Hints and tips showing how to pass level 9791 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help!
I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 9791 is a jelly level and there is jelly over the whole board so everything has to be cleared to complete the level. The first move is fixed, but then you need to open up the board by making special candies as soon as you can. Colourbomb combos are the only way to have any chance to clear the level, switch with stripes or wraps to clear the most caramels and get to the jelly.
Video by Cookie
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If the
level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have
changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know
on our FB group and I will try to change it.
Impossible without luck
Very difficult. Not getting any color bombs shown in the video and very few stripes and wraps. Need help and luck.
Posting for a lucky board
Was able to clear 1/3 of the board so far. Very poor supply of the special candies to clear the way. 2-3 days again?
How? I'm getting so few special candies, and the ones I get aren't close enough to combine. Need a lucky board.
Impossible sans un tableau chanceux ..
Finally!!! Got down to 12 so 'bought' 5 extra moves with gold bars. Only needed 2 of them to be done. That was a frustrating level.
Impossible, another level with not enough moves
3 eme jours ......
Posting for luck
While you are waiting for a lucky board (and this is lately the only working strategy) you may try to get a powerful combo (two wraps best) with the conveyor to the lower left corner of the board to trigger there as this is the hardest place to clear.
Needing a Lucky Board Please!
where oh where are all those colour bombs? How come the video seems to have so many. I really need a lucky board - plus colour bombs please!
This level absolutely impossible without a lucky board, 24 moves just don't get it. Posting for lucky board please
What the He🏒🏒
Give us a break!
Posting for a lucky board not even close 2 days😕
Still waiting 😉
This level is an absolute joke!
Help would be appreciated!!
Wow… lots to do with so few moves!!!
Really need a super lucky board please!!!!
Getting so tiresome.
What a way of time.
Nothing but a lucky board will get you through!
This is the worst level I have ever played.
Absolutely ridiculous!!!
Even with 10 more moves it would be hard!
CC no idea what you are trying to do.
If your trying to tick players off you are succeeding!
Don’t know how much longer I can bear to play.
Needs a super duper miracle lucky board.
This may be it for me.
Don’t even want to play!!
I started with a color bomb and a fish booster finished on first try with 6 moves left.
Another impossible level. Can’t seem to break through the left side.
Overnight this level from Hard became a Nightmarishly Hard level.
I’m so done with CC. There seems to be more hard levels now than regular.
I guess it’s one way for King to hope that we all buy extra moves.
Frustrated with CC!
Posting for luck
Nightmarishly hard level indeed. There is no reprieve from hard levels!
Posting for luck
Posting for luck
Posting for luck
Simply not enough moves. Also hardly any special candies drop. My best so far is just 90 jellies left to clear. No skill required
3 days of trying. It's impossible, I need about 15 more moves. Time to have a break for a few days .
besoin de plus de déplacements et d'un tableau aussi chanceux que sur la vidéo s'il vous plaît
jour 2 toujours bloquée ici c'est frustrant et stressant de passer autant de temps sur chaque niveau, je rêvais d'arriver au niveau 10000 mais a ce rythme je serai morte avant !!!! Laissez moi passer s'il vous plaît 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀
Sigh.....another drudge begins. See you tomorrow. And the day after before they'll give me my lucky board, I'm sure. So tiresome. 😥🍀🤞😥🍀🤞😥🍀🤞😥🍀🤞
Thank you King, another good reason to quit this crap, by far the most stupid game available.
Well, I expect I'll get through this eventually - posting for luck.
Posting for luck thank you !!
Impossible greedy king wants you to buy moves/boosters time to quit playing this game because it isn’t fun anymore
Looks impossible.
Posting for a 🍀 lucky board
I,m tired of 9791
Not being able to get any colour bomb combinations unlike the video example, getting nowhere near, seems impossible with only 24 moves but keep on trying until King permit me to move on. A very lucky board needed please.
Posting for lucky board!
Posting for a lucky board please
Another crap level… Not enough moves… No skill required, you just need the Lucky board. PFL
Boring boring boring - only a lucky board will help do this level.
The left half of the board is a combination of the great wall of China and the iron curtain. But somehow much less entertaining than staring at a wall or a curtain. PFLEASE!!!
Losing the will to live.. I’m now playing solitaire till dawn. With a deck of 51. More fun. PFLEASE!
Like sands through the hourglass. So go the days of my life. Wasted on this. PFLEASE…
Terrible level. Terribly hard. Just terrible! Help please
Day 2 on this awful level. Desperately in need of a lucky board please
Wer erfindet solch unmöglichen Levels? Wenn man Tage daran spielt und nicht annähernd mal die Chance hat das Level zu schaffen. Denkt mal drüber nach, gibt auch Spieler die kein Geld einsetzen
Dieses Level ist nicht zu schaffen. Wie soll das gehen.Brauche Hilfe
J’ai fait comme Pennrell boule multicolore et poisson et passé aussitôt
Zeer moeilijk, te weinig zetten🙁
Posting for a lucky board, very soon, please.
Another ridiculous level, not enough moves and not enough opportunities to make combos.
I got almost there, used 10 gold bars to help and blooming screen went blank so lost the bars and the level!!
Not at all happy!!
Please can you also advise when you start a race are some players already half way across?
Winner gets twenty/twenty fivegold bars, 2nd gets gets five and the rest just one… getting frustrating now!!
Help please
I only can make moves in the upper right corner. To few moves to clear the other parts of the board. When my moves are gone, I end the level with 80 or 90 jelly left. Not even close! Make special candies? Not possible. This game gets worse and worse.
No real hints except to waits DAYS for your lucky board. So FRUSTRATING to play CC anymore, not sure why I continue to torture myself. This game no longer "swipes the stress away! 😭
Posting for luck
Another level I will need to use gold bars for extra moves and boosters
PLEASE, enough with these impossible levels. I want to enjoy the games not get frustrated. HELP !!!!!!
COME ON, REALLY. This is impossible. So sick of it now.
Just impossible - not enough moves and too many waffles. Too many boring levels recently
King, please tell me how to pass this IMPOSSIBLE level with the few moves you've given us ... More and more nightmarish levels... I want to move FORWARD!!!!
Posting for luck.
I'm afraid I will never overcome this level... I've no boosters, no lives, no golden bars anymore. Suddenly this game has turned into a frustrating process. Desperately in need of a lucky board
Pflpflpflpflpflpflpfl luck luck luck
Help! This one is frustrating!!!!
What kind of crazy person actually comes up with these kinds of levels? do they have nothing else to do at KING than "bully player"??? What a waste of time these kinds of levels. All you need is patience until people find you carry on with a lucky sign. Worthless. It's becoming more and more difficult for me to still like candy crush.
Posting for luck please and thank you in advance
Lucky board needed please and thank you in advance for your help
Lucky board please
Lucky board please impossible level
Lotta comments. Super hard. They hate us. Please help. I’m just trying to move along in a timely fashion. Replaying the s e levels is very tiresome. You know what I mean, jellybean?
Posting for luck
Another horrible one!!Posting for luck and free spins!
Classified as a Nightmarishly Hard Level on my devices
Posting for luck please. 🙏🕉️
Need lots of luck pls
So so irritating, no fun at all
Still Impossible. Need luck pls
One more impossible level. Just 21 moves. Even making combos can't get close to clearing half of the board. Why to make this levels? to play them 100 times and fed up and purchase more lives and boosters?
After playing and loosing many lives, the closest I got with remaining 43 to clear!
Well done King…such relaxing level..not!
Posting for lucky board
Impossible, just not getting the special candies, often no choice of moves either, this may be the one to make me quit!
Posting for luck. I’ve been trying for a while now.
Posting for a lucky board. Help!
I even had 2 bins next to each other and couldn’t do it
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