Tips for level 162 Candy Crush Saga by Cookie
Level 162 is an order level, you have to collect countdown bombs to complete the level. Use stripes and stripe combos to clear the bombs and the chocolate. Remember that you only have to collect bombs to complete the level, the chocolate only needs to be kept under control, not cleared.
Video by Cookie
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If the
level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have
changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know
on our FB group and I will
try to change it.
Original level.
You need to make and explode 10 striped candies and 3 wrapped candies in 40 moves.
The candies fall from the top sections straight down in to the bottom sections so whatever you move on the bottom will affect the top, but moving the candies in the top half of the board will not affect the bottom.
So before each move look at the top half first to see if you can make either a stripe or wrap before you look at the bottom as making one in the bottom half may spoil a chance you have in the top.
A colour bomb, whilst not needed for the orders, will take away a colour so making it much easier to make your stripes and wraps.
square blocks are forming on this level. I don't mean the combinations aren't presenting themselves: I mean when they are there and I make the move to form the wrapped candy, it's not working.
The candies disappear and no wrapped candy appears. So how is this level doable then?
I'm not one to complain but this particular level relies completely on the randomness of the drops. Usually, you can plan to create special candies to a degree. In this level you can't as the working area is far too small.
Ironically, this level requires you to match a wrapped and striped candy together (x2). Good thing seeing as it's next to impossible to create a wrapped candy within the little space.
Bravo, you've created a real gem here, you morons.
I'm having the same problem as the first poster, the wrapped candies aren't forming on this level when the combo comes in place to do so.
I'm at a loss. You literally can't even buy wrapped candies to place them on the board, so how exactly is this level doable if the one element we need we cant get?
Same here...have been stuck on this level for almost 100 lives now. I managed to do one of the striped candy plus wrapped candy mix once but not 2 times. It's quite hard as -
A. it's hard to get the wrapped candy; and
B. the chocolate fountain is making things even harder :(
It is very hard... i did match a wrapped and striped candy 2 times... BUT did not make 30,000 points only 29,300 so i failed.... so so so frustrating.... i am about to quit....
yeah I am on this level as well... I think I am through with candy crush. you want a challenge but not when it is impossible
Several times when I get a wrapped candy and a stripe in the same area, the wrap has spontaneously exploded while I'm in the process of matching them. Like WTF!!??
So frustrated with this impossible level.
Just going to give up normally you do get some luck but like an earlier poster I have managed to get one but never two and so bye bye sugar candy making something so difficult is stupid, as you just turn people away. Especially when it's random
They just want you to spend money and also would be nice if you could use the extra lives given....the people stuck for 100 days have stopped playing and they want you to remind the player about the game. I agree it is all how the candy falls using strategy is a waste of Candy Crush frustration!!!!
I've also managed one but not two only been on about two days so far
I have friends that have passed this level, so I know its not impossible. Be patient and when the board works for you, it works for you. Remember, it's a game and a way to pass the time. If I figure out a strategy, I will post it!
I promised I'd let you know, and 4 tries later, I've completed the level. I noticed that if the chocolate is contained in the center of the four squares, the candies fall through the 'clouds'. The candies I needed dropped down and I got the first match. The second I got at the top square. It's truly the way the candies fall, but pay attention to the moves and you can set them up. Just go slow and deliberate! Don't give up!
finally passed - about 100 lives later - this is a lot of luck, but pay attention and take your time and you will pass - I missed a few formations trying to rush and it cost me some time and many games I just started over because there was just too much chocolate and no possible matches to blast them. it helps to make matches above the portals, then make matches below the portals to pass them down.
Do the wrapped and striped candies have to be the same colour or something? I matched a pair and the display on the side did not change to a tick. Very frustrating not knowing what was required of me for this!
I play via FB on my laptop, and mine did not have to be the same colors, but it can be different when playing via a different platform ~ I've never spent a penny on boosters and I'm here at this level ~ I just completed it my first try with 17 moves left and a score of a bit over 92,000 ~ so, it is possible ~ take your time, keep the chocolate at bay and plan ahead......
I think you have to put so much time in and then candy crush will allow you to win - because just when I think I will never conquer a level, I do and move on.
this is getting very frustrating!!!!!
OMG HOW DIFFICULT IS 162. (Sorry for shouting) ggggggrrrrrrr :( :'(
I passed in about 30 lives, a little luck.
The hardest part is make wrap candy, so l only play at the fisrt look can make a wrap candy, if a few chocolates formed, you are over, so try to elimanate chocolate and wait for chance to make strip and warp candy, I think it is impossbile to meet both at the top two square,finally, I don't like the special candy made on the top the chocolate machcine, it won't fall.
I too was very frustrated with this level! After well over 100 lives and never being able to make 2 of the required matches with a striped and a wrapped candy, I was about to give up as well. I've read all the comments and watched the videos and still was not able to do this level. As I played it again, up popped the thing that said, "hmm, seems you're having trouble with this level ..." It offered me to buy the "add special candy to the mix" booster. So, I did! Guess what? That worked! I solved it the next go!! When you buy that one, it adds special candy to the mix that when you make a match with the special candy (which are marked with a check mark) it turns into what you need. Made a match with 3 blue (one having a check mark on it) and it turned into a wrapped candy! Then I made a match with 3 orange (one having a check mark on it) and it turned into a striped candy! Got them together and swapped them and then just proceeded to do that again and I solved it!! Eureka and hallelujah, I'm passed this level!! Buy the booster, it's worth it!!!
Exactly you get wrapped candy working your way to your poof they make sure to send down a match to explode it. Yes all their level are doable. It's takes oh say 600 hundred lives with no cheats and your sanity. I'm rocking as we speak.lolo trying to get out of this level. I've been on others longer, so I'm just saying four letter words right
haha pwned!
true!! ive noticed that.
hey thanks!!!! guess what i just passed! one try, after reading ur comment. it is def much more easy to try on the top squares!!! :D
OMFG. I thought it said a Sparkle chocolate ball and a wrapped candy!
I have may have beat it by now if I wasn't an idiot.
A speckled ball and wrap x2 would really be impossible.
I did it 4 tries after my previous post! got lucky as 1 wrap formed after my first stripe/wrap combo then I beat it with 5 moves and around 41,000 points 1 star :/
Got it on my 2nd try after reading these comments above & video. I figured well I'll give it a try. Can't believe I got it. Had only 1 or 2 moves left and made it at 30,420. OMFG!
Ok!!! I thought I was the only one having trouble with this level. I have watched the video a few times but what the hell! It doesn't have the yellow candy and makes it look easy but it's not! Only once have I combined a striped and wrapped.. I love the people who say to be patient and go slow. Are you kidding!!!!!! They must work for the King Comany who invented this game. I too have experienced my wrapped candy exploding just for what appears to be NO REASON. I'm about to say screw it!
I'm playing on android phone and tablet. It tells me I only need 1 combo of wraped and striped. But when I get it it dosent register! Anyone else with this issue?
I wrote a comment June 30th. I purchased the ball with check mark. And finally passed this level. I'm not sure if you can get this level without that help. I'm on level 178 now. I wish I could purchase all the helps in the beginning for a flat fee, I'm sure I have spent at least $20 so far in this saga. Do you think these folks are getting rich on our frustration?
They have TV commercials! Of course they're getting rich!
Same thing just happened to me. I got the matched pair and switched them but it didn't tick off at the side. I thought perhaps it was because I hadn't reached the 30,000 points needed but when the game timed out it said I hadn't got the combo or the 30,000 needed. I don't understand what I did wrong !
Thank you Anonymous. This level is truly a random win. Not only do you spend and enormous amount of time trying to get the 'Willy Wonka Machine' to keep away but the combinations are hardly ever there to make. I've done 1----ONE combination in all my tries. Getting boring to where I just don't want to play.
Baaaahh!! Thank you for your post. I thought it was a speckled ball and was getting so upset! Lol I'm such an idiot.
Finally passed the level after realizing what the right combinations are supposed to be. Lol I was all worked up for nothing. Even got 2 stars!
I also have had the 2 wrapped candies but never the 30.000 This is very hard but I know as all the rest we can do it when the candy falls just right
You can pass this level without boosters!! It took me about a week but I did it. & 3 of my friends have passed it as well, so don't give up!! I'm on 201 & so glad I didn't quit any of the times I thought about it.
Me too! Have you figured it out?
Do this one on your computer through Facebook - don't do it on your phone.
On the computer - there are no yellows, but on my phone (android based) there were. more colors made it harder..I finished it with no boosters in one life and about 10-15 moves - and no problems with not getting enough points
My daughter has been telling me to get a life - I think this will be the level to give me my life back!! With every other level, although some were really difficult and time-consuming, I felt that I would get there in the end, but this one.....!! It seems virtually impossible to get a wrapped candy, and as soon as you do and try to get a striped one anywhere near, other candies miraculously appear and explode my wrapped one. They seem to fall in an odd way which makes planning virtually impossible, and there is very little room to move. I am not having fun any more! I was always excited to get my new batch of lives to see how far I would get this time, but level 162 has killed that and I start playing with a sense of utter futility and hopelessness!! What a shame, King, you have beaten me here - time to get on with real life again!!!!
Once I actually had 1 sparkle ball and 3 wrapped candies all at once. I couldn't get a striped :(. It'll happen in time, just like the others.
Normally, candy crush is about skill and luck. Ideally, if you play a perfect game you would win with a certain amount of luck. In this level, even if you play perfectly, the needed level of luck is way too high. Your window to plan ahead the corner ones is stupidely little, and combining it with a 4 ones is just madness. So yeah stupid level designers, how about having to make 2 of this madness combos, adding 4 damn chocolate factories and needing this damn points???
I managed to make the damn combos after an insane amount of tries, only to see me failing at the total points.
My conclusion? This level is just here to make you pay extras or for you to have the luckiest game ever. They placed it at a higher level in the game so that you will be more prone to spend money to go further. I know it all, i am a damn game designer. Suckers
After trying around 100 times to complete this level, I bought the check mark booster. It did not help me afew games later I had one match and over 20000 when I ran out of lives so I bought lives/boosters 2 or 3 times and finally completed the level.
I've had trouble with many levels, but I got thru this one first time. It must be sheer luck. What ticks me off tho' is when I accept extra moves given by friens but they don't appear in the game :(
This level is impossible, I've been stuck for months, lost interest now and will uninstall the game x
After reading these comments I decided to try it n my desktop computer. I won the first try. I usually play on the iPad
I have to agree that this level seems to rely more on luck than any level so far. I refuse to pay extra money to get help so I will try some of your tips, like doing it on a desktop instead of an ipad, and trying to get combos I. The top squares. Have tried for days and never got 30000 or the two required orders, on rare occasion have got one.
Sorry to upset you guys, but tried this level about ten times then the stripped and the wrapped candies fell into place, then I was through the level, more luck than good play
Just keep trying don't give up
Even if you paid you'd end up spending a fortune. Lol. I'll keep playing until I pass it. It's definitely based on luck. The closest I came was on my iPhone. I have found with certain levels that I have been successful when switching platforms; from iPad to iPhone to FB. If I don't get it soon I'll switch to my laptop. Good luck all.
It's all luck. Tried suggestion about shaking up the board by exploding a choco-ball when it appears or smashing two striped candies together. Seemed to work a little but didn't get the order fulfilled. Next board happened to get lucky and this was only my fourth or fifth attempt, got 2 striped wrapped combos all within 10 moves. I was afraid I wouldn't have enough points but once I hit the 2nd combo the points just rolled in for 3 stars. I looked for matching for special candy anywhere on the board and then worked from the bottom which shakes up the board as well. Did this on my iphone.
Hilarious - got really stuck on this level - looked for some help - found this blog and then went back on and completed the level - maybe are mind readers!!
I actually was getting opportunities but was having the wrapped candies explode as soon as I retried to position them. After reading these posts, I went back and was very careful to make moves that wouldn't affect the wrapped candies directly--in other words, move the stuff around them, but don't move the the wrapped ones themselves. And that actually worked. I did use one or two lives on crappy luck, but the third time the combinations came. I also just kept an eye on the chocolate but didn't get super obsessive about it. I definitely have had the experience of spending hundreds of lives on a level and know ow deadening it can be. So either quit, and preserve your sanity (and earn yourself a bunch more time in your life!), or try focusing on something different in the way you play. Good luck!
I've encountered everything everyone else has mentioned. I've noticed that many times, the board is set up so that you only need make one or two moves to get your first wrapped candy. If I didn't get a wrapped candy in the first 5 moves, I just killed the game and started over. It was also frustrating to have a wrapped candy and, while trying to maneuver a striped candy towards it, inadvertently blowing them all up. It's just perseverance and dumb luck to get through this level.
Having just read through these comments,
I had a go, got the two combo within 10 moves
Then the level played itself out giving a score of over 112000 with 3 stars......
Must be my lucky day, think ill go and buy a lottery ticket😃😃😃😃
I got on this site because I was having major trouble with this level. After I left I played this level again and passed it easily. I did not do anything special. The combinations just fell together. Totally random.
was stuck on this level for weeks... read through all these comments then done it on the 4th go afterwards! yipeeee really hard getting the wrapped candy, and luck does play a big part, but done it now, and have never paid for anything. Don't give up, it is possible :)
The Hint says that this is a Order Fill, blue and green. Go there and check. But, once you start requires two times stripe and wrap combos.......error in the Hint Dept. :(
Something is definitely up... Like many other people have posted, I was stuck on this level for about a week. Went to this blog, read through all the comments, went back to my game and beat the level on my first try. Coul it really be just luck???? Hmmm....
Yeah strange but happened to me too. Passed the level on the 4th try after I visited this site.
That just freaked me out. Came to see what peps were saying about this lvl and bammo, first try and I get the stupid lvl
No fricken way! I have been stuck on this level for EVER like over a month. Read all of these posts and beat the level on the second life, holy crap!
The thing that makes this so stupid is not because it is hard, it is because there is no real strategy to be had (unlike level 70, where you could at least improve your odds of winning).
This is just a dog.
This was the first level that I really thought about quitting the game as I was stuck and had no idea how to pass. Made a search on the net and read this page. Still I was not sure what to do. Just made another try, No new strategy. But everything went super and passed the level in first try with a score of 98,000. Unbelievable!
Can you believe that? I had managed to get a stripe and a wrapped next to each other and my fingers were already twitching happily to make the combination when the stupid game told me there were no more moves available and shuffled the board. I'm done. At least for today.
Well that's me finished with cc. That is the most impossible task ever. It's a shame because I've loved playing the game even though it has been a thrilling challenge. I hope that reads this and and makes changes to this level.
Amazing. Read these comments. Two games later I succeeded within ten moves!
Like a few others here I initially thought you needed a glitter ball /wrapped candy combination. Why I thought that I don't know. Was at it for 2 weeks and thought it to be impossible, probably is. Read the posts and thought myself a right idiot. First go one striped/wrapped combination. Within 10 goes got it. Just shows you must be observant, or did something change......
Really fishy.. Also had big problems and thought it was impossible and totally luck dependent. Then, first game after reading these comments, it all falls into place after 12 turns!
I just passed level 162!! I almost gave up but kept on adding the 5 extra moves till I passed it!!!!
Woo woo that was tough.
Experienced all of the same problems mentioned. Been stuck for weeks...finally thot I would give up, didnt play for about a week. Just tried it and got it. BUT only because instead of the2 wrapped and 2 striped candies, the order was for 8 stripes and 2 wrapped....????? Whats up with that? Idk but Im glad to be done
just got on that level, now i know i am gonna be on it awhile
Been on this level for ages, then find out they changed the game and took away my Facebook friends, what's up?
After about 100 lives my goal changed from needing 2 wrapped and 2 stripped to needing 3 wrapped and 10 stropped. Very odd. Still hard to get. I linked iPad to I phone so I get to play lives on both double the fun and double the frustration!
Concentrate on wrapped candies striped will come along.
I had to do 2 wrapped and 10 stripped..... I spend two days trying.... Few times the wrapped ones failed to show up when they normally should have - very weird...
I've just passed it, with the help of a wrapped/stripped combo, phew!
Imo, this level is 95% luck, so very best of luck to all fellows!
Here's how to beat 162. Keep recycling the start until you can make a speckled color bomb. There are only 2 rows and 2 columns (near) the center where this can happen since the rest of the board is only 4 tiles wide. It may take dozens of restarts (which don't use up any lives) but it is worth the effort. Once you have color bomb, save it until you can merge it with a striped candy that will create all 10 of your required stripes right there. Then spend the rest of the level making your 3 wrapped candies.
I am quitting Candy Crush today because of level 162. The game hasn't been fun in awhile since we keep getting more and more levels that require luck versus logic. I enjoy fun, problem-solving games and CC is now neither.
Complete dumb luck helps. I cleared this level the very first time I tried it. No special skill, just dumb luck.
You do not have to cross the wrapped with a stripe you can explode them separately
I hate this game soon will delete it I been on game 162 forever
I get the wrap and the stripe candies in level 162, but they are not deleted 3 wraps and 10 stripe doable but only if the game delete when you got the three. Another thing when I do get the orders I can't get ove ear 109, co8 for the score, no matter how often I play.
After I get the orders, the game take over to finish the game, should I be allowed to do it, I would get a higher score.. Love Always
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