Here you will find how the jelly fish work.
- Level 1 - 100
- Level 101 - 200
- Level 201 - 300
- Level 301 - 400
- Level 401 - 500
- Level 501 - 600
- Level 601 - 700
- Level 701 - 800
- Level 801 - 900
- Level 901 - 1000
- Level 1001 - 1100
- Level 1101 - 1200
- Level 1201 - 1300
- Level 1301 - 1400
- Level 1401 - 1500
- Level 1501 - 1600
- Level 1601 - 1700
- Level 1701 - 1800
- Level 1801 - 1900
- Level 1901 - 2000
- Level 2001 - 2100
- Level 2101 - 2200
- Level 2201 - 2300
- Level 2301 - 2400
- Level 2401 - 2500
- Level 2501 - 2600
- Level 2601 - 2700
- Level 2701 - 2800
- Level 2801 - 2900
- Level 2901 - 3000
- Level 3001 - 3100
- Level 3101 - 3200
- Level 3201 - 3300
- Level 3301 - 3400
- Level 3401 - 3500
- Level 3501 - 3600
- Level 3601 - 3700
- Level 3701 - 3800
- Level 3801 - 3900
- Level 3901 - 4000
- Level 4001 - 4100
- Level 4101 - 4200
- Level 4201 - 4300
- Level 4301 - 4400
- Level 4401 - 4500
- Level 4501 - 4600
- Level 4601 - 4700
- Level 4701 - 4800
- Level 4801 - 4900
- Level 4901 - 5000
- Level 5001 - 5100
- Level 5101 - 5200
- Level 5201 - 5300
- Level 5301 - 5400
- Level 5401 - 5500
- Level 5501 - 5600
- Level 5601 - 5700
- Level 5701 - 5800
- Level 5801 - 5900
- Level 5901 - 6000
- Level 6001 - 6100
- Level 6101 - 6200
- Level 6201 - 6300
- Level 6301 - 6400
- Level 6401 - 6500
- Level 6501 - 6600
- Level 6601 - 6700
- Level 6701 - 6800
- Level 6801 - 6900
- Level 6901 - 7000
- Level 7001 - 7100
- Level 7101 - 7200
- Level 7201 - 7300
- Level 7301 - 7400
- Level 7401 - 7500
- Level 7501 - 7600
- Level 7601 - 7700
- Level 7701 - 7800
- Level 7801 - 7900
- Level 7901 - 8000
- Level 8001 - 8100
- Level 8101 - 8200
- Level 8201 - 8300
- Level 8301 - 8400
- Level 8401 - 8500
- Level 8501 - 8600
- Level 8601 - 8700
- Level 8701 - 8800
- Level 8801 - 8900
- Level 8901 - 9000
- Level 9001 - 9100
- Level 9101 - 9200
- Level 9201 - 9300
- Level 9301 - 9400
- Level 9401 - 9500
- Level 9501 - 9600
- Level 9601 - 9700
- Level 9701 - 9800
- Level 9801 - 9900
- Level 9901 - 10,000
- Levels over 10,000
Candy Crush Saga Level 342 Hints and tips.
Here you will find how the jelly fish work.
Anonymous said...
your right!!! only passed it once I saved the 5 fish and cleared the top jellies!! thanks sooo much!
24 May 2013 at 05:30
Anonymous said...
~Thank you so much, this level has dorve me crazy for days
28 May 2013 at 19:37
Anonymous said...
I kept reading the same thing, watching the viedos on yourtube and doing it over and over clearing first row on up. I finally got it by luch with a wrapped candy in the middle of first row. When in blew it took the two corners down to silver and that did it.
1 June 2013 at 15:47
Anonymous said...
Sorry but these hints are of no help. I can't get the fish to clear the bottom levels and there is no other way to clear them. I have tried this over 100 times already and I'm ready to quit the game!
3 June 2013 at 04:22
- Unknown said...
he intentado de varias formas y no puedo pasar el nivel ... saco todas las gelatinas de arriba y me quedan pescados para lo de abajo y nada.... ya no se como mas probar... ayuda plis alguna explicacion mas concreta?? gracias
12 June 2013 at 17:12
Anonymous said...
Try to get a spotted candy and switch it with a fish- it'll give you extra fish. That's how I ended up passing this level =)
Tricky, yes. But IMO it's easier than trying to avoid all the fish... -
15 June 2013 at 17:02
Anonymous said...
^YES, thank you! Spotted candy and fish, that saved me! and yes, you dont need to clear all the blocks :)))
19 June 2013 at 13:10
Anonymous said...
Thanks for the tip! I was also saved by a spotted candy next to my last fish :):)
8 July 2013 at 15:22
Anonymous said...
Ok..Cleared it a few weeks ago and 409 has a problem so I've been replaying 342....You can do it! You must clear all visible jellies and leave 2 fish for the last 1-5 moves....they of course have to be released and they will clear all the jelly...just passed it 3 times in last couple hours...remember only the fish at the end will get you through....just basic get rid visable jelly and release 2 fish near the works..promise....
24 July 2013 at 00:17
antnita said...
Thanks for your tips, they really helped me with this level and I only had to play it twice to win after reading your help .
27 July 2013 at 15:05
Anonymous said...
I am having a hard time clearing all upper jellies and still saving fish for end. Any more help?
31 July 2013 at 00:28
Anonymous said...
Thanks so much.
1 August 2013 at 06:28
Anonymous said...
This is an extremely difficult level to complete and a lot of luck is required to do it in 25 moves. After leaving 1 hidden jelly so many times I finally got the luck with a candy bomb and fish match on the last move.
14 August 2013 at 16:04
Anonymous said...
Yes!!! Thanks for the tip, it finally worked for me too when I cleared the top and saved 5 fish till the end! :) Also good if you can use a fish with a stripe.
26 August 2013 at 15:25
Anonymous said...
Wow, would have never gotten it without reading this. Cleared all jelly a couple of times and didnt understand why i didnt win. Saved fish until last and cleared in one life after reading this. Thank you for this help!
1 September 2013 at 21:16
Anonymous said...
Like previous player said...USE BOMB CANDY with a fish. WAY EASIER than saving fish. I managed to finish the level on 3rd turn using this method! Good Luck Candy Crushers!
13 September 2013 at 15:37
Anonymous said...
After reading the above tip once I passed the level on the first attempt. Clear all visable jelly without fish first, then expose and clear the fish jelly with a stripe and wrapped candy combo that should clear all hidden jelly under the cakes. Good luck
14 September 2013 at 18:42
Anonymous said...
You can see a (very) feint outline of the jelly under a cake so if you don't know how close you are it can be worked out.
24 September 2013 at 20:19
- PHILBO said...
29 September 2013 at 19:49
Anonymous said...
Ive just gave up candy because of this level.. I bought the hammers twice to find the hidden jelly and still didn't find it.
They keep changing where the jellys are also.wasnt on the top level on this left this time.
What really annoys me most of all about this game. Some levels are ridicously easy prior to an hard level.
They are just taking the piss. I know I don't have to play the game.
But they shouldn't do levels that requires you to pay. -
2 October 2013 at 17:07
Anonymous said...
Don't give up, people. I'd tried this level maybe 20 times, each time ending with 2 -3 unseen jelly left, hidden. Just kept trying to clear blocks from the top. Could not avoid the fish, so just used them as they arrived. I know I just had the two bottom rows left, no idea where the remaining jelly was, or how many. Wasn't watching how many moves I had left... when all of a sudden.. WHAM! Game over, I won, and not a clue I was even close. Although I don't like not having information about how many jelly left to find, it's rather exciting to just be DONE with this level, with no warning. I'm pretty convinced that after you play a certain number of times, the algorithms just lighten up and your chances improve. Don't give up.
9 October 2013 at 22:58
Anonymous said...
Spot on about color ball mixing with fish. That cleared the level for me after about 20 tries. TY.
22 October 2013 at 16:21
Anonymous said...
Just join two disco jellies and see the magic.
3 December 2013 at 17:29
- Rosemarie said...
Can someone tell me about where the jellies are. I have cleared them all and still have not won this level. Please, please someone tell me what is going one
24 December 2013 at 21:42
Anonymous said...
Remove as many jellies as you can with plain matches - especially the top. ***Combine a fish with a Color Bomb.*** That will give you 9 fishes instead of 3. With luck they chain-react as they hit the remaining fish.
20 January 2014 at 04:33
- Amanda; said...
I guess I got incredibly lucky because after reading your tips I was able to beat it in my first try by saving all my fish!
1 February 2014 at 02:40
Anonymous said...
c/candycrush here.
This is an absolute cow of a level. I thought I would be at it till doomsday. Very depressing because I had no idea most times how many jellies were left. But I have just got through it.
Best tip I got at this site: There is jelly under every cake but if a fish hits it, that jelly is eliminated from under it, even though the cake layers remain.
Tips that didn't work for me: *Saving fish till last, when other visible jellies have been dealt with. Good luck with that one, I tried as far as possible in a lot of games but it's hard.
* Only detonating a fish I you have a stripe or special candy next to it. Great idea but not always possible.
* Using one of the extra fish I won in the daily spin. It got me closer (one jelly left, apparently, but I didn't know which one!)
So how did I get through? One of my first moves generated a colour bomb up the top. I wanted to save it to put with a fish but couldn't see any moves to get it down there so in the end I just detonated it with a candy next to it, which set almost all the fish flying. I thought, that's wrecked it, but there were 2 fish left. I cleared what I could of visible jellies then detonated one fish with an ordinary move (no special candy) and that did it.
So.. a little bit of luck needed on this, for the fish to hit the bottom cakes. But it can be done without special combinations with the fish or eliminating all the other jelly first. If you can keep even one fish till close to the end..... you're in with a chance. -
3 February 2014 at 22:38
Anonymous said...
I matched a fish with a sprinkle ball (that's what I call it). That completed the level for me even though it didn't look finished...
4 February 2014 at 06:05
Michelle said...
Ridiculous level! You can actually see the jellies under the creams if you strain your eyes. Once you hit one with a fish you'll see the faint outer line is no longer there. The problem with this level is the five bottom jellies. They can only be reached by fish so if you don't have enough fish remaining you won't win. I decided to use my free fish and won first time then. Glad to be rid of this ridiculous level.
21 April 2014 at 23:46
Michelle said...
You know you're addicted when you come back for more! I wanted to get it without the freebies so I tried again, and succeeded. I was very strategic about the fish. I didn't have any sprinkled, and I avoided detonating stripes unless there were no fish in that column, until my very last go. I had only one jelly left in the bottom row (you definitely can see it if you look very closely) and 4 turns left, but my fish + striped got it. Lucky that was, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to use that fish.
22 April 2014 at 04:20
- Unknown said...
Finally!!! took less than 10 moves this time. I added extra fish and managed to save them while clearing the top jellies, then triggered one fish and they all went at once and cleared the level - thankfully!
19 November 2014 at 09:21
- Unknown said...
It won't let me get in to level 342 why not
8 May 2018 at 19:44
- Unknown said...
Yea, this level is going to make me quit. I refuse to pay, and getting a color bomb at all, less getting it where you need it is extremely rare. The fish NEVER go to the bottom for I don't know what everyone is talking about. Oh well, there's always solitaire!
26 May 2018 at 05:35
Anonymous said...
I did exactly as advised and cleared all the jelly before releasing the fish and guess what not one fish went near the cream blockers rigged game%%%
30 May 2018 at 15:43
- Emsa8 said...
Level has changed to 26 jellies instead of 14.... Additionally fishes don't go to the jellies any more. Therefore the level is not possible to win at the moment. Hope, King changes it. I am at level 3.400 and wrote this for my husband at level 342 (as he started 3 years later) I am also not able to solve it.
31 May 2018 at 07:17
Anonymous said...
No point in carrying on with this game as it’s now impossible to do you can’t clear the upper jellies without setting the fish off and they don’t go near the blockers. Nice one king
31 May 2018 at 12:13
- Emsa8 said...
Meanwhile solved it but not in the way described above, but solely with many, many CB+Wrap combos. The fishes not only NEVER go to the bottom row, but also eat CBs which is unhelpful. We had to remove ALL blockers on order to be able to hit all 26 jellies. Of course the ones in the bottom row left and right are the most difficult ones.
3 June 2018 at 06:51
- Emsa8 said...
UPDATE: Level has been changed again! The ugly blockers (left and right in the bottom line) are simply gone and no longer there. With preferably combos this level is now manageable again. Good to see that King is open to (re-)changes!
4 June 2018 at 22:04