheel or other booster gathering opportunities. You're not alone but it is frustrating.

Luci said...

larfingravy - thanks for the reply...so I am not the only one, good to know. Such a waste having hundreds of boosters at my beck and call but not being able to access them on Windows 10 app on my PC. How sad all our earned boosters can't be used across the board no matter which platform we play on. I thought that was the purpose of syncing our games. Oh well...no point complaining it's just a game.

sleepless wherever said...

Luci & larfingravy

My boosters were updated after a few days. Good luck.

Ditte said...

As far as I know only the gold bars and your progress are synced. Sadly not the boosters. I've lost the boosters several times on phones. Once because I had to reset the phone completely and a couple of times King has "stolen" the boosters. Several hundreds of each :-( I also have lots of boosters on king.com, useless now that they've stopped making new levels. Can't say if it's different when you're on facebook...
No boosterwheel on the windows app, but otherwise you have the same opportunities to collect boosters as on phones.

Anonymous said...

That was the worst level for a long time. Virtually impossibly without boosters. And the boosters are getting harder to get.
Maybe King doesn't want anyone to make 3000 before they quit.

Anonymous said...

Where are you MB.... hope you haven't quit. I noticed that you are about half way on the Windows App version.... miss your comments. Just got done with the timed level. Haven't bothered to get a lot of boosters.... but they do transfer from Firefox to the Windows App. Taking my time... hope this game is over soon:) Don't have the will power to stop myself. OC

sleepless wherever said...

Anonymous & MB,

What are your FB ID. I have no Friend at level 2886 - 90.

Luci said...

I have been working on level 2890 the timed level on Windows app since Wed Nov 1. I have been using the space dash and Mort's helmets but I cannot get it. Three times I came within 1 jelly but I do not have my arsenal of boosters from 2000 on Windows app. Mine do not transfer over. I am getting tired of trying to win this level. Every time I got within one jelly I did not have a lollipop to break it:-( This is very frustrating.

Anonymous said...

Sleepless I tried looking you up at Sleepless in Wherever on Facebook. Is that you? If so I will send you a friend request. If not please let me know where to message you. I am very careful about giving out information so I need your information first. Thanks.... I would love more friends at our current levels. I only have MB at the latest levels and so would love a few more too, OC

kathyfromboston said...

I have not posted to this board before, but I read it all of the time for the excellent suggestions when I am stuck on a level. I am on level 2891 and I play on Windows 10 version of the game. I have recently seen several references to the level 2000 (and a few other levels) trick to earn boosters.I played on king.com until they stopped adding levels a few weeks ago. Since reading about the level 2000 thing, I have tried the game on different browsers including firefox and I don't see anything that earns me boosters on level 2000 other than than occasionally where you can earn boosters through the candy machine thing on levels marked with the c at the bottom of the level button. Can someone tell me exactly what is the level 2000 trick? Thanks.

sleepless wherever said...


Invite me at teotimothy18@gmail.com. Thanks

Ditte said...

Kathy the level 2000 trick sadly doesn't work on king.com or the windows 10 app. I think OC made it work by deleting the app and reinstalling it. Again and again. I haven't tried it fearing my boosters will disappear and it sounds like a lot of work to me. You need to play on/through facebook to make it work. And use Firefox set to never save browserhistory. I don't wish to be on facebook and prefer to keep my browserhistory, so I have to do without the UFOs and paintbrushes playing level 2000 gives.

Anonymous said...

Kathy - I did do what Ditte said until I learned about Fire Fox. Now I just I have just set that browser to never remember history and I can get the 2000 boosters every time. Important to remember to refresh the game after every time you play 2000 otherwise it wont work. On Google I clear browser history but I don't set it to never remember because I like to keep some history. Mine do transfer to the Windows App but some people have been having a problem with the boosters transferring to that app. Right now I am stuck on 2900 but it is NOT a timed level for me. Still a tough one and I need to revisit 2K to get it done. There is a ton of hints on this if you go back to some of the other pages. Hope this helps. MB?????? Did you quit????? Fingers crossed you didn't. OC

Anonymous said...

Sleepless I tried to invite you... if that is you when I looked it up on Facebook by putting in your email address.
All done and top of the leader board for most finished levels. Ahead of MB and that is scary!!!! Never happened before. Found out if you click the yellow star by your name near the picture frame that you can see your levels etc and other peoples too... Are you there too Sleepless.... oh well... on with my life.... not this silly game any more till Wednesday:) Onward Crushers. OC

sleepless wherever said...


Thanks , just messaged you.

Anonymous said...

OC, I'm still here. Just haven't felt very well for the last few weeks. Logging in is about all the effort I can deal with right now.


Anonymous said...

MB get better soon. Thanks for letting us know. Hopefully, you will be feeling up to flying past the finish post on Wednesday... ahead of us all as usual... take care... and feel better. OC

sleepless wherever said...

Where did I get to play 2901.

Unknown said...

I'm going to post what happened to me in case it helps someone else. I also reached the end on facebook and got the message to upgrade browser. I was so frustrated because my firefox ran the latest version. I was anxious to get to the HTML5 so I could do the level 2000 trick. After a lot of frustration I found out that all I had to do was sign out of Facebook and then back in again. I always kept CC open in a tab and rarely shut down my iMac but put it in sleep mode every day. So signing out and back in did the trick.

I also don't want to never keep any history so what I do in Firefox is click on History and the "clear recent history - cache and recent browsing-" then I go to level 2000, play the game, get the boosters, then clear history again and refresh and play again. For me, it is just as easy as having the setting on never save history... just one click more. And it is super fun ... thanks to all here who have shared this wonderful trick!!!

Anonymous said...

Sleepless - as far as I know no one has got to 2901 yet... see you there tomorrow:) OC

Anonymous said...

Sleepless, sorry I didn't reply sooner, but haven't been doing overly great. You can find me on FB by searching for Rob Mason in Banner Elk, NC.


Ditte said...

MB I hope you get well soon. I finally passed 2901. Not easy to get enough yellows. Stupid evil spawners.

Anonymous said...

I'm still playing only on FB. I load the windows app every day to see if my boosters are showing up there... they never are. Is there a trick to getting to boosters to move over? All of the space dash and helmet stuff show up on FB and windows, but not boosters.


sleepless wherever said...


Found and invited you but no reply.

Ditte, are up on fb too?

Ditte said...

I've played on phones, windows app and king.com and the boosters have never transferred. I don't know how sleepless whereever managed that.
And no I'm not on Facebook.
Some pretty nasty levels this week (2901-2915). Some probably won't be to difficult for those of you with plenty of UFOs, but 2907 is nasty. Difficult to hit the blockers blocking the cherries from falling. And when you finally get them to fall, you'll probably need hands to move them sideways of the first conveyor to get them down to the botton conveyor where the exits are.

Anonymous said...

Sleepless, I just checked and hadn't received any friend requests yet. I even checked my two defunct accounts, with similar name, that I never use. The Rob Mason account is the only one I use. Robert Mason and Bob mason still show up, but are unused.


sleepless wherever said...


Invite me on email given about that OC used.

Ditte said...

Done for the week. This weeks episode completed and 180 sugardrops collected. No timed levels. Some easy (with Space Dash) and as said some very difficult. Particularly 2901, 2905,2906 and 2907.

sleepless wherever said...

2907 is very difficult indeed. Will try tom..

Unknown said...

I'm having fun this morning collecting boosters via 2000 but unlike the other days today I am getting the daily treat over and over again but not the daily spin...for some reason that only works once. I'm also getting 3 stars added to my total each time I play for the collect stars contest. The people at the top have something like 600-900 new stars... how the heck do they do that in just a few days? The stripe contest I can understand because playing 1955 has given me over 1000 stripes in one game but how can someone get so many stars when the most one game can give is 3?

Anonymous said...

Sleepless, Invite sent. now, back to bed for a couple days.


Ditte said...

Suzie I think you get 10, 20 and 30 stars instead of 1,2 and 3 stars when you play new levels. So if you're able to play 2-3 new episodes you'll be able to get 600-900 stars. I got 334 today by playing one new episode and some old ones to reach the 180 sugardrops.

Unknown said...

Ditte, thanks for your answer and that does make sense. I guess I'm always too near the end when the star contest appears and forgot some people have many levels they can play :)

Unknown said...

I forgot today is Wednesday, haha ... new episode here I come.

sleepless wherever said...

All done. Some nasty levels.

sleepless wherever said...

Of course with boosters help. 2907 impossible without boosters.

Ditte said...

Yeah I used some coconut wheels and a lot of hands to get through 2907. Once you get past that the rest was pretty easy.

Dee said...

Ditte - thank you for explaining about the stars. I could never understand why I would suddenly rank up and get 5 unnecessary extra lives whenever I started a new episode....
Moany Pete - I agree that it's unpleasant that some people are ahead of us on different platforms. Whilst I am stalled at 2900 some of the others are discussing what is, from my perspective, next week's episode (please let us have your tips!!!)
However, I beg of you, please express your (and our) genuine and legitimate grudges in terms that won't upset us older folk, who still shudder painfully at four letter words.
OC - I can't find any star near my picture frame. However, clicking on the frame itself does show my own personal progress.
MB - I hope you will feel better soon. We miss your energy and enthusiasm.

Unknown said...

When I went to bed last night I held the #1 position in the collect stars contest with only a few hours left and when I woke up there is neither hide nor hair of the contest at all. Nothing to click on to see how I did much less any prizes. I wonder if I somehow did this by erasing recent history so many times?

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone! A very busy OC here -- so I won't be done till next week. Going to Alaska this weekend and have to leave the Microsoft version at home with hubby. My boosters cross over... I can only guess that since I have none to start with and only get one set at a time that that is maybe why they go over. MB you have soooo many so perhaps that is why they don't go over... too many for the app to handle... Just guessing. Get better soon MB ... miss all your super tips and comments. Have fun all .. .. going to try to get a few boosters and allow myself a few levels before packing and making a baby blanket for grandson No. 2. who is on his way come January. OC

sleepless wherever said...

Enjoy Alaska OC and get well fast MB.

Anonymous said...

Just finished this level in about 3 hours. They are now impossible with no boosters.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said...

How are people talking about level 2907? My board stops at 2900. I'm on FB PC version.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said...

Struggling with 2897. I can't get pass those dumb black licorice. They drop down every time I make a combo. Maddening level. Any tips?

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said...

OMG "posting for luck" is real. After I made that post, I got it! LMAO. Man. What a relief to get out there. Onward to the next level...

Ditte said...

A couple of weeks or maybe a month ago we got two new episodes wednesday on the windows 10 app and since then those of us, who plays there are a week ahead of those of you playing on FB.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what that new booster that is locked is all about. You can see it on the boosters you get for 2000 but it is locked. Looks like an ice cream cone ... perhaps we get it at 3000? Anyone have any ideas? I'm now in Alaska, but can't play the game because I can't play the microsoft app version here. OC

Ditte said...

I just checked the windows app. I can see the new locked booster there. But probably not something I have to wonder to much about, since I like with the paintbrushes and UFOs, will have to pay to get them.

Anonymous said...

Suzie O thanks for the level 2000 tip, I now no how to get the boosters. AD
I have Just done 5 of the captchas trying to post this. How do we get around this?

larfingravy said...

Don't bother doing the Captcha. Your post still shows. I've not done a captcha to post this.

Anonymous said...

2906 is impossible. Started with all boosters and a nice board (sprinkle+wrapped, same color wrapped in all 4 corners). The best outcome was that I needed 15 hammers to finish. Played so many times already.

sleepless wherever said...

I have not seen any able to do 2901, 2906 or 2907 without lots of boosters.

Anonymous said...

Passing a level is becoming hard work. And when you do, click this click that click that click this ano. Jez.

Ditte said...

Oh no. Seems like we won't have the space dash to help us through this weeks new levels. Just the magic helmets :-(

Unknown said...

That's weird Ditte because I have the space dash.

Anonymous said...

In 2900, don't worry about killing the magic mixers, there isn't any jelly under them. Instead, use the fish booster to hit them.

Anonymous said...

"2906 is impossible."
They just changed the layout. A lot more manageable now. Passed it at once with all starting boosters and one hand.

sleepless wherever said...

2907 layout also changed to much easier. Used to needing at least 4 switches to non needed now. Ingredients now just I loop move instead of 2.

Anonymous said...

All done... it pays to wait I guess.. It was pretty easy by the time I got there. Thank goodness.... I hate to struggle... so now waiting for Wednesday... Onward Crushers OC

Ditte said...

Suzie I just have the helmets on my phones and the windows app. The countdown is 72 hours and 25 minutes. So no space dash for me tomorrow.

larfingravy said...

What does this new party booster do? Don't want to waste it just to find out.

Unknown said...

I got the new party booster on my phone and tablet and it does look pretty cool...it removes one layer like two sprinkles together do but also throws out 4 random boosters that go off. They gave us 2 for free but not on the computer through facebook so far.

Unknown said...

Haha Larfingravy we were posting at the same time :)

Anonymous said...

Yep I got the party booster too. They only give us two and so far you can't get more from the 2K deal. So, I shall wait to see what tomorrow brings.... OC

sleepless wherever said...

2923 timed level is impossible.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said...

2901 - I'm always short on yellows. I guess you have to finish up the chocolate and licorice in order to get more yellows. I wish Cookie's tips for every level was back up. Good luck everyone.

Anonymous said...

What are you meant to do with 2911. Could have passed using the full amount of boosters plus 18 hammers. closest I have come so far.

Ditte said...

I just replayed 2911. Passed it the first time, as I did last week. Played it again and only jelly missing. Easy enough to make stripes and wrapped candies to hit the float with. And you also get stripes from the dispensers.

Ditte said...

Sleepless did you pass 2923? I'm stuck there now. I had to use some hammers to pass 2922. Stupid 5 count bombs. Also struggled with 2919, where I had to use a colourbombbooster, so I could switch it with the one from the helmet. Apart from that it hasn't been difficult despite only getting one colourbomb from the helmet instead of two from the space dash.

Ditte said...

Must be a glitch in 2923 only licorice falls in the left side of the board. No candies.

sleepless wherever said...

Ditte’, like u stuck at 2923 , spent loads of boosters to no avail. It’s impossible,

Ditte said...

I think I'll wait until they get it fixed. Must be a mistake that no candies fall in the left side.

sleepless wherever said...

Agree , don’t want to waste any more boosters.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said...

Someone said they were ahead using Windows 10 app. What's that? On mobile? I have to download windows 10 then Candy Crush Saga app? I haven't checked my phone because I'm ahead of it but it is usually behind PC/FB versions.

Ditte said...

The windows 10 app is for computers. I don't remember, if it comes with windows 10, or if I had to get it from the windows 10 app store. At first it was two weeks behind as mobiles, then it caught up and I started using it instead of king.com, because it has the space dash. And recently it has been a week ahead of the facebookversion. There is no daily booster spin, but apart from that it's like the mobile version.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said...

Thanks Ditte. Appreciate it. I did upgrade to windows 10 so I'll look into it.

Anonymous said...

Hi all! I just did 2900 to 2915 (last weeks batch for most of you). A couple levels were pretty annoying, but such is life. I see all the comments about 2923. Hopefully they will fix it by next week, when I get there. That may be an advantage of being a week behind Farcebook player. Still no boosters transferring over to the Win 10 version.

Went back to work, so I must be feeling a bit better.


Ditte said...

You're welcome. If you're not happy with the board, you can quit without losing lives or boosters by pressing escape before making a move. If you don't pass the level you can keep your space dash or helmet boosters by closing the app with X in the top corner. Do not click on "give up" or the pink X, then you'll have to load up the helmet/space dash again.

Ditte said...

Good to see you back MB. Yes there are advantages to being a week behind. 2906 and 2907 were extremely difficult last week, but has been changed.

larfingravy said...

Suzie - yes we did post one minute apart!
Thanks for the advice about the booster :)

CJ said...

2923 is a bear. I can't figure if there is a trick or not. Extra boosters on top of the space ship don't even help. Not sure if two candy bombs together might open up the left side or not as I havent been lucky enough to get them. Hopefully this is just a glitch that will be fixed. Any one had any lick with it yet?

Luci said...

Today I was working on level 2919 and switched a fish with a colorbomb and it only gave me 2 speckled fish. That's it! Not even 3. I thought that was a total of 9 fish for the match of those combinations. I think we are being cheated with some of the matches on the board. Did anyone else notice these things?

Anonymous said...

Played 2915 yesterday about 10 times and didn't seem to matter how many keys I got there were never enough to unlock the timed candy. Had 3 goes at it this morning and the key opened after 2 candies hit but still I struggled to get out before the bomb went off. I went back to number 1 and got a space dash. Went back to 2915 and it was back to hitting every key and the bomb not opening.
Why is there so much cheating going on in this game.

Anonymous said...

MB - so glad you are better. 2923 is horrible and I am stuck. Looks like you got through Sleepless... did you? If so how? It is aweful. sick of playing 2K and then using all the boosters to no avail. Even used my party boosters.... stupid me.... So, I am stuck...... hate timed levels but this is ridiculous. If anyone has some tips for this one please let us know:) OC

Ditte said...

As said I think it must be a mistake, that no candies fall in the left side of the board. It has to be. It would be impossible, even if it wasn't timed. I did switch two colourbombs, but you would have to do that 2 or 3 times to have much effect. Once just left me with lots of jellies and some licorice. So my advise, don't waste your boosters or time until it's fixed.

sleepless wherever said...

MB, Glad you are back,similar experience with ditte on 2923, it’s impossible OC. Don’t waste anymore boosters till they fix it.

Anonymous said...

OK thanks Sleepless and Ditte. So are you both stuck there? You were on the trail with me Sleepless, but I don't see you there now. So frustrating. Looks like they opened two levels this week on the Windows App, but we can't get past this timed level. I do get candies on the left if I use a number of boosters but they turn to jelly and licorice pretty quickly and there is not enough time to use more boosters and the extra time candies are very skimpy. Hopefully, they will fix it soon.

Ditte said...

2923 has just been changed. I haven't passed it yet (only tried once). But now candies and extra time candies fall in the left side. Not just licorice.

CJ said...

YAY! 2923 is OK ow!

Ditte said...

Passed it on my second try. Even though I only have the helmets this week, not the dash as some of you seem to have.

Anonymous said...

Passed it too on first try after the fix. I see you now Sleepless:) OK gotta go to work. Have to replenish the boosters that I wasted. OC

Anonymous said...

Cleared 2923. Although I had all the boosters from the space dash helmets, it allowed only one color ball. Plenty of extra time candies available.


Ditte said...

The helmet and the space dash are different. It only takes 3 cleared levels to get the full helmet, but 7 to get the full space dash. And only one colourbomb with the helmet, two from the space dash. Stuck at 2926, where I wish I had two colourbombs. Lots of popcorn.

Ditte said...

2926 cost me a lot of boosters. 2927 wasn't to bad, but ugh 2928 is another timed level this time with popcorn with jelly underneath blocking the extra time candydispensers. I really should wait until the space dash comes back. To many boosters needed with just the helmet. And yes there seems to be another new episode waiting.

Ditte said...

Still stuck at 2928. Stupid popcorn. I'll call it quits for today. Hopefully the space dash will appear tomorrow.

sleepless wherever said...

Haha all done 2916-2930 & 2931-45. Timed levels 2828, 2932, 2936, 2940 & 2942. For 2928 needs UFO. rest luck & boosters.
2932 took 3 tries.

Shanne said...