Candy Crush Saga Level 2059 tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2059 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have to collect chocolate, licorice and blockers to complete level 2059.
You will need some luck as well as careful planning to pass this, as you have to rely on the lucky candies to give you the orders you need.
Look for special candies with every move as the best way to win this is with cascades so playing in the bottom half is more successful than playing in the top, but you will need to make some moves in the top to clear the blockers and allow the lucky candies to fall if the cascades don't do the job for you.
The licorice is the hardest to collect as the lucky candies tend to give chocolate and blockers most until you have collected enough of those, then licorice when there is nothing else.
For this reason you need to collect the chocolate and blockers as quickly as possible using cascades and combos.
Don't let the chocolate block the candies from falling through as this will prevent you from making cascades and will seriously affect your chances of passing.
Video below
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Rick said...

The key to passing this level is to clear the 3-layer blockers underneath the 5 dispensers of the lucky candies on top of the board as soon as possible. Since you have only 18 moves, you cannot afford just doing matches to clear them. I started with a color bomb and stripe/wrapped booster and reset until the color bomb and striped candy are side by side. The stripes hit the blockers multiple times and facilitated their removal. Once the blockers under the dispensers are gone, the lucky candies started dropping and the subsequent cascade will give you the orders you need especially the licorice. After the orders were completed, the cascade continued for 20 minutes or so and gave me 11,000,000 points.

JR said...

Passed it without boosters..followed Cookie's advice of playing at the bottom of the board.. lucky candies just came flooding down and the cascades eventually opened them, collecting the orders..

Anonymous said...

I have only 18 moves on iPad video shows 20

Bookboss said...

Dont quit the game too early on this level, i was going to quit with 2 moves left but needing all the licorice, when a cascade made and cleared it!!

Jyoti Parihar said...

playing the level and it aint ending.. score 3968500 and still scoring...
Lucky candies keep making chocolate ball and wraps and strips. Will end game lead to clearing it?

Jyoti Parihar said...

playing the level and it aint ending.. score 3968500 and still scoring...
Lucky candies keep making chocolate ball and wraps and strips. Will end game lead to clearing it?

Jyoti Parihar said...

Ended at 6351480 !! Twas like auto play

Jyoti Parihar said...

Ended at 6351480 !! Twas like auto play

Lorraine said...

This level is a nightmare. Absolutely no licorice. Tried everything but never see any licorice on the board :( and only 18 moves not 20.

Cc from vero😎 said...

Finally got a board where the five licorice I needed were on the board but out of moves so had to use gold bars for 5 extra and done!! Horrible level!

Michelle said...

wow this cascade has been going for 10 minute.... No end in sight... 2 million plus so far ....

Rollem said...

Managed it with 5 extra moves, been saving my free spin for when I got somewhere near, you need to work from the bottom and hope the cascades do most of the work for you, however if chocolate blocks the middle row it's very much game over, good luck.

Anonymous said...

Another bullshit level!! Wtf !!!

Anonymous said...

I am very frustrated with this level!! If you are lucky enough to get a sprinkle ball, unless you switch it with a striped or wrapped candy, you won't generate enough points to pass the level. If you use those two boosters on a PC, it is impossible to control where they are placed, so if they are not in close proximity to each other, it is a waste. On the iphone, I have used those boosters, resetting to make sure they are next to each other. Still no luck. Now I am running out of boosters. This is not challenging. It is miserable and no FUN!!!!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

As usual, it's just all about lucky board

Anonymous said...

Played the bottom and used a check booster. Third try.


Anonymous said...

I have read a number of times about people RESETTING their board if boosters don't turn up in convenient places. Can someone please tell me how to do this without losing lives? Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Only works on phones (and tablets, I think.) When a game opens, do not make any moves, but hit the back button. You will not lose lives or boosters. You WILL lose any extra moves given by friends, and it does not work on timed levels.

Anonymous said...

Took a few tries, but finally got a lucky board. Took Cookie's advice and played low. Got a few sprinkles which helped to clear the blocking chocolate. Finished with 134k, then 275k at the end of sugar crush, so no extended autoplay or score in the millions!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Are you effing kidding me?

Liz said...

Help! End cascade will not stop after half an hour....

Liz said...

Help! End cascade will not stop after half an hour....

Anonymous said...

Impossible! No licorice!

Anonymous said...

iPad has 18 moves...please correct...

Anonymous said...

PC only has 18 moves too. That's how it is now.

I think it's a matter of luck. The first few goes I usually had 10-15 licorice to get. Then I got lucky and managed to make a sprinkle. That got the cascades going and more sprinkles dropped. Finished 3 stars and 6 moves remaining.

Anonymous said...

No luck for me, no cascades and still no licorice!!

Anonymous said...

This level is for me impossible, played it many, many times and and always missing abot 10-15 licorices.
Now, I finally decided to stop with this stupid game, all the levels are based on pure luck!

Mad Man said...

This sounds like my only hope. I'm not getting anywhere near.

Mad Man said...

Sprinkle/stripe did the trick... sorta. I was trying to get some more of the right color to appear near the top of the board, but inadvertently set off a cascade that engulfed my sprinkle, stripe, and wrap. Mayhem ensued, and that was that. Easy with a lucky board, impossible without it.

Anonymous said...

Only 18 moves on iPhone.

Anonymous said...

Difficulty getting licorice.

Anonymous said...

This is nothing but a luck level I have tried 20 times easily can clear all but the licorice game just does not produce enough. This is an attempt for CC to make money to get you buy extra time.. Wait for your lucky game.

Anonymous said...

Stuck on this level for a week on my tablet. First try on laptop and passed! (helped I had a sprinkle and a wrap together).

Anonymous said...

I need a freaking lucky board!!!

Annonymous said...

I played low and passed first go. No boosters. Sometimes you just luck out. LA

Anonymous said...

Like many users, I was unable to get the necessary licorice candies. Checking the forum, it was interesting to see that while some players amassed millions of points in never-ending post-game cascades, others (including myself) struggled mightily. I had been playing from the top, but decided to play as much as I could from the bottom after opening a couple ports at the top. It took me several tries (no boosters), but I finally got what I needed. Still, I only got 111,000 points, not millions.

Anonymous said...

Licorice doesn't seem to spawn until you have completed the target for chocolate AND blockers. Indy

Unknown said...

Try to save the check boosters until you have collected the chocolate and the blockers. Check/tick boosters always give you what you need but if you need 3 things it can be any one of those three things...if you only need licorice then that's what it gives.

Anonymous said...

When the help states you will need luck, you know you're not going to have fun! Again another level requiring more luck than strategy.

Anonymous said...

This may be a good time to give up Candy Crush. Used up all my boosters, tried the hints, and still nothing! Don't waste your boosters, this is another dumb luck level!

Anonymous said...

The first comment on here is useless. They think they found the solution but it's just bollocks. I can get only one or two licorice from the lucky (NOT) candies every time. Load of tripe.

Anonymous said...

There are only 18 moves now. Of course! Why am I so not surprised??

Anonymous said...

How do you know how many gold bars you have and how do you spend them?

GC said...

I'm surprised there's no more comments here since the 2nd May. This game is awful! The majority of ticks are chocolate or a few blockers. You hardly get any liquorice, so all you're doing is matching 3's, with some ticks, just to clear the board and hey presto, loads of liqourice still to get and all 18 moves gone! These types of games are so boring!
This is definitely a case of waiting for the lucky board. Oh well moan over, back to the board!

Anonymous said...

Finally passed this on PC. Played from the bottom a bit. Lucky to get a colour bomb next to a wrap with 2 moves to go and it exploded enough licorice for me. Not an enjoyable level.

Anonymous said...

Please give me a lucky doable board real soon. This is driving me insane. I keep getting down to 2-4 licorice and no more will drop. Grrrr.

Anonymous said...

Only 18 moves not 20 as video has. Where are the liquorice how can you complete the level if you won’t give us the ingredients so blatantly rigged..

Carole said...

I guess this is another level that I need a lucky board!!! OMG

Tammy Caison said...

Come on lucky board!

Unknown said...

This could be the level I stop at. Not giving them any more money.

snow said...

done on about 15 tries i finally used hand switches to move a color bomb and a stripe together 4 times horrible level glad to be done