Candy Crush Saga Level 1250

Hints and tips for level 1250 Candy Crush Saga
The simple solution to level 1250 is to use two lollipop hammers and hit the two fruits with them
The fruits will fall straight out of the exits, level cleared.
However, if you want to do it the hard way you will need to collect all the keys and then hit the fruits with a stripe/wrap combo in the correct position, or you could try a colour bomb/stripe combo as long as you have some candies the same colour as the stripe in the column level with the fruit.
The other method is to switch two colour bombs together.
Video below by Skillgaming


Anonymous said...

After many tries, I took skillgaming's advice and used two poppers to give me three stars ;)

Anonymous said...

I got to this level before I read the comments above and managed to do it the hard way. It is doable........................

Anonymous said...

It's not difficult. Second trial no boosters

Jocelyn said...

Did it 1/2 the hard way but needed one lollipop to pass. I don't know what my rush was... Finished the episode in 1 day and now I have to wait!

Anonymous said...

Another episode done. Nine hours to finish but had to use some boosters on a few levels.
Still have lots left but will replenish with sugar drops while I wait for new episode next Wednesday.

Thresa said...

Passed 1st try ~ no Boosters....Easy Level

Anonymous said...

Ok. Fellow players. Doable, huh? Good to know:) Then I will keep on trying without any boosters and see if I can do it too:) I won't be too frustrated I know because this is the last one and after this one I will have days till I get to go next episode. iPhone is always the last one. Wish me luck!

Van5 said...

Decided I'd give it 5 tries before I used 2 hammers on the fruit. Got it on the fifth try by getting 2 stripes side by side under the fruit. Started each game with a colour bomb but I always ended up losing it, so I thought I'd just give it the old college try and it finally happened. Now we wait and collect more boosters. Good luck everyone!

Anonymous said...

iPhone is not the last one to get new episodes. All mobile devices including iOS and Android including phones and tablets. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. We all wait for Wednesday every week.

Anonymous said...

Sharon and Tresa...your humility humbles me. Proud of ourselves are we?? Must be your full time job candy crushing huh?
Excuse me while I go vomit.

Anonymous said...

doable without boosters. get stripe and wrap next to each other on outside ring then switch when they get to the top!

Anonymous said...

To the post on Oct.19 @10:55. Don't know if you have a 72 year old mother or grandmother but at least I post my name and yes I am proud of the fact that I have made it this far in Candy Crush Saga and no it is not my full time job. I still excercise, clean my own house, have favourite tv shows, volunteer, cook all my families meals and yes I play Candy Crush, Candy Crush Soda and Pryamid Solitaire Saga. I make it through every elisode using a minimum of boosters that I have not paid for. And, yes I have fun and I am certainly not bitter like you.

AZBLUE said...

There are plenty of you so called pros that can finish 15 levels in 9 hours. I must awful stupid cause it takes me 2 days and with plenty boosters. Someone also called level 1250 easy on the first try and no boosters, Really!!!! What about popping the fruit with 2 hammers. Now u can say first try, but too many of you brag and think you are a real Einstein. Tell me if you can beat level 1251 on the first try and no boosters. Well I guess some of you are very intelligent and some of us are not up to par

AZBLUE said...

There are plenty of you so called pros that can finish 15 levels in 9 hours. I must awful stupid cause it takes me 2 days and with plenty boosters. Someone also called level 1250 easy on the first try and no boosters, Really!!!! What about popping the fruit with 2 hammers. Now u can say first try, but too many of you brag and think you are a real Einstein. Tell me if you can beat level 1251 on the first try and no boosters. Well I guess some of you are very intelligent and some of us are not up to par

AZBLUE said...

There are plenty of you so called pros that can finish 15 levels in 9 hours. I must awful stupid cause it takes me 2 days and with plenty boosters. Someone also called level 1250 easy on the first try and no boosters, Really!!!! What about popping the fruit with 2 hammers. Now u can say first try, but too many of you brag and think you are a real Einstein. Tell me if you can beat level 1251 on the first try and no boosters. Well I guess some of you are very intelligent and some of us are not up to par

Anonymous said...

Boom! First try and no hammers. Just used a choco/sprinkle combo and cleared the jelly. As Snoop Dog would say "just chill...til the next episode"!

Anonymous said...

Hmm......easy level???
I don't think it is easy, it's very difficult!! I have no hammers, so I'll have to do it the hard way.
I'll have to wait for a lucky board, I think.

Anonymous said...

Tried, tried and tried but it was sooooo boring I ended up doing it the easy way and use 2 lollipops.

Anonymous said...

Why is everyone being so pissy toward each other? Use to be we all gave tips to help without the snide remarks. It's hard and not all of us have boosters saved up, but come on.. it's just a game, lets have fun and keep it light. We must be doing something right to get this far!

Jennifer said...

Generally speaking, I don't like using boosters. I have so many used up because I hardly ever use them. I was determined to beat this level without boosters as it seemed doable, but every time I would have moves lined up, the stupid conveyor belt would ruin things. Finally I just used two hammers, as recommended. I personally found this level very frustrating.

Jennifer said...

^saved up, it should say, not used up.

Anonymous said...

Somehow I passed this on the first go and it was fun! I am not usually one of the lucky ones!

Anonymous said...

Would love to take the easy way out, but used up all my hammer boosters on the dreaded 1247 level.

Anonymous said...

Finally finished this god awful series! King must be taking pity! Finished 1249 without boosters after several tries and 1250 first try- NEVER HAPPEN S!!! Maybe they feel bad they stole my couple hundred sugar drop boosters!😁

Best to all
CC from vero 😎

Anonymous said...

Just because you got it on your first try, no boosters does not mean it's an easy level. Call it what it is, a lucky board.

jackluver said...

Used boosters to do this easily. WARNING though::: incredibly boring and 100% luck level ahead on level ,1251.

Anonymous said...

Got it second try no boosters. Lucky board I guess but I really think coming to this help site helps. I usually post for luck. And could we please quit snipping at each other? I for one appreciate the tips. Sometimes I'm lucky but usually I struggle and get frustrated like we all do. Good luck.

dirty vegas said...

I got a fantastic lucky board two sprinkles fell together and hey presto ,I cleared the board on my second try such a welcome change for me getting it so early ,now on 1251 and it's a lot harder ...

Anonymous said...

These sorts of levels leave me shaking my head. Get a sprinkle next to a stripe and delay setting it off until I have the same as both stripe colours on each side. Make a move in the outside lane to bring 2 reds down (my stripe colour) then the sprinkle blows up for no reason, unless two stripes managed to be made on the conveyor and also managed to be combined to let off, not bad 3 things to happen in 1 move.
Is it a glitch or a ploy to make money ? my guess is the latter.
Guess I will eventually get allowed to pass. But I must ask why bother with this sort of game ?

Anonymous said...

When is level 1251 coming on the ipad.....I have been waiting weeks. I have it on my iPhone........weird.

Anonymous said...

You folks that feel the need to snipe at others who get through a level before you do need to get a grip... Whether or not you agree with what they say, there's no sense in showing your backside like that. What does that gain you? Last time I checked, this was a *game*... if it's not fun for you anymore then stop playing. The rest of us appreciate their take on how a particular board works.

Anon lafy said...

I finally got this. It wasn't all that easy! If you can't match the keys quickly, you run out of lives. That happened several times. I got the second fruit down on my last 'go'. Onwards and upwards!

Thank you Miss Cookie for all your tips. Thank you also to players who share their experiences.

LynnR said...

Does anyone know when the new levels are coming to android?

Anonymous said...

4th try. Get rid of all the keys and was lucky enough to move a stripe to a speckle and blew away the fruit.

Rob Mason
Banner Elk, NC

Bill. said...

Cleared the keys wrapped plus striped candy cleared one fruit then vertical striped candy cleared the other fruit.

Cat said...

Easy level.

1st try no boosters.

Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Too bad the fish booster is not available on this one. Don't have any lollypop hammers left on my PC. Started with a coconut wheel to get one of the fruit. With one move to go I was able to use my last red hand to line up a candy ball with a striped purple candy. I had two purple candies under the second fruit, and was hoping that one of them would revert to a vertical stripe. Alas, they both went horizontal. Guess I'll have to play the game on my iPhone if I don't want to wait for a lucky board. I have some hammers on that device, including three I won from finally hitting the jackpot on the daily spin. Been playing the game for just over two years, and had given up any hope of getting a jackpot. So, yeah, that's doable, too.

Anonymous said...

And that's what I did. Started with a coconut wheel and only had to sue one hammer. Onward!

Anonymous said...

Played without success for a couple of days.
Didn't have any hammers in my stash to take the easy option.
Finally got lucky with two chocolate sprinkles side by side, job done.
Next level doesn't look much fun though.
Good luck to you all fellow candy crushers.

GC said...

After numerous tries I was fed up with not getting a single vertical stripe at either end of the columns. I couldn't even get one to match up by crossing it over. I had plenty of stripes and sparkles that would explode by themselves. I only had two hammers left on my iPad so I played it on my phone, which had 4 hammers, so I copped out by using two hammers to release the cherries. I got one star but not bothered.

Good luck everyone.

Anonymous said...

Who gives a damn about the stars? My objective is to get through as many levels as possible. Good Luck everyone!

Anonymous said...

Since I had used up all my hammers when I reached this level, I decided to try a coconut wheel and a chocolate sprinkle ball. That combo worked and I got three stars. I don't care how many stars I get on a level. I just want to get it completed and move on to the next one.

Anonymous said...

Damn, I have no hammers left.

Spike said...

No boosters left for me and have played this terrible level a few times to no avail, start again until lives are gone. Doesn't seem doable to me.