Candy Crush Saga Level 2445 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2445 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have only 25 moves to clear all the jelly and complete level 2445 Candy Crush Saga.
Work in the bottom half of the board whenever possible to create cascades, this will help clear the blockers without wasting too many moves. If you have to work near the top it may be worth forcing a shuffle by making a move that leaves you no further moves.
Look carefully for special candies and combos as you will need them to clear all the jelly.
A colourbomb/stripe or colourbomb/wrap are good combos to use.
Stripe/wrap combos are also very helpful and may also clear one of the jellies in the top corners that are hard to clear.
There are 5 colours on the board so it shouldn't be too hard to make those combos you need once some of the blockers are cleared so you have a more open board.
The video below shows the original version with colourbombs in the top corners, but the strategy is the same without them.
Video below
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Unknown said...

Am I the only one struggling here???

Anonymous said...

I'm curious if there's an error with this board. There is a bomb sign over the opening where the candies refill, but no bombs ever showed up for me... and it seems nearly impossible to use the two color bombs unless that opening is meant to disperse Lucky Candies / question mark egg things / stripes or something.

Mrs. M said...

As Cookie said, you don't need the two color bombs to complete the level. They will, however, explode when you pass. Yes, the dispenser on the top is labeled for bombs, but they never dispensed any, so that seems odd.

Unknown said...

Suzie O No your not the only one struggling. I have played this level well over 50 times and can't get anywhere near completing it, I usually still need at least 15 jellies at the end. Cookie must be playing a different version to me because I have not been able to create a single colour bomb on this level.

NutsNBolts said...

Got this on my second try, with one turn left. Just a very lucky board. Totally ignored the CBs in the top corners.

Lucia said...

I too got this on the second try, ignoring the color bombs. I did manage to make one on the main board and switch it with a stripe, which got the two top ones. Again, it's all about luck. (Sorry, Cookie, but it is.)

Anonymous said...

25 moves for 55 jellies .... it was obviously too easy .... Since 26/04 they have added numerous time bombs ( 6 moves only).
Ridiculous .... another booooring luck level

Anonymous said...

Yes, the bombs suck big time, it was bloody difficult even before them!

Anonymous said...

Not one bomb on the video, but numerous ones now. Have tried to complete this level more times than I can remember. Really starting to hate CC. So much time wasted the fun is gone out of it.

Unknown said...

Question for our CC makers and testers....
This level was pretty hard already, but WHY adding bombs in this level ????

Anonymous said...

Chocolate sprinkle/wrap combo and a fish booster. First try with eight moves left. Bombs were only a six count but it wasn't difficult to keep in control of them.

Anonymous said...

I played yesterday night and there were no bombs coming out of the dispenser. 8 hours later (now) there are bombs coming out of it! Um... level is hard enough as it is...
Posting for that lucky board!

Anonymous said...

Also, the bombs have ridiculously short fuses: 6 moves.
If they fall anywhere lower on the board, its game over.

Anonymous said...

Thanks King! This one made me push the delete button. Did spend several bucks on this game but I'll spend my money elsewhere from now on.

Diana said...

So last Wednesday and this Wednesday i didn't get a new level on my phone or Ipad, did i miss a memo or something??
Can someone please explain it?

Mike said...

Seems like they changed it today, at least on Android, this morning bombs had 6 count but now they have 8 count. Much easier, finished first time with 3 stars. BTW no more useless CBS at the top.

Anonymous said...

Guys. I think this level just changed on the mobile. They nerfed it. I just passed it after 3 tries and not 1 bomb ever dropped. Hurry - try playing it and see if it's the same for you.

Anonymous said...

This level just appeared on my iPhone today. I think it was just released for mobile. And as of right now the nerfed the level and removed the bombs. Let's see if it lasts!!

Anonymous said...

Weird!! I played it earlier today and there were orange candies in both corners and bombs with short fuses. Then I just logged back on and now there's choc sprinkles in both corners and NO bombs. I passed in 3 tries. I wonder what's up??

Diana said...

I'm on level 2421, I haven't received any new episodes for 2 Wednesday's. I've updated everything. What's going on??

Anonymous said...

It's changed again. I played it a few times late last night and there were 8 count bombs the first time. The bombs weren't a problem and it ended with just two jellies to get. The next games the bombs had gone and the isolated jellies at the top changed to sprinkles. Got it (three stars) after a few attempts with five moves remaining.

margaret said...

When Iam playing afteryour first move there are bombs coming from top block with only a count down of is impossible to pass as they are falling from each side..I have played on 3 different devices and it's the same on them all x

Anonymous said...

I played on PC and had the countdown bombs. Switched to iPad and not a single one dropped. Cleared on second try using magic dash hat and colour bomb

Anonymous said...

No more sprinkles on top this morning: orange jellies instead.
I had bombs, but they're 8 count and they tend to get rid of themselves in cascades

Anonymous said...

No bombs on my iPhone. Started with my sprinkle booster & striped/wrapped one too. Reset until sprinkle was alongside a striped . Be sure there are a lot of that striped color on the board. That cleared a lot of the board & the rest was easy. Oh yes I also used one of my saved fish boosters which gets those hard to reach corners. NC

Francisco Diego said...

Not the breath of a chance

Anonymous said...

It was bad enough before but now bombs have appeared it is even harder.

Francisco Diego said...

The most of my attempts ends after about 10 moves. No fun only frustrating. Why are you doing this King? Are you laughing now about us players?

Anonymous said...

Awful level posting for luck

Ness said...

Can't get anywhere!

Anonymous said...

A number of bombs, short fuses, clearing blockers impossible, ana a lot of jelly to clear for the moves. Hmm I guess I will have to try boosters. Arghhh kind of aggravating - not really fun. Luck please

Danielle said...

One time I play I have color bombs in the corners the next time I got two jellies......finding this level next to impossible. I passed the last level by using my extra lives.

Anonymous said...

Even with boosters the bombs still get me. So frustrating.

Rae said...

Done and done. F you candy crush!!!

Anonymous said...

Video has no bombs. Hardly the same play with 6 count bombs. It's pretty darn impossible. Lucky board please

Anonymous said...

I have thrown every booster at this, wasted hammer and hand switch only to have some weird move happen that I didn't make. Spoiled my last move and took away my chance of passing. Not fair King. I have always supported you and not complained but this was uncool.

Anonymous said...

King, have you even tried this yourself? This is really unfair. Come on, at least give us a chance. This is just not right. Lucky board please.

Anonymous said...

Immpossible with 6 count bombs.Game over in seconds.Not fair CC.Over it.

Anonymous said...

Lucky board please.

Anonymous said...

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Great way to alienate your loyal players King.Not a hard level just impossible.Dont want us to play anymore just stopmproducing new levels especially shit levels like this

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No bombs appear in video but on iPad and iPhone six appear immediately. Impossible level with these bombs.

Anonymous said...

Play fair. Show video with bombs.

Anonymous said...

Game ends so quickly because of the bombs. Boring and no fun.

Unknown said...

Again, my board does not resemble the game here. The dispenser at the top dispenses time bombs at the first move. They detonate after 6 moves. It is impossible to destroy the frosting in 6 moves and impossible to make moves to destroy the bombs before they detonate. I wish King would get their act together and make sure we all have the same that asking too much? As much as I like the game, the frustration level is not worth continuing if we are not all playing the same game. It is getting easier and easier to say goodbye to this game. Deleting it from my phone and ipad will give me a certain amount of satisfaction and freedom

jackluver said...

I hate this level. Atleast the previous level was fun. This sucks. I HATE SHORT FUSED BOMBS and with a PASSION!!! Ridiculous!!! If they are going to add those stupid things they could atleast make them with a count down of atleast 12. SHIT CAN GARBAGE LEVEL. PIECE OF TRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Sandy said...

My desktop has candy and jelly instead of CB's at the top.

Anonymous said...

All you folks who got it on second try should go buy a lottery ticket. I have played almost 2 hours straight. IMPOSSIBLE LEVEL. The bombs are horrible and when i do control them there are not enough moves to complete the task

Anonymous said...

Posting for lucky board! Mouse

Unknown said...

The first time I played this on my kindle there were bombs. Next time, maybe 20 minutes later, no bombs....I don't understand...but I am not complaining! !

JoAnn said...

Not even like playing on the iPAD bombs fall every time you get rid of them. No color bombs in the corners - just candy and jelly that is almost impossible to get unless you use a booster or make one playing!

Anonymous said...

I used a fish booster and got it second try.

Anonymous said...

Just impossible. These bombs ruin the game completely. 5 lives are going by in a matter of 5 min, when there is no combo to get rid of a bomb. Stupid level.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

messenabout said...

Is someone playing a joke on us?
Absolutely ridiculous!

dirty vegas said...

I am struggling big time with this level ,I don't purchase boosters so therefore every hard level takes me days to complete not for the want of trying .I've been on this level for 3days and don't see how I can pass without the aid of boosters ,I used to be up there with the leaders but snapped my wrist in two places and couldnt play for a few months ,since then it saddens me how the leaders get it easy ,every time a level is easy it gets changed meaning the people coming after have much harder games . After 3 days of being told you failed it really does put you off playing ,especially levels like this where the count down bombs are so short , anyway came here for tips but all there are are complaints and any tips are for before the level got changed including the video ,feel like if you don't buy boosters you're not important ..#

dirty vegas said...

Best chance I've had in 5 days and the board reshuffles and the bombs end up in the far left and right corners ,seems like there is no end to this level I'm stuck forever lol

dirty vegas said...

Anyone got any tips on how to clear this level without boosters ?

dirty vegas said...

I seriously think this level has a fault ,9 days and I'm getting no where ,in those days ive only ever managed to get down to requiring two jellies ,there never ever seems to be any chances at all , very few good boards ,you honestly need an arsenal of boosters ,it's really getting boring ,this continuous loop of never ending games that finish before you even get started , maybe im a rubbish player or maybe its because I don't purchase boosters ,like ive said previously I don't have the means to buy ,I feel this game is getting more and more unfair .

Anonymous said...

Well said. Hope you heal quickly and healthy! Healthy bones matter!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck
Feeling like Dirty Vegas
If I don't Pass this soon
My wastecan can eat this!

dirty vegas said...

Hi poster above ,im still here trying lol wish I could offer some help ,all I can say is good luck .

Anonymous said...

There are no color bombs in the top corners on my iPad. Bombs drop very quickly and usually end up exploding before you can destroy them. This should be marked very hard and very boring.

DM said...

I went back to my game after posting this comment this morning and passed the level on the first try. Go figure!! The next level is even worse. Talk about boring!

Anonymous said...

Hoping for a lucky board.

Marielle said...

Struggling.....please send me a lucky board ...before I become too nervous!!!!😊

Anonymous said...

Looking for a lucky board for this one.

Anonymous said...

been on this for a week...what does it take to win?????

Anonymous said...

Lucky board please

Anonymous said...

Help weer een pest level. Hoe lang nog

Anonymous said...

Onmogelijk level. Help CC

Anonymous said...

Fijn hoor alleen maar pestborden. Tijd om te stoppen met CC. Den lol is eraf

Anonymous said...

Tjongejonge wordt steeds erger, komen alleen maar meer bommen en het halen? Ho maar. Tijd te stoppen met CC

Anonymous said...

Bombs definitely fall from the top dispenser. Lots of them.
No CB in the top corners but colour candy that has to be destroyed.
This is not a fun level.

Crusher said...

Fish booster did it for me. Must have got about 6 fishes.

Anonymous said...

Hoping for lucky board.. This level is really ridiculous and not fun anymore..

Anonymous said...

I am stuck on this level. Don't think I care for it to much. Nope, not at all. I need a lucky board to come visit me and visit me soon.

Nancy said...

This level is terrible. Losing interest😴

Anonymous said...

This level really sucks.

Anonymous said...


Carole said...

Another frustrating level. Waiting for a lucky board... again!!!

Anonymous said...

I am sooo disappointed with this game. No skill will Win this. The bombs go of before I make any moves please help

Unknown said...

My level 2446 is compleet different??

Tga said...

Struggling with this. Same thing only different each time. I clear the right side but not the left then I clear the left side but not the right. And on and on ad nauseum

Spike said...

Another level where a person is at the mercy of CC to give them a good board . . I am bored stiff !!!!

snow said...

got this on 3rd try fish booster was a good one to use. it is easy to make special candy's and bombs are pretty easy to get . Don't go after all bombs unless you see that you can not get it before it counts down. Try to go for the jelly first

Unknown said...

Help!! Used boosters came close just once and had no lollipop hammers!!! Took 60 tries to get that close ugh

Cmitch said...

I hate bombs

James said...

They need to figure out a decent compromise with difficulty. This level is awful.

Kathy said...

Posting for help (scream!!!)

PattiL said...

None of these video are the same as my boards so they are not much help...I can't find another site that does have help & hits that do match my game either. I have no candy sprinkle balls on this level & I have bombs, tons of bombs that that u have to clear in 7 moves! Also have way more jelly that needs to be cleared to pass level. I have used up all of my boosters so wth CC?? Getting very discouraged & bored!

Kate said...

Posting for luck