Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2315 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have 30 moves to clear the jelly and complete level 2315.
The jelly is not the problem, the problem is the licorice which is being spawned by the magic mixers every third move.
You need to get a very good start to have any chance of beating the licorice spawners, the first one has to be destroyed in as few moves as possible so you only have one to fight.
Try to make your first move as low down on the board as you can, with luck this will cause a mini cascade and clear a fair amount of licorice.
Work on one side to clear the mixer, you need to hit it 5 times to remove it.
Once the first mixer is gone move to the other side and work on clearing the second one, if you try to make moves on both sides the licorice will have a good chance of taking over.
This can be a most frustrating level as the licorice sometimes seems relentless in taking your candies.
If you can't clear one of the mixers fairly quickly it may be a waste of time to continue. I used the quit button quite a lot on this level.
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Nothing deadly terrible, so far, on the Feb 15 batch. I'm only on 2322 and out of lives for now. Nothing I'd call "fun" up to this point, but nowhere near as bad as last week.
Proud to say I made it to the next episode without using a booster on the nasty licorice level. Onward crushers.... I am out of boosters sigh....
Way to go Gogo!
Another ridiculous level at 2337. After the evil spawner is cleared out of the way, the fruit simply refuses to move down! No amount of hammering below it will budge it. Needs fixing.
Aby ideas for 2321???
Just sent this to King directly:
Level 1538 is ridiculous. I've been playing for years and have made it through many tough levels but this one is impossible. Unless you spend a lot of money you can't get though. You obviously don't have enough income to put this kind of level in the game. People play to have fun not have more stress than they already have. Fix it!!! I've read the other comments and they are the same as mine. I don't mind paying sometimes but this level would cost at least one hundred dollars to get though.
Timed levels in this episode are much easier than two levels in last episode. For the 1st one, try to destroy top two spawners, save the bottom one for time bombs, as usual, use CB on time bombs to get scores. For the 2nd one, with magic helmet, it is so easy: use stripe or wrap to release some bombs, use CB on color with most bombs, don't even need to take 3rd step. See you next Wednesday. PH
Thought these levels were more fun. I'm not ashamed to say I used the helmets to get me through. Even the timed levels were easier than last week.
This is a much easier episode than the previous one including the timed levels. Nobody even posted comments on the 2 previous levels. I completed this episode using the PC, Android, and iPad. I played some of the levels on the PC while waiting for it to be available on mobile and I interchangingly played levels on my 2 tablets when it becomes available this morning. I got the Magical Helmet on both my tablets. Till next Wednesday.
There is a clear advantage of following levels as they are released. If it is too difficult, developer may adjust it to too easy; if it is too easy, developer may adjust it to too difficult. Either way, the first players get pass easily while other players never get easy rides. As for level 1538, I just tried again, easily lost my 5 life's and magic helmet even though I passed this entire episode with 1 life.
What is this? Talking about extremes!!After the hardest episodes in a while we now have the easiest episode s in awhile. The 2nd timed level. .40,000 in 120 seconds versus 325000 in 25 seconds. It's like in sports when the referee blows a call ....well this was definitely our makeup call. Plus with the magic helmet. ..thanks King
Stop scaring people. ..let us enjoy this episode
Once again, the magic helmet makes it fairly easy to complete the episide.
A use of 2 color bombs for a start turned all the hard levels to normal/easy.
Yet, I lost more lives than I use to.
On 5 levels I neede 2nd or 3rd try.
Hardest level for me was 2307.
In the timed level , I didn't feel that I did something special, just switched color bombes with bombs and finished up with score of 863,440.
See you all next Wednesday.
Needless to say, I reffered to the first timed level as the second was a joke, got the score after 2 moves and after few more moves, had to stop playing and let the time run out as I got a bomb about to explod.
Revisiting level 1538, I believe it is the hardest level for me and the level which took me the longest time and attempts to complete. I don't count but it took me 2 to 3 days (I don't play continuously, though) and maybe at least 70 attempts to complete it. I might have even bought time extension just to pass it.
Much easier episode this week. Especially the timed levels. Like night and day. The only level that took me a few tries was 2307. Magic Dash once again helped. Hoping that some of the players who haven't had it in the past got it this time. Til next Wednesday.
I also revisited level 1538 again, passed on 5th try without boosters, 3 stars with score 194760. Was able to collect all keys to unlock all +5 and cleared all blockers in 3 tries among first 4 tries, and realized that +5 was not coming much. So only took +5 as needed, paid attention not to overflow timer(This was hard for timed level, usually people would rush to grab as many as possible +5. not realizing that is a waste. Once that was taken care, it was easy cruise to 3 stars, maybe level 1538 is no longer hard)
Hi Sharon. ..the other day we were talking about level 666 regarding this chocolates. ..well guess what? They're back. That's mighty strange ..so do you work for King or is it just coincidence?
just coincidence
This episode was a rare gift for sure. It just opened this morning here in Toronto and I was finished this evening. Three cheers for the Magic Dash! Honestly there wasn't really one level that was overly difficult. Having said that, time to get building up my boosters in case the next episode is a pay back!
Hi again Carlton. "Good Grief No" lol! The reason I asked about level 666 was because of a post by PH on February 18 at 09:20 on level 2300. He or she commented on level 666 having been changed by adding chocolate. It just jogged my memory and I thought it seemed to me that it used to have chocolate. But, not trusting my memory I thought I'd ask you.
I thought level 666 had no chocolate still straightforward.
Agreee these timed levels much better.
Completed in two days.
See you next Wednesday.
This episode was a pleasant change from the previous nightmare episode! I have the top magic helmet so I hope to complete the last level now. I was almost ready to quit during the nightmare. I had just had my knee replaced and was surviving on meds so I wasn't always lucid! Plus I'm 83 years old and those awful timed levels almost did me in. You guys were a great help with your tips. I appreciate all your info. I'll be back next Wednesday and hope to be walking unassisted by then! Carol the elder
Wish you speedy recovery! I admire you that you can pass these hard timed levels at age of 83! CC developers should be more mindful that CC players are so diversified. PH
Easy episode except for that one timed level.. Magic helmet is a real boon !
What the hay? I came here to get some insight on passing level 2315 and you're all talking about past and future levels!
1. 1st amendment was the first for a reason
2. This is a level at end of episode, it is a good place to look back and forward.
3. This level is easy, simply work at bottom around mixers. If still has trouble, fish may help. As general rule for fish, save the toughest jellies for fish, also try to keep last fish to the last.
PH, I'm glad you find this level Easy but it isn't so for everybody. Some players with limited supply of boosters, no helmet nor playing time. I'm also one of the "strugglings" here. Playing with no boosters. Just saying;)
Tried again without any booster. Passed on 3rd try, 3 stars :) I am repeating Ms. Cookie's suggestions:
1. Mixer only spawns on every 3rd move - Any hit pauses the count. So plan ahead for both mixers. Try to keep both mixers under control while trying to take out easier mixer out as soon as possible.
2. I found that Licorice only goes to next layer when inner layer is mostly filled so a deep pierce into layers would prevent mixers going crazy: It needs to fill each layer one at a time to expand further.
3. Unless you can create wrap or color bomb in other places, the best place to focus is as close to mixers as possible.
4. Of course, a little luck is needed. When licorice explodes, it naturally creates mini-cascading, so regular move is just as good as stripes at least.
Good Luck! PH
How do I get the magic helmet and what does it do?
Why have we to wait days to get to next round, sick of this every time, why is it only on a Wednesday we can get passed.
Magic Helmut if you have it shows up in your message centre on candy crush. Upper right tap on the gold trophy with the envelope.
Carol you are my super no.1 CC hero wishing you the best of health and don't worry. .a lot of us struggle with the time levels Btw you are the first official nominee for the Candy Crush Hall of Fame! !!☆☆☆☆
You could always start over with level 1
"Carol the elder" I know what you're going through. Not far behind you and I struggle with the timed levels too. I also had a total knee replacement 13 years ago and wish you well.
Carol the elder here, thanks for your good wishes, carlton, Sharon and PH. I am honored by the nomination. 10 days after knee replacement and I'm already walking without assistance. Since I am alone in a two story house, that has been crucial! I still need the pain meds, but the therapist says I'm way ahead of the curve In the movement of my knee. Meanwhile I'm piling up sugar drops to get ready for Wednesday. I do have a lot of time on my hands these days. 8-) I unashamedly use them to pass levels. Regard to all my friends on here!
Wow! You're doing great! I was with a walker then crutches for I can't remember how long. Just know I couldn't drive my car for three months.
Apologies to all of you who will criticize for using the blog for this but I think by now some of us are having compassion for and making friends with fellow CC players. See you in the next episode :)
Forgot - after the walker and crutches there was the cane. How could I forget that lol!
I also apologize for highjacking this board. I wish I could message with Sharon. I'm on Facebook but don't play C C through it. Sharon, I think joint replacement surgery has changed a lot in the last years. I had my hip done 5 years ago and there were even changes from then. The most amazing thing is that I have no stitches or staples. The incision was glued together and held with ster-strips and covered with an aqua-cell bandage sealed tight! I could shower with it. I use a cane if I go outside, but walk alone in the house. My surgery was 12 days ago. I hope we get a fun episode tomorrow, I play only on iPad. Best wishes to everyone! Carol the elder. I am Ccfan in the game scoring.
Whew!! So glad to finish this episode!
I chose my 3 available boosters - fish, color bomb and stripe/wrap, and reset numerous times until I found a color bomb next to a green stripe and there were 16 greens on the board. I won easily. I figure that boosters are free so why shouldn't I use them and save myself a lot of frustration. I appreciate the website and all the comments.
Another WTF level by King. You are very doomed if you don't get a Lucky Board right from the start.
Took about five goes before passing without boosters. It definitely needs a board where matches can be made at the bottom but it wasn't looking great on the attempt where I passed but I managed to make a couple of combos higher up which helped to completely clear one side while I worked on that spawner. I still had plenty of moves left to work on the other side which had been mostly cleared at the top from the side hits.
I have not paid a cent to get to these levels. I wish people would stop complaining about having to pay and that King is ripping them off. How do you think they make money besides advertising? If you dont like the game anymore dont play it! Me, I'm thankful for these sites that give advice on how to pass the levels. Thank you!
Posting for luck
Posting for luck!
Posting for luck.
Posting for luck
Good grief - where is everyone in 2018? I'm all alone and truly sick of impossible levels.
I pass this level but it didn't move me on to the next level. Not thrilled that I have to finish this level again.
Hello anonymous, welcome to cc kingsize game, hopeless and not much players, used to iT, Seems CC is to his end.
Time to relax, you mean if you want stress play CC? Stop this idiotic messeges.
Here I go... Good Luck crushers.
Help please King... ☘️☘️☘️
posting for luck
Need a lucky board
Started with 2 colour bomb boosters which obviously helped. Then focussed on destroying one spawner first then the other. If you don't have boosters then use level 1476 to get some.
Thanks for the advice Merlin. After I get a seed prinkl, I cant have the game let me use 2 at once. But glad to know 1476 is the place to go!
Terrible. Not enough moves to destroy both mixers. Need lucky board.
Posting for luck. Can't do this one . Need lucky board!
On my third try said I only needed one more
Here it was the right spawner on the bottom
So used 3 hammers to take it out and passed the level, if it was more I would of tried again but I was on my last minutes of my timed choc. Sprinkle and wrapped striped combo so I went for it glad I did
Don't think I would have a chance being so close for awhile, did knock out the left spawner just couldn't get close to the right one. Good luck everyone
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