Candy Crush Saga Level 1484

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1484 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie. 
Level 1484 Candy Crush Saga is classified as a hard level so you can expect to lose a few lives before you manage to pass it and with only 12 moves it can be tricky.
You need to unlock and collect the three ingredients which are already on the board, as well as clearing the spawners from the bottom.
It is possible to complete the level without destroying the spawners, but quite a challenge as they are constantly spawning chocolate as well as blocking the exits for the fruit.
By far the best combo to open up the board is a double colour bomb, but not so easy to make.
Stripes, wraps and combos of those will do the job.
Once the board opens up a bit this can be a fun level to play as there are only 4 colours so cascades are common and long! You will probably need to take advantage of cascades to clear the way for the ingredients to drop.

Video below by Lisa
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1484 Mobile version.
You need to collect cream blockers to complete the mobile version of level 1484.
There are not enough blockers on the board to begin with so you need the spawners to give you more.
BUT, if you don't remove one of the spawners the blockers will take over the board before you get a chance to collect them all.
You need to clear the spawner in the middle as soon as possible by using stripe/wrap combois, some of which are locked in the middle of the board.
Two wrapped candies switched together are also very good at hitting the spawners.
Once the middle spawner is gone you need to keep a close eye on the bombs as well as making combos to clear the blockers.
Level 1484 is very much harder on mobile so if you have access to a PC it may be a good idea to try to pass it on that.


Anonymous said...

Yes, you don't need to clear all the spawners - I managed it with one left......................

Anonymous said...

I never got the last ingredient.

Anonymous said...

Passed on second go. Used two lots of packets together on both sides, had all 3 fruits near the bottom then lots of cascades helped clear all 3 bottom spawners in one go. Lucky board!

Anonymous said...

Try to shift the 2 corner fruits from the edge so that do not have to clear the spawners at all or else may not have enough moves to clear this level.

Thresa said...

Looked hard but Fun Level. 1st try.

Anonymous said...

This is not the same level on iPhone!

Unknown said...

This is a candy order level on my iPad. T

stephanie said...

On my iPhone too

AnnetteP said...

On my IPad I have to clear 150 creams. This does not show what my board shows.

Catgirl said...

Clearly completely different game on mobile to PC! What's the point in that King?

AnnetteP said...

I am on level 1484.

Catgirl said...

I don't understand why it's a different game? Blog States it's easier on the PC so might try there instead of mobile device :(

Catgirl said...

Yup, same here...

Catgirl said...

So, you clear the spawners and then it can't make cream, of which you have to clear 150! But if you don't clear the spawners then the cream blockers take over the board! Tricky! Tried clearing just one spawner, then tried again clearing two, still no luck.. Beginning to think this is currently impossible on mobile. Oh and WHY are mobile levels not only more difficult, but why do we have to wait so long for them? When I go to my PC there's several higher levels than the final one on mobile... Why?

Anonymous said...

Impossible to win without boosters. I won't even say how many I used (ipad) because I'm embarrassed. Just know that it took me at least 15 games using all the boosters available. This will be the last game like this I'll play. If there are any more I'll have to bid you all adieu. Can't deal with the aggravation.

Anonymous said...

1480 and 1484 on pc have been switched around on mobile and iPad which is what is causing all the confusion. I completed 1480 on my iPad without too much bother so as 1484 is the same game as that one on pc will try it there as suggested.

Anonymous said...

1484 is quite a fun level on pc. I used a coconut wheel to open up the board and then combos formed easily to zap the spawners and get the ingredients down. If you are having trouble with iPad version then pc is the way to go before King realize their mistake!

Anonymous said...

Just got all the ingredients, ticks on both. Removed all the spawners. Got over 600,000 score and it failed saying one more ingredient needed???

Ultramum said...

Obviously need to fire the PC up tomorrow

Catgirl said...

Don't even bother trying this on mobile. It's easy on the PC, a totally different game in fact! I used a coconut wheel and passed it first time...

Anonymous said...

Level 1484 on IPad is nothing but clearing creams... 150 of them what you show as hints is not the same board.. Heading to a different game for awhile cause not possible at this time... Good luck to all!

Michelle said...

I do not have the option of I guess I will never pass....this sucks

Michelle said...

I do not have the option of I guess I will never pass....this sucks

Anonymous said...

After wasting a lot of boosters, I got this on my phone using no boosters. So it can be done. I never cleared the spawners either. The key is to keep enough cleared to just keep going. It's easy to panic and start chipping as the spawners grow but it's better to make specials, even if you lose ground, because they clear more cream.

Anonymous said...

On iPad, I've knocked out the middle spawner, got lots of combos and still can't hit the number!!Grrr

CC from Vero

Anonymous said...

On I pad it does suck!! Not even close!!

Crushed said...

Once again a different version on PC than mobile. Guess I'm off to send yet another email to king asking WTF.

Anonymous said...

The 1476-90 series is the worst ever (well at least up to 1484 where I'm stuck).

So many moves without an option and resets. All down to luck; a little soul destroying.

I wonder if this is the influence of King's new owner, Activision.

Anonymous said...

We've had more difficult versions on iPhone before, but this is the first time I've seen bloggers saying we're playing an entirely different game.

Loses all the integrity of having played every level. Is Activision trying to destroy CC?

I don't think I would be happy transferring the game to a PC to miss out a difficult level, but 1484 on iPhone is boring as hell.

Send the email Crushed.

Anonymous said...

On iPad absolutely ridiculous! Not even close! No PC to use! I love the game but gotta say this might be the last level for me!!

Anonymous said...

I too am having a ridiculous time passing this level on my iPad. I went to my PC and now it is the same as iPad with the 150 cremes! Woe is me! Good luck everyone!

Anonymous said...

On IPad I've tried no booster; all 3 boosters - got down to 1 cream once but no moves left.
For those who beat me his , did you find that working sides was only way to get enough??
I find so many of my combos are in the middle and don do much damage!

CC from vero

Annonymous said...

Passedon phone. Took about 8 or 10 tries. No boosters. 2 stars. Good luck! LA

Anonymous said...

Playing the mobile version - had a 2 hour unlimited play (from the treasure chests) and after 1.5 hours on and off, and thinking I would never get anywhere, I suddenly had sugar crush. I did have several striped/wrapped combos,which I guess must have done it. All 3 spawners were still there at the end.

Anonymous said...

Completed this on the iPad after 2 days. Used no boosters to start the game but used 2 hammers on my last move to set up a combination to get the last 3 blockers! My only advice is to watch those bombs and look for combinations that get the most blockers. Tough round but I stuck it out on the iPad ..... Maybe now I will try it on my pc.

Anonymous said...

Don't waste your time on Ipad or phine. It is near impossible! Go right to PC. I tried on ipad for days and then went to my PC and passed on 1st try with no boosters.

Anonymous said...

Don't waste your time on Ipad or phine. It is near impossible! Go right to PC. I tried on ipad for days and then went to my PC and passed on 1st try with no boosters.

Anonymous said...

Thought I was losing it when I read the hints!, What fruit??? Playing on iPad, you have to clear 150 creams! Totally impossible, spawners or bombs get you very quickly!! Guess I'll just move on to another game till this level is tweaked! Grrrrrrr.......

Anonymous said...

I finally managed to complete this ridiculous level on my iPad using a hand switch with 11 moves to spare & a 3 star rating. No real skill required in this stupid level, just a lot of luck.

Mantygirl said...

One of the worst levels. Took me a week and finally beat it, using just a hammer to set up my final move. Obviously there is no sense when it come to when levels are rated hard.

Anonymous said...

On my tablet level 1480 and level 1484 were identical. I did not get a board like this. I may be lucky!

Anonymous said...

I posted above about my level 1480 and 1484 being the same level and never getting the board shown above at all. I have gone back and looked through the comments. All the iPad users are complaining. Hint spend less by a Samsung Galaxy and you won't be punished for your vanity of thinking you are buying the "best" device....haha! :)

Anonymous said...

By the way my 1480 and 1484 are both the fruit levels. 3 fruits not one as mentioned above and easy to beat with no boosters. I beat both levels plus those in between within 15 minutes. I never got the cream level people are referring to above.

frustrated said...

Is it just my phone or is this the same game as 1480 i completed this leavel only 4 leavels ago . I double checked to be sure. And it is the same game.����������

Bill. said...

Certainly a fruit level on Pc. Double wrapped candy cleared the middle section then straightforward.

Anonymous said...

It's a fruit level on my Ipad. Finished it easily on first try....must be my lucky day.
Good luck everyone.

LynnR said...

On Kindle Fire I have to clear cream. It's not as hard as it looks. Try to clear one spawner and let the other two make cream for you to clear. Be sure to keep an eye on the bombs. The spawners will clear some of the bombs for you.

Lucky me said...

Think this must have been changed now, playing on iPad used a coconut wheel and it was game over , three stars, not a problem

Susan said...

I lucked out and got this on my first try with over a million score!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip.

Anonymous said...

My board on PC is nothing like any of the previous comments. 25 moves to get 3 fruit - very little room to make moves as most of the board is covered in liquorice. And chocolate in liquorice. And 18 move bombs. Oh, and if you manage to get a fruit free - there's also 3 spawners. Impossible level grrrrr

Anonymous said...

I used a coconut wheel and sprinkle booster. Reset until one was on top of the other, touched together, and whole board opens up with all the horizontal stripes that are made. Easy afetr that. Suzie.

Anonymous said...

even boring this level why???

Anonymous said...

This level updaten becaus it never ends

Denise said...

I passed this on my iPhone the first time. I guess it's because I had a coconut wheel.

Anonymous said...

I cleared the middle spawner & got 2 sprinkles together & set them off to open the remaining 2 fruit in the corners...It did not open them...Am I missing something??????

Boffo said...

Used a color bomb combined with a wrapped booster. Kept resetting the board until I got a favorable color match up. Took out the spawners in 2 moves. Level is a bunch of crap.

AlvaroGerardo said...

Used a coconut wheel and it worked wonders, the spawners never had a chance and the three fruit reunited at the bottom with no interference. Those wheels just kept showing up.

Unknown said...

hello! i have only 12 mowies in this level????

Unknown said...

I too only got 12 moves, second time in past week. That is level 1469 and now 1484. This sucks.

Anonymous said...

12 moves? Not going to happen!

Anonymous said...

Only 12 moves for me also. The video shows 25. Not quite the same!!! Not liking this at all.

Kevin said...

I think this is a bug. This stage is impossible with 12 moves unless you get super lucky and get two color bombs side by side somehow. Otherwise the only possibity is to use a confetti canon which is how I passed it. Regular boosters is not enough.

Anonymous said...

I’m done until this 12 move glitch is fixed. It’s not possible with only 12 moves.

Unknown said...

With 12 moves it's impossible helllllllllp

Unknown said...

Once again, the goalposts are moved!!!!25 moves down to 12. Come on, King, what's going on??

Unknown said...

The demo says 25 moves, however I only see 12 moves when I play. Impossible with 12 moves!!!

Unknown said...

Just wasted all 3 boosters in one game at the same time.where did i get?nowhere.sooo wasted.stupid level.ok,im done.that it for me,sooooo stupid level

Unknown said...

Just wasted all 3 boosters in one game at the same time.where did i get?nowhere.sooo wasted.stupid level.ok,im done.that it for me,sooooo stupid level

Unknown said...

Just wasted all 3 boosters in one game at the same time.where did i get?nowhere.sooo wasted.stupid level.ok,im done.that it for me,sooooo stupid level

Unknown said...

Only 12 moves. Impossible! Hate this level. I refuse to spend all my money to win.

Dutchie said...

Anyone completed this in 12 moves?

Dutchie said...

Please fix.

Linda Stroope said...

This is probably the end of Candy Crush for me. Absolutely no way to beat this level in only 12 moves. Impossible !!!

kdmask said...

Ok so does anyone know how to get King on this . ... it’s apparent it’s a glitch because why would the bombs be set at 18? Come on!!

Unknown said...

I give up, can't do it in 12 moves.

Snoozin said...

OK - here's what you have to do. Play until you get a lucky board. It took me about a week. Didn't use any boosters. I did pay attention to the hints given by CC. Early during my winning game I was given a choc sprinkle ball that could be combined with a striped candy. Then a couple of moves later another choc. ball combined with a strip was available and was finally over. Good luck with getting a lucky board.

Cmitch said...

Very aggravating.

Unknown said...

So bogus—the premise that three fruits must be inidividually unlocked and moved to avold the spawners is asinine, but to do it in 12 moves is so clearly a ploy to entice frustrated players to spend money that it is actually laughable ! I don’t mind challenges, but being set up in this manner is actually insulting since it cannot be achieved in the moves allowed.

Anonymous said...

I don't care what anybody says, this level is not passable without vast quantities of boosters and extra moves. I actually don't know how long I've been on this but it's at least 3 days and I'm ready to quit ccs.

Kate said...

Please help!

Unknown said...

this level is the worst need a very lucky board please.