Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1603 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Allina Rumfelt
One of the coconut wheels will take care of the 6 keys you need to open up the chocolate spinners. Just make sure the blockers to their sides are clear so you can swipe in the direction needed to hit the keys. Collecting the chocolates are easy. Collecting the 60 blues and 60 greens takes some work. Chocolate bombs and green or blue candies are the combo of choice. There are 5 colors on the board so you have to really look hard for those set ups.
Tips by Cookie
I found the chocolate the hardest to collect on level 1603, I rarely managed to use the coconut wheels to clear the keys, I collected the keys using colour bombs.
Whichever way you do it, the keys have to be collected as soon as possible. Then you need to allow the chocolate to grow while you are collecting the colours. I find on these kinds of levels it's easiest to ignore the colours and just make as many specials and combos as you can and the colours you need will be collected anyway.
Remember the chocolate will not grow on the next move if you clear any, so if there is not enough on the board you will need to avoid it until you have what you need.
Video below by Johnny Crush
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Need to get the coconut wheels working asap then chocolate plus striped candy to get the green and blue candy.
On my android it's 20 stripes instead of the green candy,10 chocolate and 70 blue. With moves given I can't come close!!
Hi it's incredible but this level is different in iPad and Iphone, much easier in iPad, in my iPHone it asks for 20 stripes and 70 blue, in mi Ipad i'ts the same as in Pc
This level is very difficult on Android (didn't try it on the iPad) and much easier on the computer. Was not even close to getting it on Android, as the blues and the stripes were difficult to get since getting a colour bomb on the cramped board is not easy. On the other hand on the computer, it was much easier and got it on the first try.
Why are so many levels different between the computer and on mobile?
If you use the striped and wrapped candy booster and reset until they are together in the middle, it is easier.
What a pain this level was. On Iphone 30 stripes along with the chocolate and blues are required. Seemed impossible without boosters, especially stripes so I used all 3 boosters and finished with 1 move remaining. Not easy.
Just posting for luck. I've tried several games on the PC and a bunch on the iPad with boosters. Two totally different games but haven't come close on either. Blues and greens on PC. Stripes and blues on iPad. Oh and I used a check mark boosters and got one blue. Big deal.
Posting for luck always helps. Got it the next go round with the help of a stripe wrap booster I'd earned. Good luck.
I'm afraid this is just being lucky. At the time I started it again by mistake (didn't want to continue being useless anyway) I had it. iPhone with no boosters at all. Just lucky, lucky, lucky. Keys need to be collected when at least 13 moves left. Otherwise just reboot. Sorry for not being helpful.
Got this on the PC, easier there again!
Not managing this on either PC or ipad - although the chocolate is easier on the PC - just not enough combos - lucky board situation again as far as I can see...
Both phone and PC are now 20 stripe, 10 chocolate and 70 blue.
Finding this level nearly impossible on either host.
I need stripes, chocolates, and blues .. this is brutal ... have finished stripes and chocolate 15 times, but not enough blues on the board!
For those of you who have striped, blue and chocolate, the only hope is a color bomb stripe. Another level with chance the predominant factor. Wish hints on this site would include options for all players on all devices.
I think this is one of those levels where King kept changing the requirements. As of today, on an iPhone, it's 20 stripes, 10 chocolates and 70 blue candies. I'm still getting the free wrapped candy on every level today and I don't know if it's that or just plain luck but I got through this on my 4th or 5th try. I think that if you can't get one of the coconut wheels open and able to be swiped under the keys with at least 20 moves left you should just start again. Unless you're incredibly lucky you're not going to have enough moves to collect the necessary items. For me the blue candies were the hang-up. I finally got a board where they were falling pretty freely and that did it. I don't know if it was just this time, or just luck but I found that if I could make any combos and create small cascades, I was getting blue candies. If you get to use both coconut wheels, even if you have to use one in the wrong direction, you'll get a lot of your striped candies out of the way. I was never able to match a striped candy or color bomb with one of the coconut wheels but if your really stuck and have the extra boosters that would certainly help too.
Another stupid level!
Different again on PC. Only 28 moves and different amounts to collect. Hints aren't helpful when they don't apply to the same game.
Here's something new. My first three tries (yes, in a row) the screen came up and said no more possible moves. No shuffle, nothing. I just lost three in a row due to "no possible moves" without ever making a move.
Rob in Banner Elk, NC
My board says 20 stripes 10 chocolate and 70 blues. Seems impossible with a small area to try and make 20 stripes. How can they have it so different. Should be the same no matter what you playing on.
I only tried the game on my PC. As has been noted by earlier posters, you need to free up the middle of the board so that you can use the coconut wheels to get the keys so that you can free up the chocolate spawners, with at least 11 moves left (as you need to get ten chocolates). They only spawn one per turn, and if you get a chocolate, you have to skip one turn before they start spawning again. And then, of course, you need enough turns to collect 10 chocolates. And also hope you get lucky enough to pair a candy ball with a striped candy to collect the 20 stripes you need. And get 70 blue candies. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure that anyone who has made it to this level quickly figured all of this out. I consider myself very lucky to have gotten it on my third turn. I mean, knowing what to do is not the same as being able to do it. It seems I got my lucky board early.
My comment just above was unclear "If you get a chocolate..." It would have made more sense to have written "If you collect a chocolate...". But again, having played over 1600 levels you all know what I meant. ;-)
It isn't the same game on the computer either. Why do they have to change it after awhile? Just leave it the same.
These higher levels are getting tedious now. They are ridiculously hard and it's just a ploy to get you to spend. Where's all the fun gone?
Su fu@ked up. I'm so sick of the levels I get stuck on for weeks. I don't see getting all the stripes. Just not happening.
Can't even get close need help please
Candy Crush, please change this level to be green candy from stripes. It's next to impossible to get the stripes. I have an android phone and a PC and both are the same. 32 and 28 colours are a ton easier than 70 blue and 20 stripes...seriously!!!
I started with a color bomb and stripe/wrap booster and reset until the bomb and stripe were together. It didn't take as many resets as usual because of the lack of space on the board. This gave me half the stripes I needed and also hit most of the keys. I used both coconut wheels getting more stripes that way. The chocolate spread and collecting them wasn't a problem and then concentrated on the blues. I think I was able to get it because starting with color bomb and stripe I had so many moves left.
OMG I just got a level on the first try!!! That almost NEVER happens!!
Wow I really need some luck for this one 😢!
Just another stinker in a long line of stinkers that Cc have changed to make our lives more miserable. Good luck to them as they keep driving players away by doing this. You really wonder why you bother with this game when they keep altering the levels. PLAY FAIR CC!!!!!
No wonder why many people stop playing this! Get to all comments on different sites, they are all in 2016, hello???? We are in the year of 2017!! So, no one is playing this game anymore? Well, i am not surprised! If you want to play for fun, don't play CC or another kingsize game!!!
To be honest, i don't care about this game. To be honest i fed up with kingsize games, so ..... CC another player you lose!
Thats why i dont play this game often! Boring boring boring. All the time playing the same game? No Way.
This is a nightmare!!!!!!
Luck is always the way on Candy Crush. Oh well I will keep waiting😏
Used sprinkle and stripe/wrap boosters and reset until the sprinkle and a green wrap were together. That exploded the green key which got all the other keys. Used the coconut wheels to get stripes and got lucky to get a sprinkle and blue stripe together. Made matches away from chocolate so it could grow. Finished with 3 stars and 7 moves left.
Sucks - like most of them at this level.
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ suckers
Beastly level
Wasted 2 check mark boosters- impossible!
Need some luck !
Got it on first try - plenty of moves left - easy level
Yet another stupid level dependant on geting a lucky board. Why do I bother?
Posting for luck here! I manage to get all the chocolate & sometimes the stripes as well but can't seem to get enough blue candy with the moves we have.Been on it for more than a week..... So Boring......
Hard to get all 3. Luck needed
This is the most brainless level ever, this is sheer garbage: Just these senseless, stupid and not enough moves without any boosters. No strategy, no tactics, just stupid moves and new mixing. I don't feel like it anymore, that's just frustration. You don't get however any cent from me 😬
I can give you a proof screenshot of this bullshit 😠
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