Candy Crush Saga Level 1257

How to pass level 1257, hints and tips by Allina Rumfelt
 You have to use the frog hiding in the chocolate to clear the jelly.  The licorice blocks any line blasts coming from the conveyor belt area so I wouldn't even try.  
The goals are to break into the left side of the board, enlarge the play field and make combos so you can inflate the frog and use him to clear the jelly.   
You only get 3 spaces to start this off so you have to take any opportunity to ding the blockers.   Once the frog is exposed chances are you only have a few lives left so try to zap him with a chocolate bomb so he expands quickly.  
Once I had the larger play field seems I got a lot of chocolate bombs from the cascades so took a little bit of luck to pass this level.
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PeterB said...

You don't need to use the frog. I had the fortune to firstly get a stripe/wrapped combo to clear one level and then two chocolate sprinkles side by side that cleared the second level. got it out second try. 3 stars no boosters 81,500 points.

Anonymous said...

This is not an easy level. I have been trying for two days and have not been able to move the frog. To the blogger above, congrats! I am hoping for a lucky board soon.

Anonymous said...

Not a difficult level, got it through in the third try. Make heaps of wrap and stripe combo. I used the frog to clear the jelly and still got three moves left.

Ultramum said...

Five tries so far ... Cleared the frog once with two moves left ... Suspect this is another case of waiting for a lucky board ...

Anonymous said...

Got lucky..combined 2 sprinkles!

Anonymous said...

Just use a fish booster if you have one. The fish ate all the jelly in about 6 moves.

Laurie said...

Fish booster worked first time!

Laurie said...

Fish booster worked first time!

Anonymous said...

Noo, unless you're stuck here too long, don't use any booster! What's fun in that? It is doable. If I could beat it without any boosters you can too:) just make whole lots of special candies.

Anonymous said...

I've finally decided that some levels are just stupid and boring and I want to move on. On those levels, I use boosters freely so I can get to levels that are more fun--not easier, just more fun. Levels that require 99% luck and make you spend game after game with zero choices on moves and zero chance of strategy make no sense to me and I've got better things to do with my time.

Having said that, I just started this level. Obviously, it's frustrating enough that I turned to help boards, but I haven't quite decided to give it the kiss of death.

Anonymous said...

I agree. After a few tries, if the level is just plain boring and a booster will do it I'm moving on!

CC from vero 😎

Anonymous said...

Fish booster worked for me...

Anonymous said...

Used up every single booster I had--3 fishes, chocolates, hand switches, hammer, combos. All wasted. Can't get past this #!$&# level. I HATE when the only way you can pass is with a lucky board. I very seldom use the boosters and now when I need them they are worth nothing. I am done for a while. I can't take the aggravation.

Jennifer said...

I hated this board and found it unbelievably frustrating. I hate the stupid licorice, and never thought there were enough moves. Then I got lucky with two chocolate bombs next to each other, which cleared the board. There is only one layer of jelly, so either this, or the frog will work. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Fish booster is the obvious cheat but I like to try the conventional way a good few times. But yeah, jelly fish worked once I got bored with doing it "properly"!

Anonymous said...

fish booster was a waste of time....I got exactly one.

Anonymous said...

I was getting frustrated with this level; never enough moves, cascades suddenly stopping as I started clearing the board. Then I suddenly got 2 chocolate sprinkles next to each other and that's all she wrote. One star and happy to be past this one.

Unknown said...

I've tried the fish booster a few times now and have only gotten 1 fish the entire time. Lame

Anon lafy said...

Oh WOW!!!!! How lucky was I???? On my third go, I got two sprinkles next to each other and off went all the jelly - 18 moves left, three stars!!!!! I can't believe it!!!!

Anonymous said...

On this level you don't worry about the liquorice.
Work on clearing the frog then sprinkles fall so bash one on same colour as frog then click frog on the 9 below liquorice.
You don't need to clear all the stuff on the left hand side. Just the 9 bottom right.

Anonymous said...

Fish booster was wasted. Tried 4 times and got only one. Stupid level which could be enjoyable without the liquorice. Boring!!!! Btw, the previous level was fun and gave me a chance to gather many sugar candies and boosters. Grace from DU

Anonymous said...

hate having to wait for a lucky board! these levels are almost impossible without them!

Bling59 said...

First time with little effort using fish booster.

Bill. said...

Quite enjoyable. Break into the bricks then wrapped candy very useful in releasing the frog.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, if you get any moves to break the blocks! Lucky you....

Anonymous said...

Seriously? I get the frog out several times but run out of moves before he gets fat!

Anonymous said...

Let me use the frog!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hit 2 chocolate bombs together. Game over !!!

Anonymous said...

c/candycrush here
Strange level, I didn't like it.
Most turns came nowhere near even releasing froggie, let alone getting through.

You obviously need to try clearing the left so you can make combos, stripes alone are useless.
On about my 10th game the system threw me 2 colour balls next to each other. Game done!! No need for frogs but then again, no feeling of achievement either.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the fishy advice. I tried the conventional way and came close but not enough to clear the jelly. Fish worked the first time.

Laurel said...

It seems that the higher up you go in this game the more boards you get that depend on luck not skill. Seems so unfair that we've made it to this level and so many times its just a roll of the dice. Kind of boring...

Anonymous said...

After about 6 tries, I got lucky, two sprinkles appeared side by side with 6 moves left. Onward! Lol

Laura S. said...

Agree with above comments about fish booster being a waste. One fish per game doesn't help and just wastes them. Have to wait for the lucky board.

GC said...

After numerous tries over three days almost, I played on my phone last night and got it on my third try. With only two moves left I managed to get the frog full on last but one move, I didn't think i would succeed with only the last move, but after placing the frog smack bang in the middle of the jelly it cleared the whole lot. Phew!
I hunk the problem here is getting to the frog, and filling him up too.

Good luck everyone.

Anonymous said...

This level is pretty much impossible without using a fish booster. Made it first try with that. There is no way you're going to expose the frog with so few moves! Stripe/wrap combos don't even help as the licorice blocks them.

Anonymous said...

Fish booster does not work. First time I got two sets of fish and had two jellies left. Second time I had one set of fish. this isn't enough to clear.

Anonymous said...

Playing on iPad - 3 times I have managed to grow the frog, but as soon as I try to place him in the middle of the jelly, the app shuts down. What is that about?

Anonymous said...

Yikes! Come on lucky board 😳

Anonymous said...

This level has a bug, every time I try to move the frog, the game crashes. 6 times so far. So frustrating!

Unknown said...

I have had the same problem with this level. I have managed to grow the frog twice but when I try to move it the game completely shuts down. Now what??!

Calousco said...

Exactly the same - I've grown the frog at least 6 times on iPad and phone and each time app shuts down as I go to use the frog!!! Very frustrated!!

Anonymous said...

I am having the same issue - this is the 2nd level where activating the frog crashes the game. Come on King. Why are we having to wait so long for these things to be fixed??

Trapeze said...

Using the frog makes the app crash. Seems king can't solve this bug, since it's in several levels

Unknown said...

Fish Booster.

One fish = 3 jelly

I got 3 fish = 9 jelly

9 jelly = done

You do of course need to match the fish, so there is a little bit of work.

Anonymous said...

Cleared 2nd try. Used fish booster, they only took out 2 jellies at a time for a total of 6. Made stripe/color bomb and had 2 jellies and 5 moves left. Used 2 hammers and done. Here is a critique for the proper and bored player. If you need to dig a ditch the proper way is to use a shovel. But if you had access to a backhoe which would you use? Have a nice proper day.

kat said...

Why do most people here seem to be getting more than one fish booster per game? I don't understand; I've used a fish booster now in three or four tries and never got more than a single one!!! Is this a laptop vs phone thing - I am playing on my lappy...
Oh and for those saying "just make lots of special candies" - yeah well I'd love to if I could!!! Thanks for the great advice!!

luckylau said...

ok..some levels are pure luck..before I know it i'm down to 2 lives by the time I even get to the frog..and then its too late to combo him up..another level i'll be on for weeks I guess....

Unknown said...

I have eventually managed to get the frog fat but when I try to place him on the jelly he won't move!!!

Unknown said...

Should have completed this level twice now but for some reason it will not let me place the frog on any of the jellies . Has anyone else had this problem?

Anonymous said...

Please get me out of this level

Anonymous said...

The Frog will not jump onto the jellies for me either. I had this happen on another board that many people used the frog to jump to a separate section. Seems like I will have to resort to other methods.

Anonymous said...

Use the fish whenever possible. You do not need the frog.

AngelS said...

Got it second try. Cleared the left side using whatever special candies I could, and they exposed the frog and built him up then moved him to the center of the 9 squares and he took them all out. No need to clear all of the squares on the left.

Anonymous said...

I played this for 2 weeks with varying sucess but never wining. I just achieved this in a very simple way. Aim to get 2 wrapped candies together low down and in between the 2 large squares. This blows them both open in one go and activates both hammers. Won in 10 turns.

Anonymous said...

Literally right after I looked at this post I lucked out and got two chocolate bombs side by side. I need to just come straight to this site next time, lol.

Anonymous said...

Just use nine lollipop hammers and move on from a completely uninteresting level.

Alessandra said...

This level is purely Designed to make you buy extra moves
There’s no way to get to frog AND feed him with such limited moves

Dumb level. Boring

What happened to the fun I used to have playing this ??

All levels now rely 100% on boosters.

Glory said...

After several tries used a Fish booster and completed the level.
Not enough moves to grow the Frog.

Anonymous said...

Stuck for 2 days Finally got a fish booster and won in 3 moves lol

Snoozin said...

Once again your tips helped. I worked on clearing the left side of the board with stripes and wraps. Got down to a few moves and managed to clear and grow the frog. Had ONE move left, put the frog in the middle of the jellies on the bottom right and VOILE....on my last move I won. Maybe only got one star, but who cares....I'm outta here! Thanks for the help.

Anonymous said...

Been working on this for days now! I've yet to uncover the frog--try as I do ! Never enough moves! Help! to get

SeniorLass said...

Man, I didn't know about the frog and I'm on Level 1257 … I know that's not very high but you'd think I would have caught on to that by now … :/ Does anyone know the site you go to, to find out what each candy does?

SeniorLass said...
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