The Magic Dash is a challenge that is available on the new HTML5 version and mobiles. where you can win boosters for passing levels without losing a life. The boosters can't be saved with your stash, they will be there to use on the next level you play.
When you win the first helmet, the next level will begin with a colourbomb.
The second helmet will give you a stripe/wrap and a colourbomb.
The third helmet will give you a stripe/wrap, colourbomb and three extra moves.
The best way to get the helmets is to choose an easy level and play it several times until you get the third helmet, then play a hard level that you are stuck on and you will have all the boosters to help.
If you fail the level any time while you are trying to win the helmets you will have to start again, so be sure to choose a level you know you can win every time.
This challenge is not available constantly, it will come and go so if you have it you should take advantage while it is there.
Now tgey have the spaceship and daily calender boosts,but I have lost both of them. I have e mailed them twice, but no response. Any suggestions
Warum bekomme ich kein Magic Dash mehr????!!!! Seit 3 Wochen GARNIX!!!! :(:(:(
I, too, no longer get helmet or stripe challenges on iPad. I get them on desktop.
II to am not able to get any magic helmets anymore. King, kindly help
Why did the Magic helmets stop. They are very useful in these difficult levels which are nearing 3200.
I have never had space dash or morts helmet on my game currently playing on level 2947. I find it really frustrating that all of my friends have at least one of them every week and almost everyone I see posting on Facebook group has them aswell. I am Android the same as my husband who is one of those that has one or the other every week. I created a new account for my grandson on my Android and guess what he gets space dash immediately solo I know it's nothing to do with my tablet. Can you help me, Please I could really use these things
I don’t get space dash or morts helmet either ☹️
It use to be that if you had the helmets and you knew you weren't going to be able to finish a level with them, you would shut down the game and then start it up again, and you wouldn't lose the helmets. Now, it looks like King finally addressed this glitch and you lose the helmets no matter what. Anyone else experience this?
Got the same since today!
Yes it sucks. Waste of time
Me too, a week ago! I'm on level 3718- most levels above 3700 are impossible without space dash or helmets. King seems to be making changes.
Yup, that's happened to me, too.
Yes, it's annoying ��
UGH - I don't play nearly as much anymore since the change. Not sure why they would have done this, I didn't see it as a glitch but a way to pass levels with assistance. I have been stuck on a level for over a week, so now I will only play when I am really trying to kill time.
That's exactly what I was coming to check in. It didn't happen to me until this week. Very frustrating. It takes too long to scroll to the first level and start over to get the magic. If you don't win a new level on the first go you need to start all over again, again and again.
What if you quit playing but have the helmet how long before you lose it without playing.Mine is gone now and i stopped playing last nigbt and now helmet is gone.You should not lose it if your not playing
This has happened to me too. It's taken a week to pass 1 level.
So boring.
Won't be playing for much longer as it's no fun now just tedious. On level 3540
Are there any easy levels after 3000. So I don’t have to scroll so far?
Can anyone help me? I don't get the magic helmet anymore.
Lost my space dash and am wondering how to get it back. Some levels seem impossible without it.
Close the game. Go into b0ackground processing and force stop the game. Reopen game. If not, restart phone before reopening game.
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