Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2543 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 2543 is a dual task level, you have to collect one cherry and clear the jelly in 35 moves.
This can be a hard or easy level, depending on the device and version of CC that you have.
On the original PC version level 2543 is extremely frustrating as there are huge amounts of licorice dropping constantly from the dispensers. On the new version there is much less licorice so the level is much easier to complete.
You don't need to worry about the cherry, it will find it's way down to the exit as you play, but avoid moving the cherry from the columns it moves down or it will not get to the exit unless you move it back.
To keep the licorice under control try to remove some with every move, but it will still continue to fill up the columns as it falls down the portals.
The main thing to do to make sure the cherry gets out of the exit is to clear any licorice from the squares above the exit in the middle column. These squares are much harder to clear once the cherry is sitting over them.
If you make a colourbomb try to switch it with either a stripe or a wrap to clear the most jelly, although on the PC version this will fill up the board with licorice again which will have to be removed from around any remaining jellies.
I have the older version so found this level very annoying as I constantly got down to one jelly so have not made a video.
The video below was made on the new version
by Skillgaming.
by Skillgaming.
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First attempt two jellies left. Second try it was game over, three stars, with 26 moves left. Two wrap/wrap combo virtually cleared the board.
You simply CANNOT make combos on this one. Don't do it. It will ruin everything with the licorice cascade. So it was kind of fun to play a level where combos were against you - made you think a little differently. Took me about 5 tries, no combos, pretty fun. - hbk
I want to know why Ms. Cookie didn't mix two sprinkles. I'm sure she had a good reason. But if it happens to me, I would have been in the 7th heaven mixed those two. Obviously difference between the pro (Ms. Cookie) and the rest of us. (Me) lol. Send me a luck please:)
I don't understand what Ms Cookie means by "new version". It isn't available to the average person on mobile, yet. Not for me. Anyway. Someone please explain.
posting for help...luck is the only thing than can help you through this level......so King please help?
First try 3 stars
I keep ending with one or two jellies left so tried the fish booster but only got 2 very early in the game and they went for the licorice.
Currently, no way in hell to pass this level! Black licorice sucks ass!!! Literally and figuratively....
Please help. Posting for luck. Thanks!
Posting for luck.
What a terrible level...ugh...licorice!
Need a lucky board to pass this
This level is sooo hard don't know how anyone has done this .Posting for luck .... x
Won the jackpot today. Second time in 4 years. Hope it helps me finish this pleasant level, where boosters are no help at all.
Posting for luck. Never won the jackpot. Thought it never happened to anybody.
I don't know why she didn't switch the two color bombs since her board was practically free from licorice. I can't get enough jelly cleared before the licorice comes pouring down in the second half of the round
what are they talking about, "New Version?" Where do we find this...it's the same on both my pc and kindle...hmmm.
Very annoying. I quit. Not interested in making my life frustrating as this game does. No skill involved at all. Just know that King is in control and when you get the lucky board you’ll get it. However, I do not play games that way. Goodbye King.
posting for luck to defeat the licorice demons!!!
omg these level is impossible!!! posting for luck
Really hard to get rid of the licorice. Need a lucky board!
Wow, ridiculous too much licorice no matter what you do
Posting for luck. Too much licorice and not enough move. Hope I get a lucky board soon.
Posting for luck. No way to pass this level. I've tried everything. Impossible!
Still trying to pass this level. Haven't got the lucky board yet. Posting for luck.
Posting for luck
Posting for luck. This is very hard.
Publicação para dar sorte. Nível impossivel
I’m so glad someone said NOT to switch columns. I did and thought I was smart but then it just got stuck grr.. thanks for the tip!
Don’t understand “new version” either. But if even Cookie stuck on the “original” version we are all waiting on the lucky board. Hmmmm, I used to like licorice——in real life.
Ms Cookie obviously lost the plot on this video. As others have asked..Why not just use the colourbombs next to each other?? Weird!
Lots of licorice! Too much to contain! Posting for luck!
Day 4 on this game and still not getting any where near finishing it. Not enough moves to complete this game. I think it's time to rethink playing this game I fed up with it taking days to get through these games. AGAIN I NEED A BIT OF LUCK. LUCKY BOARD PLEASE PLEASE HELP.
How much longer am I going to be stuck on this game? I have played it for 5 days now and got down to needing one used my lucky spin and it gives me a wrap combo come on KING SORT THIS GAME OUT.
Can't figure this one out. Definitely know not to move the cherry sideways. Other than that, not a clue. Boosters haven't helped so far.
BTW, in four years or so, I've hit the Jackpot twice. Not an overwhelming prize, but I wouldn't mind hitting it more often!
God after playing for three years this level is pretty much making me quit the game
I dont play cc often, most comments i 2017, Seems most players are bored by this game, i must say i play iT less, less and less, no challenge for me only wait for lucky boards, boring , boring!
Because the board would have filled up with licorice. She had the old version.
Thanks for tips. I passed first go but had to use hammer for last move. The tip don’t make combos is true! It brings down lots of licorice
don't make combo's it will bring more licorice but use can use single stripes or warps, color bombs. I used 1 hammer to get last jelly
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