Level guides and tips.
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Below are links to the level guides with tips and videos for all the Candy Crush Saga levels between 2401 and 2500.
There are hints and tips from our expert players and from other readers of this blog.
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Lots of annoying levels this week. I hate this new bell thing, it sucks bad. Worst batch of levels for a while.
I quit Monster Busters Hexa Blast when I was in top 3 players for the month and I have felt great about it. Starting to want to quit this.
The new fishing 'thingy' is pretty stupid. I can't see the point of spawning fish, when there is no jelly to eat. They are clearly running out of ideas. Perhaps it's time for us all, including Candy Crush to quit! Level 2215 might just be it...........................
As evil spawners go the one in 2413 isn't bad. Made it in the first try without boosters. And I agree, I'm not a fan of the new "bells" either.
Any tips for 2418? The fish are pretty useless. They just eat licorice instead of the candy below the ingredients.
Hey everyone -- I think we are a pretty small group up at this level and none of my CC friends are anywhere near this far. I would love to be able to see what folks were doing as we crush on -- I am ExpatScrapper on CC, currently on 2418 if you want to be "friends." heathenn@hotmail.com
Got 'er done, and used less boosters than last week. Only coconut wheels and fish this week... that's kind of weird. 2420 took the longest, and was really annoying, but nothing really hard this batch. AND once again, thank you for no timed levels!!!! Always happy to get Facebook friends... Rob Mason in Banner Elk, NC
Keep crushin'
The trick to passing 2418 is to NOT activate the UFO until the jelly is cleared.
So, I got 2420 done. I thought it was a very fun batch this week. I thought I would be on 2420 for a while but got it without boosters.....I liked the new fish bobble thingy. Onward Crushers.... I'm off shopping for sugar pops.... see ya next week.
Mostly easy this week apart from maybe two really frustrating levels.
The second last level was one of the frustrating levels.
Gotta give 'em credit. It's been a long time since they came up with a level as mind numbingly boring as 2426.
I'm stuck at 2425
OK so, I'm not stuck just gotta go get on with the day. However, the first few took a ton of boosters cos I wanted to move on..... Not as easy this week I don't think so far anyways.
I was on a run on the first 5 levels where I got a chocolate bomb next to a chocalate wrap. Maybe that's why I thought it was easy.
I never meant chocolate wrap! ha
Easy until 2425, now I'm stuck on 2428.
Got 'em done, and used very few boosters. As boring as 2426 was, it wasn't that bad. 2434 was the real annoyance trying to shift ingrredients off the conveyors. I thought 2435 was going to be just as bad until I discovered, by accident, that the ingredients will fall off the conveyor diagonally from the fifth space up the conveyor if you can clear a space above the exit.
Keep Crushin'
Thanks MB for the tip on the last one. I got it without boosters -- good job cos I had spent most of them..... so now I wait for next week. Onward Crushers.... it was easy this week but I had a ton of boosters.... MB's tip for the last one is the way to go.
I have a lot of hands and lollipops and used some in 2434 and 2435. I absolutely HATE moving ingredients sideways.
Some really nasty levels this week. Roll on next week.
Yea, but there are a couple fun ones too. I enjoyed 2441 and 2442, but I'm out of lives on 2443. It's,IMHO, pretty nasty. Back at it later.
Finally finished this weeks batch this morning. WOW!!! Wish I had some helpful hints... 2448 may be the all time greatest "Lucky board required level." Good luck and see ya next week.
Keep Crushin'
Difficult week. I'm getting nowhere with 2448. I think I made 2445 (or maybe it was 2444) in the first try and 2443 in the second, but the rest has taken lots of lives.
So I just won 2448 on my first try -- starting the round with all available boosters. One key appeared to unlock all four jellies, and then the fish took over. So the fish booster is important but you definitely need luck to get the first key unlocked. Good luck! heathenn@hotmail.com, HG in Boston
You definitely need more than one key in 2448. Three to unlock the corners and one more to unlock the fish.
Sorry, you're right about 2448 -- I spoke too quickly. I've been able to replicate what happened in my round: a fish took the top key (releasing another). All of the keys were the same color, and the sprinkle ball I started with was next to that color. So when I hit "one" key I hit three more keys. This is a level that cries out to start with boosters!!!
I agree very difficult week. Taken all the boosters - mine at least. Now I have to wait to get more just to finish the week and Lord knows how many 2448 is going to take. Long haul this week.... and not too much fun so I disagree with MB on that one. But then, he's in the parking lot waiting for the new batch next week. Lucky crusher. So onward crushers if you are lucky... if not and you are like me.... waiting for the lucky board and a ton more boosters... Good luck and happy Easter.
Made 2448 by buying extra time twice. $3.00 to Candy Crush this week. Justified because I was impatient early on and used too many boosters that were free and given to me by Candy Crush without trying to do the levels without boosters. I didn't feel like harvesting again to finish the level. 2448 needs either a lot of hammers or extra time. I did it with extra time and no boosters. It is a hard and horrible level.... Onward Crushers....
2448 can be done without boosters, I did, but it does take a lot of tries where you struggle to get just one key.
I went back through and got them all without boosters. 2443 took the longest boosterlessly. They can all be done...
WOW MB you are a champion! Let's see what tomorrow brings. Onward crushers.
A lot easier this week with one hard level in particular (2458) but nothing we haven't done before.
Funny, I thought this week was one of the hardest in a long time. 2458 and 2463 are drug induced. 2457 is actually quite fun.
Well, not sure how I feel about this batch yet. Gotta go to work but 2455 is a bit tricky I think. Onward Crushers!
I'm also having trouble with 2455. Not easy to clear the cake in time to be able to get enough yellow candies.
Is there a page here from Ms.Cookie for 2451? because I can't find it.
Now they're recycling levels. We've played 2463 or a level very very similar before six months or so ago?
Hard to believe that next week 2476 will be here. There will have been 1000 levels since my favorite sugar drop level 1476. Sure wish there was a faster way to jump to earlier levels for drop harvesting.
Yes it takes forever to get back to 1476, 1168, 906 and 666.
Yea Ditte, Same ones I use. Backups are 281 and 1137 for the occasions that bombs get me on 1168 or 666.
Can someone tell me a few hints for 2458 other than use about 3 hammers which I dont have and I am not going to buy. I paid my dues last week. This is their game. No matter how many boosters they give us it isn't enough and they still obviously try to get us to give in and buy those three booster hammers. Tired of this. Going to have a break for a while... forced.... gotta go to work Ha Ha. Onward Crushers... and leave a tip if you've got one for this grizzly level.
I used the coconut wheel booster for 2458. The first time it was completely wasted, because it was in one of the columns in the bottom. The second time it was in the main board, and it didn't take very long for a second wheel to fall. I was able to get the two next to each other and switch them so they cleared the columns in the bottom. That took care of the first ingredient, and I managed to make one or two colourbombs which helped get the second ingredient through.
Funny, there was a glitch in 2463 where a candy was stuck in between two candies in the right column, outside the board. I went through with the level (and passed it), fearing the game would freeze on me. Later I have played the level some more times, but the glitch was not reproduced.
"Anonymous said...
Yea Ditte, Same ones I use. Backups are 281 and 1137 for the occasions that bombs get me on 1168 or 666.
- if the bombs get you, you simply reload the game without finishing and you are good to go again :)
Sometimes 1476 and 1168 are enough to get all the drops but if not 1137 will give you an easy 20 odd drops and save scrolling down to 666. I'm on the desktop so this may differ for you if you aren't. I wonder if any of the newer levels have generous drop amounts?
As far as I can tell none of the newer levels have great drops. I do what you guys do and it get my days worth in about 30 mins. However, did that for today and still stuck on 2458..... waiting for Miss Cookie's advice.... cos I don't have a wheel... lost them all... and my latest round of drops didn't gift me any. I haven't been this stuck for a long, long while.... Reminds me of the old days before the drops... when we would be stuck for a week on a level..... so I have tried everything.... and still stuck... this sucks... waiting for a lucky board I guess.
2458 is weird. I got through it once using a coconut wheel and two hammers. Now I'm on my follow up pass, to do the all boosterlessly, and 2458 is the only one I haven't been able to do. Don't have any hints.
I do at least two rounds of sugar drop harvesting every day. Some days I sneak in three... just depends if it's one of those non-sleeping nights or not. Funny how some booster hardly get used. I must have enough check marks stockpiled to pave the internet.
Keep Crushin'
Well I got through. 2548 was expensive. I had to use a ton of boosters and extra lives etc. It was horrible. Miss Cookie makes it seem easy. I will try her tips and see how I do now that I am done. See ya all next week:) Onward Crushers....
So I am playing the sugar pop harvesting game now. I decided I would try them all on my way to 1476. I found that 2393 is a fun one. I only got 13 but it could have been much better had I realized it was a potential good one. It's a lot like 281 but not so many moves. Onward Crushers.... lets see if we can find a few good ones that we have forgotten about. Shores up the boredom....
Love reading some of this stuff guys. I've only just found this site recently, and been playing CC a few months. I'm hoping to get up to the point of waiting for levels, and have now got it in site (up to 2410). Hopefully I'll have a good week and can get there soon.
Hello 2410... yep you are nearly up with the nuts. Good luck and harvest lots of sugar pops cos you are gonna need them:) Glad someone else has found the blog.
Onward fellow crusher:)
I can't believe I'm the only one who can't get past 2455, not even getting close and no boosters are helpful...WHAT AM I DOING WRONG??HELP!!!
I used to be able to collect sugar candies in about one half hour. Now they changed my game to look more like then ipod app, and the number of drops no longer doubles when I win. So it takes longer to gather the boosters, so I do less of it.
Levels are taking forever to appear this week.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Where are they? I always come in to work an hour early on Wednesday so I can get a good start. Could have slept some more.
About four really bad levels this week and some fun ones. I thought 2478 was going to be a killer then on third attempt I had stripe next to a wrap twice in the first five moves then a bomb next to a wrap and done it all with over 20 moves remaining. Now that was luck.
LOL MB at least I am parked at the same spot as you for now.... but darn I gotta work too. Onward Crushers..... good luck.
Yea, I'm stuck on 2478 now. Payed it about two zillion and seventeen times. Real close a few times...
Same problem with 2478 here. 2476 was also horrible.
I'm with Ditte and MB -- smooth sailing until 2478 and I have not been close at all. Maybe this will be one of those levels they change within a day or two.
Got through! Right after the "left" side of 2478 opened up I had a bomb and a wrap so used a handswitch to put them together. After that, it was easy-peasy. Never would have imagined I'd get through with "only" one booster. Now to harvest the drops till next Wednesday....good luck crushers!
Done. Wish I could say outstanding skill and wisdom that got me me through 2478, but it was only exceptional luck.
Had to go watch a video to figure out what I was doing wrong on 2480. I had the wrong idea about how the teleports were set up. You have to switch across the first teleport, NOT go through it.
Keep on Crushin'
I just opened my CC app on my android phone to collect the daily free booster, but instead of getting one, I lost the ones I had :-(. "Fortunately" I didn't have many to lose, since the exact same thing happened not long ago.
when i push the button 'ask friends for lives' it used to let you use the tab 'friends who play' where did it go?
my friends who dont play dont want to be bothered by these messages from me. anyone know why????
Well, King managed to ruin my CC experience even further. This morning, when I logged on to harvest sugar drops, my normal PC screen had been replaced with what looks like an android screen.
I never play android, but have seen this display on my Kindle. As a result, there is one major improvement and several (for me) disasters.
The improvement is that I can now do resets, without losing a life, if I don't like the layout.
The disasters:
0. When harvesting drops on the PC version, if I completed a level I received TWICE the number of drops collected on that level. Now it's not doubled. Meaning it now takes twice as long to finish a harvest.
stretch this out over 2 or 3 harvests a day and it is a lot of wasted time.
1. On the PC version, every gift life received was actually five gift lives. This was due to the quirk that if you rapidly and repeatedly clicked (5 clicks) the "Accept" for a single gift life, CC would give you five lives for it. So my usual five gifts would become 25 lives. The new version is "one gift, one life"only.
2. When scrolling to earlier levels, to harvest drops, there was a little gizmo, in the lower right corner, that let me jump back one episode per click. Now I have to manually scroll back via mouse... massively slower.
3. With the PC version, when I completed a previous level, while harvesting. The game stayed at that level. Now, it takes me back to the highest level played, so I get to scroll back all over again.
4. On the PC version, resting the mouse pointer on a earlier level number would show you a preview of what the level looked like. Very helpful when trying to find a level that you can't remember the exact number of. The new version doesn't do this.
If anyone know any "work arounds" for the above negatives, I would love to hear them. This stuff may just be way too much of a strain on my shaky relationship with Candy Crush
Unhappy MB
That's a nightmare MB. I play on a Chromebook and that hasn't happened to me yet. However, if it does, it will seriously effect my decision to keep playing. Most levels now require boosters to get through without requiring the player to got to the insane society, which I feel I am only a short drive from. If this is what will eventually be the case for all then I am out of here. So sorry this has happened to PC players. Why don't they roll out something fun and new to the game instead of all that you describe MB. Do you also get the fun side games that the mobile gets>
Here in Denmark the version on King.com/da is still the same. What you're describing does sound like the android phone version. On PC the lives people have given me are lost when I reload the game, so I can't save the lives I'm given during the week till I need them Wednesday, and there is a limit of ten lives. On my phone I can save them. I currently have 95 lives, but as said my boosters are gone again.
OK I'm stuck on the stink bomb level.... 2478... any tips would be great... suppose it's gonna take a ton of boosters which I don't have and don't have the energy to play sugar pops again and again... getting tedious... did pass 2476 with no boosters ha a proud moment.... night and onward lucky crushers.
The difficult part of 2478 is to hit the blockers in the top two rows so the board opens up and the candies can fall down. When I finally passed, I was lucky that the stripe and wrap from the booster I used was next to each other and in the top, so I could hit the top rows. I also used the checkmark booster. So if you do have some boosters, I would recommend either opening the top with a couple of hammers, or use the stripe/wrap booster and then moving the stripe and wrap with the hand if they're not in the right place.
Well done to get through 2476 without boosters. It took me a lot of tries WITH boosters.
For MB - the following was on the King website.
Apparently it's part of CC's move to HTML5.
thanks ditte. did what you said. used a striped and wrapped booster and switched hands ensuring that the top row blocker was breached. saved a lot of frustration and aggravation.
Thanks Ditte, I will try that this weekend. It's off to work right now. Then I guess I better get some boosters. Sigh what a pain. Onward Crushers.
Looks like they switched every one back for now... Did you get switched back MB?
Onward Crushers.
No, I have not been switched back. Also a verrry large portion of my booster collection vanished.
That is an even worse nightmare.... losing booster collection is not acceptable, It takes so long to gather them. I feel for you MB. I hope they get it sorted soon.
Onward Crushers
Well I am totally parked on 2478 with four flat tires and no spares. What a horrible level. This might be the first week in a long while that I will not be going on on Wednesday. Debating on whether to stay or gracefully bow out....
Onward Crushers - hopefully I will get lucky and my tires will get fixed.
Well I finally got through. Thanks to me purchasing for $1.00 more lives for 2478, which I almost made without boosters and got the remaining two without boosters. I would never have made the last one without the great tip from MB about the fruit crossing over the teleport for the first teleport. I had to go watch a movie to see what that meant exactly. However, I have no clue how the rest of it works except that if you move the very top ones it seems to make the fruit go down the exits. It happened quickly for me after I got both of them switched over the teleport and for that I thought I would have to have hand switches which if you have will make your life so easy. It can be done without boosters -- I did it in about 20 - 25 tries. So ya Wednesday... Onward Crushers.
I didn't even try doing 2480 without boosters. I have more than 200 hands, and as I've said before, I absolutely hate moving ingredients sideways.
I'm with you Ditte and hate moving them too. However, beggers can't be choosers and I didn't have any hands (so jealous of your stash:)) It was a very difficult batch this week I thought. Or, perhaps I am just getting less patient cos I made it OK in the end with only one breaking point in which I gave them 99cents.... hate doing that:) The last one actually takes some skill I am so proud to report LOL!!!!! I guess the ones we get without boosters are our proud moments with this silly game. Onward Crushers.
Yeah I enjoyed it more before the sugardrop challenge, when I only had the boosters from the daily spin. As you say it's more satisfying to complete a level without boosters. And funnier to play new levels instead of playing the same over and over to collect sugardrops. But I can't stop hoarding, and why not use the boosters, when I have them.
2478 sucks big time and may be the end of candy for me.
I know how you feel Sleepless. Felt that way too. I bought 5 extra lives and took Ditte's advice about clearing the top of the left. I had no extra boosters but I made it in the end and you will too. Save your boosters and hammer the left a bit too. When it opens up you'll have a good chance. Good luck .... onward Crusher ... soon I hope.
For well over a year now there has been no skill involved in this game, it is 100% pure luck.
My question to King is, will you ever introduce a skill set into the game again or have we just got to reply on you allowing us to pass ?
Because it isn't even luck. How many times do things blow up for no reason just when it looks like you might pass a level.
How many times do you get close in a 50 move game after 15 of those moves then just spend the next 35 moves doing nothing.
You basically wait until you are let thru to the next level.
It is so very boring playing a so called gams of skill that involves no skill.
Yes! The things blowing up for "no reason at all" has recently become worse than ever. We all know to check before making a critical move to make sure it's safe. Yet how many times do you make a move, to set up a combo for the next move, and have a detonation... without the effect the combo would have produced. I'm not perfect. I know that once in a while it's my fault, but not nearly as often as it happens.
Tough week. I thought 2476 was much worse than 2478. 3 days on 2476 finally got through with a final hammer. 2478 only took one day and got through with no boosters.
This week is the nastiest set of levels in a long time. Lollipops are no use on the popcorn anymore either. I feel sorry for the ones with hardly any boosters.
Not having a lot of fun this week. With the vanishing of my booster stockpile and massively fewer available lives... yuck. Made it to 2487 which seems to have potential for being fun, but I'm out of lives. I'M GOING TO HOLD MY BREATH UNTIL THEY GIVE ME MY OLD PC VERSION BACK!!!
(Make sure I don't fall on you when I pass out.)
First two aren't too bad. Gotta go to work. Hang in there MB... you are already far down the trail... maybe you don't need boosters:) Gotta go to work.... Onward Crushers.
I want some of whatever kind of drug was in use when 2489 was written. I finished it (lots of big explosions from bomb/wrap and bomb/stripe unions) but still don't understand the flow through the teleports. Watching the videos doesn't help because it all happens tooooo fast. Is it possible to have youtube display in slow motion? If anyone figures out the flow, it would sure help others get by.
Phew after 3 days no where close cleared 2478 with no boosters as I have none with lucky board but up to last move.
Interesting 2476 was cleared in 1 move.
Done, but this is probably my worst week ever for stars.
Keep Crushin'
Hey! Anyone want to finance my new project? I want to produce videos showing how to pass the levels, using the maximum possible number of boosters. It would be a lot more fun than today was... expensive though.
Keep Crushin'
A few nasty ones, but also some that were fun to play.
So...haven't figured out 2489, but I just passed it. Here's the thing: I flushed a bunch of cherries and nuts, but the board showed I still had two nuts and one cherry to go -- couldn't seem to make them drop, but when the last jelly was cleared, sugar crush began and the level was over. Couldn't track the teleports, and really don't know if I got all the cherries and nuts either. That's one odd level. Good luck crushers!
HG -- heathenn@hotmail.com
I can't afford to fund your new project MB but I sure would like some tips on the third one now designated as a hard level by King. It's horrible.... am I the only one having difficulty??? I have wasted nearly --- well all my boosters and still not close enough. I will not be purchasing my way out so I might have to come to the realization that since that is what King hope for I won't be going on.... sorry I am so whining... but I hate levels like this! Any tips????
Are you talking about 2483? I passed in just a couple of tries without boosters by switching two wrapped candies in the middle just over the fish floats. That released a lot of fish and took care of the licorice and chocolate and I could grow the frog and let that take care of the last couple of jellies. I just replayed it. Didn't pass but only three jellies left, so it seems doable. Good luck :-)
2 days stuck at 2489. Just no lucky board yet
thanks Ditte yeah I figured it out better as time went on and used a couple of hammers and got through in the end. Stuck now on the jelly fruit combo one sigh not a nice episode. Onward crushers.
OK so for level 2489 I think the thing is to clear all the jelly. I did that proud to say with NO boosters and the one move left. I didn't flush any fruit and still had blockers blocking the way. However, as soon as I cleared all the jelly the sugar crush happened and it said level passed. Not going back to this one. Took three days. Onward Crushers.
am unable to find the exit points for the fruit in level 2095. can the developers have forgotten to include it until the next episode when it comes out on wednesday? or am i missing something obvious? feeling rather foolish.
I too cleared all the jelly in 2489 but had two candies to go and I passed the level, not looking back!
Looks like it's time for everyone to kick back, enjoy an adult beverage and wait for next Wednesday. I finally figured out an easy, and should have been obvious, way to rapidly scroll back to earlier levels for sugar drops. I can turn my mouse upside down and run it across my table top, rapidly spinning the scroll wheel, and zooming past old levels.
Keep Crushin'
Yes! Onward Crushers.... All done... champagne everyone.
Re 2495 there are three exits under the evil spawners. You need to get rid of the spawners to get the fruit through them.
All done finally yesterday.
a better mouse scroll is on one's ample stomach from right to left hip. 15 or so pleasant swipes take one to the candy drop bonanza levels.
2491 - Any tips anyone? Its driving me nuts
I just tried 2491 again and failed... It is a tough one. I think I tried to hit the popcorns every chance I got and I used a hammer or two at the end to get the last licquorice ... sorry I know that's not much help.. good luck. Onward Crushers.
2491 is so random. Blowing up color bombs creates chaos, so I eventually started with one, blew it up and went from there. Used a hammer to line up 2 color boms for a main detonation at the end.
A nasty one!
Good luck from Manila
A few really challenging levels this week. Thank the lord for boosters!
A lot of innocent boosters gave their all to get through this weeks mess. A couple levels were actually interesting...
Keep Crushin'
Got through without any really nasty ones this week. I even did a few without any boosters. Not a bad week - the last one caused me to go sugar pop shopping but made it in the end with only using one hammer. Sorta liked this week's levels cos they seemed to lend themselves to skill rather than luck and so made them more interesting. Onward crushers.
The weirdest thing happened to me in 2586: I had been struggling with it for a few days and suddenly the board was full of wrapped an striped candies appearing out of nowhere! And the level sort of ended itself through the explosions caused by the special candies. After playing more than 2500 this is the first time I so obviously get help by the game to finish a level. Has anyone experienced this too?
Re 2486. My guess is you grew the popcorn in the top and all the special candies came from the dispensers over the popcorn.
It seems that I am in for more than one surprise in this episode: It let me pass level 2489, even if I had still two nuts to drop! Sadly, I did not take a screenshot of it, people might think I am making this up, but i am not.
A few annoying levels this week, ain't it always? I'm so close to just giving up as I don't want to spend the rest of my life doing repetitive sugar drop levels everyday just to make life easier on weekly levels of Candy Crush.
We've moved on to the next page (2501-2600) :-). And yes I feel the same..
2476 has changed. The board layout is completely different from the tips. Not too difficult though.
I meant 2474 has changed not 2476. Sorry.
Hello CC
Can’t get close lève 13015 with 24 moves as video shows 30 !!
So posting for lucky board
Thanks CC do your help :):):)
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