Candy Crush Saga Level 208.

 How to pass level 208 Candy Crush Saga
You only need colour bombs and stripes so avoid making wraps if the opportunity arises.. Look for colour bomb patterns before every move. If you can't make a colour bomb make a stripe.
The easiest way to get the stripes you need is to swap one with a colour bomb, but it's much easier to make all the colour bombs first as every time you explode one with a normal candy it will make the next one easier.
Video by Cookie

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.

Adrian's tips for level 208 Original version.

Don't let the colour bomb (top, centre) distract you too

much - whilst it may be of help, you may just as easilly make 

one yourself. 

Note you ONLY need a colour bomb + striped 

and colour bomb + wrapped ... so really try to avoid using 

any specials unless you are making these combos. 

Work hard on setting up a colour bomb and remember it 

can't be moved 

(because swapping it with ANYTHING fires it off) 

so make a wrapped/striped near by once you 

have the colour bomb. 

If possible play the bomb + wrapped first as it should 

(with luck) remove two colours improving the chances of you 

being able to make a second colour bomb immediately.

More tips for levels 208 from a player.
