Level 9701 - 9800

 Level guides and tips for level 9701 - 9800.

Below are links to the level guides with tips and videos for all the Candy Crush Saga levels between 9701 and 9800.
There are hints and tips from our expert players and from other readers of this blog.
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Click on the link below to see the tips and video for the level you want.

Level 9701                   Level 9751
Level 9702                   Level 9752
Level 9703                   Level 9753
Level 9704                   Level 9754
Level 9705                   Level 9755
Level 9706                   Level 9756
Level 9707                   Level 9757
Level 9708                   Level 9758
Level 9709                   Level 9759
Level 9710                   Level 9760
Level 9711                   Level 9761
Level 9712                   Level 9762
Level 9713                   Level 9763
Level 9714                   Level 9764
Level 9715                   Level 9765
Level 9716                   Level 9766
Level 9717                   Level 9767
Level 9718                   Level 9768
Level 9719                   Level 9769
Level 9720                   Level 9770
Level 9721                   Level 9771
Level 9722                   Level 9772
Level 9723                   Level 9773
Level 9724                   Level 9774
Level 9725                   Level 9775
Level 9726                   Level 9776
Level 9727                   Level 9777
Level 9728                   Level 9778
Level 9729                   Level 9779
Level 9730                   Level 9780
Level 9731                   Level 9781
Level 9732                   Level 9782
Level 9733                   Level 9783
Level 9734                   Level 9784
Level 9735                   Level 9785
Level 9736                   Level 9786
Level 9737                   Level 9787
Level 9738                   Level 9788
Level 9739                   Level 9789
Level 9740                   Level 9790
Level 9741                   Level 9791
Level 9742                   Level 9792
Level 9743                   Level 9793
Level 9744                   Level 9794
Level 9745                   Level 9795
Level 9746                   Level 9796
Level 9747                   Level 9797
Level 9748                   Level 9798
 Level 9749                   Level 9799 
Level 9750                   Level 9800


Deedee1 said...

9715 Posting for luck

Rick said...

I finished the third episode today for mobile up to 9725. I passed all the levels in the 3 episodes on my first try,  got 3 Diamond trophies,  got 3 stickers for the Daily Win, won the 3 Episode Races and collected 75 gold bars total. Good luck fellow mobile players!
Till Wednesday for new levels.

Rick said...

Although 9715 is hard, 9723 and 9724 are equally hard. You'll find out.

Rick said...

In 9723, activate the UFOs as soon as possible by switching it with any candy. Most of the board are covered by double crystals. The wraps from the 4 UFOs will help clear some of these crystal's. There is also a Cake Bomb on the bottom left that you deal with.

Rick said...

In 9724, you have to clear the Rainbow Twist on the right hand side as soon as possible because the keys you will need to collect to unlock most of the board are dispensed only on columns 7 % 8. The 5 cherries you will need for the order will come only from column 9 which has to be unlocked before you can do anything.
Although I passed 9715, 9723, & 9724 on my first try, I have to use boosters on them. It will be very hard to pass them without boosters unless we are given more moves or we have the time and patience to play them many many times.

Deedee1 said...

9718 - Not enough moves, posting for luck

Deedee1 said...

9718 - moves reduced from 30 to 23 --- Annoying!

Raangle5 said...

9724 Not enough moves, double jellies w/double the blockers. Posting for luck ☘️

Rick said...

Almost all of the levels in this episode are hard.

Raangle5 said...

Still stuck on 9724. Impossible with what there is to work with. So frustrating! Posting for luck, again ☘️

Raangle5 said...

Finally made it through. Thanks everyone for the tips.

Deedee1 said...

9724 posting for luck

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Done thru 9725 with the help of "win streak" & "fantastic 5", good luck everyone, til Wednesday...

abcd said...

9815 done, use 1 ufo in 9810,9811 and 2 or 3 hammers in so many games. HARD episode.

kik said...

aaargh awful episode

abcd said...

9830 done, easy episode.

Rick said...

I finished the first episode today for mobile up to 9740. I passed all the levels in the episode on my first try except 9727, 9730, amd 9732 on which I wil write my tips on them later. I did not get a Diamond trophy this time but won the Episode Race and collected 25 gold bars. I got a sticker for the Daily Win and I am reserving the next 2 episodes for stickers to complete my Daily Win. I did not have to buy any boosters this time.
Good luck fellow mobile players!

Rick said...

In 9727, the main problem is destroying the Candy Cane Curls that are blocking the Rainbow Rapids on the left. On my first try, I need only to destory the last layer of it on the top rght to pass it but I don't want to pay 10 gold bars for extra moves. It cannot be hammered away so I replayed the level and passed it on my third try,

Rick said...

n 9730, the main problem is collecting the 50 red candies which are only available on the last two rows which are order-locked by Bubblegum Pops and blocked by Licorice-locked frostings. Try to collect the Bubblegum Pops as soon as possibe and destory the frostings, otherwise you won't have enough moves to collect the 50 red candies.

Rick said...

n 9732, the main problem is collecting the 85 Toffee Swirls neded for the order. (the Licorice Swirls and Frostings are esier to collect.) Try to collect the keys ASAP on the middle row to unlock the boxes of Toffee Swirls on the 4 corners that is protevted by Candy Canes. I have to use 2 UFOs to collect the Toffee Swirls in order to pass this level.

Ditte said...

9845 done. Tough week. My stash of hammers, hands and UFOs took a hit today. Not my idea of a good birthday present King :-(.

Rick said...

Ditte, about two months ago, I received an unexpected (free) gift of hammers, hands, UFOs, and other minor boosters from King, which I am still using on the new episodes. I don't think, anyway, that these (free) boosters came from your stash.

Raangle5 said...

9744 Help! Posting for luck ☘️

Deb said...

9751: No chance with the number of moves King provides . Ridiculous. Your are not meant to win this one

jamesmark said...

Hola a todos, realmente quiero agradecer al Dr. por ayudarme a restaurar mi relación rota conmigo, mi ex amante me dejó durante los últimos 4 años. Hice todo lo posible para que volviera a mí, pero ella se negó y me dijo que tenía que mudarse. Continué con su nuevo amante. Tenía tanto dolor hasta que me encontré con alguien a quien el Dr. Macaulay ayudó con la misma situación similar. Decidí darle una oportunidad para ayudarme a traer de vuelta la alegría de mi vida que me fue arrebatada por otra persona. Me comuniqué con el Dr. Macaulay en su dirección de correo electrónico a través de: Dr.Macaulayherbalhome@yahoo.com y me respondió y me dijo qué hacer, tal como me indicó el Dr. Macaulay, y mi mayor sorpresa fue que el Dr. Macaulay me trajo a mi ex amante con es un poderoso hechizo de amor, llame al +2349067522465 para obtener ayuda ...

abcd said...

9845 done, use hammers in some games.

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Done thru 9740, now finding 9747 tricky, timing & fish seem to be the key, slowing down to get remaining "stickers" after this, good luck everyone!

Rick said...

I finished the second episode today for mobile up to 9755. I  passed only 11 levels in the episode on my first try and it is struggle along the way. This is the hardest episode for sometime. I used a tremendous amount of boosters I am glad I have, otherwise I will be still struggling to finish this episode. The first 2 and last 2 levels are the hardest. In 9755, it took me I think 5 tries to pass it. I have to buy striped brushes and use 2 of them for a vertical stripe on the outer columns to send the last 2 cherries to the exit on my very LAST move. My only consolation is that I won the Episode Race and collected 25 gold bars but for a net gain of only 6 gold bars, I also got a sticker for the Daily Win.
Good luck fellow mobile players!

Raangle5 said...

9745 is impossible! Need help please. Posting for luck☘️

Rocky said...

Stuck on 9746! HELP please! Not enough moves and not coming close. ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Just wait til 9760, used 10 gold bars to get 18 extra moves & finally got it on the final move, slowing down to get remaining 3 "stickers", good luck to all!

Rick said...

I finished the third episode today for mobile up to 9770. I passed all the levels in the episode on my first try, got a Diamond trophy, won the Episode Race and collected 25 gold bars, got a sticker and completed my Daily Win. I did not have to buy any boosters this time. This is a much easier episode than the last one.
Good luck fellow mobile players!
Till Wednesday for the new levels.

Luís Bernardo said...

Good to hear that third episode is easier. I found the second episode one of the most difficult ever. Good luck everyone 🍀

Rocky said...

Stuck on 9759. Typical candy crush. Videos have 34 moves and mine has 20. Really! Help please. Not coming close again. Waiting as usual for the only way to pass. A lucky board!

Rick said...

Cookie's tips are now up to 9770. You can refer to them, although the tips are not too detailed.

Rick said...

Luis, I agree with you. It is one of the hardest episode for quite some time. I got stucked just on the first 2 levels of the episode. but got stucked again in 9754 and 9755. In 9755, I have to buy striped brushes and use 2 of them for a vertical stripe on the outer columns to send the last 2 cherries to the exit on my very LAST move.

Rocky said...

Stuck on 9766. Moves reduced from 35 to 24. Waiting for lucky board again and again!

Rocky said...

Dear Candy crush! Thanks for the extra moves. However, when you have 54 jellies and 3 cherries left to beat the level 2 ,5, 6 extra moves does not help. Still waiting for a lucky board.

Rick said...

Sunny, how are you able to get 18 moves from 10 gold bars? Usually it gives you only 5 extra moves.

Sunny in Buffalo said...

To Rick, most often if you don't pass a level you are offered 5 extra moves for 10 gold bars, other times if you continue to fail the level the number of moves increases from 1-3 with each failure. Failed 9760 countless times so finally got up to 18 and took a chance that would be enough, you may not notice as you are fortunate to pass on 1 try :) Til Wednesday...

Rick said...

Sunny, thanks for the info. At least I know now that the number of additional moves increased with the number of failures for the same amount of gold bars. I did not know that before. At least King is getting "kinder".
I think in the Daily Win, we alternately complete it each week. You will probably complete yours next Wednesday but I'll just start mine that time.

abcd said...

9860 done. Use 1 ufo in 9851 and 9859. use 10 gold bar in 9852.

abcd said...

stuck on 9865.

Rick said...

I finished the first episode today for mobile up to 9785. I passed all the levels in the episode on my first try, got a Diamond trophy, won the Episode Race, and collected 25 gold bars. I also got a sticker for the Daily Win but there are only 2 episodes this week for mobile. I did not have to buy any boosters this time.
Good luck fellow mobile players!

Ditte said...

9890 done. Not as bad as last week, but I still had to use more boosters than I would have liked.

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Done thru 9785, with only 2 episodes & needing 4 more stickers, will need to take 4 days to get that UFO, level 6000 is good for "chocolate box" if you don't mind scrolling back a bit, good luck everyone!

Rick said...

I finished the second (and last) episode today for mobile up to 9800. I  passed all the levels in the episode on my first try except 9786  amd 9792 which I believe is the hardest in the epidose because of fewer moves than necessary given to us. I wil write my tips on them later. I did not get a Diamond trophy this time but won the Episode Race and collected 25 gold bars, and I got a sticker for the Daily Win. I did not have to buy any boosters this time but I have to buy 5 extra moves for 9792.
Good luck fellow mobile players! Till next Wednesday for new levels.

Luís Bernardo said...

Done also thru #9785. Awful episode. Good luck everyone 🍀

Rick said...

The last episode started with a Hard, Super Hard, and Hard levels. In 1986, my winning streak was snapped. I'll have to use at least 3 hammers to kill 3 candy bombbs that are about to go of to keep my winning streak alive but I thought it was not worth it. So I replayed it and passed it on my second try without using any boosters. Be reminded that you have to grow the frog 2 times as part of the order in addition to clearing the Sour Skulls. You can uswe the grown frog to clear thr skulls. If you get a color bomb, use ot to grow the frog.

Rick said...

In 7992 which I beleive is the hardest level in the episode, you have to clear 8 cherries, 4 of which are already on the conveyor going to the only exit on the 5th row of the 1st column. You almost don't have to do anything to make them exit. The problem is the 4 cherries that are dispensed only from cols. 3 to 5 which are crammed with marmaladed licorice swirl (col 3) and multi-layered Toffee Swirls (cols 4 & 5). You will have to clear those to make the cherries appear. Once they appear, you have to get them on the coveyor on the last row that will take them to the only exit. I got the next 4 cherries on the conveyor and I bought 5 extra moves for 10 gold bars to make them exit. I was very careful (this a WARNING) in making my moves but a chain reaction hit some candies below the cherries which brought the cherries down, so I have to use 2 or 3 hands to move them forward to exit.

Rick said...

In 9792, there is also an order for 3 color bomb/striped combo. Col 6 dispenses color bombs and cols 5 & 7 dispense stripes. You can complete the combo order from these columns.

Rick said...

I meant 9792, not 7992 from the other comment.

Rick said...

There are videos that completed 9792 without boosters but all they have 30 moves. The mobile version has just 22 noves. 8 extra moves makes a lot of difference.

Asmi said...

#9791, finding very difficult, posting for the lucky board please

Luís Bernardo said...

Third episode concluded. Really challenging and tough. Lost my winning streak. Some levels are not doable without boosters. Use the check mark whenever possible. It helps. Good luck everyone and till next week🍀

Rick said...

Luis, on what level are now? I don't have a 3rd episode for mobile this week?

Luís Bernardo said...

Hi Rick. I finished #9800. I also don’t have a third episode this week. Time to relax as CC is becoming a very stressing game😩😩😩

Ditte said...

Yes stressful. It's getting more and more tempting to quit at level 10000. Same goes for CCSS which I find even worse.

Rick said...

I asked you Luis because you mentioned "third" episode.
Windows 10 users have just 8 episodes left to go to reach level 10000. Mobile players have 14 episodes more to go.
I'll only quit even after reaching 10000 if I run out of gold bars to buy booster because I won't spend even a penny of my own money to buy them. But by the rate I am earning gold bars it will be a while before I quit.

Luís Bernardo said...

My mistake. I should have said “last episode”. I agree with you. I never spent a cent and I do not intend to do it. Levels are becoming undoable without boosters and gold bars almost sold out😩😩😩😩

Rick said...

I collect 25 gold bars every episode from the Episode Race because I still have and am using the boosters I earned mainly from the Chocolate Box and Sweet Cinema. After they are gone, I'll have to use the over 1200 gold bars I have accumulated so far to buy those boosters.
The levels are made harder now by reducing the number of available moves and boosters are needed to compensate for this reduced number of moves.

Deedee1 said...

9784 Posting for luck

Tom said...

9800 reached! 200 levels to go.

Tom said...

Hi Rick and Luis. I would think a majority of players who made it this far did it without spending any of their own money. That’s why King has ads — to try to make something off of the rest of us.

Deedee1 said...

9787 Posting for luck

Pascorp said...

9781 any clue?

Rick said...

Tom, you are right. King earns more money from those ads than from us buying boosters. We are deluged with ads. It was not like that before. Now, for instance, when we need extra lives or moves, we have to watch an ad.  We also get free boosters from Sweet Cinema or Air Delievery by watching ads. We are like credit holders in that when we buy something on credit by using a credit card, the credit card issuing company collects from the merchant a transaction fee. I can say King is "using" us to earn more income.

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Done thru 9800, took my time to get all "stickers" for UFO, I too have never spent a cent & never will, it's just a game, til Wednesday...

Luís Bernardo said...

I need to find a level to make lots of purple candies as we have #3309 for blue and green candies. Any suggetion?

Pat said...

I use level 9000 for the purple. I found it by accident!

Luís Bernardo said...

Tks Pat.

Ditte said...

Luis I tried the ones suggested under Tips&Tricks Colour Challenges. Level 1000 gave me 724 purple, and good old 1476 860 purple. The rest aren't worth it. 1168 is too difficult to win, same with 3234 and they don't give many purple anyway. 3246 was easy, but only 216 purple. I tried 9000, which gave me 524 purple. None of them are really good like 3309 and 8328 are for other colours, because there isn't enough cascading.

Luís Bernardo said...

Tks Ditte. I think the best is #1476 but it takes lots of time to complete😔😩

Luís Bernardo said...

It seems that all my fantastic five colleagues gave up😩😩😩😩 Any place available in your teams?

Cookie Kirby said...

@Luis Bernardo. Join our FB group to find teams looking for new members.

kik said...

9980 done with a LOT of help from the "Season Pass"
Happy Crushing til next week :)

Never pay a cent Bobby said...

By 8/7/21, 9883 has 26 moves and the first two keys Xed over.

Shanne said...