Candy Crush Saga Level 2060 tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2060 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Get 100,000 points in 25 moves to complete level 2060.
Work your way down into the licorice and try to make combos as you go.
The dispensers at the bottom will give you striped candies and countdown bombs. Switch the stripes together and use them to clear the bombs.
The bombs will need to be kept under control but they will give you the high scores you need when you match them, especially if you use a colour bomb to clear them.
The score isn't hard to get so once you have enough points just keep a close eye on the bombs and if any of them count down to one just stop playing and let the time run out.
Remember if the bombs count down to zero you will lose however high your score is.
Video below

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Uhint said...

It's a west of time.

I hate gaming.

Rick said...

This last timed level is not as bad because you are given 2 minutes unlike the 1st and the 3rd. This is a killer episode with 4 timed levels. Glad to finish it. Till next Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

I finished this episode over a 2 day period rather than my usual one day. It's not any harder than previous episodes. I think my interest is finally naturally tapering off. I had other things I rather be doing. There is more to life than candy crush. Maybe I can finally stop playing this game.

Anonymous said...

I have mixed feelings about this episode. It started out as fun and I thought finally! Then it turned and went from good, to bad, to ugly. Level 2058 was a killer! Took forever to pass and finally as usual it just happened. Lucky board I guess.
Anyways, without much enthusiasm. Til next Wednesday.

JR said...

This timed level is better than the dreadful 2058 timed level..could finish it off easily !

carlton said...
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carlton said...

Absolutely a horrible episode and all because of one level. .2058 the worst timed level. Played it a couple of hundred times. .finally beat it with a lucky board. .from out of nowhere I get 3 color bombs. This level a timed level super easy I actually had to let time run out as the extra time and points kept on coming. This makes no sense. Level 2058 took me 3 days and a couple of hundred tries. .the other 14 levels took a few hours and and and once again I have lost all my boosters again. There are those of us who love playing candy crush but that love is beginning to wane. These last 2 episodes ....absolutely horrible

carlton said...

Oh wait I completely forgot about level 2056..though not as bad as 2058. .still a horrible and totally impossible without boosters. .still wondering why the flying saucers didn't attack the evil spawners

Anon lafy said...

No, it only took me five attempts to get this one. I did not enjoy the episode. Three timed levels and a virtually impossible one as well. I used so many of my saved boosters! It really is very unfair of King to allow more turns on some devices and not on others. I do not have a choice, as I only have an iPad. It really should be a level playing field.

KIng, please take note!!!!!

Jean said...

Has anyone else had a problem with winning the game but having it say you didn't? That's happened to me twice; just now I got 258,000 but it says I didn't make it. I'm playing on my iPad.

Jean said...

It just happened again for the third time. This time I got 179,000 and itt still says I failed.

Anonymous said...

Hi -- I'm having the same problem. I got over 265000 and it said that I failed as a bomb is about to explode. This is the second time that's happened -- the first time was yesterday when I had over 200,000 again, and it said that I had run out of time and didn't recognize it. What's the trick to getting through?

None said...

This is the worst episode yet, and I now say that every episode. I will now finally be done with cc. I don't look for to new episodes. Pretty near every level is either completely boring or impossible. This is a game that is supposed to be fun. King sucked the fun out of it because they would rather start a new game with regurgitated, easy cc levels rather than challenging themselves to come up with new levels, that are not impossible. And what is that stupid purple whale begging to keep collecting candies. You have to now waste even more time working through a minefield of advertisements just to play. At least golden path is completely rigged. You make it through once, then you never come close. Bye bye, I am free !!!!

Bill. said...

Agree level 2058 very tedious why King puts these in I have no idea unless it is to collect money. See you Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Same as you anonymous, been on this level for days and have exceeded the 100k score required many times and yes as I finish the game I get a bomb that is about to explode. Now I'm being reminded that I have the next level to play! Give me a break, fix the bug on level 2060 and I will be happy to go to the next level. I too am using an iPad.

Anonymous said...

With a couple of lucky color bombs in the middle of the game that appeared and I switched them with bombs I got over the required amount. But one bomb got down to one with 1 and 1/2 minute to go. I just set the game aside, let time run out, and whammy I was done. So thankful as always to be able to move on.

Ornursecandy said...

On the fourth try, I matched a sprinkle that had formed with a stripe that had formed. First, I opened the top a little so there were no bombs the color of my stripe, yet. I used three hammers on bombs that had gotten to 2. Then the whole board went crazy with extra time candies. Did have another bomb on 2 with 45 seconds left. I already had three stars so I stopped and let time run out.

Anonymous said...

I too keep getting over the required score on my iPad and it says I failed.... really losing interest now 🙁

Anonymous said...

Happen to me too :(

KK said...

I got over a million points and it said I didn't win!?!?! If they think I got too many points to win I've got one question... why not tell us that somewhere!?!???

Unknown said...

Bloody livid, passed level 2060 6 times,I am now top player but still not moving onto next level

June said...

Same here - went past 100,000 several times. But when I was careful NOT to release the countdown balls and concentrated only on the extra time balls, I was able to finally win the level. Definite glitch here!

Unknown said...

It also is happening to me I have been winning this level for a week. Candy crush needs to fix this it is not fair.

Unknown said...

Candy crush please fix this level 2060

Anonymous said...

First try, no problem. Just had to remember to watch the bombs a stop playing when any of them hit 1.


Marianne said...

It happend to me also. A view times more than 100000. , close to 300000 and still saying that i failed. What can i do?

Anonymous said...

oke, its a week later and just tried it again, and yes, i had more than 360000 points and yet again, failed. What is happening???

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck and color bombs!

Anonymous said...

First attempt the bomb got me. Second time I was 20 points short with over a minute on the clock and a bomb I couldn't destroy at one move but I waited for the time to run out and the sugar crush gave me another 40k.

Janice said...

Not fair, over 200000 and says I failed, thought maybe I had to get score plus ALL squares..kept trying, got all squares, up to 600000 and says I failed..FIX THIS LEVEL,,,

Mad Man said...

Did you have a bomb go to zero? You will fail in that case, regardless of your score. Not a glitch, just the rules of the game.

Mad Man said...

Another episode down, a couple days where I spent most of my time either with my kids or working, so not too bad of a lift really. Not nearly as bad as the one before, that's for sure. Unlike so many here, I'm actually looking forward to what horrors King has in store for me next... haha.

Anonymous said...

Don't like these timed levels.

Tired of this said...

I have "won" more than 3xs, well over 100,000 points and it says I failed bc the bomb went off. THIS STINKS

Anonymous said...

I have got way over 100k several times and no bomb went off and still won't let me pass. WTH?

Anonymous said...

I have got way over 100k several times and no bomb went off and still won't let me pass. WTH?

Geoffrey said...

Well I have played 3 days solid. I have gotten over 100000 pets many times. Sometimes well over.....still says I failed? Am I missing something?

Anonymous said...

WTH.....after spending weeks on the dreaded timed level, now a other Ones!

Rene said...

I also have won 2060 many times and yet it won't let me continue on. frustrating!!!

Anonymous said...

Beat this level on my second try. Once you get through all of the licorice and break through the blockers under the first "spout", the +5 candies keep coming. And whereas I got a time bomb in my first attempt that I couldn't reach before it exploded, I had absolutely no time bombs drop on my second try. The "spout" had a blocker right below it which kept anything (such as bombs) from coming out, so I was able to easily make three stars before letting the clock run out.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Anon 11 Feb. Only opened the inner two candy cannons which produced lots of extra time candies. Eventually another cannon opened and the bombs started to come out. Noticed an opportunity at the top of the screen and luck had it that the freckle I made was next to a candy of the same colour as a bomb. Took me over the target score. I then waited til the time ran out. Indy

Unknown said...

If the game has a glitch be sure to report it to King so it can get fixed. This is NOT a King site and only us fans read here.

I have contacted King a few times and they always get back to me within 24 hours via email. Here's how; on your mobile device you hit the back arrow to reset the board and after that hit the back arrow again. Click where the arrow would be then you will see a drop down list starting with How to play then frequently asked questions etc. and at the end it says contact us.

Click on that and follow instructions and you will be contacted with a response that is not automated but a real person.

Anonymous said...

Hi have been playing this level for 3 months have beaten the score lots of times it's not letting me pass help

Anonymous said...

You all that are getting high scores and not passing, BE SURE TO LOOK AT THE BOMBS. WHEN YOUR SCORE IS OVER THE AMOUNT NEEDED TO PASS, quit playing and let the clock run out of time. If you let the bomb get to 1, quit playing If the bomb goes to zero, you will lose the game even if you are over the score needed to win.

Anonymous said...

Agree with 28 February poster. The inner dispensers will be extra time candies and the bomb dispensers are outside of that. You don't really need the bombs to win.

Just won without freeing up anything but the time candy dispensers and got to one star just by working those, looking for choco ball setups, and hitting the most populous color on the board with the choco balls. Toward the end one of the bomb dispensers opened up, so I worked until it was at 1 and quit.

First try, no boosters, one star.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

mm said...

Same thing here. Have you been able to get off it? I won't play it for a week. I have beet it 3 times with scores of over 3 million.

Denise said...

My 2060 is nothing like the video here. I’m not on a timed level, so WTF!!!!

julee said...

Yes , I pass but it won’t move me to next level !! Ugh

julee said...

Same .. what did you do ?

Anonymous said...

I have beat the score almost every time......i can't pass on either.....

Nancy said...

I must be doing something wrong, but losing interest quickly! 😡

Nancy said...

Finally beat this level , Happy for a moment, then didn’t get credit for the win! Candy Crush came up, did it’s thing, then NO WIN😳
Trying to get players to quit.... it is working!

Unknown said...

I got a score of 1145780 and did not pass level 2060. Also exceeded the target of 100000 several times. It is very frustrating! Please fix this problem!

Pretty said...

This whole episode was suuperrr!! Completde in just two days!! I passed 6 levels at a streach and 4 levels randomly in first go!! Happyyyy!
But the starting level of next episode is supuer hard level!!!

snow said...

passed 1st try i played more on the right side, you get less bombs that way. Till eventually the left open. And used 1 hammer when i had 1 bomb down to 1 count because i was very close to the 100000 points and played till the next bomb was down to 1 count then stopped playing and let the time run out