Welcome to Candy Crush All Help.

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The best tips and strategy. How to  play Candy Crush!
Hints And Tips for All levels!
The first place to get help for Candy Crush!

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Look along the top of the website under the header for the page containing the level you need help with, click on that and it will take you to the section containing your level. Click on the level you need and it will then take you to the tips and video for your level.
For help with other aspects of the game, strategy, boosters, combos etc, look down the left side of the website and click on any of the headings that interest you.
You will find comprehensive information on all aspects of Candy Crush Saga.

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Here we  bring together all the experience of thousands of players all in one place 
so that you can help each other have fun playing instead of continually being frustrated. 
The site is multilingual thanks to the translate button on the right.

On the right you will find video guides to all the levels, plus tips for those difficult levels!.
On the left is other useful information, some relevant to Candy Crush Saga only, 
some useful in many online games.
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So come along with me and lets make candy!
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This site is totally independent and has no connection to the developers of this game.


1 – 200 of 939   Newer›   Newest»
Anonymous said...

how come my Htc Butterfly can't download candy crush saga?

Anonymous said...

I'm stuck on level 35! I have passed the level once n it says I need tickets. I do not have a fb acct n has no intention of getting one. So how do I get around this? Isn't this a game I can play without fb connection?

Anonymous said...

I'm on level 38 and my iphone app won't connect to facebook, the circle in the bottom right corner just keeps spinning and I never get the check mark and can't see my friends list to send out requests. There are no updates, I checked! Help!!

Anonymous said...

Candy Crush will not update with any of the requests I receive. There isn't even an envelope on the screen. This has been going on for a few days now. Using the game on my iPhone 5 and it is up-to-date. Help please! :)

Anonymous said...

All of a sudden I can only request lives and tickets from laptop. Friends list is blank on iPad and Android phone. On level 110.

Robert Wigham said...

Can't request tickets it is just showing up blank!!!

Anonymous said...

Im also stucked at ticket request list with a blank friend list. Previous episode was ok. Tried reinstall apps also not helping. iPhone 4 user here. Pls fix this

Unknown said...

Guys. candy crush is being reported all over as no longer working in IE, SAFARI, CHROME or FIREFOX. It appears to be a flash issue, asking for updates and everyone is already up to date. check your main page, the comments are going mad. please fix this asap!

Unknown said...

..youll have to pay!
Thats why they want you on facebook...its all about the money

Anonymous said...

candy crush was working fine on my android tablet yesterday, now it says its not connected to FB-when it is, then when you log out and try to log back in to connect it to FB it just says 'the game does not have access to the kingdom. try connecting again later' its pretty annoying as i just got to a point where i need to ask my friends for tickets and now i cant, so i cant progress even offline.
it was working fine yesterday? anyone know any solutions??

p.s cleared cache, reset device, checked permission on FB- all fine and correct, VERY strong wi-fi signal so all the obvious are working. please help!

thanks in advance!! :)

Anonymous said...

Candy crush keeps taking forever to load and then when it does, and I try to proceed on my level, it freezes and takes a life!! I've cleared my cache and all that other stuff, this is really frustrating!!

Anonymous said...

HI cant send or recieve lives. keeps saying an error has occured? Really frustrating. Anyone know whats wrong ???

blesn said...

i just passed level 35 and progressed to episode 3....and its asking me to request from 3 friends on Facebook...but my phone wont let me connect to Facebook through the candy crush saga game :( i have the samsung galaxy s3...i wanna know if i can fix this problem :( cuz i really wanna continue

Anonymous said...

Hey! I know how to ask for tickets, and I know that I get them, but how do I send them on Facebook to other friends?

Anonymous said...

I'm also having the same problem with my friends list unable to load, I can't request tickets to advance to the next level, I've uninstalled the app and re installed it but that hasn't worked...what shall I do??? iphone 5

Anonymous said...

blank friends list, what happend? unable to request live..
iPhone 5

Anonymous said...

I downloaded the game from the App Store on my Itouch. I log into the Facebook app everyday. When I click the Facebook button in the game to connect, it goes to the facebook screen, looks like it is loading, and then just restarts my game and I never connect. Now I cant get past level 35 because I need ticket from friends. Why wont it log into Facebook?! HELP!

sharon@2nd said...

Hi, everyone keeps talking about an envelope where your extra lives are kept. I have no envelope and never have had one. How can I get this icon to retrieve my extra lives sent by friends?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I need help to reset my candy crush game. First envelope went missing. I couldn't get life or ticket.
Now my score does not reset when I end game. After a few attempt to pass level 110, my accumulated score is at 1510100. Please help. I want to reset the game.

Anonymous said...

My frens list is blank, can help me to solve it??

Anonymous said...

Hi all, I am stuck on level 135. I can't get thru it even after collecting the two different color order and mix together. Help!!!!

Anonymous said...

My friends list has disappeared!!!???

Cynthia said...

I am playing Candy Crush on my Mac, Android, and iPad. The Mac and Android will sync, but I cannot get the iPad to sync with them. I've tried the tips on here, but nothing seems to work. Any other ideas?

Cynthia said...

I've passed level 130 and have never played...don't give up.

Anonymous said...

Playing on a PC and get down to 1 life. A friend sends me lives and they don't show up. I see how to to retrieve the lives friends send me on my iphone, but I can't see how to retrieve them playing on PC. Yes, I am connected to FB on both. Help?

Caiden52 said...

Just wondering, is there a way to not accept your requests and then go back to them and accept them later? Like the extra lives? Because if I take the extra lives right away it just takes me to 5 anyway. I would like to use those 5 then accept my requests and get a few more.

Anonymous said...

we have the same issue... =( please help!thanks

jackie said...

It took me for ever it seemed to get to 65 PLEASE dON't shut dowm now, FIX THE PROBLEMS!

Admin said...

To get your lives simply refresh the page when you run out. They should be there waiting..

Admin said...

The only information I can give you is already on the page for ipad/iphone problems...
Sorry I can't help any more..But don't forget to check back to see if we have updated the information as new things come to light...

Admin said...

Doesn't matter what colour the wrapped candies are.. You just need to swap 2 5 times.

Admin said...

If you are on a PC or laptop clean your browser.
If you are on a mobile device turn it off and on a few times.

Admin said...

Check out the ipad/iphone problems page .. Look at the menu on the right of this page.

Admin said...

We have many members of our FB group with the same problem..There is no single solution, but if you would like to join the group and get help from other mobile users with the same problems just click on the picture of the little girl top left of this blog..

Admin said...

If you do not have a FB account you will have to pay to advance to the next levels..
When you have a FB account you can ask friends for tickets..

Yee said...

Cant sync from my android device with laptop. When try to connect to facebook on android device, its flashed out and get back to the first page but no log in to facebook. Please help.

Unknown said...

That happen to me, so what I did is I played one or two lives (depending on how many I was sent), so my lives went down to 3 I then logged out and right back and then accepted the free lives.

Anonymous said...

Is there any rhyme or reason to the licorice generators in level 234? It seems so random whether you get a licorice or if the ingredients fall.

Anonymous said...

How can I start all over at Level 1? I cannot get past Level 65.

Anonymous said...

I just finished level 35 but I can't seem to play level 36 without aksing my friends on facebook for a ticket. How come this is happening? I have read all over that you don't need facebook to play candy crush. Help anyone?

Anonymous said...

Am on level 48 and when i click into it keeps coming up error. it not my connecting or anything because my friends can use it. its like this 4days now. HELP....

trixxi t said...

Some "friends" show they are stuck at level 1, but they're not. I am able to send and receive gifts from them but their scores do not show up on any level they have played on my game??

Anonymous said...

This has happened a few times to me. I can't make any moves but the game doesn't reshuffle the candies and it keeps suggesting a move that isn't possible. I.e. switching a candy with a place that has been covered in chocolate or with a spot that is still covered. The only thing that I can do is close the app out and lose the game and however many moves I still have left. Help!!

Anonymous said...

When can I play candy through my HTC butterfly?

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering when there will be the next update adding more levels onto the iOS?

kaydi said...

how can my friend send the extra moves

Anonymous said...

I wonder how to send lives to my friends on my android phone??I'm new to candy crush saga..Pls help me.

Anonymous said...

I play Candy Crush through facebook on my computer. When I open my game and I already have 5 lives, I don't click on the lives my friends send me. When I go back into the game to accept the lives my friends send me, they are gone. I don't have the mailbox icon either. I lost 6 lives this morning and I'm getting frustrated about this. I hope you know the answer

Anonymous said...

I asked the same question earlier and the answer is that the max amount of lives you can have at any one time is 5 unless you have the Charm of Life which is 8. I don't understand this. It makes no sense. But don't buy lives online, because they only allow you 5 of the 11 you buy.

Anonymous said...

Why did the option of watching a free ad to gain a life go away after I used my CC to buy lives? Now I can't access free lives by watching an ad. How do I get this option back?

Anonymous said...

My sister can access her mailbox and use all lives people have sent her. She plays candy crush on her Ipad.

bluebellyl said...

I cannot see message inbox in my candy crush while the candy crush shown me it is connect to internet and facebook. Please kindly advice. BTW, i have delete all the history, cookies and cashes in my mobile, update latest facebook, uninstall and re-install candy crush , but end up still cannot see message inbox..help~

Anonymous said...

Im playing Cand Crush on iphone and have made it to level 81 but it wont load it gets to the screen that says king and loading under it but it wont go any further than that. Its been doing that for a whole day.

Anonymous said...

I am on an ipad and it doesn't want to install the update. If I delete the game and then redownload it, will I lose my progress? If I lose the progress and have to start over, will I have to buy the things to unlock levels (instead of waiting for tickets) that I have already purchased?

Anonymous said...

Please help, i need 3 tickets to advance!! Thankyou!
FB account: gamesloginmail@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

my android device did not update new episodes. now still level 245.

Anonymous said...

same exact situation here

Anonymous said...

nobody answer!

Anonymous said...

Same with me too - very annoying , level 81 just loading !! Have deleted the app and reinstated but no difference .

Anonymous said...

same here also.. stuck on the " KING loading page"

Anonymous said...

Me too. What is going on here?

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am having a problem advancing past level 35. Keeps saying I need ticket, friends have sent me lives, what do I need to do?

Unknown said...

Hi.im stuck on level130 is asking for 5 purple candy stipes and i dont have any purples!!please help

Anonymous said...

I have no facebook. How to play level 36 without facebook. Pls do not answer me with ask me to register an account with facebook. This answer is seriously shit. Pls advise me some solution or change the stupid rules

Anonymous said...

I am using a tablet to play candy crush. I am unable to connect candy crush to facebook.

Anonymous said...

I think this game is seriously shit. The developer think with the ticket rules can make their playres become loyal members of this game. But they were wrong,the ticket rules is seriously annoying and fvking bullshit. They should think twice to stay with the rules, or else they will losing their fanz.

Anonymous said...

I've got the exact same problem....

Anonymous said...

When I try to log onto FB to get help from my friends, it says this game does not have access to the kingdom? I've not had a problem before. I am stuck on level 125

Anonymous said...

I just passed level 140 but starting yesterday I don't have the messages with luves showing. And I can't ask for lives or tickets from friends either. Please help me figure out how to fix this. I just have to play this daily!!

Anonymous said...

Same here. I need to request tickets and it will not sync to fb to allow me to ask. Obviously it is a game bug... Any idea when this will be fixed Candy Crush Admin?!

Anonymous said...

I have an android and all of a sudden it won't connect through Facebook saying that it does
Not have access to the kingdom. Please try connecting later. This has beeb going on for two days now. How do I fix it?

Anonymous said...

my facebook is not syncing with my candy crush and i keep loosing all my lives that friends send that way....wtf....fix all of this~~

also the last couple days I pres the refresh button and it just wont reftesh i have to un install and re-install to even get conoected but as soon as I stop playing it wont connect again....this is ridiculous and i wish this gets fixed fast!

Anonymous said...

I received all 3 tickets to unlock 81 but when i select level 81, it wont load. I tried to select any other levels and it does load but not for 81. Please help me.

thetonionis said...

I have completed level 45 at least 5 times removing all the gel and exceeding the goal points of 140,000. However, I have never gotten a sugar crush to move onto the next level. What am I missing?

Anonymous said...

Tjena! Det är så att jag ligger på olika nivåer på min dator och telefon, jag undrar om man kan fixa det på något sett eftersom jag inte orkar spela om de nivåer jag redan klarat. Förslag någon?

Anonymous said...

Hello, having trouble reconnecting my candy crush with my facebook. Everytime I try to ask for lives and reconnect it says 'we do not have access to kingdom'. I am unsure of what kingdom is and would like to know how to reconnect to my facebook. I have sent multiple emails to your email account asking for help on this situation and have had no luck! I hope that you, the admins of this site or other people that know what to do in my current situation are able to help me. Thanks for taking the time to read to and (hopefully reply to) my message and look forward to a reply.

Anonymous said...

Hi I am at level 65 and now the green tick / envelope to show messages from friends isn't showing anymore? Also it wont let me ask friends for tickets and says I need to connect to facebook. Do I have to uninstall? Thanks

Anonymous said...

I am using an android phone to play candy crush, it has worked fine up until a few days ago. now when I try to send tickets or ask for tickets it says,I am unable to connect candy crush to facebook. to get to settings/facebook..How do I get there to fix this??

Anonymous said...

I just got it to sync my facebook on my phone by going into the Android for google play store and doing the update so now I can once again receive and said live and tickets hope this helps other people

Anonymous said...

To admin, how to fix [E-Error= Error #1007] in my pc?

Anonymous said...

i got error 1007 when i want to play candy crush by using my pc. How to fix it?

Anonymous said...

I cant ask for life nor tickets because I can't see my neighbours . My neighbours sending me request for life and tickets but I can't send help me plz plz plz . I need to ask for tickets to move on.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I passed to level 81 (on iPhone) but when I press Play it keeps 'Loading' and the screen stays orange.

Anonymous said...

I share an iPad with my husband and I play candy crush on it and he does not. Currently the game is linked o his account and I can't deactivate his Facebook from candy crush. I've tried deleting the Facebook app and logging into candy crush as myself, turned off candy crush within his Facebook, and candy crush continues to load as my husband. Is there a way to log in to candy crush as myself instead of him?

Anonymous said...

I am having the same problem! It keeps 'Loading'

tuneintotrish.com said...

Dear Admin,

I play on both my Android phone and my Laptop. I was stuck for sometime on level 140. This morning on my android- I finally connected and won the level, Finally I could move on! I have won other levels on the Android and immediately saw the results from my laptop. I was so excited this morning at finally achieving this win that I went to laptop to see my achievement LARGER. NOTHING was there, I couldn't ask friends to help me to the next level as it read I never completed 140- I did I got 1 star and a score of 71840. I'm CRUSHED -I've brought 20 people to this game and they all know I was stuck. I've let them know that I've contacted the creators of this game and they are waiting to hear back from me to see how this will be fixed. I have played several levels on my android and won and saw the winning on my laptop. I originally downloaded the mobile from your site via facebook. I was on facebook via android when playing the game this morning After,this morning's victory I watched the congrats ceremony between girl and octopus. Please Help! I would like to play, can you please, provide feedback? PS I won the game without any boosters.
Thank You

Anonymous said...

I beat level 35 and the plane came and took me to 36 but it wont let me play 36. My picture from FB is on 36 but my number and everything is still on 35. I even tried to uninstall it and it still put me at 35. What do i do?

Unknown said...

it says i cant connect to the kingdom on my phone pls help

Anonymous said...

Same - on level 43, and it refuses to start??

Anonymous said...

I find that I can no longer invite friends to offer me lives or tickets. When I clicked on the requestbrequest button, nothing happened. Why?

Unknown said...

hi i have a problem playing candy crush on facebook because it dosent sync i started playing on my phone and im at level 44 and when i go on facebook im on level 38 and i checked settings on my phone and it seems that its connected to facebook because i get the option to log out and i am connected to the internet.. im tempted to log out and log in from my phone but i think its gonna set me back, so any advice would help

Anonymous said...

The sound doesn't work in the IPad version, have tried a reboot and turning setting in the game on and off. Any ideas?

gemini said...

I am getting notices from friends of either sending me lives or requesting lives or tickets but when i go onto the game my notices number is not showing the new notices for a few days?? Why arent my new notices not showing? Its staying at 19 for the last 3 days.

Anonymous said...

I am unable to connect to candy crush on my iphone. I have uninstalled and reinstalled and still cannot connect. Also, I have lost where I was now. Any help?
Also, when I play on my desktop I cannot accept the extra lives people send me. I know when I am at 5(full) I used to be able to just not click on the accept button and go back to it when I needed to, but now if I don't hit accept they just go away and if I do hit accept, I am at full lives and they won't take anyway.
Please help!

db18 said...

the game won't let me ask for tickets after level 80. any ideas please.

Unknown said...

I am stuck on level 82 and i keep passing it but it wont let me pass....it keeps telling me i failed the level but im bringing the fruits all down!

Anonymous said...

How can I retrieve my lives from phone to computer? I have many people sending me extra lives, and they're nowhere to be found. I used to get them on my iPhone, but not anymore. Please help.

Anonymous said...

Why do my 156 messages (lives sent from friends) disappear just like that?

Anonymous said...

iv been on this level for about 6 months,i cleared all and scored 229.043 and still wont let me past,a few of my friends have passed with less points yet it tells me i need 300.000 now someone plz help im going crazy

Anonymous said...

iv been on this level for about 6 months,i cleared all and scored 229.043 and still wont let me past,a few of my friends have passed with less points yet it tells me i need 300.000 now someone plz help im going crazy

Anonymous said...

Stuck with 2 tickets for the train. Multiple friends have tried to help me out but the tickets don't come thru....this is SHIT...Candy Crush team SUCKS

Anonymous said...

About a week ago my app randomly disconnected with Facebook, ever sense then it won't let me connect. It says that it doesn't have access to king.com (or something like that) but i was connected all the way to level 85. Any idea how i can connect?

Anonymous said...

When will you have Candy Crush on Kindle Fire?? My computer is too slow and it's hard to pass the timed levels. :(

anna said...

Stuck on 134 have tried everything!! Please help!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm using Samsung Galaxy Y and this phone won't let me download candy crush. Whyyyy? :( Google says it is available in the kind of phone I am using.

Anonymous said...

hi....candy crush has beenrunning really slow..like in a 10 sec delay in every move etc...is there anyway to fix or repair it?

Unknown said...

Hi,after i failed on level 86 i knew how to win so i tried to buy extra moves but the facebook number keeps sending me messages asking me to resend the previous message without confirming my purchase. why is this so?

and, my phone does have enough money

Anonymous said...

my mum has been stuck on level 65 for about 3 weeks now. She sent ticket requests to move to 66 when she finished 65, but when she clicked to accept them, they just disappeared. now she cant get her friends list up, cant receive tickets, and cant get any further. if someone knows the answer can they please email me, amy21april89@hotmail.co.uk thank you

Anonymous said...

Can't advance past 35, when I hit the "ask friends" button for tickets, nothing happens.

Anonymous said...

I'm stuck on level 50. I've asked three Facebook friends to help and they've sent me the help on Facebook but it won't sync to my phone. When u get the notification on my Facebook and click on it it just takes me to the game but nothing happens- it still appears that no friends have helped. This also happensa when I get sent lives- it does not actually sync to my phone. Anyone any ideas?

Anonymous said...

Im on level 107 on my I PAD but it,s stuck on 105 on pc please help me it will not move

Sue said...

I'm on level 107 on my IPAD but is stuck on my pc level 105 and will not move on .
Can you help me

Anonymous said...

I have the same problem. Just need one ticket but don't seem to get it. HELP!

Anonymous said...

I galaxy s3 and my game wont connect unless its connected via wifi I have internet service on my phone and can accesss the web anytime. Which means I cannot connect to facebook cannot ask friends or collect anything... what can be the problem?

Unknown said...

why when i keep the life sent from my friends will suddenly gone?

Mikado said...

Hi, I dont play a lot this game, but my mother loves it, Im thinking into gifting her a Charm (Like you apparently can gift booster packs), but apparently I cant. the only way to gift her a Charm would be buying it directly from her account?, thanks!

Michelle said...

I have question....how come everytime i get life request from friend n i try to send it it will act like its sending then go rite bck to envelope like i never sent it?

afiq said...

i cant install candy crush on my asus transformer eepad tf101? i can click on the download link, but it is installing for few hours already.

Anonymous said...

How do you send extra moves and where do they go when you accept them? I still have the same amount of moves when I go into the level.

CandyCrushHelp said...

I can't play candy crush through facebook on my laptop....it won't load on google chrome or internet explorer. Someone help please!!!!

jen said...

level 63 - have completed it 4 times, however when i win or lose no banner pops up to end the game or to continue. i have to reload the whole game and then do the level again. (i lose a life when i reload, even when ive won) have tried it on various browsers, a different computer, updated flash player etc. nothing is working. been like this for 2 days now. please help!

Anonymous said...

level 63 - have completed it 4 times, however when i win or lose no banner pops up to end the game or to continue. i have to reload the whole game and then do the level again. (i lose a life when i reload, even when ive won) have tried it on various browsers, a different computer, updated flash player etc. nothing is working. been like this for 2 days now. please help!

Anonymous said...

level 63 - have completed it 4 times, however when i win or lose no banner pops up to end the game or to continue. i have to reload the whole game and then do the level again. (i lose a life when i reload, even when ive won) have tried it on various browsers, a different computer, updated flash player etc. nothing is working. been like this for 2 days now. please help!

Anonymous said...

sorry for posting so many times.. i didnt think it had worked. my bad :)

Anonymous said...

I got 3 tickets from my friends to advance to the next levels but the app is not recognizing it! What do I do?!

Anonymous said...

I updated my candy crush. Now I get Extra moves......what do you do when it's not working? I used extra move on the level prior to the one I'm on now. Now on my new level when I retrieve my extra move from my box it doesn't show up on my current game but it takes away from my mail/ bank.

Anonymous said...

Why can I only ask my old FB friends for tickets and lives, not my new ones?

Anonymous said...

Jag kan inte ansluta till fb. Var på level 181 både i mobilen och på min laptop. Helt plötsligt så får jag börja om på nivå 1 i mobilen, och jag ser inga vänner och kan vare sig få eller skicka liv till ngn. Vad gör jag?

Unknown said...

After the new update on my phone the message envelope went missing. I'm unable to access those lives my friends gave me..any clue?

Anonymous said...

Since the upgrade last week, I have not been abke to access the 3 additional lives that my friends have sent me. When I accept, they do not give me the lives to play...Please correct this on the app. Love this game, it is so addicting...on level 102...which by the way is so frustrating.

Anonymous said...

the game will not give me my score need to beat 60,000 on level23 made 144,000 and my score stayed at 0 and told me I failed halogirl59@ymail.com wish they would fix this problem

Anonymous said...

candy crush i lost my lives because of errors!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Cant send ticket request on level 156 pls help.

maple_frappie said...

I'm having problem with the game itself. After 1 game, it doesn't refresh. finished level 29 and nothing happened, when I clicked refresh I'm back again to level 29. I'm using the game on facebook. Please help!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I can't play this game & only this game on my home computer...HELP!!

Anonymous said...

How come I can send lives to others but I can't get what they've sent me? It just goes right to the game.

Anonymous said...

Hi I am stuck on game 27. My computer is quite old so is this the problem? I have not done games before so don't know the form.

Anonymous said...

I save all my lives that people send to me and I am having issues worth keeping them. All a sudden I will have 80 lives saved up and then they just disappear. Why do I keep losing them?

Anonymous said...

I cant send out for tickets to get past to unlock next round please fix

Anonymous said...

pls help, sounds not working in my iphone5? how can i solve?

Anonymous said...

I am on level 50 and I can clear all the jellies, but cannot get enough points to go to the next level. It says I have to have 200,000 points and can only clear with 120,000. I have been stuck for weeks...what can I do??? help??

Chavonne B said...

Can you add or find friends who dont have FB?

Anonymous said...

where can i find the lives given by my friends?how can i use them? there is an envelope icon in the tablet but in the pc , there's none.how can i use my lives from my friends in the pc?

Anonymous said...

i cannot connect to facebook i am using iphone 5 i always gets a message "sorry you dont have access to the kingdom right now please try connecting again later", please help.....

Anonymous said...

How come my phone and Facebook won't match. I'm connected to facebook on my phone.

Anonymous said...

Why can't I send a life to a certain person or accept a life from that person, but I can send to anyone else or accept from anyone else...

juneaubugg said...

I can't sync between my Android tablet *level 149) and my iphone and FB on my PC still think I'm on level 147!?

Unknown said...

I cannot play candy crush. i keep getting error 1007.... HELP

Anonymous said...

I'm unable to send life to friends requesting it. I keep getting a facebook error: "An error occurred. Please try again later." I am able to receive life and give tickets. It started happening yesterday. I play mostly from my Galaxy S3.

Anonymous said...

There is something wrong with the game on facebook. I finish level 20 and it will not progress to the next level with Candy Crush Saga.

lj696 said...

Ive got 2 level 50 but it wont connect 2 facebook saying the game does not have access 2 the kingdom please try again later. what do i do???

Unknown said...

I have one friend that I can't send lives or 3 extra turns to. I will try to nothing happens except an error. It's just one person, everyone else it works fine. The name will always show up asking for lives, I can't even get rid of it. Everyone else can send them lives and 3 extra turns. It's the same for way on my PC, phone and tablet.

Anonymous said...

Hi I m using galaxy s3 I m on level 125 but suddenly I candy crush is not connected to Facebook n I m ubable to ask help from friends. Can someone pls guide me how to fix it.. many thanks-Katie

Unknown said...

im unable to send my friend a life on my phone i have reset the game more then once and it didn'tfix the problem

Anonymous said...

Im stuck in level 97 for more than a month now, how can I ask for extra moves to my friends???

Anonymous said...

I cannot advance to level 36. 5 friends have sent me tickets but only 2 have shown up on my board. how can I get this fixed?

Aklmommy said...

That is what I am also trying to figure out.

Unknown said...

I had over 60 lives in my envelope the other day and they disappeared. It has happened again which is really frustrating! I like to save them up for hard levels. This seems to be happening since the app updated. Im on level 290 so I know its not me. Can anyone help? ?

Unknown said...

I am playing this game but the last week i cannot see letter,words on the game . there are scrambled. i am playing through Facebook and my region is Greece.

any setting i have to change??
pls assist

Anonymous said...

hi, why is my candy crush can not connect in my facebook i'm using samsung s3 .......help help help me please........

Anonymous said...

I am using a samsung tablet and I was on level 135 and now all the sudden for 2 days now I cant sinc with my fb.I just want to play ! Please help me figure this out? So frustrating I deleted the app and reinstalled and still not fixed

Anonymous said...

How can I use the three extra moves given to me by friends?

Anonymous said...

My goal is 40000. I achieve those points, but keep being told that I failed....why?

Unknown said...

Can somebody help me. it says ithe game cant access the kingdom! ive updated fb and ccs. ive signed in and out. its not blocked in my fb settings!

Anonymous said...

i can't connect my candy crush app on my Samsung Note II with facebook. It keeps on telling me "I don't have access to the Kingdom right now", but I have internet connection and I was able to buy tickets on Google Play. Please help.

Anonymous said...

can anybody help i cannot get candy crush to load on my phone it has downloaded and installed but when i try to open it i get a loading screen then it goes off

Unknown said...

Can't ask friends for lives. I click and it won't even load the fb connection. Turned it off everything. Not working.

Anonymous said...

It keeps telling me I don't have access to the kingdom. I am using an app on my kindle....please let me know what I need to do.

Anonymous said...

Quite annoyed I'm stuck on level 35 and cannon progress to To next level without tickets but when I go to ask friends the menu is blank and there is no option to chose any friends. I have a galaxy nexus so ur iPhone info does not help. I have reset the sync with fb countless times with no avail fix plz or will uninstall asap!

bubbles said...

been a week now still cant connect to get candy crush to load on my computer it gets stuck on 52% so frustrating when friends are trying to catch me oh plz help.............. is this a computer problem or a candy crush problem

Unknown said...

I have a sony phone and I have this game on there, and would like to connect to my facebook, though my phone, but it will not connect, how can i get it to do it?

Need help said...

I am stuck on level 245.... I have not paid very much to get this far, but now im stuck....and ready to give up candy crush.....i dont find the samples helpful because each game is different. Is there a way to pay to end this misery??

Anonymous said...

Hi I'm stuck on level 36��... I need 3 tickets to go forward but when I go to ask friends I only get a list of some of my Facebook friends... Not all. Most if my friends who play candy crush are not on the list, why is that??? I can see which level they are on but I can't send them requests for tickets please help me

Anonymous said...

I am using a Samsung Galaxy S3. I just completed level 305 (yea!). However, it now says there are no new levels and to check back. But, there are many more levels via the computer. Has anyone else had this problem?

Anonymous said...

I have received all 3 tickets from my friends but the games is not updated and refused to unlock my next episode. The game is not updated both via iphone app or facebook on the com! The 'mail envelope' is not appearing on the home page. I have already tried to relog into facebook but it is still not updated.

Please help! Thanks.

Unknown said...

I bow down to you, Oh GREAT ONE! (lmao) Level 180

Unknown said...

Today was the first time this has happened to me..... I went on my computer and it said I had 22 lives in my messages..... but I didn't accept them on my desk top, I left them alone because we all know that there is no "storage area" on the desk top like on a mobile device......... but when I went on my Ipod.... there was no envelope and no lives! What gives with that!?! I have had up to and over 100 and it never just disappeared them. (That was bad grammar, but you know what I mean.) After dealing with the bloody thing crashing and crashing.... I deleted the app (and lost 60 lives in the process) and re-loaded it.... then it worked fine... I wanted to wing my Ipod out the window! So.... now that I have vented and been up all night trying to beat level 180.....I guess..... I will just have to wait for more lives! UGH!!! Oh the pain!

Anonymous said...

Hel.! my game won't load! I have android phone and did the update and now it won't load

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm at level 102 of Candy Crush now. But I realised that I can no longer give lives to my friends.I can still receive lives strangely, it still works. But whenever I tried to accept the requests for me to send lives to my friends, it kept saying "an error just occurred. Please try again later". I tried all means, such as closing and reopening the app, switching off my phone and back on, and nothing seems to work. :( Anybody knows what could be the problem?

Anonymous said...

try uninstall and and re-install. I had same problem. removed and install again, now i've got to level 305 on android devide.

Anonymous said...

when will more boards come out I am at 365 and their is no more boards.

Anonymous said...

how do i get to the lives people send me?

Anonymous said...

I can not play on my phone or tablet just boots me off after the last update i uninstalled and reinstalled on my phone and have to start over, is there a solotion/

Unknown said...

On level 173 on iPad. Extra moves sent by friends not working on this level

guitarrgirl said...

Hello? Anybody there ?? I want to post questions about level 205, am signed into blogger, but can't find anyplace to post. What is up with that? Can you tell me how please? Send info to guitarrgirldotcom@gmail.com

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Free more memory on your iphone

Will S said...

I wanted to reset my Candy Crush game and restart at Level 1. Is this possible?
I have tried reinstalling the game and removing from Facebook, but it still starts where I left off when I sign into Facebook.

Anonymous said...

I have been trying to send request for lives and it keeps telling me an occur happened please try again later. It is not improving!

Anonymous said...

Why wont my phone connect to facebook i have a galaxy s2 it was but then it updated and now it wont. it keeps saying no entry to kingdom

Anonymous said...

How do I delete the online stored data so that I can start over again?

I deleted the data from facebook but everytime I connect to facebook and give permissions my savegame is back.

I want to start over again but cant.

Anonymous said...

How can I send lifes? ASAP

Anonymous said...

I am playing candy crush on level 30 on my laptop and i have lives from other people off facebook and i am playing on the facebook website but there is not an envelope so that I can get my lives.

Anonymous said...

I'm having the same problem. Did you find a solution?

Anonymous said...

Lost my envelope with 45 lives. On iPad...where is the envelope?

Anonymous said...

Ive finally finished Level 65 but I cant bring down my friend list to get tickets to cross over to Level 66. Ive refreshed the page and just about clicked on everything but I cant get it. Help.

Unknown said...

I log into the Facebook app everyday with my Ipod. When I click the Facebook button in the game to connect, it goes to the facebook screen, looks like it is loading, and then just restarts my game and I never connect. Now I cant get past level 35 because I need ticket from friends. Why wont it log into Facebook?! HELP!

gcpkenyalang said...

Dear developer,

Im having a problem with my candy crush where i cannot update to the latest version. Whenever i try to update, the dialog "unable to download application" will appear... Anyway, im using ipad..

Your assistance is appreciated..

gcpkenyalang said...
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