Level 6601 - 6700

Level guides and tips for level 6601 - 6700.
Below are links to the level guides with tips and videos for all the Candy Crush Saga levels between 6601 and 6700.
There are hints and tips from our expert players and from other readers of this blog.
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Click on the link below to see the tips and video for the level you want.

Level 6601                                       Level 6651
Level 6602                                       Level 6652
Level 6603                                       Level 6653
Level 6604                                       Level 6654
Level 6605                                       Level 6655
Level 6606                                       Level 6656
Level 6607                                       Level 6657
Level 6608                                       Level 6658
Level 6609                                       Level 6659
Level 6610                                       Level 6660
Level 6611                                       Level 6661
Level 6612                                       Level 6662
Level 6613                                       Level 6663
Level 6614                                       Level 6664
Level 6615                                       Level 6665
Level 6616                                       Level 6666
Level 6617                                       Level 6667
Level 6618                                       Level 6668
Level 6619                                       Level 6669
Level 6620                                       Level 6670
Level 6621                                       Level 6671
Level 6622                                       Level 6672
Level 6623                                       Level 6673
Level 6624                                       Level 6674
Level 6625                                       Level 6675
Level 6626                                       Level 6676
Level 6627                                       Level 6677
Level 6628                                       Level 6678
Level 6629                                       Level 6679
Level 6630                                       Level 6680
Level 6631                                       Level 6681
Level 6632                                       Level 6682
Level 6633                                       Level 6683
Level 6634                                       Level 6684
Level 6635                                       Level 6685
Level 6636                                       Level 6686
Level 6637                                       Level 6687
Level 6638                                       Level 6688
Level 6639                                       Level 6689
Level 6640                                       Level 6690
Level 6641                                       Level 6691
Level 6642                                       Level 6692
Level 6643                                       Level 6693
Level 6644                                       Level 6694
Level 6645                                       Level 6695
Level 6646                                       Level 6696
Level 6647                                       Level 6697
Level 6648                                       Level 6698
 Level 6649                                       Level 6699 
Level 6650                                       Level 6700


Ditte said...

Things went surprisingly easy until 6703. Played it a couple of times and then watched a Johnny Crush video where I saw it needed 3 cb/cb combos. And then my BOT got taken away:-( As in completely gone! Used hammers to get the two top corner spawners and now stuck at 6706. Have you guys still got the BOT?

det said...

Have the bot but it can only be filled on new levels so totally useless.

Ditte said...

Not completely useless as long as you work in airplanemode as I have done a lot the last weeks when my BOT also only worked with old levels. Still stuck at 6706 and not feeling like playing more today.

det said...

How does airplane mode work on the bot once it's empty?

Ditte said...

Doesn't work when it's empty, but keeps it from getting empty.

det said...

I guess I will know for future use. Thanks Ditte.

mg said...

Ditte, my bot was completely gone for a couple of days but is back now. It went from filling with any level to only filling with new levels when it came back.

Ditte said...

det the BOT will still fill in airplanemode, but won't empty if you X out in the top right corner/close down the app when losing a level.

det said...

Thanks Ditte. Problem is filling bot with new levels you can't pass before you can take advantage of airplane mode.

mg said...

I just got a pop up notice that there is an episode bonus at the end of my current episode. I just moved to 6712. Does anyone know what the episode bonus is? This is the first time I've seen this message.

det said...

Airplane mode didn't work for me for bot. I am using Windows 10 on pc.

Rick said...

Completed 44 of 45 levels on my first try. The one I did not get on the first try gave me an Oops because I destroyed the dark chocolate before it grows to complete the order. I got it on the second try, however.
Till next Wednesday.

sleepless wherever said...

Needed 6 hammers to clear top 2 corner spawners for 6703.

det said...

Sleepless, I wish I had enough hammers to get through 6703. I get close, but don't have anything to finish it.

kik said...

Also stuck on 6706 with no Bot and no UFOs...bored.

Ralph said...

Oh joy ... not only must you win new levels to fill up the bot, it appears you can only *use* the bot on new levels. At least that's the behavior I'm seeing.

From a practical standpoint with the levels getting harder and harder, it's almost as though there is no bot

sleepless wherever said...

ditte, same experience on BOT with Ralph and others.
det you can get hammers with chocholate box!
also stuck at 6706!!

det said...

sleepless, I only get 1 hammer per day with the chocolate box and whatever I can get on the daily treat/wheel.

Ditte said...

Ralph the last couple of weeks my BOT only worked with new levels. Now no BOT at all.
And still no chocolate box but I have sugardrops.

mg said...

I am stuck on 6732. Like Ditte, I have never had the chocolate box. I do still have sugar drops. I also have the new bot that is empty with no prospects of filling it. This could be a long week! Happy Crushing!

Ditte said...

I finally got through 6706 after many many many many tries. Checked the colourbomb, wrap/stripe and fish and used a hand to set up a cb/stripe. Checked all available boosters in pretty much every level and finished 6740. Used a few UFOs hands and hammers and lots and lots and lots of lives. Not many left now. I wonder if I'll ever get the BOT back or if it's been taken from me forever.

Ditte said...

And yes 6732 is very difficult when you can't start with a cb/cb.

DM said...

Yes for me too the bot is not working on previous levels. I'm way behind at 6699 and stuck. Will worry about the other difficult levels once I reach there. Posting for luck

cj said...

I lost the bot filling ability too this week. I was in airplane mode to start so had a half bot for a few levels till I inadvertently went back to internet.....Stuck at 6624. Losing interest fast!!!

Ralph said...

Oh well. The bot was fun while it lasted. That also makes Space Race a bit more difficult. Try playing 3309 with no bot ... not quite as easy as it was before.

Ditte said...

Yes with the BOT passing 3309 was almost guarantied, now it takes lots of tries.

Pat said...

I feel sorry for new players. The candy track and bot attracted my interest in the game. With those things gone, simply passing levels is of little interest. I am trying to find another game. Any suggestions?

DM said...

Space ship gone as well. Do you all have space ship contest yet?

Ditte said...

If you mean the Space Race Thursday to Monday then yes I still have that. I haven't had it on my phones for a while, at least I don't think so, I haven't checked for some time, but it's still there on Win 10.

DM said...

Yes Ditte, I meant space race. I also play on windows 10. But didnt get it this Thursday. Wonder if its deliberate on part of king

DM said...

Never mind. got it now

Pat said...

If the space race does not show up, play 3309; and it will trigger space race. However, I have to use a precious booster to even start to play.

DM said...

Yes Pat. I played a level and it triggered space race.

sleepless wherever said...

Done 6740. 6718 took the most tries and longest till lucky board. 6732 took 2 hammers!

Anonomous said...

Done too. I have never had the Space Race on Win 10. Getting bored... not very exciting when you HAVE to use boosters to get through. OC

cj said...

You can still build the bot and keep it in airplane mode which helps a little.

Ditte said...

Yes if you've got something to build/fill/keep. Still no BOT here.

kik said...

Stuck on 6732, no bot, no boosters- might be here a while.

kik said...

Bot's back! Finally got through 6732- the next 8 levels were actually fun.
'til Wednesday :)

kik said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pat said...

Bot’s back? When, where, and how?. Not on my device nor Window’s 10!

Ditte said...

My BOT also came back yesterday. That is not the old BOT, but the one only working on new levels.

DM said...

6738 is good to complete most of the chocolate box orders

Maisis said...

Estoy en 6712 desde iOS ¿ funciona jugar en modo avion para conserva el bot? ¿CuaNdo debo activar el modo avion? ¿Una vez que completo el bot? Y no lo desactivo hast perder? Por favor ¿Alguien me explica como Es ?

Ditte said...

And my the BOT is gone again.

DM said...

same...mine is also gone and dont know if and when I'll get it back

Ditte said...

Yeah having the BOT Saturday and Sunday isn't really useful, when I usually play new levels Wednesday.

Deb said...

BOT is still there, but now the sugar drop challenge is gone!

Ditte said...

I didn't even notice, but my sugardrops are also gone, still not BOT ( if I had to choose between having the BOT or sugardrops, I would pick the BOT). And I can't open Fab5. Earlier today we had 2 days left and needed less than 1000 points to complete. Now it's 6 days, so I suspect I've gotten a new team. Too bad as the team I had was a good team. We usually got the 5000 points in time.

Maisis said...

Mi bot se ha ido. Tampoco tengo la gota de azucar. Mi fav5 sigue siendo el mismo por ahora. ¿Que le pasa a este juego? No tienen sentido estos cambios. Para qué quiero jugar con vidas ilimitadas si no obtengo bot y cuestan tanto los niveles? He gastado la mayoría de mis martillos, ovnis y manos. Me quedan solo 10 de cada uno. Y la caja de chocolate tampoco puedo abrirla

Jimmy said...

Sugar drops and build a bit have disappeared today. Managed to top the space race so collected a ufo (probably the last one). Where are all these great new features Kings community butt kissers keep harking on about. No point playing the game till Wednesday

Slies said...

Shame shame shame KING

You give with one hand , but take with the other.

Nice to give us 24 hours playing time, 😏. But when you take away my bot, my sugar drops and also making levels harder and harder then i i think seriously to quit yhis stupid game

SO SO SAD AFTER 8 YEARS OF PLAYING THIS GAME. WHAT ARE YOU DOING specialy in these hard days when we ar locked up.

mg said...

Bot and sugar drops gone here also...

Ditte said...

Waiting for tomorrow to claim the prize from the space race, so I haven't checked, if I've got the new BOT, I'm reading about. Only 3 stages: 1.stripe 2.stripe and wrap and 3. stripe, wrap and cb. Only works on new levels and if you lose a level on stage 3 you lose the BOT completely, not just one step down. Aren't we just super excited about all those promised exciting new features!

Pat said...

I just got 24 hours of unlimited lives; however, I have nothing to play. I have no new levels to play. What is the deal?

Unknown said...

never had a bot. do Candy Crush on PCs/2 syncted together.don't know what you can do on a phone or tablet but I can open 5 games at a time so always had 25 lives to start. also have space race and daily wins both of which give me plenty of UFOs and Hammers and Hands. lost Rami and sugar drops today but still have chocolate box. I also purchase the milestones after each 5 episodes. you get 500 gold bars, 10 each of UFOs CBs, Hammers and Wraps and 8 each of hands wheels and fish for $ 29.99and if you can open up to 5 games at a time you can buy from 1 to 5 of these deals. you can also open on the other PC and get even more deals. with this many boosters I pass almost every level on first try. only 2 times in last 500 have I needed a second try. I enjoys going back and playing various levels with no boosters without the stress of having to beat it. I didn't start to buy till I was in the mid 3000s.

kik said...

Opened Dexter prize ready to play tonight but no new levels yet- anyone else?

DM said...

any body got new levels yet?
PS. no bot and no Rami

Ditte said...

No new levels? Then I'll wait to open the app as I also have a Dexter prize waiting to be claimed.

DM said...

No Ditte. No new levels yet. But I played a previous level and guess what? got the bot back with 3 boosters while I had a full bot sunday night. Also got color bomb for 1 hour from fantastic 5 which will be wasted as no new levels. Could have been useful to fill the bot

DM said...

Also now I have 6 lives instead of 5

mg said...

No new episodes yet this morning. I played 606 and the 3 level bot appeared, but I am guessing for new levels only because it isn't activated in 666, which I played next. Still no sugardrops.

DM said...

New episode is here Ditte

Ditte said...

Thanks, a bit late in the day for me though. Not time to finish today. At least not if I want to sleep before going to work tonight. Was starting to think they'd been so busy with their spring cleaning that they didn't have time to make new levels.....

Ditte said...

Wauw my new Fab5 team they gave me Monday when my great team had 2 days left and had over 4000 points now have 25 points from me and 75 from another player.... Thanks a lot for that switch!

mg said...

I have already gone through many lives and am stuck on 6744. It is going to be a long week. Happy Crushing!

Ditte said...

First episode done. And I have a BOT this week and not the new one with only 3 boosters. 6741 is difficult. Passed when I got to start with a cb/cb and made a cb/cb more. 6743 also difficult. Used a hand and a hammer to get the last fruit. 6748 and 6752 needed UFOs.

Pat said...

This is getting ridiculous! Loads of boosters are needed to pass these new levels!

Ditte said...

Stuck at 6765 because of a glitch. Seems like every week we get a level with problems. Not enough bubblegum so done for today. 2nd episode so far not as bad as the first. 6761 is difficult though.

Ralph said...

Ditte. For 6765, I'm betting King accidentally switched the number of orders needed between the Bubblegum Pop (43) and the Mystery Candy (28). It probably should be Bubblegum Pop (28) and Mystery Candy (43).

Based on the current layout of the board, there are 29 Bubblegum Pops and 26 Mystery Candies with four mystery candy cannons that would produce the other 17 Mystery Candies needed.

Just a theory.

sleepless wherever said...

after playing at least 15 times I am no way near to clear 6743!!!! grrrr

Anonomous said...

So I too await the 6765 fix. I tried it and thought maybe there would be more bubble gum from the mystery candies. But, no, that doesn't happen and I can't use a check mark. So, we wait. Very, very tough up to 65 also. However, I did make all of the second episode up to there without a booster. It took a long time but they are all doable. The first episode makes you feel like quitting.... and it did take a ton of my boosters and lives. OC

kik said...

Stuck on 6748, need another 10 moves at least :(

Ditte said...

6765 should be fixed now.

Ditte said...

Oh no I forgot to go in airplane mode before opening the app. So bye bye BOT.

Ditte said...

Finally done. Very very tough week. Only managed to pass a few levels first try. Why don't we get unlimited lives like those playing on phones?

DM said...

6765 changed and as suggested by Ralph, the number of bubble gum orders has been reduced.

Anonomous said...

Well now I'm stuck on 6766. I had a board in which I was able to do cb/cb twice and still haven't passed it. I suspect at least one ufo is necessary and at this point I don't have one. Any tips? I don't have boosters right now... OC

Anonomous said...

Well now it says that "This Blog does not allow anonymous comments and that we should check mark our email.. I didn't for privacy reasons.... I could still post my anonymous comment though and I didn't share my email. Anyone else? OC

Ditte said...

I think it has said that for a while. I didn't use a UFO for 6766 but 2 hands and 3 hammers. Used UFOs for 71 and 76 where the spawners are out of control.

Anonomous said...

Yeah, Ditte if I had a couple of hammers I would have passed it two tries ago. I'm trying to do them without boosters... ha ha not going to happen with that one I suspect... oh and on the horizon looks bad too. Thanks for the warnings:) OC

sleepless wherever said...

OC, I had a lucky board and didn't need a UFO for 6766. On the other hand took me over 40 tries for 6743 and 10 goldbars for 5 extra moves to finally clear.
Such is the game these days!

DM said...

First episode was pretty easy for me. In second every level took a couple of tries and some boosters. AT 6773 now.

Also no space race. Is it only me?

Ditte said...

I just played 6000 and got the space race. I struggled a lot with the last levels of the second episode because I made a stupid mistake and forgot to go in airplanemode when 6765 was fixed. 3rd episode was bad. Only made 72,77 and 83 first try.

DM said...

Tried 6000 and 3309 but still no space race

sleepless wherever said...

6776 is horrible, could have completed with 2 hammers but ended using 4 after many tries !

Ditte said...

Yes those spawners in 6776 are difficult keep under control. And you still have 78,80,81 and 84 to look forward to. Good luck!

DM said...

Did both 6776 and 6778 on second try. Watched a video of 6780 by Johnny crush who completed it with 7 moves to spare and without boosters. Also wonder how has he stashed thousands of each booster

Ditte said...

I just watched the video. Didn´t he just have one move left not 7? I found it extremely difficult to get the popcorn and then also having to hit the colourbombs from the popcorn to get the fruit. Yes would be nice to have all those boosters. I don't know, if they're from back when level 2000 could give you UFO's and partyboosters over and over. Or some other "glitch"/loophole. They all seem related to Facebook, so I never could hoard boosters that way.

DM said...

Yes Ditte you are right, it was 1 move to spare. Dont know why I imagined it 7

Anonomous said...

Got to 84 and taking a break from this mess. It is possible to do with just hammers but you need a few of them and I just got down to one stinky jelly and no hammers left. I don't have the energy to get more right now. 81 got done with a switch and a few hammers - not too bad after I got the hang of it... actually sorta fun in a warped way. What a horrible week. Definitely King's idea to get our boosters and lives. I have tons of those but I'm using about 50 a level sometimes. I wanta be done with this batch of stinkers. OC

Ditte said...

I used 4 hammers for 6784. I'm down to 50 lives left and don't get many new when I ask for them. I had looked forward to the unlimited lives, but that is just for mobiles.

sleepless wherever said...

With lucky board still used 2 hammers for 6781 and wasted 1. Used 1 UFO for 6784 and wasted 1 hand and 1 hammer! I UFO would have been enough!
Waiting for 6785 lucky board!

Anonomous said...

Well I'm there. Feel out of breath! Made the last one with NO boosters!!!!! Could hardly believe it. Then low and behold a new challenge -- the telephone one.... well not tonight and probably not ever...according to some folks on my group I go to and they say it's not worth it.... certainly not today .... Wow that was a gruesome set of levels. Have fun... OC

kik said...

Still stuck on 6766, no boosters, no bot, no fun.
Too many colours and not enough moves.

cj said...

I am stuck on 6766 as well with no boosters or bot (my bot didnt have the second CB either!). Not labelled as hard but it is worse than any of the others!!

Anonomous said...

Kik and CJ 6766 is a horrible level. IMH opinion you need at least two hammers to pass it, and that is if you have a lucky board and have played it over and over. I had to use a UFO and hammers to pass it. I played it many times... I lost count. It is one of the worst in these latest episodes. All the rest that Ditte mentioned to be hard are also monsters... Wishing you hammers:} OC

DM said...

Has anyone played telephone tier? Is it worth playing? dont want to loose my bot so please guide.

Ditte said...

The BOT isn't there for the telephone thing, so you won't lose it. I tried playing it a couple of days ago. I don't know what the reward is, as I gave up after trying a few times. The first level can be done with a little skill and luck, but the second is pretty difficult. And after trying a couple of times I decided I didn't want to waste my time on it. But as said you can try it without worrying about the BOT.

Ralph said...

I've been through the telephone tier a few times. The reward for finishing up the sixth level is:
2 hammers
2 hand switches
2 fish
2 color bombs

For the hammers and the switches, to me its worthwhile. As with most things, there is a catch. The catch is that if you lose at a level, you have to replay the previous level before you can replay the level you just lost. So if I'm playing level 5 and lose, I have to replay both level 4 and level 5 successfully before moving on to level 6. I seem to play about 20 levels before completing level 6. I'll try to keep better track next time telephone tier comes around

Jimmy said...

Completed telephone tier once. Level 4 was too random to pass without using boosters so gave up on it

Anonomous said...

I did the telephone tier once. I used some of my many cbs to pass it once. That was enough for me OC

Ditte said...

All those cbs might be valuable now, if we all get the new BOT with just one cb.

DM said...

thanks for the help. telephone tier is gone now :)

Rocky said...

Something is wrong with level 6732. Please fix!

Rocky said...

It keeps saying not enough level targets. What does that mean. Then says you failed and takes boosters and lives!

Ditte said...

Rocky it doesn't help to complain about faulty levels here. You need to do it on Kings site, but it seems like someone already did that https://community.king.com/en/candy-crush-saga/discussion/288063/bug-in-level-6732. I'm also waiting for them to fix a level (6798).