Candy Crush Saga Level 1612.

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1612 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You will need to clear the Evil Spawners from along the top of the board, there are jellies under them but when they explode they will take any jelly with them. If you don't destroy them fairly quickly they will keep spawning licorice into the spaces between which makes it almost impossible to clear the jelly until the spawners are destroyed..
Vertical stripes and especially stripe/wrap combos repeatedly fired at the spawners will eventually clear them.
Colour bomb/stripe combos can be useful, but get as many candies of the stripe colour on the board before you switch them.
A double colour bomb combo is excellent as it will clear a layer of everything off the board and also give you a hit on all the spawners.
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Anonymous said...

There are NO jellies under the spawners. After about 20 times playing this level, I chose to use a jelly fish booster (along with a color bomb, but not sure if the color bomb was a huge help). The jelly fish did go after the spawners but also the jelly in between. I actually passed the level by activating a couple of fish I had on the board at the same time which just happened to knock out all of the jelly on the top leaving the spawners still chugging away. Once the rest of the jelly on the bottom was cleared, I moved on with about 20 moves to spare. Figure I've stockpiled enough boosters so might as well use them.

Anonymous said...

There IS jelly under the spawners. The counter thing tells me so, also I've cleared between but not the spawners and not won. This level is driving me crazy. I've used up several fish trying to get it.

jonithorne said...

Played at least 50 times. Not even close.

Anonymous said...

If you finished this level without clearing the spawners, it's because your fish ate the jelly underneath. I finally used a bunch of hammers. This level is death.

Lucia said...

This level cannot be done. Except by Cookie, of course.

Anonymous said...

This level is close to impossible without using the fish booster. But then it is quite easy. The first time I used the fish booster I finished the level with one gelatine left.

Jenchik said...

Persevere - I'd been playing this level for three days and the closest I got was still seven jellies. Absolute nightmare and I had no boosters. In the end, out of the blue, it gave me a lucky board. There's no rhyme or reason to this level, it's not a question of skill or strategy, just pure luck. Hope you all get a lucky board soon.

Bill. said...

Used fish to clear jelly under spawners. Therefore there was no need to eliminate them. Lucky board more than anything.

Brux said...

You definitely need the fish to clear this level. Without, i didn't even come close to finish.

Anonymous said...

Horrible level!! 2 days no!!

Anonymous said...

Had to use one of the free flying saucer booster which was given this morning when I opened the game. That plus a free fish booster (which is a tip given in previous comments) from the start did it for me. Did they gave us that booster this morning because a lot of us where badly stuck at this level?

Bill. said...

The real Bill. Clear the bottom jelly asap, you need a fish bonus to get the top jelly. I used two free ufo which got rid of the last piece of jelly and the spawners.

Anonymous said...

The "real" Bill? Do you realize you are not the ONLY Bill in the world?

Unknown said...

Day 3 on this level. Never cleared more than one spawner. I wonder why this isn't considered a 'hard' level.

CC from vero said...

Keep at it oldtimer!

Anonymous said...

the key for me was to realize that fish DO clear the jelly under the spawners without blowing up the spawners. once I knew that made it on the first try because i wasn't concentrating on the spawners...just whatever jelly was leftover....and maybe I got a luckier board too...but who knows....that fact made a diff for me

Anonymous said...

Yes. You're right. This level is horrible!! I've been stuck for days. Closest I got was 3 jellies left. What's worse is that I have a bunch of boosters on my phone but can only play on laptop until King does update. Wasted way too much time on this rotten level!!!

Anonymous said...

I've been on this level for days. I finally listened to some comments here and used a fish booster. Passed it the first time.

Anonymous said...

The level seems impossible as each time I clear a licorice in the top row, a spawner somewhere immediately fills it. This makes clearing the top using conventional approaches almost impossible. In one try, I had two colour bomb/colour bomb combos and two more stripe/wrap combos and one colour bomb/stripe combos, but it was not enough. I got two spawners, but still had four jellies left on the board. Thus, I gave in and used the fish booster, and that worked (getting fish twice adjacent to a colour bomb helped). This level seems to be virtually impossible without boosters, especially the fish booster.

Bill. said...

I had to use the fish booster and the wrap/stripe booster to pass this level. Tip: don't use the fish until the main board has been cleared because the fish will only clear Jelly on the main board before it hits the ones up top!

Anonymous said...

Evil level.
Been on it at least 4 days. Used up all my fish.
In the end I got a board which gave me 3 chocolate bombs combined with stripes and still had to use 3 hammers to get the final spawner at the top,

Anonymous said...

How do you get the flying saucer?

Anonymous said...

Spawners at the ipad app are not even affected when it is hit twice in a row by stripes! Straight away creates liqorice. Used the fish boosters as well and it doesn't go after the spawners even I have cleared all the jellies!

Cat said...

Got lucky without boosters- A little short first try. On second, concentrated on opening the board (vs. hitting spawners) asap, then creating choc ball/stripe combos, which I got very lucky with. They got the spawners, and a final choc ball got the remaining top jellies. Good luck to all.

Catgirl said...

Tried every booster and used up
All my fish! Closest I've been is 7 remaining.

Catgirl said...

No sooner do you clear the liquorice, it reforms immediately so no chance to
Clear jelly on the top row at all, even with fish 😢

CC from vero said...


Anonymous said...

Ok troll

Bill. said...

This level can shive off!!
No idea how to attack it. Bloody boring!

Anonymous said...

I am so sick of this "real Bill" crap. I think your some kind of nut. Please stop. Your ruining this useful CC tool for everyone.

carlton said...

No jellies at the bottom yet the fish are not going to the top to attack the jellies below the spawners. Is it possible that the licorice blocks the fish?

carlton said...

No jellies at the bottom yet the fish are not going to the top to attack the jellies below the spawners. Is it possible that the licorice blocks the fish?

Anonymous said...

This level is terrible! Playing on an iPad, five colors so it's not even easy to make special candies!! I used up all my fish boosters, so now I have no chance at all..... Twice it gave me one fish the whole game, what's up with that?!? Last week I had to delete the game and reinstall it because it wouldn't open up!! So I lost all my saved boosters and lives!! Thanks King!!!! Getting very bored with getting nowhere, so maybe I'll take a break for a while!! Hopefully King will tweek the game and at least eliminate one color so special candies can be made!!

Mason barge said...

I thought this level was fun. Just used straight combos, stripe/wrap and stripe/chocolate. You can get the in-betweens sometimes before the licorice respawns.

Anonymous said...

"Dummy Up" Anonymous @16:17. The person you keep calling out is the frickin "Troll"!
You are getting to be as annoying as it is!

Bill. said...

Does anyone know how many times you have to hit a spawner before it blows up? Do they have to in a row? Does it vary by level? Why don't spawners shove off?

Anonymous said...

I'm presuming hammers don't clear the jelly under the spawners? What a horrible level...

Anonymous said...

Finally passed. Did not use fish. Had to use 3 hammers to clear one spawner that remained when I was down to one move left. It was worth it.

Anonymous said...

So, if you have to hit spawners 5 times each to get rid this level requires 20 vertical stripes,in the right places & set off in 35 moves. While clearing blockers & jellies in the lower board? Come on King!!!!!!!!!!!!! Absolute joke

Anonymous said...

You folks think this board is rough. Another Hard Level at 1613. Save your boosters for that. Looks rough.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Guys the jellyfish dont help much. They dont spawn much after you clear jelly on the bottom part and if they do they attack the liqurice and not the evil spawners. I shifted to pc and used a ufo booster. Pleasantly surprised to see all 3 wrapped candies from the ufo destroying the evil spawners. Finished with over 20 moves remaining.

Unknown said...

judt passed it in 2 tries. use a coconut wheel. it does the trick easily. King is handing out so many free boosters you gotta use em. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip, I have plenty of those.

Anonymous said...

Oh God! I might just delete CC now!

Unknown said...

Believe me! I feel your pain!! Horrible level😡

SueJ said...

I am hating this level. I used some fish as suggested, but all they do is reclear the liquorice. There is rarely enough time to then get the jelly underneath before the liquorice pops up again. They never seem to go for the jelly under the spawners, which never seem to explode however many times I hit them. I have played and played this level, but am starting to dread the game, as it is so depressing. If my lucky board does not come soon, I may just have to have a CC rest! :(

Catgirl said...

I'm from the UK its liquorice here! 😉. Haven't you got something better to do anyway? For future reference we also use the spelling 'colour'!

Catgirl said...

I've come to the conclusion that there is absolutely no point in playing this level on iPhone until King revise it. I cleared all the jelly, including the ones under the liquorice. It showed 4 jellies were left, under the spawners. I'd already hit one dpawner at least twice with stripes, so as I had quite a few saved hammers, I thought I'd try and see how many hits you needed to explode the dpawner. I used/wasted 3 hammers and it still didn't budge, so after 5 hits it was still there! What's the point?

Anonymous said...

Try harder doll.

Ms. Cookie said...

Watch your language Basant.

Bill. said...

This level can shive off!!!!!

Im bloody retiring.

Anonymous said...

Have used numerous fish and other boosters. My iPhone screen does not offer me the option of a coconut wheel, as mentioned above.
Always, always ending up with 8 jellies left - aaarrghhh.

Bill. said...

Yes. I also do not get to use coco wheels. Not sure what platform you do.

Bill. said...

Yes I also do not get option of using coco wheels.

Zenith said...

Tried a dozen times on the iPhone with no luck and read the comments here. So I played on PC and used fish and flying saucer boosters. Passed in one go! Some levels are just not worth the grief, happy to use boosters as long as I don't have to pay for them.

Anonymous said...

Really IMPOSSIBLE on iPad, used all my fish and I don't have the option to use a coconut wheel so now there is only one solution : i quit!
Ridiculous this!!

Unknown said...

No matter how many times i hot the spawners they won't explode! How can i get rid of them? I will hit them at least 4 times in a game and yet they are still there! AHHHHH!!!!

Unknown said...

No matter how many times i hot the spawners they won't explode! How can i get rid of them? I will hit them at least 4 times in a game and yet they are still there! AHHHHH!!!!

Anonymous said...

I will be able to clear this board if i have 100 moves...

Anonymous said...

(Playing on android.) So frustrating. When I activate a fish, why is it that only one of the three produced goes for the jelly? I'd cleared the main board with 24 moves left, got down to 5 jellies, under spawners and a licorice, then twice got fish boosters, but only one of each trio went for the jellies. Out of 6 freed fish, 2 ate jelly, the other 4 ate random candies on the main board. Ended with 3 jellies remaining under spawners. Quitting for now on my phone so I don't waste all my boosters. I'll try on pc.

Anonymous said...

This level can be passed on the iPad. I used no boosters because after 2 days they made no difference. My strategy was to make as many combinations as possible to hit the spawners. When I got down to 1 spawner and 2 moves left I used a hammer to get rid of the spawner which exploded and took out the jelly beside it. It was a very challenging level and I did try it on my PC but because I didn't have a coconut wheel that others recommended I did no better than on my iPad.

SueJ said...

Another painful day of playing and still no luck! I have used loads of fish, but they just go for the liquorice between the spawners which then immediately refill as I cannot get any stripes ready to catch them uncovered. None of my spawners ever seem to explode and so I can't see a way through. I am not allowed coconut wheels and any other extras would be useless. I am so disappointed to be bowing out on such a horrible level but think I might just have to. :(

Anonymous said...

Ughhhhhh impossible! Used fish to no avail!!!

Bill. said...


Anonymous said...

Hello what is happening to King in cc. Becoming very difficult and frustrating. How did many pass out. May be because of PCs. What will others do. King doesn't have any concern. Do something for us to pass it out.

Anonymous said...

Horrendous level! Think I'll email king to sort it out!

Bill. said...


Thank the Lord!!!!!

Unknown said...

After several attempts on my iPhone I finally tried this level on my computer via Facebook. Unbelievable! I past it on my first attempt. The spinners are much easier to destroy & I also noticed I have 3 UFO's available which I don't have on my iPhone version. I'm also assuming my boosters don't transfer over from one device to the other but as soon as I signed into my Facebook on my iPhone sure enough I was on level 1613. I really hope this helps someone as frustrated as I was.

Anonymous said...

This is literally impossible. Have used all my boosters up. Been on it since we'd and so sick of it.

Vic said...

Several times this afternoon, I have matced candies into a vertical stripe. However, when the stipe appeared, it was a horizontal stripe. Has anyone else had this hsppen?

Anonymous said...

After playing several games and realizing this is not beatable without boosters I went to the PC and used 2 of the flying saucers I had as well as one hammer so I'd have a stripe wrap. Frankly I'm tired of levels that can't be beat without boosters. They are fairly easy to earn but I want to beat a level on my own most of the time. This is rarely possible any more. Too bad.

Vic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I am playing on Kindle without luck. Does anybody know how to switch to PC or iPhone, please?

Anonymous said...

Super difficult on iPad. Waiting for lucky board.

Anonymous said...

Really impossible on iPhone: jelly fish don't reach the jelly under the spawners, and five hits do not destroy them??? What happens?
Even with luckiest boards, it's unbeatable... Feel stressed...

anonymous said...

This level is absolute a nightmare.. as it was written on comments to use fish but these fish dont eat jelly below the spawner but it eats any random thing on main board.... coconut wheel cant use on the i phone.. whatthe hell is this?? King when you are making a level it should be same for all the devices not different for PC den diff for android ,, diff for I pad and diff for I phone.. what the hell is this?? End up almost 30 jelly fish could not finish the game though... wasteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Melissa said...

Ditto!!! 😤😡 I've been on it for days!!

Anonymous said...

Finally got this (on android.) Loaded all the boosters at the start, was down to the top 9 jellies, 2 moves left and 2 sprinkle candies a space apart. Used a hand switch, combined the sprinkles, and done!

SueJ said...

Well, I have finally reached the point where I have got fed up of this game, so I suppose I should be grateful to King!! I am no longer enjoying this - nothing seems to explode my spawners and the only thing that might have helped, the fish, just seem to eat the liquorice between them, which then immediately reappears. I have been playing and playing, but suddenly realised that I was not even enjoying myself!! What a waste of time this is. I cannot go onto my PC which others have found has helped as mine has just died so I am stuck with my i-pad, which has no flying saucers to help me. Time for a break I think. Hope you all have better luck.

J.Alison said...

I actually got the exact board that was on one of the youtube demonstrations and followed it to the letter, but when I combined a wrap with a stripe, about half way through, I hit too high and I lost the winning pattern. I ended up paying to finish. Bum luck!

Michelle said...

4 hammers and a fish booster...moving on.
These levels truly suck lately..not sure how much more I want to play..
Good luck all.

Unknown said...

The fish aren't helping. Nothing is!

Catgirl said...

Ditto.., :(

Catgirl said...

No coconut wheels on iPhone. Waste of time when games are different on each platform. I've been stuck for days, not even got close. Them two friends sail straight past me. I'm going to give up soon if king don't tweak this as it's just not fun anymore...

Anonymous said...

You're Catgirl, no fun anymore!! Played this level on iPad, Android and laptop and till now no result!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Finally got this level!!
Played on laptop and used all boosters and the 3 flying saucers, the flying saucers blew up the spawners.
After that, it is a piece of cake!
Good luck!

suzi said...

ok been playing this for 3 days - does anyone know now many times you have to hit the spawner?? I haven't been able to blow even one up! Where is my lucky board???

Anonymous said...

Hardest level ever

Kitkat said...

I've been using my free 6 hour play today using my iPad, iPhone and iMac. I've hit the spawners/jellies multiple times, annihilating a few on the way but still they will not die. It's like the everlasting birthday candles!

Anonymous said...

I've used the fish booster at least 10 times and they absolutely do not clear the jelly underneath the spawners. What a waste of a booster. I've been stuck on this level for almost a week.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I've been stuck on this for 2 days. Playing on iphone. Wasted a couple of hammers/hand switches and the closest I got was 3.
Then I got an obscenely lucky board and finished this with 17 moves left, geez.

Anonymous said...

One thing I noticed, if you don't open the board with at least 30 moves left, you might as well start over. This should give you moves for at least 4-5 color/stripe switches

Anonymous said...

I played and finally passed this level this morning but the game got stuck and won't advance me now! ARGH, that is such a load of crap for this game. I have no idea how or if I can fix that but I am beyond aggravated. Fix this level!

Anonymous said...

I got bored of this level and against my better judgement I bought loads of hammers to clear the level but when I did the game restarted and I was back at the same level but £4.99 down as my hammers had still been used!!!

Anonymous said...

What a horrible level... Liquirice keeps coming back..used all the boosters year I am no where near to clearing this horrendous level. Why do they make such kind of level. Candy crush is being played for having fun or to get frustrated. Have been on this level for a.week now and still struggling to clear it. What can we d when no boosters are helping the matter. I have used up all my fish boosters but none of the fish eats the EVIL SPAWNERS... Aghhhh...

Moira said...

This level is impossible. Whish I could by my way out of it

Anonymous said...

Very unfair. Impossible with out boosters. Come on King play fair.

Anonymous said...

Ok. Just stupid. I have used fish and colour bomb and still have not been able to detonate 1 spawner. This is just wrong. At least give us a chance. Make it playable.

Anonymous said...

Hi Snowgoose here. 100 comments! Oh my word!
OK, I kept restarting until I could see plenty of swaps at the bottom and lower sides. Don't start playing until you can clear the blockers from the bottom easily, leaving you with plenty of moves to attack the spawners. Next, make plenty of vertical stripes without deliberately setting them off. Don't make horizontal ones because they might go off unplanned and destroy your plans. Whenever you can make a wrapped or chocolate sprinkle next to a stripe, that's the moment to swap and get it all exploding. Ignore the liquorice that reappears and repeat the process. Only set individual stripes off if you are stuck for moves - otherwise wait to set a lot off in one go, saving on moves. With any luck, you might get a double chocolate sprinkle too. But I repeat, use moves sparingly; save the vertical stripes; don't make horizontal stripes. Good luck everyone! This CAN be beaten (I had no fish or coconut wheels available, and was using an iPad. I used a hand and lollipop to move special candies together.)

Anonymous said...

Snowgoose again. I meant to say, obviously clearing from the bottom allows the cascade effect to clear the blockers faster, leaving you with more moves to clear the spawners.

Anonymous said...

After many many tries on my Android, I finally switched to my computer and Voila! Glad to be done with this one!

anonymous said...

5 times u need to hit the spawner to blow it off

Anon said...

The fish won't take out the jelly under the spawners. They just pick candies on the board so those boosters are a waste of time. Never yet managed to get even one spawner.

Anonymous said...

Ouch! It's been awhile since I've played a level that seems to be just impossible. Five hits to get rid of a spawner is ridiculous.
Time for me to quit I believe.

Anonymous said...

This is it, I've had enough. This level is too difficult so I'm taking a looooong time off from CC.

Good luck to all who persevere ;)

Tou52 said...

I don't want to scare you guys but the next level is just as impossible (1613)...bombs, cakes and 4 spawners, aaarrrggghhh!!!!!

Tou52 said...

I don't want to scare you guys but the next level is just as impossible (1613)...bombs, cakes and 4 spawners, aaarrrggghhh!!!!!

Lucky me said...

Stuck for days on iPad so fired up the ancient PC to try, had extra moves from mystery friends and some free flying saucers, got a fish booster with the daily spin so started with that,cleared the main board of jelly with a lucky candy bomb/ stripe then pressed for free flying saucer, wonderful explosion and passed with 37moves to spare!!! Give it a try if you have the option, good luck.

Anonymous said...

Tried on PC but no flying saucers ��. Peed off to say the least. Boring boring level

Anonymous said...

Thanks King for making another horrible level. Makes playing my other (non-King games) much more enjoyable. Don't understand why you want to make these advanced levels so difficult that we give up.

sprocket2 said...

This level was SOOOOO much easier on my PC. First try, no boosters. The evil spawners can be knocked out with fewer moves and the licorice didn't create such a hindrance. I tried using fish and fish and all the other boosters combined on my iPhone. On my last try there I only had the eight jellies on top left to clear (only lol) with 40 moves left. When I got down to 0 moves I still had 8 jellies left to clear because no matter how many vertical stripes or striped/wrapped combos, or striped,color bomb combos I could generate, as soon as they exploded the licorice came back. The fish never got at the jelly under the spawners and I never blew even a single one up. Yuck! My advice would be to move to a PC if you can for this one. I have to admit that if I had any boosters on my PC I would have tried them from the first because this was so hard on my phone. As it turned out I didn't need them. I tried 1613 on my PC just to see if I was leading a charmned life today. Apparently not. Back to the phone and boosters.

Anonymous said...

I tried this and of course lost...came on here and read most of the tips...didn't seem like many people were having any luck....started off with a sprinkle and got it down to the one they give you and put them together and IT WORKED cleared the whole board ....moving on...g/l all

Anonymous said...

What a nightmare level! I only have an iPad and reading all of the negative comments had me so discouraged. Yesterday I won six hours of unlimited lives and played nonstop all evening. I got nowhere! I gave up on wasting fish as there was no benefit. Every time I combined a colour bomb with a stripe, I'd say 90 percent of the candies ran horizontally, rarely hitting the top row. I resigned myself to just keep collecting sugar drops for boosters for days on end. This morning, I decided I'd only use my five regular lives and just give the game a rest. On the fifth attempt, for whatever reasons I at long last cleared this level booster free no less. Lucky board no doubt, but it didn't seem all that remarkable when I opened it.

Ness said...

Got 4 hours from chests but this is so mind numbingly tedious gonna get out in the fresh air instead!

Ness said...

Can't even get close enough to buy extra moves to finish!

Ness said...

Cleared all the jelly apart from under spawners and used fish booster and it didn't touch those!!!

Anonymous said...

Another horrid stupid level! I only play on iphone & king seems to do everything to make it harder for mobile users. Don't understand that at all. May be the end of my playing days. Tired of it all!

Anonymous said...

Fish booster was worthless!

Anonymous said...

Thought this level would be a fun one but after 2 days it's no longer that way. Tried fish to no avail. Any other suggestions.

Anonymous said...

Horrible level! Truly sucks!

Anonymous said...

Thanks King for finally breaking my CC addiction! Most of your recent levels have been mind numbing & stupid with this one being the worse! Why you don't make it the same on all devices I don't understand. I only play on iPhone which seems to be one of the hardest. You ran off a loyal player. It's not fun any more or worth the effort! You ruined a game that use to be fun & enjoyable to play!

Unknown said...


Loaded a wrap stripe combo and reset until the stripe was on the spawner bar and horizontal. Hammered it and then played for my life! It worked.

Anonymous said...

I've been stuck on this FOREVER, playing on my tablet. I had everything cleared except the spawners, but the fish still didn't get the jellies underneath. Then I tried on the pc - I had a lot of stripes, then one chocolate bomb/stripe combo, and beat it with 22 moves to spare. The spawners were still there. NO IDEA why - but if you're stuck, try it on PC!!

Anonymous said...

I started playing 1612 yesterday on my tablet. Could not get closer than 8 left. So looked at these helpful hints, and went to try it today on my pc instead. First time, maybe lucky board but probably because pc works better. I had no boosters at all on the pc game, but managed to finish with a dozen moves left. I just kept sending all the stripeys I could get up at the top. (JS)

Anonymous said...

I just passed this on iPad. The fish DO NOT go underneath spammers so that's not even helpful to use fish. I started off using all 3 available free boosters. Set game until color bomb was next to wrapped. Made sure wrapped color was in top line with spawners. So that helped. Then I was fortunate to get two color bombs side by side so that hit the spawners. After that I had to use a couple hand switches to move another color bomb next to striped to hit again. Then used 4 hammers to hit remaining spawners to clear jelly underneath. I had about 3 moves left. I don't think you can pass it without boosters. Just ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

I have used the fish booster on this level however even though they looked as they ate under the spawners my jelly count did not lessen. Very difficult, no fun level!

Anonymous said...

This is flipping impossible. I threw everything I had at it. Goodbye CC.

Anonymous said...

Not a hard level? Are you flipping kidding me? Time to take a break, see ya.

AnneC said...

I went from iPad to PC. Used a fish booster. The fish did it all. Super easy on PC or was I just lucky?

Unknown said...

I finally beat level 1612. I first notice when I was playing on my IPad it was impossible. But when I went on my laptop the spawners blew up really fast and yes I use the jelly fish.

Anonymous said...

132 comments really ridiculous

Anonymous said...

After a few days, I finally gave up using my android and ipad, dusted off my laptop and beat this level using a fish booster which ate the jelly beneath the spawners, yayyy!

Anonymous said...

This level os a nightmare. Cleared all jelly on the bottom. But the fish still didn't go to the top. Seems impossible. Even tried alot of my boosters but no help. I give up ��

GC said...

I too wasn't getting anywhere on my iPad so I tried on my android using a fish booster, 1st attempt with only 1 move left. If it hadn't been for the fish hitting the top the jelly and spawners, a few times, I would definitely have not got through this. It's not even classed as a hard level but should be.

Good luck everyone.

Anonymous said...

Actually I passed it fairly easily and without destroying the spawners. The fish ate the jelly and looking at the counter, there was only one jelly left under a spawner. A vertical and wrapped were in the right column and bingo.. passed 2 stars!

Anonymous said...

IRS another stupid watse of let's get lucky board last 20/levels have been like this I just want to use up all my lives so I can delete can't wait think I'll do it only 10 left to go from 50/soo boring!

Anonymous said...

No not a robot just want to use last 10 lives so I can delete and stick wit cake swap! Get this off my phone 3 yrs enough boredom for last yr!

Pooh said...

I really HATE this level. I've tried everything I can possibly give to beat this level. Uggghhh torture

Anonymous said...

Jesus, how difficult and boring. Passed with mu last fish, having spent everything else. Levels like this really test my interest in playing CC.

Anonymous said...

This level is so frustrating! I got the spawner with stripes, but sometimes it looks it does nothing to them. What gives? One time I was down to one spawner and I ran out of moves with no boosters. Argh!how do you get of those dumb things???

Unknown said...

Stuck on this one for over a week seriously over it need help with a lucky board please

Unknown said...

Fckin over it fckin impossible level

Unknown said...

Friggin impossible good bye candy crush delete and hello to a new game

Unknown said...

Friggin impossible good bye candy crush delete and hello to a new game

Unknown said...

Omfg ok I can't quit this game but seriously this level is fcked up impossible 🙅

Unknown said...

Omfg ok I can't quit this game but seriously this level is fcked up impossible 🙅

Kaba said...

omg cant even get this on the pc can i please have a lucky board already ARRRRRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Anonymous said...

Lucky board please!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG I got to one jelly left, two fish on the board apart from each other, one move left and I had NO HAMMERS left. I'm going to cry now.

Anonymous said...

What does it take to blow up the spawners, dynamite? Several times I have hit them more than 5 times and they wont go away!

Anonymous said...

I finally passed this level on my tablet using the fish. You have to have a sharp eye--there is jelly behind the spawners and beside them under the licorice. That's something I was missing before--letting the licorice back in over jelly I hadn't cleared yet--so it had to be cleared repeatedly, wasting turns. The fish do get the jelly behind the spawners (at least on my tablet) so that is helpful. I was able to clear jelly on the top row using the color/chocolate bomb to clear a color before the licorice came back to cover it once again. You don't have to kill the spawners to clear the jelly. Good luck!

momma said...

How many times do the spawners have to be hit?? I'm hitting multiple times, multiple ways, and getting nowhere. Another bad level

Crusher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Crusher said...

Evil level. Hit the spawners at least 5 times and they are still going strong. Fish do not even touch jelly under them even when bottom portion is cleared. Time to take another hiatus from the game.

Anonymous said...

c/candycrush here
Not supposed to be a hard level but I wasn't getting through till I chose a FISH booster.
The fish seem programmed to have at least one of them hit a timer & explode it first go, unlike when you play and have to hit it half a dozen times.
And you end up with several fish over the course of the game.

Octobrldh said...

I used 15 fish boosters and did not win this level. The fish were eating candies that had NO jelly under them. They never hit a spawner.

Anonymous said...

Worst level I've ever played. Been stuck for weeks. There is no strategy and it's not even tagged as a "hard" level.

Beeje said...

Argh! Two lives in a row I had 2 sprinkles side-by-side. I activated them and had OVER 30 MOVES LEFT each time and didn't clear it. Why this is not marked a hard level is beyond me ... although it's really about luck more than skill.

Anonymous said...

This level is evil.

Unknown said...

This level is ridiculous! This maybe the lvl I stop playing this ap/game at!

Anonymous said...

So I spend time and effort in creating a stripe to get the jelly in the top line but when it hits it, it does nothing?? Thanks a lot.

Also, I'm fed up of setting up a stripe only for it to be vertical when it should be a horizontal and vice versa. Level playing field please!!

Anonymous said...

Why do the jellies not explode when you hit them??

Anonymous said...

" Tip: don't use the fish until the main board has been cleared because the fish will only clear Jelly on the main board before it hits the ones up top!" - I'd cleared all the jelly on the main board and the fish just went for sweets on there after that - never went near the jellies on the top at all.

Eileen said...

I have had no luck with fish, I even had a board with 4 color bombs, was able to smash 2 together twice and nothing, just how many times do you need to hit those sprawners before they explode? Anybody?

Anonymous said...

This level is impossible!! You should only have to hit those spawners once or twice to make this a fair level. King has really gone down the tubes with the levels I have been experiencing. Just frustration at every turn. Not enjoyable anymore! Need to find another game that is relaxing and fun. Candy Crush is losing another fan!

Anonymous said...

Belachelijk level!

Anonymous said...

Oh boy this is a tough one! Think I may have to wait for a lucky board 😢

Anonymous said...

Wow still trying 😢 I really need a lucky board! Have no boosters 😳. Thanks for the tips, but doesn't seem to help.....

Sylvia uk said...

Might be the end of CC for me. Not even double chocolate sprinkles smashed together twice in one game did I managed to blast any slithers. At a loss now! 😫

Anonymous said...

Been days and no luck 😢. I need help please - come on lucky board please ☺

Unknown said...

I'm seriously considering deleting this game. It's more stress than fun at this point. Come on be fair and help us pass the level after 10 days of trying😣😤

Anonymous said...

This one is totally impossible, I have been Kong this for weeks answer only twice managed to clear the all the jelly including those between the spanners but seem to hit the spanners over and over and they never explode!!!!!Completely and utterly impossible and such a shitty level that I am overdue to delete this horrid game all together. Why the hell would you bother with other anymore when it is totally aimed at you losing time after time until CC decides maybe you can pass. I AM ABSOLUTELY SICK OF THIS GAME AND THIS IMPOSSIBLE LEVEL!!! I will give it one more day and it will be see you later and good riddance!,,

Anonymous said...

After over a week of trying this level I finally finally finally pass only to have the "Candy Crush" pass freeze and yes, you guessed it.....the game reset and it did not acknowledge me passing!!! So back to square 1 on this level. CC you utterly suck and I almost detest this game at times: not only do you change it to make levels harder all the time but you get glitches like this...I have even paid for moves in desperation on a previous level and the stupid game froze on the CC pass frame as well, not giving me a pass....You seriously need to get your shit sorted as no wonder so many are leaving!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Level 1612, also a stupid level. 175 comments!!! I try it once and i already give up. Good work CC!! The less players you get the more i Will be glad! For me. This game can stop!

Anonymous said...

Even cc cant release this problem, haha.! What a fucking game and what a fucking organisation. So all cc players, do hou still spend money in this game? So hes, hou are a bigger fool than i know!😂😂😂

Marwanjo said...

I try it two times, and i already give up!!! Good work CC . I don't have the patiënt or understanding of this level👎👎👎

Anonymous said...

I agree with all comments, what a shit game, so glad i have better and funny, not CC, games!

Anonymous said...

This level does not invité you to play this game! What a fucking game CC so i stop playing it, same as all my friends! What a losing organisation is CC!

Anonymous said...

A hundred eighty comments? This level stinks! I try it a few times and i already gane up! Further on with my nice, NOT CC , games! What a fucking impossible game, well CC , thats why everyone leave your game and i hope billion people do!!!!

Marwanjo said...

I realy, realy don't know How to get this level! I tried Many times and no luck, so i go on with my other games. Glad that there are many other games than CC and kingsize games. This was and is the last kingsize game i played! Good luck everyone, i am done!

Anonymous said...

Well i am very glad!!!!! I finished playing crush saga!, the only game i played, yeh yeh, now i stop playing this game. So CC you have again a player less!

Marwanjo said...

And i left this shit game as well.👎

Marwanjo said...

Too worst this level, and, too boring boring! Sick of this game so, i go on with my other, not kingsize, games. Kingsize games are the worst games ever and i don't believe that so Many play this game! I DONNT BELIEVE IT, what ever they say!

Anonymous said...

The walkthrough �� This level is shit shit shit and i am through with it!

Anonymous said...

Too Many comments, i am so done with this level and also with all CC games so CC go on this way������ i wish you all bad luck

Anonymous said...

188 comments, oh my...

EGH said...

Can someone PLEASE TELL ME... when I hit a spawner with a stripe- nothing happens to it. And if I hit a candy or licorice next to a spawner- it just clears it, but not the jelly! It's like I have to hit it literally back to back with a stripe. This is NOT WORKING. It's impossible

EGH said...

Going to try on my computer to see if different outcome. Otherwise, no sense to keep playing bc you'll never pass.

Anonymous said...

Another rediculous level. How many times domyou have to hit the generators before they explode???? Really King why so difficult. Many comments show this is no fun. Aggravating seems to be the course on most of the last 100 levels. Boo hidsssss!!!!👎👎👎

Anonymous said...

Guess this is it for me. Wasting time on ridiculously difficult levels. No fun. Stupidity on the part of developers. Games not fun people leave. King fix this level. Generators gone with two hits and you move on to clear the board. Bye bye for a long time

Jeff said...

Just buy candy hammers and smash the spawn ers if nothing else works

Anonymous said...

I managed to get it by using all 3 boosters together. Only 1 star but what the heck. I did notice that only some of the fish made it to the top row - I think you need to bust them reasonably close to the intended target as they don't like to swim too far. Easier said than done of course.

Nancy said...

I have hit the spammers several times, but they don't blow up! This is definitely a level I could quit on

MissyM said...

Uncle Mort gave me a Chocolate Bomb, a Stripe/Wrap and 3 extra moves which automatically went to level 1612. I took a Fish Booster from my stash. In spite of all those 'starter' boosters I still had to use 4 Hand Switches to pass this with 2 Stars. Not enough moves considering how many times the Spawners have to be hit. I tried the Fish Booster on several other attempts and didn't find that the fish ate the jelly under the Spawners.

Nancy said...

Too hard, thought it was fun the first 50 times, now ready to throw in the towel

Nancy said...

I have tried everything and nothing helps! Now just plane boring trying same game over and over!

Ann68 said...

Something worse happened to me this afternoon... I got through the level BUT, when I started it again after a couple of hours...surprise: no progress had been registered😣. I'm going on trying and trying but it seems to be impossible

Ann68 said...

Something worse happened to me this afternoon... I got through the level BUT, when I started it again after a couple of hours...surprise: no progress had been registered😣. I'm going on trying and trying but it seems to be impossible

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