Candy Crush Saga Level 2684 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2684 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have to collect 9 yellow candies which you will get from the lucky candies along the bottom of the board.
This can be an extremely frustrating level so you need to think carefully about your moves.
You need colourbombs to have any chance of clearing this level. First get the lucky candies changed into yellows, the best way is to use a double colourbomb combo. If you can't get two colourbombs together just use single ones on the colours needed to change the lucky candies.
Collecting the yellows is the frustrating bit! You need a colourbomb to collect them, but since there are no yellows on the board you have to rely on luck. Make a colourbomb and hit it with a stripe and hope that it clears the yellows.. This works occasionally, but to more or less guarantee that the colourbomb will collect the yellows you can make it using a stripe so that the stripe detonates the colourbomb as it is made. See the video...
You can also use a second double colourbomb combo if you are able to make one, although I never managed this in the moves available.
It may help to use a lucky candy booster so that you can get a yellow beside a colourbomb on the playing area, but you still need to change enough yellows.
Video below
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Rick said...

I passed this level by starting with a CB combo from Space Dash. That turned all the 9 check candies on the bottom into yellow candies needed for the order right away. I also added a check candy booster which also turned into yellow. I managed to create another CB and matched it with the yellow candy in the playing area, which collected all the yellow candies on the bottom and made me pass the level.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how a CB combo turned all the 9 check candies into yellow candies. What did you do with the CB that turned the checks into yellows? I just wasted my last hand switch booster and hammer creating a CB then combined it with a stripe and it did basically nothing...

Gil said...

2 CBs combo

Gil said...

I don't know how, but completed this level in one move - 2 CBs from the MD.
It was too fast, so, I didn't really see what happen.

Anonymous said...

Only 24 moves. Please correct. Posting for luck.

Francisco Diego said...

I don't know how to do it, so many attempts and no chance to finish.

Brown dog said...

Posting for luck

Brown dog said...

Posting for luck, skill isn'the doing it so maybe luck will

Roger75 said...

Very frustating level... without boosters, I think you need two pairs of color bombs (one pair to open the yellows and another to break them), which is very difficult to make.

Teresa said...

Posting for luck

SharonH said...

YAH, another posting for luck level! So done with CC!

Anonymous said...

Never get 2 cb together how frustrating, too little moves. Posting for a bit of luck!

Anonymous said...

Sadly have no boosters to use on this level :(

Rob said...

Easiest level ever lol

Never had a helmet said...

I'm struggling.

oomasangels said...

I hate this level

Unknown said...

Don't know what happened, there are no helmets and no striped candy contest or any contest visible in my game. Since 2 weeks I didn't get any updates on this game, not moving further.

Anonymous said...

If you get to the point you have no moves, the board will shuffle and move the yellows to the top part of the screen

Anonymous said...

Any one who has watched the video of this level. Does anyone know why all the yellows blew up ? No reason for it at all.
This site is becoming pointless. And anyone who thinks it is put together for nothing and the owners are not making money out of it are mad.

Lady Di said...

Finally completed by sheer luck .board reshuffled & brought up some lucky candies in the main playing area. Finished with using a hammer on the last yellow.

Anonymous said...

Sage here: I wondered the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Sage here: gonna post for luck since I see no way out.

PuspitaHassei said...

Already get disco ball vs disco ball. But still can't win this level hahaha. I'll update if i have super great luck to pass this level.

PuspitaHassei said...

Yeah finally pass with super great luck. When all my candy in below board change into yellow.. i try to strike the color bomb with stripe.. and lucky it choose color yellow. So actually the video above is possible. But it depends on luck, because it not always strike the yellow (it will strike random color)

Anonymous said...

I passed with double wraps on the conveyor. Changes two or three into yellow and then blows the yellows up. Easier to do than CB's

Anonymous said...

I got this first time thanks to Rick 7th August, he always gives great tips!

Tabata said...

Got 2 cb on my first try! Lucky board again...

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Stacey said...

Why isn't this classified as a "hard level"? It's impossible!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Stuck for days and posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

what a frustrating level this one is.. posting for luck , please....

Anonymous said...

After march this year no one play this game. I must say i agree, i dont understand this level at all. The yellow? Come on the dont come above, the walkthrough not clear enough. Of course players give up. So Am I. Waisting time and fun.

Anonymous said...

For most players of games , is this cc game no fun, stupid changes. Never played a game like this. To irritating for me.

Anonymous said...

Sorry i cant remember when cc had fun levels. Now they only have irritating shit levels. Time to relax by not playing, no stress.

Anonymous said...

Not a fun level, Seems i cant get further in this game. So i give up.

Anonymous said...

Needing a lucky board...

anonymous said...

i passed first by double wraps at botton of the top which denotated three into yellow
then one cb matching with one coloe several more there turned into yellow
then several sets of cb/wraps which hit in the right spots to clear at least three each

Spicelady said...

Posting for luck

Anne said...


Anônimo said...

Como ter dois colourbombs no jogo? Jogo imbecil.

Carole said...

Just a ridiculous level, based on only luck

snow said...

I started with all 3 boosters that cc allows but I just kept making stripe/wrap combos which seemed easy to make

Laura said...


Shaker said...

I just kept plugging away until only a few yellows left, then took hammers to them. Job done!

Foxdean said...

I did not have to use colour bombs to clear this level just stripes, finished with moves to spare not sure what happened but seemed to be the easiest level for ages, not too much swearing in the comments which must be a good sign!

Billie Girl said...

Lucky board please

Cmitch said...
