How to pass level 437 Candy Crush Saga

Now that was a challenging level! I just notice that I easily pass the level with patience..finished it after around 10 lives with 3 stars, not using any boosters.
Some tips:
1. Clear 1 pudding cake one at at time. Do not wait for the ultimate combo color bomb + striped candy because chances are you lose your moves before that will happen. Make some vertical striped candies and shoot it down the pudding to set the cannons of.
2. Save the fishes for last, they can clear the jellies under the pudding cake. You need at least 3 fishes to clear the 12 jellies under those cakes. The fishes can eat jellies under the pudding cake without you clearing the cake itself.
3. While trying to form vertical striped candies, start clearing of the blocks and jellies above but do not use the fishes.
4. You can use a striped + wrapped combo or wrapped + wrapped combo to easily clear the pudding cakes.
5. The priority here is actually not clearing the pudding cake but clear the upper jellies without using the fish. After all upper jellies are cleared fishes can clear all jellies under the cake! You are cleared!
Have fun playing! Just take your time be patient don't hurry don't whine because you have already reached this level then you have the guns to finish this one too! Happy crushing!
Some tips:
1. Clear 1 pudding cake one at at time. Do not wait for the ultimate combo color bomb + striped candy because chances are you lose your moves before that will happen. Make some vertical striped candies and shoot it down the pudding to set the cannons of.
2. Save the fishes for last, they can clear the jellies under the pudding cake. You need at least 3 fishes to clear the 12 jellies under those cakes. The fishes can eat jellies under the pudding cake without you clearing the cake itself.
3. While trying to form vertical striped candies, start clearing of the blocks and jellies above but do not use the fishes.
4. You can use a striped + wrapped combo or wrapped + wrapped combo to easily clear the pudding cakes.
5. The priority here is actually not clearing the pudding cake but clear the upper jellies without using the fish. After all upper jellies are cleared fishes can clear all jellies under the cake! You are cleared!
Have fun playing! Just take your time be patient don't hurry don't whine because you have already reached this level then you have the guns to finish this one too! Happy crushing!
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Again, not really a strategy. Lots of luck needed. for 3 days, I didn't even got rid of all the pizza slices.
Today I tried, and completed this level with 22 moves left. Sickness.
♥ After 3 days I finally completed it with 1 move left. Pure luck. I was ready to use a booster but didn't need to. I had 2 or 3 color balls that helped a lot.
VERY hard level!
Being playing this the whole day, not even close. The best so far is two cakes cleared and one left. Let alone the jelly behind it.
Stuck for 2 or 3 days. Finally using the free extra 3 moves beat this level!
Color bomb and stripped combo helped a lot.
Got within one jelly twice on the rid of all cakes in 20 moves leaving me 30 to clear the jelly beneath them, but no luck with the corners...then got nowhere near...then cleared it with 15 moves to spare. Shows it is 100% down to luck!
Another frustrating level. All luck :(
Although this level is not as annoying as 425, it appears that this board is another one that depends entirely on luck. I am tired of these types of boards. They give me just enough to make me think I have a chance only to stop short at the end.
Dear King,
PLEASE let me pass this level. I keep telling your Fun-O-Meter how much I hate it, but it never gets any better. It is NOT fun. At least give us a chance at busting up all three pies. That would help tremendously. Thank you! :)
I struggled for many, many weeks through the Soda Swamp, tearing my hair out with those damned tornadoes, but persevered because I sometimes got close to clearing the level.
With 437, after two weeks of trying, no such thing. This level is the pits!! It requires the early removal of three cakes at the bottom of the board, with the lower half of each cake being able to be removed only by vertical striped candies or a combination of a striped candy and a wrapped candy or a striped candy and a colour bomb.
In two weeks, I have cleared all three cakes only twice. The first time, with only one move left, and the second time, with 23 moves left. The moves, however, were not there to clear the jelly under the right and left hand cakes. No more time-wasting for me on this level. Today I'm saying goodbye to Candy Crush. Shame really, cos it's been fun. I love a challenge but this is like trying to high-jump six metres. No matter how often I try, I ain't ever gonna do it!
Some of the irritations of this level are:
1. Vertical striped candies and wrapped candies are hard to come by, and almost impossible on the edges of the board.
2. When vertical striped candies can be formed, they are almost invariably in one of the two channels that do not pass through the cakes.
3. Horizontal striped candies are relatively plentiful but are useless unless able to be combined with a colour bomb or wrapped candy.
4. The fish tend mostly to clear only the upper half of the cakes, even when these have already been removed.
5. The striped candies only remove one piece of cake at a time, so a large number of striped candies is need to fully clear all four pieces of the bottom half of the cakes.
6. On one board, I had a colour bomb and an orange striped candy next to each other. There were only two other orange candies on the board, so in order to maximise the combination, I did five 3-candy moves at the top of the board to try to bring down more orange candies. Not one appeared. So I performed the combination anyway, without wasting any more moves. When the board settled again, it was awash with orange candies.
7. On one board, I made three combinations of colour bombs and striped candies, which gave me a score of nearly 400,000, but still all three cakes remained.
All of the above, not good enough!!
Goodbye and good luck to anyone else still trying for this level. CP
Not too difficult this one. Within five tries, and did not even have to clear the cakes. After a colour bomb combination the level was quite easy.
Very enjoyable level. Clear the cakes then very straightforward. Don't worry about the top at all it will clear when the cakes exploded.
another annoying level --; need big luck to finish this one. @frank : you must be really lucky that the fish kill all jelly inside the cake, so you dont need to clear them all
i finish this one more than 50 tries --; just really lucky able to make a lot of vertical strip so I can kill all the cake T_T
good luck for everyone
This level have no tornadoes, chocolate, bombs, or timers. I LOVE it after the previous stuff. Haven't passed it yet but enjoy the nice, slow pace. Have been able to do 3 stars this entire level and looking forward to 3 this level as well. Don't understand how anyone can get this far and bitch about this level.
This level is BS!! Been at it for days. By the time I get even one of the cakes cleared I have maybe 10 moves left. Every time I use a color bomb and striped combo it somehow misses the cakes. I once got close enough to use my free money to buy extra moves. That didn't work, then it wanted me to buy more extra moves plus a wrapped candy for 13 gold and I only had 11 left. Gah!
My strategy was to clear as much of the top jelly as possible but being careful not to match any fish if possible. Then when the fish are matched they will eat the jelly under the pies. Add in a chocolate stripe combo or a chocolate fish combo and Bob's your Uncle.
Now that was a challenging level! I just notice that I easily pass the level with patience..finished it after around 10 lives with 3 stars, not using any boosters.
Some tips:
1. Clear 1 pudding cake one at at time. Do not wait for the ultimate combo color bomb + striped candy because chances are you lose your moves before that will happen. Make some vertical striped candies and shoot it down the pudding to set the cannons of.
2. Save the fishes for last, they can clear the jellies under the pudding cake. You need at least 3 fishes to clear the 12 jellies under those cakes. The fishes can eat jellies under the pudding cake without you clearing the cake itself.
3. While trying to form vertical striped candies, start clearing of the blocks and jellies above but do not use the fishes.
4. You can use a striped + wrapped combo or wrapped + wrapped combo to easily clear the pudding cakes.
5. The priority here is actually not clearing the pudding cake but clear the upper jellies without using the fish. After all upper jellies are cleared fishes can clear all jellies under the cake! You are cleared!
Have fun playing! Just take your time be patient don't hurry don't whine because you have already reached this level then you have the guns to finish this one too! Happy crushing!
How much patience is required for this game!!!!!!!!!
My comment will be the same as a player above got close once used booster but did not get it out. I think i have played this level 300 times got close once.
This is ridiculous!!!!!!!!! Been on this level I dont know how long but its been a long long time!!!!!!!!! When a player is on a level this long is it any wonder they leave the game for they have lose all interest. As for me i have stopped concentrating and is only going through the motions. So BORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Took me about a week....funny thing is that I got past it as soon as I came here. I read some of comments and thought I would just not even try to clear the cakes but concentrate on the top pieces. To my surprise this ended up working....finished with about 20 moves left. Go figure.
I did the same thing... Concentrated on the jellies at the top. Bam. 10 moves left. Level complete.
This level really seemed impossible but it's not, although it is mostly down to luck! Concentrate on the vertical stripes. Candy/stripe combos are very useful but very hard to get. That's where my luck came in. I got a couple of combos and with two moves left made a spotty one which ended up beside a stripe. Last move, I mixed them together and that cleared the last few. Pure luck!
This level is pure strategy .. you guys should stop complaining .. if you are a true gamer you wouldn't look for easy outs of a puzzle ...
solution is simple .. do not focus on breaking cakes .. focus on forming combinations color bombs, wrapped candies + striped .. and the moves for it are present ..
it will take you some time to get through, but its not impossible as some would think, thats called giving up on a fun game :P
Finally did it!! Tried all ways of doing it mentioned above, but actually did centre cake first and then released the fish slowly. A bit of skill, lot of luck and as mentioned above PATIENCE
I'm thankful for all the tips! While I haven't passed this level yet, I did really well on my third try using the comments above. I focused on clearing the top jellies without releasing the fish. Like someone mentioned, whenever I managed to make a vertical strip it was aimed between the cakes. Rather worthless! I finally got a sprinkle/stripe combo and happened to have lots of the stripe color on the board as well as fish of the same color. That explosion cleared the middle cake and left me with one slice on each of the outside cakes. I cleared all the rest of the jellies that I could see but was unable to explode the final two cakes. When I ran out of turns, I only had 4 jellies left to go, which were underneath those cakes! I don't mind a challenge, since 435 and 436 were complete fun to play! I have resigned myself to the fact that the farther you get in the game, the longer you get stuck on the tough levels. I've been averaging about 3-4 days on those, where I used to average a day on the hardest levels.
I passed this level in less than 10 tries! By some miracle, I got two sprinkles together. They cleared almost all the jellies and released the fish. The fish all went for the cakes. I still had all my cakes but all of the sudden I had sugar crush. Apparently, the fish cleared all the jelly under the cakes!!!
Day two on this level....may be the end of my game playing. I hate to stop so close to the end, but this is stupid.
Must have taken me more than two weeks to do this although admittedly playing less as the level isn't on my phone.
As others have said, patience is the key. I attacked both the jellies at the top, without releasing the fish, and the cakes at the bottom. Managed to clear two cakes and all but one top jelly without the fish escaping so when the hammer came down on the second cake the fish cleared the third cake plus more jellies too. I was also left with a handy stripe in the bottom row and 16 moves left. Took some jellies out with straightforward moves and also managed to make a sprinkle. A very careful decision as to what colour to eliminate with the sprinkle won the game for me with one move to spare.
I've played a lot of levels through using many lives because of my obsessive compulsiveness along with my competitiveness. This weekend I passed everyone on my friends list. Now I seem to be losing the motivation to play through the harder levels. I almost gave up on the last level with all the bombs. This one may do it for me, at least until my friends catch up.
I just combined 2 colour bombs and I passed it. The pies weren't even gone.
I was having some fun here after 421 until I got here. Every time I get lucky enough to have stripe next to a speckled ball it turns the stripes I need vertical into horizontal. I did get close to winning with 1 jelly left and I forgot I had some free boosters! How frustrating and dumb is that!
I am getting bored!!!! Good thing they introduced those 65 extra levels or I would have quit by now. Gives me something else to do, but it still uses your lives from the regular levels.
I finally was able to clear all the cake with 11 moves left. Cleared all jelly but 1 double and down to 4 moves. I used the free hand switch and then a free hammer. Not proud that I used these, but that is how bored I was with this level.
First time I've left a comment here. Wanted to thank the earlier poster that recommended to not worry about the cakes but focus on combinations. Worked for me on my second attempt of trying that strategy!
HaHa. After over 100 attempts I finally came to this website for tips. The VERY next time I played I finished with over 15 moves left. Like the great suggestion to not focus on the cakes but the jelly at top instead, I started doing that. About halfway through the level I got two speckled candies next to each other and those cleared the level (without finishing any cakes). Mostly luck and probably a coincidence but I had to laugh that it was the very next attempt!
Good luck elite crushers!
How can you win without clearing the cakes? I've cleared all the jelly above, but have lost because the cakes aren't cleared. There are 4 jellies under each cake, right?
I tried following the directions but my board looks different than yours. I was unable to create the 2 wrapped candies at the beginning.
Another of those BS levels with shocker boards that do not resemble the video in any way at all. Will keep trying but patience wearing out very fast.
2 nd try I thought I had it. I more slice to go in two of the pies. Lost by 2 jellies. There were no other jellies on the board so I guess I needed to clear all the pie slices too.
Fun level the past few have been a welcome relief compared to some of the others.
So, I guess we about do for another difficult level again.
What's wrong with making all levels consitant in difficulty and letting us use strategy instead of luck
This level is once again a "luck" level. After a week of horror boards, I am taking a break & hope my luck changes as it will become permanent after much more of this!!!! The video is little help as it gets a lot of dream moves that certainly do not happen on my boards!!!
Clear as much as you can before activating the fish. So when the fishes are released they will clear the bottom pies. That's how I pass the level.
Day 3 on this level and thanks to the tips above ,im making progress ,my best moves come from clearing the top jellies ,ushing peeps havent managed to clear the level as yet but feel more optimistic now Ive read all the helpful tips from people who have managed to clear this level ... I suppose when you get this far things will become harder ,so I'm away to try again ,happy candy cr
I have yet to be able to clear all 3 cakes ,the nearest I've got is 2 and that is after being on the level for 5 days but what is surprising ,im being asked to send a Christmas gift or greeting to fellow friends? eh hello its the middle of January lol ,just get the feeling that im going to be stuck here until next xmas .
Seriously , is there a fault in this level ,I've been stuck for nearly two weeks and as yet I have been unable to clear 3 cakes , I am not even getting close ,H E L P !!!!!
Dang. Thought if cleared jellies, would win. Had not broke pies. Did not know jellies under pies. Oh well. Did clear every other jelly.
Cleared it after 2 days. Pkg/stripe are your friends and of course the chocolate/ stripe. I had only ever broken two pies before this, and usually one or none, so keep trying. Had to use a lollipop for last jelly, with one move left. Always tried to watch and take out side pies first as they are hardest to do.
I've been a maniac about this game..played it waaaay too much. Well, I can't make any progress on this level. So, while frustrated, I find that I'm not consumed with Candy Crush anymore. Maybe it was a favor not being able to get anywhere on this level!
This is horrible. 437. Nightmare for me. I don't see how you guys say this was so easy, I've been here for 2 weeks on this level. All of a sudden, when I have one jelly or so left, no candies fall that can even be matched. I can get it to one sliceon tthe bottom left of the last cake to be busted. Even with thirty moves left, and just that one cake slice to go.....can't beat it. No matchable candies will fall. So I have just a crap board from that point on. Its impossible. I think this one is the one that's gonna do me in. I don't even want to play the game, now. I have played this board hundreds of times. BTW I don't know if of matters, bit I am playing on my phone. Maybe the computer gives a better board. That's the only explanation I can figure why others say this is an easy board. I think I'm an awesome candy crusher, since I haven't paid a dollar yet and made it this far. But this level...sick of it. Never been on a level this long.
Well.. just tried another five lives! Got it down to one cake slice, and had a wrapped + stripe right above the last slice of cake.... totally ripped me off and didn't break! Ugh! Had 8 moves left, still can't pass. I'm getting real tired...candy crush...,real tired....
I keep looking in for help and advice ,this level is a stinker ,ive been stuck for nearly 3 weeks ,I've tried everything that everybody recommends but I can't pass this level ,I don't know what I'm doing wrong .. I keep trying because I'm so close to the next episode .
After nearly 3 weeks I managed to clear all 3 cakes ,got down to needing to clear 3 jellys ,It's the closest yet that I have came ...... I hope its not another 3 weeks to clear the board #thatisall
One of the 5 hardest levels, I keep trying every day but not passing it, although was only 1 jelly away once. If I had a hammer I would have moved on.
To those who have posted that this level can be passed without breaking the cake pans: you're lying, there are 12 double jellies under the pans which would require 8 fish just eating jelly (and no cake slices, very unlikely). Only 6 fish exist in the game.
Everyone in here is correct. I was stuck on this level for a week and was about to give up. Just casually playing today, got through with 17 lives left. Thought 235 was the most entertaining level
My last comment failed to appear , I suggested that I have been stuck for nearly 4 weeks because I have not bought a booster ,I have never spent a penny ,I come here for help and try everything previous crusher have done to clear this level the only thing I havent done is BUY a booster ,is that whats holding me back ?
Stuck for 3 weeks and have just about had it with Candy Crush. Bad boards... Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle. Clear all 3 cakes with 20 moves left and no dang matches on the board... Especially on the ends. I think they want me to get frustrated enough so I try one of their new games. Ready to delete app. I've heard people say they get 3 extra moves & lollipops .... How do you get tjose? I've even bought extra moves when close and still couldn't get thru it.
Aggg!!!! I thought I had done it , only needed to clear 2 jellys . 4 weeks of trying and this is the closest ive came . I 've came to the conclusion that I must be rubbish at this game , I've tried and tried , don't know what else to do ,after 4 weeks its pretty boring . my sister was 60 levels behind me and has now overtaken me ,she was only stuck on level 437 for 2 days ..I give up ,hangs head in shame .
I have play, and played this level..gave up and switched to the dream side...still now and then going back..completed the whole dream side..go back and play this level, even with extra moves, nothing even close
Week 5 and still stuck , I GOT down to his two jellies again with 21 moves left and couldn't do it , either im crap at this or there is a fault .this is the longest ive been stuck and can see no way of clearing this level ...WHAT ELSE CAN I DO ? IS IT TIME TO QUIT . I love candy crush but this is not fun anymore .
Help needed, trying for over 8 weeks on phone and laptop. Can't even clear the cake
I agree. This level is not fun. Most of the times I played, I didn't clear any cakes.
There is no skill involved. You simply have to wait for the lucky board to appear.
I started out with a couple of vertical stripes within the first 10-15 moves. They just kept coming. Then, I thought... this could be the lucky board. All of a sudden, I made a few more moves and the whole board exploded.
Most of the fish were released which caused the cannons to go off twice. I was left with 24 moves and two slices in the one remaining cake. All other jelly was gone.
After reading the comments on this blog I realized I could still lose this game. So, I used 2 free gift lollipop hammers to get rid of the two slices of cake. When the third cannon went off, it cleared all the jelly in the third square.
No skill, all luck and 2 boosters. I still have not spent one penny on this game.
Good Luck!
Week 6 and still stuck ,got down to one jelly and had 21 moves left and still failed to clear the board ,there must be a fault ,This is the worse level ever . Any one got any helpful tips ? magic wand ?
I got down to one jelly again and had 18 moves left ,still couldnt clear the board , please is there a fault in this level .I keep coming here for help or tips and seem to be the only one posting comments ? H E L P !!!!!!!
O M G .. since my last post I have got down to one jelly twice .. thought I had cleared it and give a big whoop whoop only to find I still required one jelly ... i'm getting closer but not close enough ,what is the longest time anyone has spent on a level ,cause this level is my longest now in to my seventh week ... still think this level has a fault .
Been stuck for a month or more. Not an easy level ��
I am being asked to buy bubblegum roll to help with the chocolate in this level ,well there is no chocolate in this level .I ask again can anybody tell me is there a fault in this level ,its crazy the length of time I have been stuck here .
This level is bordering on the ridiculous ,what else can I do that will give me half a chance on clearing this level ,or am I GOING TO BE STUCK HERE FOREVER ?
Seriously ..... There must be a fault in this level ,cleared the pizza cake and was left with 18 moves and still couldn't clear the board , numerous sprinkles and wrapped candies and still no luck ,do you have to buy boosters to pass ? 8 weeks of mental torture . My hubby said I complain toooooooooooo much . maybe he's right .
I have been stuck on this level for WEEKS! No way is it as straight forward as the video suggests!
I know when to walk away - good luck guys. :(
i was finally able to pass this level after watching the video once again and noticing how 2 wrapped candies together near the pies really take out a lot of pieces! i concentrated on making the wrapped candy and got down to one jelly left (this was after never being able to even clear the pies!! I had a free candy lollipop which i used with 2 turns left to take out the jelly! good luck!
Still stuck ,over 9 weeks and now the board freezes , this level is the pits .. tried making the wrapped candies near the cakes and had some joy but still can't clear the level ... 9 WEEKS IS TOO LONG ,there must be a fault ??????
Finally beat this level!! Got down to the last 3 jellies and used my last 3 lollips to smash them but it was soooo worth it! I didn't think I would do it. Was about to give up. Special candies helped me clear the pies. The wrapped/wrapped candies together work great! Just have to get that "lucky board". Good luck crushers!! Don't give up!
Four weeks of the same BS and I refuse to buy overpriced boosters. I feel if I do that, then they've won anyway.
This board is causing me to slowly wean myself off Candy Crush, so thanks King.
I hate you.
Money hungry bastards I swear they're like oh yeah ya don't want to buy any boosters well now we're gunna give you the worst boards and make you have to play a hundred times to win
Got lucky today! Passed it with lots of luck after a couple of weeks struggling.
After playing this level for days and days, I finally followed the advice to concentrate on the jellies at the top without triggering the fish and ignoring the cakes. Worked on my first attempt! No boosters. Thanks for the help, Crushers!
Pretty much about done with Candy! I've been on this level so long I don't even know how many weeks it has been. Nothing remotely fun about it.
Candy crush ask you to play this stupid game, Bubble Witch Saga 2, get to level 10 and you are to get a full set of lives and 5 hammers. Well, I did that, and I did not get either. King, you suck. I spent over an hour for nothing, does anyone know how I can get what I am owed.
cherylcandycrush here.
I didn't mind this level too much, at least there wasn't any rampaging chocolate.
BUT I had days without even clearing all the pizza slices.
We all know the ideal combos but getting them is another thing.
Here are some tips that might help.
1. I noticed fish nibbling on a pizza base without clearing one of the slices and I was annoyed, thinking it was a waste. but that fish bite is actually clearing a jelly UNDER the slice, you will find, so it is all useful (should you be lucky enough to get far enough to clear the whole pizza base)
2. Thanks to my brother for this tip, he used it a while back for me. When you get sick of a level, use one each of ALL the freebies. So I had 3 extra moves (which I sent myself via another FB account), then I ticked colour bomb, fish and stripe/wrap combo. Go the whole hog, I thought.
Wowee, the cannon was out in no time flat and the game over with 23 moves left over.
Way to go!!! Thank god for those free spins.
Go so close so many times. Started to get rather bored with this level. So I used a lollipop to smash my last piece of cake. I then used two more to smash my last two jellies. I had to buy these three lollipops but it was only worth half the price of a cup of coffee so I figured a King employee could have half a cup of coffee on me today.
Omg I finally passed this stupid level !! I hated this one !!! I tried all the tips & they didn't help. It took over a week, & it was pure luck, so if you want to get to the next level, just keep trying. Sorry I can't give any advice, but there just isn't any !!!
Going to keep trying, as usual! Grrr
This level just seems impossible!. Been stuck for weeks. I have tried all the different ways as suggested but im still stuck. Ready to throw in the towel. Aaarghh
I don't get why there aren't 300 comments on this's impossible!!! First, it's really hard to get all the vertical stipes you need to clear the cakes, then you can never tell how many jellies you really have left because the fish clear some but you can't see what is left behind the cakes. Best I've gotten is cleared the cakes and three jellies left. Don't believe the comment where you don't need to clear the cakes. That's bs. Also, the comment that you need to save the fish. Haha! If you clear the cakes the gun that goes off for each cake will detonate the fish, you have no say in that. This is a horrid level. Worse than 350 or 425 by a mile!!!!
Cherylcandycrush. Thank you!!! For tip number 2 from your brother. I just did that and I passed the level! All cakes cleared, I did try to keep the fish in tact until the first cake blew, I think that helped clear some of the jellies underneath the cakes. The left cake had no jellies under it after I cleared it. Final move was to activate a orange fish by matching it with two oranges, and it cleared the last green jelly that was under the middle cake. YAY!!!!
Another level where you need to sacrifice some of your sanity to the KING gods so that they'll give you a chance in hell to get past this level.
I'm another one of you players that have played this level over a hundred times. I'm trying to save all the fish until the top jelly is cleared, but that's impossible when CCS "randomly" drops candies that cause them to get free and "randomly" use 2 of the freed fish to clear the top jelly, and use one on the bottom jelly.
I try to make as many vertical strips as possible, and if the opportunity arises, I'll make a horizontal stripe to help clear the top jelly.
What really sucks, is when the only moves I have left involve using the fish to make a match, and, like I said above, they seem to like to go after the top jelly first.
I'd love for the management of KING to play these levels. HA! like that would ever happen.
I have been on this level for 2 weeks and am having lots of problems the game is freezing, 3 different colours are flashing when hinting on a move, and to get vertical stripes they keep forming where there is no use for them I feel this level which I am playing on my iPad is not working properly thank you my iPhone does not like CC either is very slow and stalling
Glad I'm not on my own on this level I would say 4 times I got right to the end with two moves and no way to move to end the game iagree with all of the above comments it awful level it works against you every move
Glad I'm not on my own on this level I would say 4 times I got right to the end with two moves and no way to move to end the game iagree with all of the above comments it awful level it works against you every move
Well after reading all these comments I am stunned I have been on this level for 6 weeks 3 times I have got to 2 jellies remaining it's driving me mad
Just got this level as a quest.
There is no justice!
This level is horrible!!! I've been playing it for a week (I think the longest I've played one level before is maybe 4-5 days) and the furthest I've gotten is clearing 2 pies. Today in despair I bought a booster - 3xstripy/wrapped combos, and within the game also managed to get 2 sprinkle/stripy combos and still can't get through it! At times it seems rigged to not let you pass. The fish attack the other fish, so you don't have the option of choosing when to release them at different points, and they also attack candies that can be matched for a combo. The stripy/wrapped combos only take out 3 slices of cake, so you'd need three of them just for one cake. And when you match a sprinkle with a stripy, all of the newly created stripys go sideways, not down, so are a bit useless. I'm honestly so frustrated with this level!! I love playing this game and want to continue but have no idea how to get past this one. Rant over! lol
Months! I am so frustrated! ARGH!!
Agree tough level..stumped in ca.
still stumped in Ca.;
Still on this...any help anyone?Stumped in Ca. still here going on 3 months.
Grrr...once i clear the top the fish do NOT clear any of the cake at bottom. Even with bomb/stripe combos it doesn't clear any of the bottom cake. I can only clear one.
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