Level 9101 - 9200

  Level guides and tips for level 9101 - 9200.

Below are links to the level guides with tips and videos for all the Candy Crush Saga levels between 9101 and 9200.
There are hints and tips from our expert players and from other readers of this blog.
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Click on the link below to see the tips and video for the level you want.

Level 9101                   Level 9151
Level 9102                   Level 9152
Level 9103                   Level 9153
Level 9104                   Level 9154
Level 9105                   Level 9155
Level 9106                   Level 9156
Level 9107                   Level 9157
Level 9108                   Level 9158
Level 9109                   Level 9159
Level 9110                   Level 9160
Level 9111                   Level 9161
Level 9112                   Level 9162
Level 9113                   Level 9163
Level 9114                   Level 9164
Level 9115                   Level 9165
Level 9116                   Level 9166
Level 9117                   Level 9167
Level 9118                   Level 9168
Level 9119                   Level 9169
Level 9120                   Level 9170
Level 9121                   Level 9171
Level 9122                   Level 9172
Level 9123                   Level 9173
Level 9124                   Level 9174
Level 9125                   Level 9175
Level 9126                   Level 9176
Level 9127                   Level 9177
Level 9128                   Level 9178
Level 9129                   Level 9179
Level 9130                   Level 9180
Level 9131                   Level 9181
Level 9132                   Level 9182
Level 9133                   Level 9183
Level 9134                   Level 9184
Level 9135                   Level 9185
Level 9136                   Level 9186
Level 9137                   Level 9187
Level 9138                   Level 9188
Level 9139                   Level 9189
Level 9140                   Level 9190
Level 9141                   Level 9191
Level 9142                   Level 9192
Level 9143                   Level 9193
Level 9144                   Level 9194
Level 9145                   Level 9195
Level 9146                   Level 9196
Level 9147                   Level 9197
Level 9148                   Level 9198
 Level 9149                   Level 9199 
Level 9150                   Level 9200


kik said...

9215 done, some tricky ones this week.
Has anyone else noticed the coconut wheel/stripe combo doesn't travel as far anymore?
It used to span the width or height of the whole board- now barely 6 spaces.
Also no race this week, or just me?

abcd said...

9215 done, use 4 hammers in 9202 and after 2 try used 1 ufo in 9212. The coconut wheel/stripe combo travel 6 times once only and win 25 gold bar in race.

Ditte said...

Yes I also noticed the wheel/stripe combo didn't go all the way across the board. Missed about 3 spots/rows :-( Tough 3rd episode. 9202 and 9212 in particular. I as most weeks had the episode race for the first episode. After this week, I think I'll be seeing stripes everywhere for days.....

pinlock said...

As far as I’m aware the wheel stripe combo has never covered the whole board,,the wheel colour bomb combo does that

Ditte said...

9230 done. Easy first episode with help from Fab5 boosters.

abcd said...

9230 done, easy episode.

Ditte said...

9245 done. Most were easy, but a few difficult ones. 9243 in particular.

Ditte said...

9260 done. Easy week.

abcd said...

9245 done, use hammers in 9231,9233,9241 and 9243. Done for today.

Deb said...

9133. How are we expected to clear this level when King has reduced the number from 45 to 31. This is over 30 percent reduction in the number off try’s they have given us.Sad

abcd said...

9260 DONE. Yes easy week.

Sunny in Buffalo said...

9126 thru 9140 were tough, be prepared 9141 & 9142 are worse, good luck on the next episode everyone!

Unknown said...

Tips for passing 9133 please

Twins mom said...

Level 9145, is a very frustrating level, with every move the board covers quickly with caramel squares!

Deedee1 said...

9136 - posting for luck

Unknown said...

Why have you reduced the number of moves in level 9133 from 45 to 31. This makes the game virtually impossible to complete. Please reinstate these moves.

Mezzanine said...

9131. Posting for luck please. Another horrible level

MP said...

Since level 9000 King obviously started another campaign to "help" us to get rid of our boosters. It has become virtually impossible to clear a new level in a first try and thus moving forward with more boosters from the winning streak. It is also clear that the main motive of King is to sell stuff like gold bricks and boosters so King "suggests" all the time to buy them. They are handing out a few treats to us for free just to see how helpful the boosters are to pass the ever harder levels.
Anyway, this is a free game and I guess it is understandable King is supporting and developing this game to earn money and just not to have the "last episode's" players happy. We are obviously happy enough to keep playing despite all the frustrations some level bring.
So keep crushing and be aware it's for free

Mezzanine said...

9133 posting for luck please

pinlock said...

I agree mp..my choc box has dissapeared this week so the only boosters i can get now are from the daily spin and the team 5 which i hardly ever get a ufo from..with the levels as they are now its obvious they want money to play.

Juj42 said...

Quite - if you wanna play you have to pay (or be a windows 10 beta player with extra moves)😡

Twins mom said...

Day 2 on level 9145, and it's really, really getting old!

Ayuma said...

I used to be a Windows 10 beta player. It usually took me just a few hours to complete the 45 episodes every week... Now I am struggling for hours, if not days, for almost each episode since level 9000. I guess the developers use the data from the Windows 10 players to adjust every level so it’s barely impossible to pass. As others said this is a free game and some how they have to make money. They know that we are approaching THE milestone, stage 10000. Many won’t give up now that we are that close and we will be tempted to pay a few money to reach that stage. The problem for those like me that, who don’t won’t to pay, is that the game lost its essence. Now, there is no real strategy. Now it’s a matter of playing the obvious move and just wait until a lucky combination happens. Just let’s hope this is not gonna be this much longer.

Kathy said...

Posting for luck on 9145. I have a flying saucer booster but can’t get close enough to winning to use it. Need a lucky board, too.

Pascorp said...

9139... Can't make it.

Rick said...

There seems to a bug in 9170. The 5th cherry won't come out. I have been in several situation where I have completed everything with several moves still left but can't make the 5th cherry show up to pass the level. All the videos I have seen have only 4 cherries in them. Any tip from you guys?

Twins mom said...

Level 9148 is quite a nightmare! Well, nothing new, most of them are these days!

Ditte said...

Seems like all you can do is wait for 9170 to be fixed Rick. Others have reported it, but still no answer. https://community.king.com/en/candy-crush-saga/discussion/335050/level-9170-issue. Or maybe you should report it here: https://community.king.com/en/candy-crush-saga/discussion/comment/1504192#Comment_1504192.

pinlock said...

Stuck on 9150..As twins mum says it’s just nightmare after nightmare...these spawners you can’t destroy do my head in

Ditte said...

sorry I didn't know how to make links. Hope it works now https://community.king.com/en/candy-crush-saga/discussion/335050/level-9170-issue

Deedee1 said...

9148 ... posting for luck... not enough moves

Twins mom said...

Agree, 9148 played many times, have yet to destroy either spanner!

Twins mom said...

Oops, should say spawners, stupid spell check ✔

Buffalo John said...

9159 is killing me...2 days on this one. Any help would be appreciated. Posting for luck

Deedee1 said...

9151 posting for luck

Beachlover said...

9133 is impossible needing a Lucky board

Deb said...

9157, Have been on this level for two days. Not enough moves even with boosters. Originally this level had 42 moves but now it has 27. No fu anymore.

Deb said...

9157. Still here . Not getting close. The moves started at 42 now 27. Definitely not enough moves.

Rick said...

To Buffalo John, I passed 9159 on my first try but could not remember how I did it. Anyway, try to clear columns 3 to 7 right away. Columns 4, 5, and 6, will dispense striped candies while columns 3 and 7 will dispense wraps. You might be able to have striped/wrapped combos between those 2 adjacent columns. Columns 2 and 8 will also dispense striped candies also so that you can have striped/wrapped combos on columns 2 & 3, 3 & 4, 6 & 7, and 7 & 8.

Graham the nomad said...


Copy and repeat same old comments.

FU.King not enough moves.
FU.King tedious.
FU.King Neanderthal.

Feck feck feck feck feck feck feck feck feck feck feck feck feck feck feck feck feck feck feck feck You King

Pray for a FU.King lucky board.

Mezzanine said...

9136 posting for luck please

Pascorp said...

9139 still there... not even close posting for luck

MP said...

Reading your comments how hard 9154 and 9157 are...
But how did you pass 9151? Stuck here for two days and best I did was to come down with jelly to 19

pinlock said...

Stuck on 9151 aswell..best I’ve done so far is needing 30 jellies...not sure how to do this one

Buffalo John said...

Rick.. Thanks for the advice.. I'm still stuck here. Posting for a lucky board. Posting for luck. Posting for anything I can get. Lol

Wider Smile said...

9133 posting for the lucky board please....

Twins mom said...

Still stuck on 9148, every move you make get covered with crystal immediately!

pinlock said...

Still stuck on 9151..used all starters and had a cb wrap combo start and still couldn’t clear all the jelly,,had 6 left...not sure how this is possible to do in the moves available

Pascorp said...

Reading these comments I am with the impression that King locked us all to remain at the same level for few days 🥺

Mezzanine said...

9139. Posting for luck please. Stuck!

Twins mom said...

9150 is horrible!

Twins mom said...

Stuck on 9151 also...this is just a horrible/difficult episode!

Roger75 said...

In 9151 I think they want you to use the pinata thing. But I won't do that!

Twins mom said...

Lucky boards are FEW and FAR between these days! There's nothing fun or relaxing about this game any more just super frustrating!

Mima53 said...

The level 9151 is so hard. I have only 26 moves. Post for lucky. It’s horrible and there’s nothing fun. Help me.

Deedee1 said...

9157 posting for luck

Elizabeth said...

Level 9145 is way to difficult for the numbers of moves given. Unable to pass it without boosters.
Posting for a lucky board

Eileen & Skip said...

Having trouble with level 9166, 2 days not even close, have nothing left to throw at it, gold bars all gone.

pinlock said...

15 tries now on 9154 and best I’ve done is needing 40 waffles,,25 moves is not enough ...why keep reducing moves to make them impossible

Deb said...

9163. Not getting any where close. Not enough moves. Originally had 43 moves and now it is 23. Expecting.player to pass it wit only half the number of moves is near impossible.

Tez said...

9142... boosters don’t help to start. I have only a UFO but can never get down closer enough to finish to use it. Need an extra 10 moves to get close! Probably that’s how much the moves have been reduced to.

Twins mom said...

Day 2 on level 9151, pretty much the norm, on most level these days, pretty frustrating!

Deedee1 said...

9158 posting for luck

Kim said...

9154 kom niet eens in de buurt om dit level te halen. Bijna geen boosters meer. Spel geeft nu ook geen extra gratis boosters meer nu de dagelijkse uitdaging weg is. Laatste paar episodes zijn niet leuk meer. Nu vast op 9154. Probeer het nog een dag en anders op zoek naar een ander spel.

pinlock said...

9157..would love to know how anyone has passed this aweful level...30 tries so far and havnt come close..even the extra moves there offering for 10 gold bars wouldn’t be enough moves to pass ....getting really fed up of playing each level 30 times to pass...Was hoping to make it to level 10.000 but really feel like calling it a day,,more of a chore than fun for me now

Deb said...

9163. Still here. No chance of completing this level when they reduce the number of moves from 43 to 23. Candy crush is not the game it used to be. Since level 9000 King has taken the fun from CC.

Rick said...

I think King finally fixed level 9170 in Android. I just passed it. The 5th cherry finally came out. However, two players beat me in the Episode Race and I just earned 5 gold bars. My Episode Winning Streak ended at 53. If 9170 does not have a bug, my Episode Winning Streak should have been still alive. I was way in front of the race until I got stuck in 9170. Now the next Episode Race will be for 15 gold bars, not 25. I think it starts from 15, then, 20 and 25.

mdrea said...

Impossível de passar na 9163 com 23 movimentos. IMPOSSÍVEL!
Tô presa, mande uma placa de sorte pra poder seguir em frente. Esse jogo perdeu a graça pra mim. Nos vídeos aparecem 45 movimentos é aqui no meu só 23

Deedee1 said...

9159 Posting for luck

Rick said...

As for the coconut wheel, on my Android tablet, the wheel/stripe combo still travels across the board converting candies into stripes. By the way, the wheel/wrap combo will convert candies into wraps also across the board.

Deedee1 said...

9160 stinks! Posting for luck

mdrea said...

Por favor ajude a passar da 9163. Não tem
Como passar com 23 movimentos. Já usei todos os meus boosters e nada.
Mande uma placa de sorte. Postado por sorte

pinlock said...

9157 aaaaaarrrrggghhhhhhhhhhhh still havnt got anywhere near passing

pinlock said...

thankfully 9157 has just been made easier,still havnt passed it yet tho

Roger75 said...

9166 posting for luck.

Twins mom said...

Struggling with level 9159, big sigh!!

Twins mom said...

Could someone please help with a question? Seems like there's a new Treat Calendar and when I check on the daily reward it freezes both my phone and I pad and won't let me continue playing. Any suggestions as what the cause maybe?

Twins mom said...

Please disregard the above comment, seems like the Internet was the problem!

Twins mom said...

Yep, level 9160 is very difficult!

Jvdjagt said...

9163 is the most horrible one so far! Keep this up king and you,ve lost even me! I ended up finishing it when I got close with spending 10 gold bars for 5 extra moves and 2 precious UFOs. When my boosters are all gone so will you be gone, good way to get cured and get my life back.

Deedee1 said...

9168 posting for luck

Twins mom said...

Played level 9160 over 50 times, it's really trying my patience...omg!

pinlock said...

9163...how is this possible in the moves given?.not getting anywhere near passing this one

Lorraine said...

Where is Cookies help. It only goes up to 9155. Stuck on 9163. Any help would be appreciated

Twins mom said...

No one else found 9161 difficult?

Twins mom said...

This has been one horrible episode! Level 9163 is just a joke!

Roger75 said...

9170 done!


Roger75 said...

9174 posting for luck.

abcd said...

9275 done. Some games pass in 2nd attempt. In 9263 use frog always at top middle.

kik said...

stuck on 9268 no 'time'

Rick said...

Completed episode up to 9185. It seems to be this episode is easier than the previous ones. The only level I did not pass on my first try is 9178. I am saving the next episode tomorrow for the Daily Win so that I can earn a UFO. Just 15 gold bars for this Episode Race but the next one is worth 20.
Good luck to you guys, especially the mobile players.

Ditte said...

9275 done. No problems with help from boosters from the space race. Lots of levels with many moves to spare at least until they reduce them.

abcd said...

9290 done, easy episode. Done for today.

Ditte said...

9305 done. Some nasty ones in the 3rd episode. 9295,99, 9303 and 9304.

Deedee1 said...

9176 posting for luck

Kathy said...

posting for luck on 9178

Deb said...

9181. Not enough moves now. Earlier it had 40 moves now only 30. Why is King making the game not enjoyable. Boosters no help.

Deb said...

1981. Still here. There is no hope in passing this level even with boosters. Not fun anymore

pinlock said...

Stuck on 9181 aswell...20 tries so far and havnt come close....I need the luck of Rick

abcd said...

9305 done, yes 9295,99 is nasty but no problem in 9303 and 9304.

Deedee1 said...

9193 - How did it go from 40 moves to 22 moves? Not fair.. posting for luck!

Twins mom said...

I'm just curious how a few players can have a 35 level win streak when some times it takes days to pass one level...are they just that good, because I'm not buying they constantly get lucky boards?

Deedee1 said...

9196 posting for luck

GloryB said...

So now King has taken away Ms Cookies help?? Gee thanks!!! Looking for suggestions for level 9184. Not enough moves. Posting for luck.

Kim said...

Vast op 9184. Dit level is onmogelijk om te halen. Te weinig bewegingen om ook maar een klein beetje in de buurt te komen. Vanaf level 9100 word de lol om te spelen steeds minder.

Twins mom said...

No, one else found level 9186 difficult?

Deedee1 said...

9198 -- not enough moves! ugh!!

pinlock said...

Twin mums yes...I’m stuck on it at the moment...nowhere near enough moves yet again..so far I’m being offered 15 extra moves for 10 gold bars but that still wouldn’t be enough moves to pass plus I have no gold bars left anyway...came close to deleting the game today as I’m fed up of them reducing the moves making levels impossible without spending money....king are taking the pxxx with us all....as for anyone who passes an episode first time must be very wealthy as it’s impossible to pass every level first go...I know some get lucky boards but no way can they pass an episode without losing one game...

Deb said...

9208, Not enough moves. This level once had 41 moves and now it has only 23. I have not come close at being successful. Candy Crush is not fun anymore. Since level 9000 King has changed their attitude to the game. However it is their game and they can do what they like. I know several people who have given up playing CC because they were tired of waiting for a lucky board. Sad because. CC was a great pass time when skill was often required.

Twins mom said...

Pinlock, totally agree, even with a wealth of boosters, you're not gonna complete 35 levels in a row....not buying it for a minute! Some of these take hours or even days to pass!

Ayuma said...

I finally passed level 9186, no boosters. It took me around 40 tries to get a lucky board... Now struggling with level 9187.

Buffalo John said...

9186 is brutal. Posting for luck. Posting for a lucky board.

pinlock said...

Still stuck on 9186...getting fed up

Twins mom said...

Anyone else struggling with level 9190?

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Just wait til #9202, day 2, video has 40 moves, we get 21, good luck!

mdrea said...

Estou presa na fase 9202, já usei todas minha rodas de coco pra nada, teve jogada que ela só apareceu apenas uma vez, absurdo isso.
Muito difícil passar desse nível sem a placa da sorte. Por favor mande uma placa da sorte pra eu seguir em frente.
Estou jogando praticamente sem boosters, pois tiraram a caixa de chocolate e nunca mais voltou os drops de açúcar. Por favor reveja isso, pois jamais comprarei algum boosters.

Postado por sorte

Deedee1 said...

9208 is horrible - not enough moves. Video shows alot more moves. Why do they take moves away??

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Agreed #9208 is tough, have 23 moves, video has 31, good luck, we'll need it!

Hulda said...

I'm stuck on 9214. Can't get anywhere close. Had to buy extra moves for many levels before that but it would take hundreds of gold to buy all the extra moves for this level.

Deedee1 said...

Not enough moves on 9214! Posting for luck

Sunny in Buffalo said...

How did you all get past 9208? Must have got the elusive lucky board, good for you, can't get close, perhaps I too should post for luck :(

mdrea said...

Impossível conseguir passar a 9208, poucos movimentos pra quebrar muita coisa. Preciso de uma placa de sorte.
Postado por sorte

mdrea said...

Realmente é impossível sem a placa de sorte. Por favor mande uma placa de sorte, já gastei todos os meus boosters e não chego nem perto de conseguir.
Postado por sorte

pinlock said...

9198..can anyone give me any advice on how to pass this level as there doesnt seem to me to be enough moves available to pass..i might be doing something wrong but after 10 tries im baffled..i cant get anywhere near passing...hoping for some advice and help

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Pinlock: watch the video for 9198 @ candycrushmom, the frog is super helpful & the CB's that drop top corners are used to feed the frog, good luck since 9208 & 9210 are super hard too!

pinlock said...

Thanks sunny

Twins mom said...

Can't believe there are NO comments on level 9199!

Mariellen Jordan said...

9161. I have been here forever two days. I can’t even get close. Can someone give tips??

Fred said...

Hello CC
Cc level 10380
Vidéos shows 33 moves
Have only 23
Is this fair ?
Can’t get it close with 23 moves
Posting for more moves
Thanks CC

Unknown said...
