Candy Crush Saga level 2363 tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2363 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
The aim of level 2363 is to clear the jelly. There is no jelly under the Evil Spawners (magic mixers), but that doesn't really help because you will have to destroy at least some of them if you are to have any chance of clearing the jelly.
The spawners will cover the board with either licorice or marmalade if you don't destroy them.
It is no good trying to clear the spawners one at a time, try to hit more than one with each move by working near the bottom as much as possible.,
The first 3 or 4 moves should be spread between different spawners and hopefully you can create cascades which will hit more than one with each move.
The aim has to be to clear more licorice with each move that is being spawned until you finally destroy some of the spawners.
Look carefully at the board before every move and don't panic about the licorice and marmalade, there's nothing you can do about it once you have made your move so take your time and think about every move before you make it.
There are now five colours on the board but this doesn't stop you making special candies and combos.
Wrapped candies are best for clearing all the stuff that is spawned out as well as clearing the spawners. If you can switch two wrapped candies together this will go a long way to clearing loads of stuff.
Video below

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Lucia said...

This is an easy level if the cascades get going, which happened to me on the second try. (None of my doing! Another "game plays you" level, but much less annoying than a lot of them.)

Anonymous said...

Agree, second try. Lots of special candies exploding.

Francisco Diego said...

It was really easy, got it the first time

Anonymous said...

easy level 2nd try.

Marie said...

Thanks King for some fun level. Got it at the first try. I have been very close to give up several times, but a level like this makes me stay in the game (that an no timed levels).

Anonymous said...

I agree with above - it is fun to have a level with a lot of cascades and special candies. Not so easy that I could do it without thinking but easy enough that even the first couple of failed tries showed me it was going to be fun when it all "hit" - 3 stars

Anonymous said...

Fun level...I was nervous at first. Take your time...lots of cascades!

Martha said...

2nd try! Fun Level!

Van5 said...

Agree with all above. Got this first try and the board DOES play itself! Finished with 10 moves left and no evil spawners. If only all the levels were this fun, or required skill rather than luck, it wouldn't be so discouraging.

Emsa8 said...

Please don't write its easy... Always when the first comments are "how easy it is" the levels get adjusted! Cookie writes about FOUR colors... Now there are FIVE and it is very difficult to get cascades and the licorice etc grows very fast :( tried at least 40 times and 4 jellies left was the best right now

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Am I the only one having trouble with this level.Played for half hour and not even close.Not finding it easy or fun.

Undina said...

I don't think it's fun when you can pass the game in the first or second try, especially without any real doing of your own. But I suspect that it was definitely more fun to do that than to be stuck in the adjusted since then version where no matter what you do, you don't come any closer to completing the task. As well King could fill the whole board with licorice or marmalade to start with and let us sit in there waiting for a single "winning" board combination that would clean itself. Not a fun level.

Kathy said...

I have not been able to pass this level in over 1 week now. Can't believe the comments which suggest this is an easy level. My cascades do not do much of anything. I have tried boosters and came near. Wow, I must be doing something wrong.

Anonymous said...

Cookie smokes crack

Anonymous said...

Been stuck here for several days! :(

Anonymous said...

Has anyone gotten past this level since the change to 5 colors? I'm not seeing how this level is even possible.

Anonymous said...

I think this level is boring and hard. Don't see why anyone says it is easy.

Anonymous said...

I hate this level. Makes me want to quit playing the game!

Anonymous said...

How is this so easy for some of the commentors? I'm finding it very difficult.

Unknown said...

The licorice and marmalade come so fast I can't do anything with this level after many tries.

Anonymous said...

I tried any number of times on Android and thought I'd never get through this crappy level - the spawners overwhelmed the board every time. Went onto the Facebook version on PC - still only four colours, not five. Somehow managed to get the wrapped and colour bomb adjacent. It was all over with 17 moves left and no boosters used (still only one star, though!). I realise that this was probably a fluke but to be able to beat CC rounds you really need to explore the different versions different devices.

Anonymous said...

I have been on this level for a week and find myself playing less and less did to lack of enjoyment. Guess that's a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Well with 4 colors it apparently was too easy and now with 5 it's impossible. Posting for luck AGAIN!!!

Anonymous said...

People saying this was easy and fun must had four colors. We now have 5 and it seems impossible even with a helmet, double chocolate sprinkles. Waiting for a lucky board. Frustrating.

Anonymous said...

Show winning video with five colors.

Anonymous said...

Used up all of boosters on this level. Ugh!

Anonymous said...

Stick with it. Just got lucky board even with 5 colors.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to everyone bragging about how easy it is this level is now near on impossible. Waiting for a lucky board in the mean time perhaps some of you could learn to keep your mouths shut, this blog is supposed to be for useful tips!!

Anonymous said...

I did this on my pc using all 3 boosters and one hand. Thank god that is done and dusted as I visualized myself on this very annoying level for weeks. them licorice would drive you nuts!

Anonymous said...

Now it's classified as SUPER HARD LEVEL! 😑Waiting for lucky board !

Unknown said...

Stupid. Playing this game is a waste of life. I'm done turning on different devices.. just absolutely boring level.

Anonymous said...

I have a request to all you people who play these levels the instant they are released. Please stop saying how fun and easy they are. When you do that the game gets made harder for the rest is us. We would also li,e a chance to play a fun and easy level. This level is neither fun nor easy now. Thanks a bunch. Good luck everyone.

Anonymous said...

Well this is just a barrel of fun. Not much chance to stay ahead of the spawners unless you get a super board which I haven't. Very very boring. Doesn't take long to lose all my lives now that the helmet is gone again.

Anonymous said...

Well let's see. I can make a 3 match in an attempt to kill a spawner or I can make a special candy that might be of some use in passing the level but then it is instantly covered by the spawner. Such fun. Not.

Anonymous said...

Insanely hard. Not even close after almost a week. Licorice spawns too quick and often clear across the board. Total luck if I ever get by it.

Anonymous said...

5 colors on iPad. Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Please correct to 4 colors!

Anonymous said...

This level is awful. I'm not even interested in playing like usual, because I've been stuck for so long and it seems so impossible.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck I don't know how I will get this done

The Posh Pearl said...

Please send a lucky board. I haven't been remotely close. I've played all night.

The Posh Pearl said...

Help me pleeaseee! I need the Gods to send me a lucky board. Thank you!!!!

The Posh Pearl said...

If anyone reads this who passed this level, I would love some suggestions unless the candy crush gods would like to give me a lucky board!

The Posh Pearl said...

I feel the same way!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just curious. After reading many of the comments, how did this level go from a fun easy level to a Super Hard Level?

Anonymous said...

No way this is possible without a lucky board!!!

Anonymous said...

I passed using all 3 boosters. Used a stripe/wrap combo on the first move which hit 3 of the spawners. The game was very generous with the fish. It was a total lucky board. Lots of fish and lots of cascades. Without using the boosters it was frustrating and stressful. Hate those spawn machines with a passion. They give me anxiety.

Anonymous said...

Fed up with this one!

Anonymous said...

2 spawners is the most I've gotten rid of and then only had one or two moves left. I hate spending days and days and days on the same level. It just gets so boring. I would like to see the people at the top of these comments go back and try to pass this level now that they made it harder.

Lee said...

Horrible, horrible level. Finally got through with a sprinkle, a striped candy, a fish, a hand switch and luck!! Keep plugging away people - best wishes for that lucky board!

Anonymous said...

Loathe this level with a passion. So much that I have a six-hour freebie and I just want to walk away. There are no "cascades," as referred to by the early players, and it's a total waste of boosters.

Ugh. Yuck. Ew.

Anonymous said...

Morts helmet that included a color bomb, a stripe, a wrap and three extra moves in addition to another color bomb and stripe/wrap candy, followed up by a hammer, 5 extra moves and a hand switch only to FINALLY finish with one star. This level was a joke. Candy Crush should be ashamed of itself.

Anonymous said...

doesn't really seem possible

Anonymous said...

wow...just tried using all the boosters. reset till sprinkle was next to wrap...ending up clearing 1 spawner eventually no more fish. not throwing more boosters at this one

Anonymous said...

this bites...not fun at all. boosters are a waste. pure luck

Fmuthgrl said...

IT probably was easy, i once was at the top of the games , waiting for more but life happened, it was easy, I've noticed now that I'm behind a few hundred and you dont get the chance when the game first comes out and they change to make harder or easier...trying to catch up now and it seems every level is not a easy..

Creeky said...

I am so fed up with this level. Normally if they are hard you can see where eventually a lucky board will pop up. For this one, I am seeing it. I too do my 5 lives and quit. King, I refuse to buy boosters that won't help anyway. So guess I a posting for luck. Will let you know if it helped.

Anonymous said...

Not even coming close. Can I please have a lucky board.

Anonymous said...

This is absolutely ridiculous. Haven't even come close. Why would you make something pretty much impossible? Boosters don't even do anything.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

After reading the first few comments I thought I am reading comments of a very different level. I didn't feel anywhere near easy. No cascades nothing even after using all the three boosters. This is an impossible level. It's marked super hard level, no wonder.

Anonymous said...

Crikey, having read all the comments I was dreading this one. Started with a CB and wrapped candy mix, bam, got it first try. Good luck all.

rebeccaanne said...

NOT FUN! No skill required. Good time to stop playing Candy Crush.

maureen said...

Posting for a lucky board as well

Unknown said...

Everyone who thought it was so easy, try it now....

Anonymous said...

It's an impossible level. I do not even come close. I stuck at this level for over a week. Please help ! This is not fun now.

Anonymous said...

This level sucks. I've been on this level for over a week now, and haven't gotten close. Cascades are not possible, and the mixers kick in so quickly the game is over after just a few moves. King - you suck for changing a level that was originally fun, to impossible. I think it's finally time to quit.

Anonymous said...

Awful level!

Anonymous said...

Stupid,stupid,stupid level! Come on King, be serious, i have used special candies etc. And still no use! What a assinine level! This might be the last time i play this dumb game!

Anonymous said...

Put it back to 4 colors, give us a break!

Marielle said...

I must say I find it difficult!!! No cascade for me!!!! Maybe a lucky board could help!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous. Just waiting for lucky board. Playing forever v

liloldlady said...

Has cc tweaked with a previously easy level again?
A lucky board will be required.,

Wpalatka said...

Once again a reasonable level has been made unreasonable by increasing the number of colors. I do not bother reading the top comments because they are always based on a game that no longer exists by the time I get to it. It's interesting how I used to tear through the levels. Now I play 5 games and move on to something more challenging (as in doable with strategy) or just fun. I wonder how many people are still playing at these levels and how much money King makes from them.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Me to playef it now for hundred times pfff no fun at all��

Anonymous said...

This level is anything but easy! It it extremely frustrating and no fun at all. This just may be the end of my candy crush days!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations king, you have done it. I quit the game because of this level. Rule number 1 by creating a game is that people likes the game, this level is no fun and more people shall quit the game

Unknown said...

Posting for a lucky board......please!!!

Anonymous said...

i see in the comments that there are only 4 colours in this level which makes it fun and easy. How come i have 5 colours??. I find it almost impossible to get anywhere.

Earl L McConnell said...

I have completed 2362 levels and never complained. Level 2363 is very close to impossible, wasting too much time on this level. Reached a point where it is pure cascades, no "lucky board"' no joy! Licorice and cellophane placed in quantity and great accuracy make killing spawnersimpossible. I killed 3 spawners, had 5 jellies left. One spawners was so accurate that it alone made me fail the level with 4 jellies still remaining! Change King made to this game to tighten it up ruined the enjoyment of the game for most of us. It eats up all advantages like they didn't even exist. Look at this game again, King. Remember that it is entertainment. Most of us should eventually be able to solve all levels thru skiil; this game can only be solved thru gross luck they may come once in a generation.

Do better, King!

Anonymous said...

Really ridiculous

Anonymous said...

Having a harc time with this one..posting for luck

Margaret said...

This isn't an easy level. I've been on it for weeks. It really gets annoying.I've used boosters and done everything that might help. It's hopeless for me.

Anonymous said...

I understand challenging levels, but this one is just annoying and frustrating! Getting nowhere, posting for help, luck, or both!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Impossible,been playing my 5lives almost every 2 1/2 hours for a week. Spawners overtake , tried boosters and they get taken over too! Maybe go to sudoku or solitaire 😡

Anonymous said...

Played for hours a day for weeks and got absolutely nowhere. What a waste of my life. Infinitely more difficult than anything that's gone before. There is no fun in playing, it's just frustrating, annoying, boring and pointless. I never manage to get any kind of meaningful cascade going and seldom get any usable combos.

Please do something about this before I go to another game

Anonymous said...

It would seem that king have made this level impossible! The most spawners I managed to kill is two and then that’s it so I don’t know if I can be bothered to wait for a lucky game! my life is racing by

Anonymous said...

This level has "done me in" or I should say "out! I've been on for 2 weeks and do not get close! One more day and I delete CC.

Anonymous said...

Color bomb + wrapped candy. Start the board with them next to each other and you should pass easily.

Anonymous said...

There are FIVE colors , NOT four !!! Ridiculous! Adjust it BACK to where it was fun please !!!! Not worth playing this game anymore. No enjoyment at all . I’m in search of a new game to play . One that gives you pleasure , not ulcers !

Rhodesia said...

I have 5 colours on the board and it is very difficult to make special candies. Please Cookie can we have an updated video!!!
If only people would not say these games are easy at the beginning maybe the slower players would not have double trouble later on!!!!

Candy Thompson said...

Disgusting and lies my pc has 5 colors and impossible to win! STINKS!

Anonymous said...

c/candycrush here.
Good grief, some people must be getting boards different to mine if they find it easy, mine is covered in licorice in no time even when I try using all 3 boosters.
As for cascades, haven't seen anything like one on this level.
I could do with an easier version. I wish king, on super hard levels, would give people the choice to choose a simpler version even if they had to forfeit gold bars for it.
Not an enjoyable level as far as I am concerned. Too quickly covered in Licorice, no chance for much strategy most games.

Anonymous said...

c/candycrush here again.

Got through. At last. Horrid level
Used all 3 boosters.

If you can start with a colour ball next to a wrap, that seems to be the best thing. I was just lucky they started next to each other as I wasn't given any more.
The wrap explosions seem to hit each spawner more than once but they won't actually take any out (or it didn't for me anyway) but then I concentrated on hitting the spawners, at the expense of making some stripes I might add.

If you get down to 4 or 5 jellies, use the lollipop hammers if you can. Worth it. I didn't have to but was ready to.

Denise said...

Now since everyone bragged about how easy this was, now King has made it impossible to beat. I’m done with this sh—t!!!!

Denise said...

Omg 😮 this level is soooooo hard!!!!!!! I need a lucky board real bad!!!!!!!

Denise said...

I’m done with CC!!!! This level is a nightmare!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't see where this level is easy. I have a hard time getting anywhere with it. I also cannot seem to destroy the spawners. I have tried and get no where. I need a lucky board very soon. I am getting a little stressed here.

Eileen said...

Easy��???Terrible level UGH! Posting for luck.��

Sue said...

Can’t get past the licorice. It spawns tooooo fast. Keep on!

Anonymous said...

I have never posted before,but I don't see anyway to pass this one. I have been on this one longer than any of the other levels. Time to go,Good luck to everyone. I have enjoyed reading your very helpful comments.

Sue said...

Posting again. This is a terrible level. Spawnets do licorice all over the board as well as jelly. No cascades at all like Cookies. I have to quit after 6-7 moves. Dead board and dead bored! Wasted games.

Anonymous said...

Complete waste of time. Maybe (and that's a big maybe) it wouldn't be so bad if it didn't start with licorice already on the board but it just too much to clear and too much spawning from the machines. The board is covered in less than 10 moves and your dead in the water. I've started this level multiple times with a full magic helmet AND additional color bomb and STILL no where near conquering this level. I guess it's time for another hietus...

Sue said...

Thanks King for turning what looked like a fun manageable level into a POC nightmare. Never ever any cascades, sometime when spawners are hit they do not explode but spit out licorice. What have you done!! No fun.

Sue said...


Sue said...

Not a lucky board just average. Not a lot of cascades. Down to one last move. Ugggg moving on.

Cindy said...

I’ve been playing candy crush for 7 years and this level might be the reason I wiit, 2 weeks and not even close, done

Anonymous said...

I enjoy a challengeing board, but this is ridiculousl. I've foolishly wasted too many boosters ...guess I must just patiently wait for King to take pity on a loyal player. Can't imagine this dribble is actually read, must just register that I've commented.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else find this to happen? I come close to winning a hard level on the first or second time but from then on I get further away from winning. Is it an enticement that leads to purchases? It happened on this level, first time I was within a few candies of winning so assumed I could win on second try...usedboosters to try to imitate first try..didn’t happen. Now I’m out of boosters and getting further away from winning unless I buy more turns...or wait it out for a lucky board..

Anonymous said...

Impossible with 5 colors ! I think I will stop playing juste because of THIS level !

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck this board is impossible

Unknown said...


Marwanjo said...

The levels become more boring, this is why i dont play iT often, everytime the same boring levels. Just waiting for a lucky board? I can fill my time in another way than playing your boring levels. When do you wake up CC?

Marwanjo said...

Sad level cc, to wait for a lucky board, how long you keep going on by the last players,? Seems that no many players like your game. For me time to stop playing iT.

Marwanjo said...

Good luck with your shit levels and the few players who still play this dumb level and game.

Marwanjo said...

Waist of time this level, this game.

Marwanjo said...

Playing cc is not RELAX CC, its more Stress!!! Haha There are more relaxing games than yours.

Anonymous said...

Hoping for a lucky board!!

Anonymous said...

Terrible level and getting really sick of trying! Posting for luck!

Carol D said...

Once again impossible level..Even with boosters..I keep saying Im gonna quit this game and today I really think I will..There is no way to do this level. Unless you get a real lucky board. No way to make combos with 5 colors and if you do it gets covered as so as you do.. One more day of this and then bye bye Candy crush....

Carol D said...

How is the an easy level..This is impossible with only 20 moves and the evil spawners covering up the board after the first two moves..I don't know how anyone can say it was easy or fun...I will try one more day and then I am done with candy crush..frustrating to say the least and not fun at all..

Anonymous said...

I love the tips on here and I rarely post about the game but this one is special and not in a good way! Need at least another 8-10 moves and the spawners to calm down. No sooner have you set something up then ur times up. Come on king, give us a break here.

Anonymous said...

I’m over this level. Not fun! I held up until now, but I am fine playing! It’s more frustrating than anything and this level is finally driving me to quit

Anonymous said...

Going to post for luck before I even get started. Lol. I don't want to be stuck on another level for days!

Anonymous said...

I quit....after weeks of this horrendous level, not even close. Best I have done is knock out 2 spawners but sometimes board got covered, reshuffled and no moves left. No fun anymore plus when I start a game I now get a frozen screen with "winning streak" badge to do with with buddy challenge that I dont want!!CC need to fix that bug!

Spike said...

Finding this extremely difficult ! Good luck to us all !

Sally said...

Can't even get close. Tried focusing on top spawners, but bottom ones take over too quick. Tried focusing in bottom, but didn't work either. Not using boosters because they don't help, because the licorice is in the way. I'm stuck, and ready to quit. Help.

Unknown said...

Amen giving me chest pains lol

Anonymous said...

Ready to give up completely on this game. This level is impossible.

Anonymous said...


Westcar said...

I finally won on my third day of trying. No boosters. I was lucky enough to get two pair of wraps (wraps next to each other). They exploded and destroyed a lot of the board. The rest took care of itself. So there is hope, even on the ridiculously hard levels.

Anonymous said...

Pure cancer

Candy Thompson said...

Posting for luck

Anônimo said...

Este nível é impossível, como o nome mesmo diz: nível pesadelo. Já estou desanimando deste jogo.

anonymous said...

wow almost 140 comments on this level
now called Nightmareshly Hard Level no kidding

Anonymous said...

This is the worst level ever. I cannot be bothered playing this level Over and over again until that “lucky board”. I am done!

Anonymous said...

Just take your time an make sure the boosters line up. Make sure they dont explode when u dont want them to. A skill game. Not based on lluck

Anonymous said...

How many players (including me) have given up on this level? At least it has cured me of my addiction to Candy, so we should be grateful.

shazz60 said...

I have read through some of the comments and I had to re check to see if I was looking up the right game as mine is horrible to get past. With the licorice and cellophane its near impossible. But do love a challenge. Plus luck of course.

DJ Sheldon Lee said...

After playing CC since it came out and playing this level for the last 10 days I can say it is getting deleted on Friday if I’m not passed it

Unknown said...

Having a problem getting rid of the spawners as I used all of my boosters.

Unknown said...

I like candy crush but this level is too much of a challenge!

Unknown said...

Agree with you, I cant get even close, cant believe some have got it first try

Unknown said...

I am stuck on this board. Tried a good 40 times. Ugh

Narrabeam said...

Easy? No way- stuck here for a week. They probably changed the board / moves. Another pointless level down to luck not skill. Hardly Any combos to help.

Narrabeam said...

Completely impossible now. Bye bye candy crush

Unknown said...

Impossible I bid you goodbye! What a f.....g waste of my time and energy. I need to get a new life and from now on I WILL!!!!

chrisskreager said...

The problem with this level is that FOUR spawners means it's impossible for the level to let you breathe.

2 spawners is one thing, but FOUR?

They might as well rename this level 'Pay up' because it's almost as if they made this level so hard you'll be stuck here forever without paying.

bev.tooth said...

This level is impossible. 5 types of candy and the spawners throw out liquorice every move after a few moves. As for cascades???? I don't get hardly any! It's really difficult to even clear a little gap.

Lorraine said...

Maybe this level was fun and easy 2 years ago but it’s impossible now ! Please !!’

Shari said...

Rediculous level!!!

gp8656 said...

This level is no fun!,, posting for luck.

Robin said...

I ended up using my choc sprinkle and wrap plus a ufo helped me pass I was on this level for awhile very hard but finally passed but had to use boosters

Jathy said...

Posting for luck. Desperately need it

khaldrogo said...

not even with the help of the jackpot I could pass this horrible level only a lucky bord will do

Spent2Much said...


JustMe said...

Enough is enough!!!! Horrible level, been on it way too long and am getting frustrated. Need help bad.