What is the Candy Crush Saga sugar drop challenge, or Candy Challenge, and how do we play it?
The Candy Crush sugar drop challenge is played on certain levels of the game.
There are usually three levels in each episode which can be played to collect the sugar drops. These three levels can be seen bouncing on the main map with a large C on them, see the image below.
It doesn't matter what level you are on, the levels you can play for the sugar drop challenge will be on the episodes you are able to play.
The sugar drop candies you need to collect will have a ribbon across them with a letter C and can be any colour. The C candies will appear every time you get a cascade of 3 matches or more as you play the level. Once you have passed the level you can't play it again in the same time period, you have to choose a different one. If you fail the level and don't collect any sugar drops you can try it again, but if you fail and collect any you will be credited with the ones you have collected but won't be able to repeat that level until the next time period.
These are the sugar drop candies that you need to collect by matching them.
As you collect the sugar drops they will be added to the jar on the left of the board so you can see how many you have collected in that game.
After each game you will see a counter under the list of your top friends, which will tell you how many sugar drops you need to collect to get your first reward.
The jar will be empty again when you begin a new level, but the sugar drops you collected will be counted towards your reward.
Once you have collected enough Candy Crush Sugar drops you will see your reward as a box on a conveyor, see below. There are 5 gifts to collect and the conveyor will show you each time you have collected enough sugar drops to collect the next reward.
Click on the big box to see what you have won.
To win all 5 rewards you need to collect the amount it says on the meter under the conveyor.
The rewards are boosters, lollies, lucky candies, free switch hands etc, and some gold bars.
Once you have collected all the rewards you will get a counter under your friends list which tells you when you can play again.
Some of the best levels to play the Candy Crush sugar drop challenge are.
16, 281, 666, 906, 918, 945, 1168, 1476, 1828, 2149, 2193, 2256, 2280, 3234, 3246, 3507
These all have a lot of moves and give loads of sugar drops but you can only play each level once unless you fail and don't collect any sugar drops..
There are many other good levels but these are some of the best. It doesn't matter now if you pass or fail in the new HTML5 version as the sugar drops do not double for a pass as they did in the flash version.
Other good levels which will give you 10 or more sugar drops are..
43, 112, 183, 185, 276, 296, 300, 344, 356, 368, 383, 409, 540, 591, 595, 654, 751, 760, 866, 917, 932, 962, 1611, 1667, 1688, 2029, 2209, 2569, 3043
Thanks to Susan Harper for the level numbers.
Here are some higher levels that will give you good amounts.
1747, 1769, 1772, 1828 (If you are good at timed levels ), 1838, 1844, 1860, 2256, 2280, 2433, 2531, 2611, 2828, 2891, 2942, 3009, 3121, 3176, 3234, 3246, 3528, 3724, 3732, 3853, 3883, 3942, 3975, 4601, 4690, 4893
Some of these levels are tricky to finish, so if you are worried about losing lives maybe not for you. But since the sugar drops don't double any more it doesn't matter if you lose the game.
The sugar drops appear when there is a chain reaction of candy crushing. It appears to take three crushes in a chain to produce a sugar drop. They do not appear "randomly" as stated in the article.
Level 906 is great for collecting lots of sugar drop candies, just don't pass the level and you can easily collect 15 or more sugar drops each time. If you've got lives to spare, it's a good level to use. I'd like to compile a list of other levels which are great for the sugar drop challenge.
It looks like the trick of changing the time on my iPad, to gain more lives, doesn't work the same way to eliminate the cool down period.....Bummer.
JanC here! Love the drops!
I don't see the rewards after I complete the level..
Collect the require drops but don't see rewards help
Level 666 is great for getting the sugar drops. I collect
ed 42 sugar drops when I played it.
But where are the rewards?! Nothing has appeared after collecting loads!
It would be fantastic if somebody could create a list of levels that are good for collecting the sugar drops. Sadly, those mentioned above, 906 and 666 are way ahead of my curent level, 593, so I can't play them. So far, I found 281, 55 and 66 very good for that.
Also, even if I don't pass the level, I can't repeatedly collect the drops in it, as it's said here. The sugar drops are no longer in such a level. I can collect the drops in each level always only once, regardles whether I passed it or not. I wonder why that differs for players....
Hey guys. I agree about it being great if someone could compile a list of the best levels for sugar drops. That's actually how I found this page, I was doing a search for best levels to play. The thing is depending on which version of sugar drops you have, you won't always have the same levels as everyone else. To the last person who posted saying they aren't able to replay a level, neither am I unfortunately. There are different versions of the sugar drop feature. Some are able to repeat levels, have a 4 hr cool down period as opposed to 8 which is what I have, & I think may be able to collect more rewards per session. I think I'm only able to collect 4 rewards(the #s confuse me a little) while I've heard others are able to collect 5. I haven't played 55 or 66 I don't think, so I'm going to see if they're available for me & try them if they are, thank you. I don't have it but if you're able to play level 43 I've heard it's one of the best. I also like level 128, it's not as good as 281, 666, 906, etc but it's better than most of the others. Also, for other people who are up to higher levels, 935 is very good too. 932 is as well but don't have that one on my iPad which is where I normally play(I do have it on my mobile, oddly but only played it once, it was good though). As for those who can't collect rewards, first of all you don't get them for completing a level, you get thrm when you've collected enough drops for your particular sugar drop feature. Also, are you playing online? I'm able to collect sugar drops when I'm playing offline but it's a total waste b/c I'm not able to collect the rewards & then they just disappear. Make sure you're playing online, if you are & still aren't able to collect your rewards, maybe you should contact King, it may be a glitch in your game. I have to say I'm a little obsessed with collecting sugar drops but I feel like I'm doing that more now than actually playing the game which is kind of funny! I'm waiting for more levels to come out on IPad/mobile so when they do, perhaps that will change lol. :)
Wow, I take that question back. I didn't click on the gift, & I lost it & gained nothing. Maybe someone else had a diff result?
Oops, bear w/me pls as I try 2 not duplic8 myself - again....My original ? was what happens if u don't click on the gift package in time. Well, above I answered my own ?.
This is a major rip off. I have been on 347 for days... as it keeps making me play for what? I will have to Uninstall ccs if you don't tell me how to continue. I am sick of playing the same 347 over and over again.
signed, very disappointed!
This is what i have found out so far : if you collect enough candy drops to get a reward, you can replay that same lvl again and gain new candy drops. If you dont get enough drops to claim a reward, you'll have to go to another lvl, BUT, after you played that other lvl, you can return and play the first one again in order to get candy drops. For me personally that means that i check how much drops i need to claim the next reward, is it lower than 15, i play lvl 906 (havent tried 666 yet), because as someone else mentioned, you can easily get 20-30 drops there. I claim my reward, see how many i need for the next reward, same rule as above and i replay 906. If i need 25 drops or so for the next lvl, i play a random lvl to get the number down a bit, then return to lvl 906. Remember, even if you fail at getting enough drops for a reward at lvl 906, after you tried another lvl for drops, you can return to 906, it will flash again.
How come I don't have the bouncing C for the challenge? How do I get it?
In the interest of Science, here are my sugar drop numbers for the levels up to 300:
BEST BEST BEST: 906 – I get over 20 drops and it lets me replay up to 4 times
If you can't do 906....
These levels got over 18 drops: 276, 281, 300
These levels got over 12 drops: 153, 183, 185, 221, 234, 240, 246
These levels got over 8 drops: 42, 55, 60, 66, 78, 112, 128, 149, 205, 216, 255, 296
I only played each level once – I may get a different number the next time I play it.
You might not get the same number I did.
I didn't try to win the level.
I suck at bombs, especially the short ones and the ones right at the beginning of the board.
Your board may or may not have Sugar Drops at these same levels.
If you get a really good board, try not to win the level with a lot of moves left – you can get more sugar drops in those last moves.
If you fail the level with 0 sugar drops, it stays bouncing so you can try that level again, but really, why would you want to?
Level...Sugar Drops + number left on board that I couldn't collect
42...7+2 left on board
78...8 but I had 15 moves left when I won, so I could have gotten more
100...2 but I didn't see the bomb at the beginning
109...1 but I didn't get the bomb
112...9 but I had 5 moves left
122...1 but I didn't get the bomb
128...10 but I had 10 moves left
131...0 bomb
183...13 with 5 moves left
234...13 +1 but you have to be careful not to win the level too soon
240...14 but you have to first get rid of the bombs
268...1 too many short bombs to pay attention to
Have fun. I'll post more research after my CoolDown period is over.
I want 600 sugar drops and my friend just need 180 sugar drops to complete one chain. Why it is happening??
What a darned rip off!
Check your math sister...
666 BY FAR the best!
Get 32-40 EVERY time!
I play on an iPad but not through Facebook. I don't have any sugar drop levels and I've downloaded the latest update. Is anyone getting sugar drop levels without Facebook?
Yes, there's no sugar drop levels on my game and I have no idea why???????
I don't have them either :(
When I mix a stripe and a sprinkle the sugar drops don't turn into a stripe. Also it screws up some of the other combos, I think.
I can win sugar drops but when i click on "collect reward" nothing happens and i am just stuck on that page. Help please.
I play on my phone but dont have facebook and am getting the sugar drops ok. But am unable to collect the rewards.
Looks like there's a new "reward screen" after collecting the sugar gems. There's no way to get out of it unless I stop playing for a while and then reload the game. Definitely must be a glitch. KingCare is worthless, IMO. And this level sucks. ;-)
Re above comment, brain glitch on my part. Should have said level 951 sucks.
I was able to collect the rewards, but after the recent update, my game (played on an android phone, no Facebook) keeps freezing on the page to collect the reward. I can't back out of it, it takes me restarting my phone to get it to work again. And then I can play one level and it happens all over again. I guess I will wait a few days for King to fix this glitch.
Thanks CathyG for listing your research of the best sugar drops. I have found it very useful and am hoping you will post some more..
I am also freezing on the page to collect rewards: I have five reward boxes but cannot click on anything...its all dimmed out and have to shut down to go back in. Anyone know why or is it a glitch?
The claim reward button no longer gets activated and I'm stuck on that page. I've reloaded, restarted my tablet, waited days, nothing helps.
Generally the fewer colors and the more moves a level has, the more chances for a chain reaction.
These drops are awful. Too many glitches...
I have same problem, the claim reward button doesn't work after collecting sugar drops. I have to shut down and wait for 10 mins in order to play a new game - (on iPad with no facebook account).
Must be a glitch - too much stuff now. Was better before all the gimmicks
Having the same problem with the claim reward button not working.
Same exact problem. Stuck on claim reward screen, with no escape other than shut down and wait. Needs fixed. :-(
Also stuck on reward screen - on my iPad and Facebook.
I get out of it by closing the game and going back to the icon.
Takes a while and is very frustrating
I get stuck on the reward screen too. Using an Android phone not through Facebook. I like the rewards but every time I play a reward level I get stuck and have to restart my phone. Very frustrated! Have hardly played at all in the last few days. Hope they fix it soon!
Thank you, CathyG! That's a great list of very useful information, looking forward to more levels!!
Also stuck on the reward page annoys very frustrating having to restart my iPad in order to get off the page and continue on the game. Ugh!!
I've collected enough sugar drops and have claimed rewards, but I don't see where the awards go. The aren't added to my wheel collection so where are they?
For all of those having trouble with the rewards not working and the game freezing or having to be reset... I was having the same issue and I got frustrated and just started tapping all over the screen and then, viola, it opened the package/parcel. It happened when I tapped near the top left corner of the box. Now it works every time I tap that area and I receive my rewards and the game continues as normal, not freezing. I still lost several rounds worth of rewards, which was very frustrating, but at least I don't seem to be having any issues now. I tried to join at King's website to let people know on their forum, but you can only join through Facebook, which I don't do...
Thank you so much Josh! It works perfectly. Sorted!
Unfortunately, the fix didn't work for me and my Android phone.
I wonder why the problem with the reward screen hasn't been fixed yet. The problem comes and goes for me. I had a couple of days when it worked (after not working) and then again last night I couldn't get the box to open. Today it's working again, but who knows for how long. In the meantime it's frustrating to play and not get the rewards.
same here,mine is 600 and another is 180
Yeah, now it quit working for me, again... Too many glitches!
I don't know if this has been mentioned, but for those of you having problems with the reward screen, you need to have a working internet connection (wifi, 3g, 4g etc) in order for your reward to be added.
At least that's what it seems like to me.
Hi again guys. First off I wanted to reply to those of you wondering why you don't have the sugar drop feature. From what I understand, King is still "testing" out the feature. So not everyone does have access to them unfortunately. It's unknown how they are choosing people for it & if it's random or not. I have a feeling it MIGHT have to do with how often you play but I'm not sure. The reason I think that is I belong to the Candy Crush wikis page & most of the people on there are very frequent players such as myself & most have the feature. There's actually a really excellent guide on there about Sugar Drops. I'm on my iPad & unfortunately don't know how to copy & paste the link but if you google Candy Crush Wikia, the page should come up. Then just write "Sugar Drop Feature" in the search engine for the page.
As far as why some ppl need to collect 600 SD vs 180, it has to do with what I was writing in my other post. There are different versions of the SD feature. As far as I know, there are 2 versions. The one I have is the one where you can collect up to 180 SD. However, the downsides of my version are it isn't possible to repeat a level for SD UNLESS it's the current highest level you're on & you haven't passed it. Even then, the only way to repeat is to completely close out of CC & then restart it by going through the loading page. But again that will only let you repeat the highest level that you have not passed. There is no way to repeat a level if you've already used it to collect SD regardless of if you pass or not until after the 180 drops have been collected & you wait till after the cool down period. The cool down period is also different depending on which version you have which I also shared above. My cool down period is 8 hrs as opposed to the other version which is only 4 hours. So basically each version has their own pros & cons. I would personally LOVE to be able to repeat levels such as 906 or 666. Incidentally for me, if I happen to get stopped by a bomb in 666, that's it for me with that level. I can't play it again until I finish collecting drops in other levels & until I wait for my 8 hr cool down period to be over. So that's a huge advantage you guys have who can repeat levels & I'm guessing that combined with a shorter cool down period is why you need to collect so many more drops. It's much easier to do so when you can just keep repeating the same levels which produce the most drops & get to do so twice as often, time wise.
The last thing about not being able to collect rewards, as I mentioned also in my post & as @nealmac 1978 also shared is you need to have a working internet connection & you need to be online to collect them. But even then sometimes there are glitches. The other day I experienced the same thing many of you described about getting to the rewards page & having it freeze. I also had no choice but to close out of the application & didn't receive my rewards despite the fact that I was online. Normally though I don't have that issue as long as I'm playing somewhere with a strong internet connection.
Oh one more thing, I meant to include this when I was describing how those with the same version as me can repeat the highest level they haven't passed...for me that only works on my iPad, not my mobile.
Btw, Ty Cathy G for your list! I'm always looking for new levels & there's quite a few on there which I haven't checked out yet. Going to go try some right now! :)
P.s. Sorry to disagree with suggestions on the top of the page for levels which are best for collecting SD but I just tried 902 & didn't find it to be a good one at all. I only collected 3 drops & it's a difficult level to pass as well so lost a life. There are virtually no cascades in it either which is the best thing for producing SD so I'm not sure why it was said to be one of the best. Just my 2 cents.
P.s.s, sorry for so many comments! Just wanted to say 918 was a good one, I got 12 drops & passed the level so didnt lose a life(it's also just a fun level to play!) :) thanks for the tip.
I WISH they'd get the freezing problem fixed. The new episode was available yesterday on the IPhone. Since each level has sugar drops for the first play, one round and I'd get the frozen reward screen since I was already at the point of getting my first reward when I began. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Aggravating, to say the least. :(
986 is a good level for sugar drops if you're near there 💥
When I first got the sugar drops I could play the levels over and over. Now I can only get one crack at a level each track. I have been using six hundred and sixty six got 50 in one turn, 932 and 906. I do not get double drops if I beat the level. I have not figured out why sometimes my timer is still not counted down even after all night. Sometimes it's fine. I am really enjoying the rewards. I hope they continue for a while.
When the conveyor came up on level 190 something....it froze my game!!!! Help!
My game freezes on the reward page. No rewards come out of the conveyer.
I'm also experiencing the freeze problem on the Sugar Drop Reward thing. Only way I've gotten around it is to reboot the iPad (not on facebook or anything). Nothing like adding frustration to my frustration! Grr! To whom do we genuflect to have such situations resolved?
when is this 'freezing problem' in the sugar drop collection area going to get fixed??? We've had some crap levels to contend with recently and now this. Come on guys, sort it out!!!!!
Sad news.. CCS changed level 666. Added a couple of choc. machines. Must have realized how well people were doing on it. I got 80 drops the other day. Also, I have had good luck with levels 42, 78, 112, 185, 654, and 645. But the best still is 666 and 281.
I get the reward screen freeze intermittently and usually have to stop playing for awhile until it goes away. It seems to be a problem with the reward screen appearing when it shouldn't, because it happens after every single game, even if I wasn't playing a level with sugar drops!
It's not connected to a wifi issue, because I don't get it every time I play in airplane mode (for quest purposes.)
Just got 27 on level 1003
I love to play Candy Crush. Very restfully, but the last few weeks it is driving me crazy locking up on the reward page . Not only do I not get my bonuses but I can't play, sometimes for hours. I really don't want to keep switching iPad off. Please, please fix it.
Had the same problem with freezing and lost lots of rewards now permanently the screen says I have to wait for the sugar track yo cool down. It never does
I've been studying the sugar drops with friends and found some interesting things. Of the four of us, two have 180 with 8 hours rest and two have 600 with four hours rest. When we used other devices, a touch pad, cell phone or a computer and switched users, some things were endemic to the device and some were assigned to the user. The boosters are saved on the device. Switching devices loses all your accumulated prizes including switches and lollipop hammers. The version 180 vs 600 is attached to the user, same as progress on sugar crush. Also attached to the user is the number of sugar drops but not the used levels. If you used a level on one device, you can use it again on another one, even without having a rest period. My strategic suggestion for all of us with the 600 cycle: designate one machine to horde the prizes, aka boosters. Until you are close to getting a prize, use other devices and when you're within reach of a booster, go back to the machine that has the prizes.
I have found a way to recover from the locked reward page. On a mobile device, touchpad or phone, press the HOME button. Then press the open pages button that is the rectangle with another rectangle behind it. (The task manager) Shut down Candy Crush Saga. Restart it, play another level and afterward it will return you to the reward page. It won't freeze this time and it will keep the running total of sugar drops including the ones you just earned on the last level you played.
I haven't found that to work; I still get a freeze after the new game. Generally the only thing for me to do is just not play for several hours.
I had a LOT of boosters (0ver 50 each of hand switch, lollis, choco sprinkles, coconut wheels, etc.0. Today I got the update to start level 1056 and all of the boosters are GONE. I'd say I can't believe it but with the problems so many have with this game, I can. And their "Kingcare" sucks.
I am earning lots of items with sugar drop but can't use them as I can find where they go
Not clearly mentioned above: You can only immediately repeat a level for Sugar Drops IF you don't collect a single Sugar Drop on your first attempt. If you collect even 1 Sugar Drop, they will not be available for immediate replay on that level, wether you pass the level or not.
I also don't get double drops for passing the level. :-( I guess I should be happy I only have a 4 hour track and not an 8 hour one.
I really really wish King would come up with some easier way to get to the sugar drop levels than having to skim up and down. A "go to level __ " function would be awesome.
I run a Moto X Android phone and I also have DU speed booster app. I'm currently on level 438 on candy crush. I have the sugar drops version that uses180 drops with an 8 hour cooloff. After about 2 months, I have collected 145 gold bars, 153 color bombs, 72 combos, 175 checks, 185 free moves, 167 lollypop hammers, 202 jellyfish, and 214 coconut bombs. You can play any past sugar drop level as many times as you wish simply by using speed boost after the 8 hour cooldown. If your gifts would freeze up, exit candy crush and use your speed boost, go back to candy crush and play another level. Get at least 1 sugar drop and the game will take you back to the gift area and will usually give you your gift. If not just repeat the procedure. I believe speed boost cleans your temp. memory which holds info on games already played. I believe speed boost also resolves conflicts in your data that's causes some conflicts and frees up memory. Good luck to all!
What the what?! I've been suspecting for a few days that I was losing some of my sugar drop levels and now it's certain. I just got the sugar track back and 666 is no longer a sugar drop level! I went to the beginning and my sugar drops now start on 95 instead of 36!
I'm guessing now that there's a limited number of times you can play each level, because 95 is one I dislike and usually skip.
Well, it's probably just as well. I've been playing way too much anyway. But I'm pretty annoyed. Anyone else notice this?
Question for Tidib:
What is speed boost?
Today I received the following notice on the sugar drop reward screen.....connect to receive your rewards. What the heck does that mean? Connect to what?? Facebook? Forget it if that's the new rule.
I think it just means connect to wifi. I can't the rewards if I don't have wifi.
So my missing sugar tracks came back, yay! I'm not sure what happened, just some weird bug I guess. Unless I somehow played those levels and completely forgot about it, which is a disturbing thought!
Dang it, it happened again! My sugar track is back, but the levels I'd already played haven't been reset. Now it starts on level 97. No one else has experienced this?
Quitting the app and then going back in fixed it, yay.
902 is one of the WORST for sugar drops.
My present is on the conveyor belt, but when I click on it nothing happens. Any ideas?
level 1003 is also best
is it just me or they banned 666 from sugar drop, please check again and let me know !
I keep earning lots of awards with sugar drops but cannot access these at all. Where are they?
Levels 1137 and 1073 are both great for collecting candies and also passing the level easily................
I think best leavel so far is 1168 got 39 💧
Did the sugar drops turn off? I am stuck on 740 and go back to earn drops on the previous available levels--none of the levels are bouncing, my current level is shadowed out because I got my drops already.
Why can't they add an "episode navigation" button like in Soda Saga. It really sux to have to scroll down and down and down to get to "sugar drop" levels you want to play. Another major aggravation is after scrolling all the way down to, say 666 for example, to play for sugar drops and when finished with the level, you get placed all the way back to the top where your highest completed level is 😁!!!! Errrrrrrrrrrrr!! Does this happen to anyone/everyone else??
1168 and 666 are the absolute best. You get over 30 sugar drops every time, as long as you clear the bombs and don't accidentally beat the level too early.
And yes to the question above. I hate that it moves me back to the very top after scrolling forever to get to the lower levels!
Not sure why but I stay at the level just played no problem. So after 666 I usually try 665 as that can be a good level for sugar drops.. Have they stopped giving stripes/wraps as a booster??
I only started having the "jump ahead" problem fairly recently, so perhaps it's part of an update. It's quite annoying.
They haven't stopped give striped/wraps, but they seem to be relatively rare. I have way more of all the other boosters.
Thanks Willaful... I have many more of each of the others but very few stripes/wraps..
I had a list of newer levels good for collecting sugar drops. I accidentally threw it out. Does anyone have good levels higher than 945?
917 900 877 674 666 654 676 682 643 636 554 632. 549. 519. 474. 473, 452 more than 8 on all of these.
Thanks Sugar606. I also found282. 591.906.945.1003.1073.1137.1168 to be VERY good! Need more good higher levels.
I have gotten that mssg even when i was connected on one device (an iphone 4) but never on any of my other devices, very annoying! Must be a glitch
906 is good
Yep!!! 1168 and 666 are the best!
1085, 1087, 1066, 1045, 966, 1091, 1168*, 1333, 1330
Thank you. I will try these.
Thank you. I will try these.
Level 1476 is a great level for collecting Sugar Drops...
Level 1476 is excellent! I have gotten 46 at a time.
this website is very informative.thank you very much.
Looks like they have stopped us using 1476 for collecting Sugar Drops, also stopped 1168 which was also very good. Level 666 is also very good but not been back to see if they have stopped that one as well.....
Think level 1538 which is a timed level has finished me off, need to get 95000 in 30 seconds and I am nearly always below 9500 nowhere near 95000... And boosters not really a help...
All the levels are still working for me. Are you waiting for the cooldown period to end?
Please ignore the previous Anonymous message, I had already used both them two levels earlier and had not completed the full 180 total..
Quick question. Are the boosters totally random when reaching the various levels? Was collecting GOLD BARS to help me get past level 1538(timed level) which took me 77 GOLD BARS for the 4 time extensions I needed to complete. Now onto level 1546( another timed level), only got 7 GOLD BARS left but not been given one single GOLD BAR since I used them in level 1538.
These timed levels will be the end of me playing CC soon.
I believe the boosters are random. Don't worry, level 1546 is no where as difficult as level 1538. The next episode isn't too bad either, although there are two more timed levels.
666 and 1168 are awesome for sugar drops. Also fairly easy and fun levels to complete so sugar drops double when you complete them, I normally average 60-70 per level. Both levels begin with bombs though, but they're pretty easy to smash in time
I'm only on level 154 but since level 140, which I was stuck on for about a month, I discovered that, if you do not "play again" but come out of Candy Crush Saga, then open up again, you repeatedly get sweet treats and they can soon mount up. After a bit you they are time barred for about 7 hours but I collected a lot which helped me eventually conquer the dreaded 140. I have also discovered, if I do the same with Odious (the mis-spelling is deliberate) I can play continuously. I am on a laptop and don't use Facebook. I don't know why I have "friends" asking me for lives.
Level 666 isn't the honey hole it used to be. I used to get 25-40 sugar drops each time. Over the last 2-3 weeks, it seems King has tweaked it to where you're lucky to get 5 now. Matches to unlock the bombs quickly and and eliminate them are now much more difficult. This is both on Android and PC.
I can only play 1 candy drop level every 8 hours. Who's playing them over and over?
When I am past the "cool down" period I use 1476, 1168, 1003, 906 and 666. Generally good fun levels with lots of drops and easy to win so you get the winning bonus of doubling your drops.
Same as Anonymous 16 May I use 1476, 1168, 1003, 906 and 666 plus 1256 and 654 are good as well.
Has anyone else been told to connect to Facebook to claim your reward but is already connected?
Have they stopped giving GOLD BARS for reaching the various candy collection levels? Not had any GOLD BARS for ages since I used 10 to get extra time to pass a timed level!! Plenty of coconuts& fish etc which are not required now there are so many timed levels..
Lets get back to some fun levels PLEASE....
Ummm 1 thing is wrong with article, TIMED level do NOT drop C's...
I am on level 2106, until it updates new levels, as of 11-22-2016, and not once has timed levels dropped any C's.
PC users, sorry, but these next few tips do not work for that I noticed. If you have any tips for PC users please comment.
If you are playing on, a mobile device, at least for my android, if you play a level, and lose, you collect the C's, after collecting C's, exit app and restart it to keep replaying for C's. This only works on the current new level you are on. It does not work for previously won levels, until you see the bouncing C, usually takes about a day or after you have collected all 180 C's and waited the 8 hrs.
Also a huge TIP, ONLY for mobile app users, not sure about IOS app, but you can pause timed levels by hitting the back button.
Another huge TIP, for mobile app like android, not sure about IOS, but if any level, EXCEPT for timed ones, you can go into the level and if you can't start off good, and make a good sprinkle, stripe or wrapper candy, then hit the back button and start again with a new board. This also works for using boosters to get sprinkles next to wrappers or stripes, and does not use you booster if you back out, AS LONG AS YOU DO NOT MAKE A MOVE, if the board makes matches at the beginning this does not count as your move.
IOS mobile app players please comment for help tips for other on these subjects.
Ummm 1 thing is wrong with article, TIMED level do NOT drop C's...
I am on level 2106, until it updates new levels, as of 11-22-2016, and not once has timed levels dropped any C's.
PC users, sorry, but these next few tips do not work for that I noticed. If you have any tips for PC users please comment.
If you are playing on, a mobile device, at least for my android, if you play a level, and lose, you collect the C's, after collecting C's, exit app and restart it to keep replaying for C's. This only works on the current new level you are on. It does not work for previously won levels, until you see the bouncing C, usually takes about a day or after you have collected all 180 C's and waited the 8 hrs.
Also a huge TIP, ONLY for mobile app users, not sure about IOS app, but you can pause timed levels by hitting the back button.
Another huge TIP, for mobile app like android, not sure about IOS, but if any level, EXCEPT for timed ones, you can go into the level and if you can't start off good, and make a good sprinkle, stripe or wrapper candy, then hit the back button and start again with a new board. This also works for using boosters to get sprinkles next to wrappers or stripes, and does not use you booster if you back out, AS LONG AS YOU DO NOT MAKE A MOVE, if the board makes matches at the beginning this does not count as your move.
IOS mobile app players please comment for help tips for other on these subjects.
Sometimes you need to log out of fb and reconnect to get certain things. But also check your internet connect as well.
They are gone, no bouncing up & down, no whit stripes, nothing on all devices. ☹️☹️☹️
What happened to sugar drops CC? Not on any level for 2 days.
No more sugar drops. What's up?
All sugar drop levels are gone on both my devices. HELP!!
Please bring back the sugar drop levels. What was the purpose of removing them??
Are the sugar drop levels returning? If not I'm finding a different game... It's no longer fun. I was playing alot more while waiting for new levels to be added. Now there's no reason to play.
Are the sugar drop levels returning? If not I'm finding a different game... It's no longer fun. I was playing alot more while waiting for new levels to be added. Now there's no reason to play.
Curious if the players who no longer get sugar drops have reached the end? I'm at the end and play for sugar drops until the new episode comes out but they went missing on IPad and IPhone a few days ago, both on the previous levels and the new ones. All of my friends still get them! I don't why we wouldn't continue to get them on the new levels at the very least. It's not fair. We now have no way to earn gold bars without paying!
I don't know why your drops have disappears. If you are in a cool down period there will not be any drops visable. Cool down happens when you have reached all the needed drops to get prized on the candy train coll down usually lasts 8 hrs. Also, try signing out of FB on the game and back in. This will sometimes work when things have disappeared.
Yes, I know all about the cool down periods. The entire sugar drop track has disappeared and there are no levels marked with "c"'s at all even on the brand new levels. I posted somewhere else and other people have had the same exact issue. I've closed it al down and even went through an update but they are still gone. If anyone has had this happen to them this week, could you please post?
Have you tried (as a last resort) deleting the app from your phone and reinstalling it? You won't lose your level progress but you will lose any won boosters and extra lives.
That is something I'm trying to avoid. I had to resort to that a few months ago and lost too many boosters. Others are having this same specific problem within the exact same time frame so I'm hoping it will be restored soon!
Let's hope so... a few months ago, my phones would not move on to the next levels. My computer and phones were out of synchronized. It was so frustrating! I too, reinstalled and lost everything. It didn't fix the problem. I contacted King and they did give me free boosters. I had to wait through two updates before the problem was fixed! I feel for you! 😫
Contacted King since I know it's not isolated, and crossing my fingers!
Great!! Don't give up!! Hopefully, they will resolve the issue! Maybe it will work after the next update! King does usually respond back... I was surprised!
The sugar drops are gone. It has nothing 2 do with cool downs or anything else. King must have removed them. No one knows if they will return!☹️☹️☹️
To the poster above at 11:36, did yours disappear two days ago too? All of the friends still have them but I've heard of several of us who have had them completely disappear. I contacted King and keeping my fingers crossed. It's unfair that most players still can earn them!
To the poster@ 13:37. Mine disappeared 3 days ago, now. I think it was after the last update. I know all the tricks & they are gone. Hopefully will return at some future date. I enjoyed collecting & using them. Maybe too many of us did!
Also, still same person as above, notice how you never get alerts now on your devices that it is time to get more sugar drops like we used to when the 8 hours was over!
They are back! Do the update & they have returned! Yeah!
For those of us current on levels, any tips on high scoring sugar drop levels? It's such a pain to scroll back to the good old days, like 1476. Anyone got more recent ones? Glad the missing Sugar Drop reappeared for those having trouble. Cheers.
If you start giving lives to people you get no waiting between episodes and no cool down.
You can't move on until you win.
Responding to "Jay" Unfortunately, I have not found any more recent levels after 1476 to gather up those sugar drops and help fill your sugar pot for extra rewards. I agree, it is a pain scrolling all the way back to it, but now, it appears to me, Level 1476 has been eliminated from the sugar track levels? It no longer shows the identifying "C" mark on the map while the many others still do. I am at the Candy Concert world(completed level 2540)playing on laptop, and only return to the game to play these sugar drop levels, and gain some bonuses because it can take many days of waiting for a new CC world to open up. 1476 was a really good level to gather those sugar drops so, disappointed if King has removed it for good.
Prima, just scrolled through to 1476 and it's still active on my laptop. Hope your situation is temporary. The best alternative is 1168.
The new settings (not doubling the winning rounds) definitely makes this incredibly time consuming now. Not a fan of ANY of these changes!
Last week the game updated on my pc and now I cannot play the game with my touch screen, have to use the mouse or touch pad. (I can use my touch screen to start the game and close out of the game, just not make candy switches in the game) Is there a fix to this? Also, the arrow that made it easier to scroll to past episodes is gone. Any ideas? ~Katrina
I don't like the changes at all!! They have ruined candy crush on the PC for me! I want them to change it back!
Make sure you complain to King. If enough customers voice their opinions maybe they will reconsider these bad changes.
I think King trolls these forums. My opinion first off is they have definitely diminished the game with these changes in a couple of ways.
Removing the ability to move from level to level in a controlled way is a bit of a hassle with sugar drop levels but it's manageable. Here's what is bad though- the point of the game is to win and and in order to get far (I'm at the end week after week) you have to play to win, strategise to win. When they took the double sugar drops away there is no longer any point in trying to win on sugar drop levels once you have beat the level once. After that if you are just playing the level for sugar drops (1476, 666 etc) then it is really in your best interest to play to lose so that you play every last move in order to maximize the sugar drop potential. I know what they want, they want my money but they're not going to get it and I doubt they'll get money from many players who are good enough to see the point in going after sugar drops. The more dumb moves like this one and the one last March and the more they will drive players away and kill the game. Corporate big shots can be remarkably stupid. GC
Level 16 is not a sugar drop level, much less a GOOD sugar drop level.
I often go back to the easy levels to collect boosters. Or just to chill out and play a few mindless games.
Play the never ending Candy mania with hundreds of levels and the
fun part is they are completely free to play ,except some optional
in-game purchases asking for payment.
Level 2942 (timed/jelly level) is the best level I've found for collecting sugardrops. My record so far is 115. Easy enough to get extra time candies so if you can avoid clearing the jellies in the top corners (try NOT to make colourbombs) you can keep going for a long time.
I'd like to know what happens if you collect many more sugar drops than the limit of 180, when you're not connected. Once you connect, only the first 180 drops will give you boosters? I think once I collect many more drops but it seemed the amount of boosters was not so high...
Yes only the first 180 will give you boosters. A maximum of 23 can be "saved" for the next time you collect. The rest will be lost. And the 8 hour countdown won't start until you've connected either.
Thanks for the information, Ditte.
Levels 1003 & 1137 are good levels for sugar drops.
I am on level 3195 so obviously I've been on CC for quite a while. My beef is about playing sugar drop levels. I HATE when I play and get the message "you must connect to claim rewards...." I AM connected!!! Because I am usually watching Netflix on my iPad while playing CC on my iPhone and it doesn't disconnect, also if I were to lose my home wi-fi my phone automatically defaults to my carriers wifi. Maddening!!! I've tried to find out why it does this but have had no luck. When I play sugar drops these are the levels I play (and I always play to lose to maximize the number of sugar drops). 1168, 1137, 1003, 906, 666, 591 and 281. 1476 and 1256 are also good - especially 1476, and remember to play to lose but dont forget to make explosions happen in order to get drops to form.
Has anyone but me noticed you now have to win a level to keep the sugar drops? Now it’s just like collecting colors. If you don’t pass the level you lose any you have built up. Bummer. I’d ask King but they’d just send me to King Cares which is pointless. They used to actually answer your question.
Level 16 does not offer sugar drops...
Level 1955 is also a good one, gives me every time a lot of suger drops, and a good one for collect the magic helmet rewards
When you go back to levels, they don't all give sugar drops. I have found the levels I find easier to collect them and play the same levels every day (and sometimes twice on weekends. Also, I start the day off by playing the levels to get the drops/boosters and then after that I go and play my current level on multiple devices!
Interment has to be on to collect the gum drops otherwise will just keep adding up until u turn on the internet than will get the prize
Level 1955 is good for sugar drops and easy to win epecially if you have a sprinkle from a helmet to start you off.
3252 is really easy but you can play to keep it going then still win when you get near the end to collect more drops - it's also near 3246 which I play the same way.
Did anyone else “lose” 1955? It’s become a different level for me...
What happened to the sugar drop challenge? Theytook it out? The wrapped green stripes as well! Boy King is being very nasty these days! Bring them back!
What are the wrapped green stripes
Why is there always higher levels listed then I have access to? I play both on Android and PC. My highest right now is 4965.
tollerdog the windows 10 app is a couple of weeks ahead of phones and Facebook. My highest level now is 4925. I'm guessing yours is 4865, not 4965?
That loophole has been closed. It only worked on Facebook, or maybe it was enough to have a facebook account which I don't, so it never worked for me.
I do not get bossters anymore from playing Candy Crush sugar drop challenges. None.
The c levels are still shown, the points are counted, but boosters are not given!
St seem to getting any sugar drops now!! Is there a problem?
January 2020, suddenly candydrop levels are limited to 5 maximum.
Doesn’t matter what levels you play. 5 candy drops is all I get too.
Yeah, no matter how many time I get a cascade no new candy drops fall. Several levels were terrific for collecting them and I could advance to 180 from zero in a couple hours, now it takes a day or more.
I could play my favorite 6 levels and advance to 180. Now it takes many levels and lots more time. That is ok though as I am just waiting for the levels to release on Wednesday.
What are your favourite 6 levels?
My favorites were 1476, 945, 906, 760, 666, and 281
Thanks, I also like 1955, 1168, 1137,
Candy drops are now back to the old way of giving multiple drops. Thank you king
Looks like sugar drops are gone now? Not seeing them since yesterday
What is king doing? No more sugar drops?
The sugar drops have disappeared from my play...2 weeks ago.. what should I do to get them back?
You can't do anything. King has decided to do spring cleaning to make place for " fun exciting new features". One of the things they're getting rid of is sugardrops. https://community.king.com/en/candy-crush-saga/discussion/282027/upcoming-changes-in-candy-crush-saga-sugar-track-build-a-bot-and-more/p1. We have yet to see anything resembling new, fun and exciting..... All they have done is take take take....
Lost the space bot and now the sugar drops. I am blowing though gold bars and boosters like crazy. Guess once they are all gone I can finally put this game away for good.
Those were the days, still missing this...
This level is impossible to complete with only 18 moves! It used to be 33 moves!
Imposible even with all boosters!! I would need a lucky board Mr King!
Posting for a lucky board please ☘️
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