Candy Crush Saga Level 2252 tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2252 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
The first priority is to clear the bombs before they count down, forget everything else and work on clearing them.
Don't be tempted to move the stripe from the middle of the conveyors as it will give you one hit on both the popcorns and they need to be cleared as there is jelly under them.
The best way to clear the bombs is with a wrapped candy, drop it down close and it will remove most of them.
Once the bombs are cleared you can work on making stripes and stripe/wrap combos to clear the popcorns.
You will get more bombs dropping from the dispensers in the middle but these are fairly easy to clear so shouldn't be a problem. Try to make colourbombs and switch them with stripes as this will give you the best chance of hitting the popcorns . When the popcorns grow into a colourbomb it will be eaten by chocolate but don't worry about it, just keep hitting those two squares with anything you can get.
You only have 25 moves so you will need a fair amount of luck as well as careful playing, but it is possible without boosters. 
Video below by Cookie

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


KathyGTwins said...

Any tips for clearing the jelly under the popcorns?

Anonymous said...

This is ridiculous! If you are lucky enough to get even one popcorn it gets covered by chocolate so you have to find a way to hit it again!Impossible!

Anonymous said...

Did not like this one at all! You not only have to get the Popcorn's, but then the chocolate and finally a jelly. Took many times To get a lucky board. Had one hammer to use if I needed it after days at this level, but The lucky board didn't require that hammer.

Anonymous said...

Finally get to clearing the popcorn to find out the chocolate ate the colour bomb!! WHAT????? hard enough without the chocolate! Funny how it's so easy to make stripe combos in the video! Will wait for Lucky board

Anonymous said...

Fish is very helpful to remove jellies under chocolate. With help of this forum, magic helmet, and some boosters, I am still using one life from level 2241. Hope I can finish this episode with 1 life, three levels to go. PH

CC fron vero😎 said...

The helmets have been of great help in this episode for sure! Just passed using all that I got in the helmet plus a fish

Anonymous said...

Ugh! I hate when chocolates eat colorbombs!
I feel you. It has happened to me many times too.

Unknown said...

Very very tough n tiriing n frustrating level pl developers help us ultimately

Mad Man said...

I took the cowards way out and just hammered the chocolate.

Dexter said...

What helmet??

Anonymous said...

The helmet is a temporary booster you earn by winning 6 or 7 straight games. Play until you have a red one. Easist way? Play games 1-7.

Anonymous said...

Fish are not much use on iPad, they don't go for the jelly underneath the popcorn, even when all other jellies have been cleared.

Anonymous said...

They can't be serious with thus level? Bombs popcorn and chocolate I just.... I can't thus is impossible

Anonymous said...

They can't be serious with this level? Bombs popcorn and chocolate I just.... I can't this is impossible

Anonymous said...

Doable if you have some lollipops to finish off the top popcorn.

Jimmy said...

Bottom jelly under chocolate isn't that difficult to remove. Just get 2 horizontal striped candies in line with it i.e. green & red but don't combine them or chocolate instantly returns. Combine above 1 of them to double hit chocolate and jelly in 1 move. Same for top jelly under chocolate but I've yet to make a striped candy in line with it let alone 2. 1 hammer left so no good and King stole my fish boosters and all the others again

susieq said...

Well I've never had a helmet! Very hard level. Can't get even close.

Cher said...

This hard level should be called impossible level.
Where is that lucky board . Seem to wait on them a lot more often now.

Anonymous said...

I think they finally got me with this level. If I can't pass this level before I use up all my boosters, I will say goodbye to Candy Crush. I've already quit all the other King games because of these types of boards (that require King's blessing in order to pass). So it shouldn't be that hard to finally let go of Candy Crush as well.

Unknown said...

This was the worse yet! Definitely have to have at least 2 hammers to get that top popcorn once you have busted it, which I only did once after numerous times. I wasn't taking any chances, so happy to be done with this level!!!!

susieq said...

So hard!! Finally did it by waiting till I'd collected 4 hammers. Managed to hit the popcorn a couple of times, made sure I'd got all the other jelly, which was fairly easy, then used all 4 hammers on the 2 popcorn. Couldn't see any other way to do it. I was on it for almost a week!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!

Lorraine said...

This is ridiculous. WTF King i think you losing the plot. Need some new staff i think. :(

Anonymous said...

Wow, another lame level, all about the lucky board, come on King!

Alison said...

Even having trouble posting this comment, says it all!!!! Need luck, luck. Luck, got wothin one so many times, no hammers or switches as used so many in last few crazy games, daily boosters always fish which have not done me any good Grrrr !!!

Anonymous said...

Super frustrating level. I was down to the last two jellies by the chocolate spawners and since I was out of lollypop hammers, thought I'd use my UFO that I'd been saving. What a waste! The wrapped candies weren't anywhere near the jellies. Don't make the same mistake that I did. The only thing worse than a tediously impossible level is wasting a valuable booster on said level.

Anonymous said...

This is beyond stupid! Much like everyone else I'm finding it practically impossible to clear both popcorns, and chocolate, and jelly. I couldn't get close with 150 moves at the beginning.

Anonymous said...

Wow...I'm done. This is impossible. So you clear the popcorn, the color bomb appears and then chocolate covers it before you can even try to hit it with a hammer. BS, King! Bye! Bye!

Anonymous said...

Waiting for the lucky board yet again

Anonymous said...

Fish won't clear the jelly under the popcorn, but will under chocolate or a sprinkle from the popcorn!
Started with all 3 boosters and combined the sprinkle and wrap, which cleared most of the bombs. Got a few stripes in the right places, then got lucky and had 2 sprinkles together. That popped the popcorn, then fish ate the jelly under them.

Sue said...

This level is so so difficult I'm stuck for 2 weeks think I'm gonna stop playing if I don't pass in these 3 days .im out of hammer n other stuffs

Wendy green said...

More lucky board only, I give up

Anonymous said...

Thank you to anonymous for the comment on how to get the helmets, I would never have thought to do that 👍🏻

Anonymous said...

Another terrible level but at least I wasn't stuck for as long as the previous one. Got lucky with two jellies to get that the chocolate didn't cover the bottom jelly while I waited for a stripe to come round on the conveyor. Then had a sprinkle stripe which cleared the top chocolate AND the jelly in one move.

Jitu said...

Again a frustating level pls developer dont make such impossible levels or at least provide spin booster

Jitu said...

Removeeeeeeeeeeeeee this level soòoooooooo irritating

Anonymous said...

Horrible level. Boosters not helping much and now running out of them.

Anonymous said...

Terrible time hitting the popcorn the necessary times.

Jitu said...

Now i think i should stop playing this game as it is getting so annoying and boring level 2252sucks

Anonymous said...

Been on this level longer than any other level. Very frustrating. Used up most of my boosters.

Anonymous said...

I never started out with a free chocolate sprinkle and fish like the third video.

Anonymous said...

Can't figure out how to hit the popcorn so many times. Waiting for a lucky board son or I might have to say goodbye to CC.

Anonymous said...

This level is so boring! Been so close so many times.....and yes......I KNOW I only need 2 jellies!
Unfortunately they are under the chocolate that coves the sprinkle ball immediately!
I've used all my boosters and still no nearer. Will give it another day then I'm off yo get my life back

Anonymous said...

Seems like I'm always waiting for a lucky board these days, whatever happened to the type of game that was challenging but at least doable?

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Do you know I cant even remember how many days I have been on this level, it must be nearly a week. Just impossible to hit the popcorn that many times without boosters and I don't have any left that could be of any use. I have used them all up. Does CC not even monitor how long it takes the average player to pass this level and why is it some people manage to get through levels with only a couple of plays and others like me just keeping getting stuck one level after another. It cant be the way I play as I watch the help video and I more or less would make the same moves. I just wish I could give up.

B. Pee said...

The double hit method didn't work for me. It only cleared the chocolate. The jelly stayed 👊🏻

Unknown said...

After more than 40 tries, I am still stuck. Thinking it will take some hammers that I don't have (except on my iPad which keeps crashing mid-game). Hoping for that lucky board.

Anonymous said...

This is beyond ridiculous. I've gotten this far, and the levels for the most part have been enjoyable. But 2252 is just horrid. Not getting close at all. Thinking this is probably the push I needed to say good-bye to candy crush.

Anonymous said...

Finally did it. Used a a Sprinkle, a wrap/stripe and a fish, and restarted until the sprinkle was next to a wrap with lots of the same color. That cleared a lot of the board, and then focused on stripes to clear the popcorn. The fish cleared the last jelly under the popcorn. Moving on to the next level, which is much worse.

Unknown said...

Candy crush has gotten so assine!!!! At these levels you either spend money or don t advance. Bullshit

The Posh Pearl said...

I sooo need a lucky board. I haven't been able to get the hammer I have needed for days. I have been down to one jelly a couple of times and a hammer would have completed the game. I need some luck because I'm ready to move on. I'm bored!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck. Got down to one jelly under the top popcorn with lots of moves left and never got anything useful to clear it. No hammers or fish left unfortunately. Good luck everyone.

Anonymous said...

This one is becoming pretty tidious. Been on it for a week now without any change of getting this level done. Any suggestions ? lack of boosters isn't helping either. Pfff rotten level. Grrr. JJ from NL

Anonymous said...

I'm the same as the above. Finally managed this one. My advice. Take care of the bombs first prio. Then make and match stripes with sprinkle balls. My last move was to combine two sprinkles and that wiped out the last one. Horrible one. Good luck CC'ers. JJ from NL

Pascorp said...

Ridiculous! ! After many attempts I cleared the ALL the board BUT got an error message :-((. Which didn't let me pass this awful level.what's happening? I'm very frustrated.

Anonymous said...

I'm feeling the same. This level is so frustrating.

Anonymous said...

Uh oh...posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

WTF! Had Morty's helmet plus stripe wrap combo. Added a sprinkle for good measure. Lost with one jelly to go under the popcorn. I am done for awhile...this sucks.

Anonymous said...

Frustrating is an understatement. Posting for luck.

Unknown said...

Bloody fed up with this one! Probably not impossible​ but giving up very soon

Unknown said...

Fed up, giving up!

Anonymous said...

Very difficult level!!! Need a lucky board!

Marielle said...

Just create to pay for hammers! To difficult to kill the two picorons + chocolate + jelly!!!

liloldlady said...

OMG another very very difficult one! Hum, running out of boosters hère.

Anonymous said...

Another multiple day/life game...sick of it. Impossible level

Twinpletmom said...

Ridiculous level! Even tried the fish. Done to only the jellies under the chocolate before I used the fish and they only went to the bombs. Don't even feel like playing anymore.

Anonymous said...

To make things worse when you combine a sprinkle with a stripe it almost NEVER hits the popcorn and Never hits the chocolate or final jelly. This is so weighted in CCs favour. And I refuse to waste money on boosters which won't help. Also what's all this nonsense about the piggy bank and gold bars? Collected loads but CC want £2.99 to open the pig. F**k that for a game of soldiers!

Anonymous said...

And then 3 games later it all comes good when I managed twice to get 2 sprinkles together to match. Or rather CC has let this happen. No skill on my part

Anonymous said...

Desperately need some help or luck with this level!

Unknown said...

Posting for luck.....cannot see how this can be done without hammers....waiting for lucky board. 😰

Candy crusher said...

Impossible to get stripes to shoot across. Just cannot finish this game

Anonymous said...

This is the limit!
Bye bye Candy Crush, impossible level!

Anonymous said...

Reached my limit also, started feeling stupid spending $$ back to pogo....

Anonymous said...

Need your help. Cannot get top jelly and popcorn so need lucky board!

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how the video has 50 moves and I only get 25. The video took a lot longer than 25 to clear the board. This is ridiculous! Everything with this game is just about the "lucky board." It's amazing how the board is controlled just when you think you have your plan in motion. Unfair!!!

Anonymous said...

The tip is to use a wrapped candy with a color bomb? The bombs don’t even reach the popcorn. Bad advice and even a worse level.

Anonymous said...

I can’t stand this one. So tired of it. So many times just one jelly to go but just can’t get the top one cleared.

Anonymous said...

How will I ever get past this level. It seems impossible but I know it can be done, I just don't know how to do it. I am praying for a lucky board. I really need one bad.

Eileen said...

I feel this is just impossible to get, it’s those last 2 UGH!!!! Posting for luck

Annomous said...

Really need your help PLEASE KING to get through this game. I have tried and tried to get through but not getting any where near finishing this game. PLEASE HELP CANDY CRUSH I NEED A BIT OF LUCK WITH THIS GAME.

Anonymous said...

Let me laugh, What a sick levels. I want fun , no stress cc, So dont waist my time, thumb down.

Marwanjo said...

I dont neef tips, waisting my time. So i stop playing this game, best dession ever. So Bey Bey cc

Leann said...

So the levels that remain cycle through hard, super hard, impossibly hard, very hard, completely undoable, not hardly and back to hard again. Not paying anything. EVER. So on to something else I guess.

Anonymous said...

Been playing this level for days. Boosters don't help. When I set up strategic moves to make a color bomb next to a stripe or a wrap, the board causes it to blow up before I get a chance to set it off... thereby ruining the expected reaction I was looking for. This is rigged & no fun. I won't pay for more way!

Anonymous said...

So let me get this right. You finally pop the popcorn and it immediately gets eaten by chocolate? Seriously?

Infrey said...

After a week I waited for a fairly good board, smashed all jellies except the top, and then used 2 hammers on the top sprinkle to pass. BORING, boring, boring.

Anonymous said...

HELP. I can never get the last top jelly. Lucky board please!

Robbie said...

This is a really stupid level not enough moves
And unless you want to spend money or wait for the cc to give it too u you wont pass

Anonymous said...

Kinda scared to start this one... What is the best level for hammers anyone?

Anonymous said...

Struggling... lucky board today please...

Barbc said...

Can’t count the number of times I’ve been down to one jelly, the one under the top popcorn. I refuse to buy hammers, have gotten this far without giving King a penny. So, guess I’ll just tedious on til King decides to give me a lucky board.

Anonymous said...

I’ve been down to the top popcorn and even matching a stripe with a color bomb 3-4 times, can’t get it to explode. To get this far, I think I’m doing most things right, so guess I’ll just have to wait for that lucky board!

Anonymous said...

Has anybody noticed lately while playing these 3 hard levels in a row , that when you spin the wheel you do not get any hammers or hand switches ??? I'm getting everything else but them .... I hate this level so hard , I'm not getting anywhere and I refuse to buy boosters !!! Why make them so hard and pure luck ... BLAH !!!

Carole said...

Once you clear the popcorn it gets covered by chocolate. So frustrating. Need lucky board

Tammy Caison said...

Got down to the last choco where the sprinkle was and couldnt make matches in the remaining moves. Any advice or is this a luck thing?

Tammy Caison said...

Btw, I had two sprinkle bombs an 10 moves left and STILL couldnt get the stripes for a win!

Unknown said...

Terrible level. Even with extra moves, can't come close. Played many times--no luck. Need lucky board.

Anonymous said...

Stupid ridiculous level.

Unknown said...

Yes-this whole episode has been ridiculous, only way to complete this is with hammers which is not all that easy to get with new format-oh well-it for luck again...

Bill K said...

So the video shows 50 moves, but the IPhone only gives 25 moves. That sucks!

Catbat108 said...

This level stinks that they have cut the moves in half..... nice work CC on making it impossible to pass now. It’s just shows why so many have left the game when you feel like you are getting screwed over for coming along later. I might be joining the leavers as I am tired of trying to get this for days now 😡

John K said...

The only way forward on this is to buy gold bars and then get UFOs unless u are lucky to have UFOs or hammers impossible without boosters, sorry but this like many past levels in the 2000s is a pay to proceed level 😂😂😂

cvbcb said...

As soon as I earn some boosters, they’re taken away. Need Lucky Board!

JuleP said...

Why I don't get so much moves like Candy? This video is a big cheat 😠

Mickey said...

My level 2252 looks completely different. Please help

wtrc said...

My tutor 52 level is totally different but just as hard halfway through the game I know it's impossible to finish, there is so much to get through I really do need a lucky board or a lot of help.