How to play Alpha Betty Saga
Alpha Betty Saga is the latest game from King, the makers of Candy Crush Saga, Farm Heroes Saga and many more "Saga" games.
Alpha Betty Saga is being soft launched in a few countries at the moment, but will be launched worldwide very soon!
Alpha Betty Saga is being soft launched in a few countries at the moment, but will be launched worldwide very soon!
This is a world away from the match three games we are used to seeing from King.
Alpha Betty Saga is a word game very similar to Words of Wonder and the board game Scrabble.
To make your words you just put the mouse on the first letter of the word you want to make, hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse over the letters you want to use. If you make a legitimate word the letters will turn green and the word will be spelled out in the space at the top of the board.
Once you have finished making your word simply release the mouse button and the letters will be removed from the board and replaced with new letters.
As you can see from the image above, you can use any adjacent letter to make your words, either up and down or diagonal, as long as they are next to each other. You can only use each letter once.
You will get points for each word you make and the longer the word, the more points are awarded.
Words including a gold letter will get double points for the word. Words using a silver letter will get double points for the silver letter.
Words including a gold letter will get double points for the word. Words using a silver letter will get double points for the silver letter.
You also get extra boosters for longer words, which will help you in later levels.
If you make a four letter word in Alpha Betty Saga you will get a small crown, which will be placed randomly on the board. The crown has different uses in different levels, which I will explain as I go through this page.
If you make a five letter word in Alpha Betty Saga you will get a blue tile with two arrows, see the image.
The arrows mean that when you match the blue tile a whole row or column of letters will be removed and replaced by new ones.
The direction of the line blast will depend on the direction your mouse was moving when you completed the five letter word. The arrows can also be diagonal if your word ended with a diagonal move.
If you make a six letter word you will get arrows going in four directions, either top and bottom and side to side, or the four diagonal corners if the word ended on a diagonal.
If you make a seven letter word you will get the arrows pointing in eight directions! all four diagonal corners plus all four sides, so when you match the blue tile it will blast away tiles in every direction, clearing lots of letters and giving lots of points.
Top left of the board you will find the shuffle booster, which allows you to shuffle the board if you can't find any good words.
The shuffle booster starts every level empty. but fills up as you make your words, once it is full you can use it by clicking on it and it will mix up the letters, hopefully giving you more words. Once you have used the shuffle booster it will begin to fill again.
As you move through the levels you will encounter different obstacles to overcome as well as simply getting points from the words you make.
From level 6 you may find cheese levels, where you need to get pieces of cheese down the board and off the bottom.
You do this by making words under the cheese until it has fallen down to the bottom.
You can also use the line boosters, by making longer words ending in the column that the cheese needs to fall down and matching them, you can get the cheese down in one move.
Making words including a letter which has a crown on it will remove a letter from under the cheese.
Top left of the board you will find the shuffle booster, which allows you to shuffle the board if you can't find any good words.
The shuffle booster starts every level empty. but fills up as you make your words, once it is full you can use it by clicking on it and it will mix up the letters, hopefully giving you more words. Once you have used the shuffle booster it will begin to fill again.
As you move through the levels you will encounter different obstacles to overcome as well as simply getting points from the words you make.
From level 6 you may find cheese levels, where you need to get pieces of cheese down the board and off the bottom.
You do this by making words under the cheese until it has fallen down to the bottom.
You can also use the line boosters, by making longer words ending in the column that the cheese needs to fall down and matching them, you can get the cheese down in one move.
Making words including a letter which has a crown on it will remove a letter from under the cheese.
From level 11 in Alpha Betty Saga you will begin to encounter bubbles.
Bubbles are burst and cleared by making words using the letters inside the bubbles.
Crowns will knock out a bubble, as will the line blasters.
Some bubbles are double and need to be matched twice to remove them completely.
You will also encounter vines on some of the letters as the levels of Alpha Betty Saga get harder, if a letter has a vine on it you will have to match it once to remove the vine, then a second time to remove the letter. Vines can be on any level, either cheese, bubbles or word making.
If you make a word using a letter with a vine, the letter with the vine will not count. Only when the word turns green will it count.
Alpha Betty Saga MOUSETRAPS,
which appear later in the game, move around the board semi-randomly after every move.
The mousetraps can be very annoying as they cover letters and prevent you from using those letters until the mousetrap has moved on to another letter.
The mousetraps very often seem to know where you are planning to move next and block the best moves, so they really need to be destroyed as soon as possible in the game.
However don't waste too many moves just trying to remove them, try to work out ways of removing them while making the best words you can.
How to remove mousetraps in Alpha Betty Saga.
There are a couple of ways to get rid of the mousetraps, one way is to hit them with the blast from a blue tile, if you make a blue tile with the arrow in line with a mousetrap and then match that tile in a word, the blast will knock the mousetrap off the board. With a bit of planning you may be able to hit 2 or 3 mousetraps with the same word.
The second way to get rid of the mousetraps is less reliable, the crowns may knock them off the board, but this is pretty random so can't be relied on.
If you enjoy word games and like the sound of Alpha Betty Saga click on the image below to play.

Bubbles are burst and cleared by making words using the letters inside the bubbles.
Crowns will knock out a bubble, as will the line blasters.
Some bubbles are double and need to be matched twice to remove them completely.
You will also encounter vines on some of the letters as the levels of Alpha Betty Saga get harder, if a letter has a vine on it you will have to match it once to remove the vine, then a second time to remove the letter. Vines can be on any level, either cheese, bubbles or word making.
If you make a word using a letter with a vine, the letter with the vine will not count. Only when the word turns green will it count.
Alpha Betty Saga MOUSETRAPS,
which appear later in the game, move around the board semi-randomly after every move.
The mousetraps can be very annoying as they cover letters and prevent you from using those letters until the mousetrap has moved on to another letter.
The mousetraps very often seem to know where you are planning to move next and block the best moves, so they really need to be destroyed as soon as possible in the game.
However don't waste too many moves just trying to remove them, try to work out ways of removing them while making the best words you can.
How to remove mousetraps in Alpha Betty Saga.
There are a couple of ways to get rid of the mousetraps, one way is to hit them with the blast from a blue tile, if you make a blue tile with the arrow in line with a mousetrap and then match that tile in a word, the blast will knock the mousetrap off the board. With a bit of planning you may be able to hit 2 or 3 mousetraps with the same word.
The second way to get rid of the mousetraps is less reliable, the crowns may knock them off the board, but this is pretty random so can't be relied on.
If you enjoy word games and like the sound of Alpha Betty Saga click on the image below to play.

Thank you for that excellent synopsis.
What are the light blue tiles doing?
The golden tile doubles the value of the word it is used in and the silver tile doubles the value of the letter it is on.
I need to make 8 words of 5 letters and 2 words of 6.
I made already 2 words of 5, in my first moves but why are they not counted?
Good question Marianne53, I am having the same problem ... any answers?
I dont have a library and my mom does.. how can i get it also?
In answer to Marianne and Lucinda: When letters have a vine, they are not counted in your total. If you use three clear letters and 2 with vines, it will only be a 3 letter word. Watch the upper right corner and the score will light up telling you where the word counts. If nothing lights up, don't use the word until you have cleared the vines.
I am on levels that have blue bubbles with locks . Sometimes they lower the number of plays left and sometimes they don't What are their function?
Is the FB All Help page for Alphabetty the Candy Crush Saga one?
Regards, Linda
SUEd, If those blue bubbles get down to zero, one gets a 2 move penalty, so they need to be cleared before they get to zero.
Love this game a lot. But I am stuck on 157. Any help please? ������
Add me to your friend list on AlphaBetty Saga! Thanks, Linda
What is the mummy mouse saying - "Mummy's treasure?" And then it whacks a letter. What does the whack do to the letter? I can't figure it out.
Enjoying the game however it's a little annoying there are no optional tutorials. I have a "mystery mouse" I can use but have no idea what it does or how easy/hard it is to get I don't want to waste it. It would be much more helpful to click on something that explains the various components and how they function, i.e. vine tiles, mousetraps, Mystery Mouse, Library, etc. I prefer this to the forced automatic examples incorporated into existing levels. If someone would please explain the mystery mouse, library and any other unexplained specials that would be great. Thx
It is amazing to me that you don't have to actually make "words". Often times, even the auto-suggest comes up with letter strings that make no sense. Please give your users some credit for being able to figure out a three letter English word! Until then, where is the challenge?
How do you get rid of mouse traps?
Hello. Very nice website :) Im playing this game and i addes 9999 gold from this site surehack com. Now game is so easy :)
I am at the mousetrap level and forming words below the cheese doesn't make the cheese fall...just the letters around the cheese falls. Is there a trick to getting the cheese to fall?
The library is where you store your collected artifacts. It seems you can only collect artifacts at certain levels and the game tells you when it's an "artifact" level. You must earn three cheese stars at that level to earn the library artifact so if you only get two cheese stars, play that level again until you get three. Once you have the first two artifacts (this will take two levels and you will earn Mystery Mouse and Royal Guard), you can activate your artifact and each time you play you are given one extra move. If the level usually has 12 moves, you'd get 13, and so on. From what I've seen, he doesn't get used up. He adds a new ability that is applied each time you start a round. Once you've added your next two artifacts (Mummy Mouse and Cleobettra), you get the extra move plus an additional 5% of your total score. I think this happens at Level 69 but I'm not sure. The last two artifacts (Liberty Mouse and Cowboy Mouse) will give you the extra move and an additional 10% of your total score. Think of the Library as a museum, except who ever heard of mice in a museum? Mice frequent libraries, so King chose it to match their theme. Good Luck!
And if your cheese isn't falling, it's probably stuck on top of a vined letter. You have to release these letters before the cheese will move. There are two ways to smash mousetraps. Form a blue tile with a 5+-letter word and then zap it with that. Or as you're making 4-letter words, a crown MAY land on a mouse trapped tile and that will also spring the trap. However the second technique is totally random and unpredictable so you're better off with the blue tiles.
I agree that there needs to be a tutorial. I do not understNd how to make words that count for 5 and 6 letters. The number of tikes or value of each letter do not seem to add up to 5 or 6 but dome times they count.
Correction: Artifect Two opens at Level 95 and Artifact Three opens at Level 135. Also Artifact Three earns you 10% additional score plus TWO extra moves, not just one.
Cindy- if there are vines around a tile in your word, that letter doesn't count. So it's one less value for each vined tile in your word. In later levels, the little crowns will give you a bonus +1 value for that word length. I hope that helps.
Can anyone tell me why, when I form words that may be 3, 4, 5 or more letters (and all the letters turn green), not all the letters disappear from the board? VERY often one letter (perhaps two letters when making a longer word) is left - no, it's not a letter that becomes a blue or purple tile, and NO it's not a letter that had a vine on it. It happens a lot and is very annoying when you're trying to clear cheese blocks. Does anyone know if there's a reason for this, or is it a bug in the game? Thanks.
Quick question. I needed a 7 letter word to finish a level, but when I made a 6 letter word it counted as a 7 letter word even though It didn't include a crown. It did go through some line blasters, and there were crowns elsewhere on the board. Has anyone else noticed this happen and know why. Does blasting a crown as opposed to making a word with a crown still give you a +1 on your word length?
How do you get the bubbles that are not with the other tiles? I don't have a clue! MOUSE
MOUSE. That's level 18!
I need a ticket for the next part of Alphabetty. Anybody interested please post on the all help group. Thanks
To get the bubbles you need to make words with letters that have crowns on them. The crowns will pop random bubbles.
why when playing alpha betty saga the number 5 button at the bottom lights up like a firecracker but when I click on it it only gives me the option to purchase more moves
In the description above, the person calls those light blue tiles, silver. So read above again and see what is said about "silver" tiles. I agree, they look light blue! :) also, when the person above who wrote this says '"blue" tiles, I believe he/she is talking about the purple ones with the yellow arrows. I see those tiles as purple, rather than blue.
too buggy,,, get a green light saying I have a six letter word but adds to the 4 letter word total..
Can u add me pleez
How many levels are there?
I cant understand what the little square is at the top underneath the letter changers. You can move it down to a letter and it then has two arrows as if you can move it either way, but I cant seem to make it do anything. Can anyone explain what this extra helping tool is actually for? Sorry if I'm being dense!I have 5 of these to use but no idea how to use them
What does the mystery mouse do?
Had to delete game from my iphone. game kept turning off. became too annoying to continue. even downloaded it again and it started doing it again.
At level 91 I notice that the total number of terms left is reduced sometimes when I use a blue tile. It has gone from 24 moves left to 18 or 19. Other times I just lose 1 or 2 moves. Why is this happening?
It also happens when I don't use blue tile.
When I'm trying to get 4, 5, 6 or 7 letter words and I do, I don't get credit for them. Then I'll lose 2 rolls. Why? How can I avoid this?
Candy Crush Saga is quiet good but I really prefer playing Alpha Betty Saga. It's more modern
Can someone PLEEEEASE tell us what the Mummy Mouse is saying???? Thank you!
I think it's 'Mummy's Treasure' as in an Egyptian Mummy's store of loot LOL.
There is a lot unexplained - why do some tiles turn green or even red? What does that do?
Surprised that even King's official pages don't really cover the whole game, just the basics (that you can work out by yourself)....
I have the same problem as Jennywxy. I have engaged the tool which puts a directional arrow on a letter, but nothing else moves. I thought I could put it on a letter and blast away a problem tile, but all I can do is move that ?arrow from letter to letter. The other letters aren't moving. I wish there were somewhere to go to find out how to use the things in this game. But you are an AWESOME alternative!
Lulu and Jennywxy...
I've lost 3 games with that crazy tile.
I cant open level 701?
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