Candy Crush Saga Level 2687 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2687 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have only 16 moves to collect 9 each of red, yellow and purple candies.
The colours you need will be provided by the lucky candies which drop from the dispensers in the middle of the board, so to get these you should start by making matches as close to the bottom of the board as you can.
The candies will drop through the portals from the bottom back up to the top of the board so it's easy to keep them moving and get some good cascades.
Look for special candies even though the task is to collect colours making specials and combos will give you the best chance of getting the candies you need in so few moves.
Video below
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Anonymous said...

every time i complete this level it gets stuck in a loop where the check candies become stripes wraps and bombs and never ends, anyone else?

Nienke said...

I've got the same. Even after half an hour it doesn't end...

Anonymous said...

Same problem here just kept crushing until was almost 100,000,000 score and then says there is an error. When you go back to play, it has not let me pass the level. Very frustrating!

Mark said...

Had the helmet etc and passed with 4 moves to spare. Bit of a long final cascade. Ended up with 530 million. Pleased to say it did pass on to the next level okay.
3 stars not surprisingly.

Helpme said...

Same as above..the difference I think is no boosters athe the start.

Anonymous said...

12 moves on iPad. Ugh

Anonymous said...

Cleared with 1 move left. Endless cascade. Left it to cascade overnight till hp battery flat. Is there a glitch?

LouAng said...

And I'm stuck. As I am typing this, I have a 9 digit number as the score. So I'll just let my tablet run and see if it will ever stop.

Anonymous said...

Passed this on the iPad but it won't stop cascading. Will just have to see how long it takes.up to 100,0000 so far

Anonymous said...

Just posted about having over100,0000 . Somehow I ended the game unintentionally and found I had to redo the level. Annoyed because I had used up my boosters on it first time around. On the second attempt I didn't use any boosters and passed and there was no cascade. Don't know if using boosters makes a difference

LouAng said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LouAng said...

UPDATE: I plugged in my tablet and let it run overnight. Not sure when it stopped, but I got 3 stars and have a score of 1,370,236,200!
Now I can move on to 2688.

Anonymous said...

I think previous crushers are right, no boosters used and no continuous cascade when completed. Indy

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Carol the elder said...

I had many boosters from the space helmet, but fortunately, the ending cascade was not bad. This is on iPad.

Anonymous said...

Not a bad score on this one - 499,840,580 !!! Was quite surprised when the cascades stopped of their own accord.

Anonymous said...

As I type this my iPad game is still cascading at 63 million! Tired of watching it do this, I went to my computer and played the level again....first try I passed the level and it started cascading but stopped at about 200 thousand. And my iPad is still cascading!

Unknown said...

Once again your video is not helpful when we only have 12 moves and you have more. Stop this King!! Help us complain, Cookie!

Anonymous said...

What is up with all the glitches lately, KING?

Andrea said...

Took an hour but it finally stopped dropping special candies- 1.7 BILLION.

Francisco Diego said...

Kiss my ass 12 moves are you smashed?

Pvalla said...

Just received a response from King. They are looking into this issue. I reported that I had the same problem today with the Candy Crush loop nod not getting credit for passing the level.

Roger75 said...

Stuck in a loop too, after getting all the candies... I think King is not testing the new levels they are deploying.
I'm not sure if my Android mobile phone will have enough energy to wait until the loop stops.

Anonymous said...

How pathetic is this level was over 500 million and just stopped, didn't even pass me

Rob said...

Another super easy level 😀

Unknown said...

Hugely disappointed not to get a massive cascade at the end. I feel cheated.


Mlssrn said...

Me too! Plugged in my phone, had a shower and took the dag for a walk..still going :-( I flipped out to check my mags and it credit for the level grrr

Anonymous said...

This level is torture and it seems like I will be on it forever. Please King, fix it 😩

didueverdoubtme said...

No cascade but don't care..passed with wrap on CB. Obviously they removed the special candies

Anonymous said...

I'm at over 325 million. Cascade never seems to end. Grrr

LBC said...

12 moves. Not 16. Typical of King

LBC said...

Another stupid, completely luck based level by King

Anonymous said...

Is this another level where Cookie passed with 16 moves, so the brainiacs at King dropped the moves to 12? I am unsure how everyone seems to pass this level! I am struggling to get 1/2 of the required 3 colors!

jaxmobile said...

Mine would not stop surpassing 2 billion and is now reversed and I am losing points at 1.1B has been going for 10 hours. I am really annoyed.

Unknown said...

Did it stop on its own? How did u end it?

Anonymous said...

My husbands went om for 2 hours. Finally ended at 1.87 billion, and he has moved on.

Anonymous said...

Is there anyway to stop this thing without losing my passed level?? Ugh!!! .. 2 billion and still going strong!

Roger75 said...

Now it seems to be Ok (no more endless looping after getting all the candies). Passed this level after updating Candy Crush. But don't play soon after updating: first wait until it is completely installed. I played just after updating but the installation process suddenlly stop the game I was playing.

Anonymous said...

It's all blowing up on my tablet. Make it stop pleazzzzzz!

Anonymous said...

Why am i having problems getting the required colours???? Nowhere near 1 cascade let alone hours of them like anyone else???? 12 moves isnt enough, help!!!!

Anonymous said...

Passed it on the first try, with one move left. but I'm stuck in a loop. It just won't stop!

forgetmenot said...

All fixed unless I was just lucky, it did cascade for a minute or so before finishing. I played on IPad

Shaun said...

Ha ha ha, you were just lucky! I closed mine hoping it would pass me but it didn't. Here we go round 2!

Anonymous said...

It just doesn't stop. Again no QA by stupid King.

Anonymous said...

Twice I have finished this game and twice the score just keeps going
Please cure preferably without me doing this game again.....

nckeat88 said...

Try not to use the candies to set off ONLY the red yellow and purple.. I avoided the cascade after a 2nd try.

nckeat88 said...

Sorry I mean try to use the candies to set off ONLY the red,yellow and purples. I avoided the cascade after 2nd try.

MiMi said...

Ok...your killing my battery!!! The cascades won't stop!!!!

MiMi said...

How can I get this to stop????

MEW said...

I did not use boosters and had the endless cascade with 3 moves left. Next game no boosters and no cascade when the level passed with 0 moves left.

MiMi said...

So how many times do I have to win this level before I can pass it????

Annonymous said...

The cascades went on forever. But they eventually stopped. I have two more grandchildren it went on so long so it's all good. 😊

Anonymous said...

Same as the rest. I let it go on cascading to well past 4 billion and then my iphone screen went to sleep and when I awoke it, the game had an error! SO ANNOYED.

JV said...

DO NOT use any boosters. At the end it causes the perpetual cascade. I passed with no boosters and the cascade contained no special candies hence no looping cascade.

Anonymous said...

Cascade eventually ends on its own, like for other levels. Just go make yourself a cup of tea meanwhile. :)

Unknown said...

I got up to over 2 billion then it started to count backwards. Ended up with 1 star. What a joke!

anonymous said...

On iPad and just passed 1 trillion! I let it cascade overnight, thinking it would eventually stop. It did stop on my laptop after reaching 26,794,380 points.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone get tons of striped candies for the contest? When I tried to close this level T 45 mil. It said I would lose 1428 stripes for the contest.

Suze Bain said...

Still endless cascade on iPad and phone. Please fix!!!!

JaeJae said...

I worked solely on the bottom and passed first try. FOCUS only on the bottom.

Unknown said...

How to stop thid level collected all orders 2 times score more than 7crores forcely stopped but still on the same level plz suggest

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!

Anonymous said...

I just downloaded and played this on there while the cascades were falling on Facebook. Got it first go on King and no cascades while over on facebook I was on 25 million. So closed that down and moved on anyway.

Lady Di said...

Sugar drops not on the level like it says they should...& not coming up on old levels either!!

Mangesh said...

frustrating level!!! posting for luck..

Anonymous said...

Won't stop cascading. I've completed the game twice now just to have to end the game. Can't move on

Anonymous said...

Same problem, endless cascade and no credit when I stopped it. I did start with a booster. Haven't managed to pass yet without a booster. Will keep trying and see what happens.

Anonymous said...

That worked! I did get a series of cascades at sugar crush, but it didn't last long.

Unknown said...

Been coming to this sight for awhile now, usually just reading the comments magically gets me a winning board. But this time...had the endless cascade which finally ended with an error message, and now I can't even get close to passing this level. Ugh

Anonymous said...

Same as the others....cascades never stop...have passed this twice....getting fed up with glitches or hard levels...have got new games to play now...come here sometimes.


Turkeylady3 said...

I beat this level on iPad went into a continuing loop of exploding bombs. It's been 45 mins. Still going 279 mil. So went to iPhone beat level and didn't go into loop because no bombs coming down

Tracey said...

Same problem on the iPhone. Finally turned it off after half an hour.

Anonymous said...

The never ending cascade glitch at the end of the game appears to be fixed. I started with boosters from the magic helmet, passed first try and only got a short cascade at the end of the game. Phew! Good luck x

Anonymous said...


Susan said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Only two comments in 2018? This is nearly the end of 2018. Seems There is a lot wrong by cc. End of the cc game? I would not surprised. The games become worser and worser. Well problem solved.

Paul said...

another supposedly easy level, which turns out to be a nightmare and takes days to pass......
.... I'm still going through lives...

snow said...

This was a fun level for a change, I started with a check mark booster but did not need it. Play the bottom of the board and every thing pretty much takes care of it self with cascades

Shari said...

Lol, yeah right!!!!

Caz said...

Nowhere near. I deleted this game once before but came back after a year. Time to go again though l reckon. Really not getting any pleasure out of it.

Mom A said...

I keep getting down to needing 1 candy!

Cmitch said...


Kathy said...

I like this level but I'm getting tired of it and need a lucky board now.