Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2690 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 2690 is a dual task level, you have to collect 2 nuts and clear all the jelly.
The ingredients will drop down onto the board once you have destroyed the magic mixers in the bottom right section of the board.
First make a stripe to unlock the mixers, then you need a bit of luck to be able to make moves in the bottom right to destroy them. Candies drop through the portals from the top left into the bottom right so you can use that to plan moves. If you are unlucky and are unable to destroy the spawners quickly enough they will fill up the bottom right section with licorice and this will make it almost impossible to complete the level.
It is fairly easy to make special candies and combos in the top left section, then try to bring them down into the bottom right to clear the spawners.
At the same time as you are clearing the spawners to collect the nuts you need to be clearing the jelly in the other sections of the board.
A colourbomb/wrap or colourbomb/stripe combo will work well if you can make them.
Video below
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Whew! I just finished the next episode (levels 2691 to 2705). It’s the hardest episode for awhile with many difficult levels. Although I was able to complete all the levels on the 1st try except 2693 and 2699, I have to use a ton of boosters and buy extra time on 2 levels. I have to complete levels 2691 and 2692 without the Space Dash which appears and disappears every level. The hardest level is 2693 which took me at least 7 tries to complete. In level 2699, I have no clue as to which portals go to next portals because Cookies’ tip for that level is not yet available. The cherry just goes around the conveyor and through and through in the portal on the left. In frustration, I just handswitched the cherry to the exit on the right hand column.
Good luck crushers. Till next Wednesday.
Since I've learned to keep or reclaim the magic dash this level wasn't too bad. I got a few gold crowns. Not sure I like the new board that isn't resize let. I go back down to the early levels to get boosters, and the new format takes forever to scroll to the hundreds
Extremely easy episode with the help of the Space Dash.
The only level that took me more than one try was 2686 as the upper right cherry stuck in its corner and didn't move.
Eventually it moved.
Cheers from the Land of Milk and Honey.
2690 is annoying. Any clues??
Boring....almost impossible,.....asking for a little luck after playing 63 times
Candy crush charm and thrill is gone.The number of grumbling and whining disappeared.All because of space dash.I hope everyone goes back to level 1 to play 5 times and always start with colourbomb combination.Only thing to keep adjusting to have them together.The level would be done in no time.What is the big deal Rick boasts about him.One day is more than enough.So boating to complete in two hours with space dash.Anyway thank you king for giving such an entertainment at no cost.
posting for luck
I think my game board is off. Finished 2690 and it says episode finished and new coming soon. But, I still show a dot for next level 2691 still to play. It does not advance, so I feel like I am done. Just wondered if anyone else's game board was doing the same. Playing on android only.
I started out with 1 each of the freebies I had in the bank and beat it in 14 moves. Finally.
Completely agree.
Can anyone explain to me where to get these?
Posting for luck.....
all my boosters gone and my money too:-)
perhaps with a little help from my friends?
No luck so far.....not an easy level.
Th...you can earn a space dash by playing level 2000.... it is fairly easy.
I quit. This level is impossible
Space dash seems to be available only on mobile devices and PC's. It is not yet available for Mac users. I keep hoping. Many of these levels would be much less frustrating with a little extra help!
Got greedy on first try, missed by one, took 4 tries in all
This is really hard especially with only 18 moves. Played lots of games,just waiting for lucky board
How does one contact c c I have passed this level twice but it will now move on . I am playing on 3 devices connected by Facebook and only one (pc) moved to the next level. Android and tablet not so.
Posting for luck, don't see any way of beating this level! Getting nowhere, even with boosters! When finished, I am done with CC! Everything we have learned, non of it matters anymore! We all just wait for that lucky board! Sorry this level gets done, and so do I!
What is the Space Dash?
Been on 2690 for 3 days, almost impossible & so boring.
Passed! Now waiting for new levels.
Tried this yesterday no luck. 4th attempt today close. 5th done. Just needed lots of combos and a double wrap cleared heaos8..onwards and upwards..no boosters to rely on but unlike Rick above who always boasts he gets these out 1st attempt..find it unlikely but with boosters who knows or cares!!
As usual for mobile players this "not hard " level is actually impossible without the helmet or spaceship to start with a CB combo. Now they made it more tedious to scroll down to level 1 and it takes many more tries to reset the game to get the CB alignment. Plus they clog up the map with silly icons that make resetting more annoying. One has to wonder why?
Having a very hard time with this level. Seems impossible 😢
Agree. I'm done. Fed up with King.
Only 18 moves, not 22 as the useless video shows.
I invite Rick and Gil to do this episode again, and let's see if you're stil doing all levels at first attempt and stil find this an easy episode. Doing all levels at first attempt, you've plenty of time.
This level is also a bad one. It all depends on the spray mixers....Asking for some luck.
Added a fish booster - passed immediately with no helmet or space dash - I have no idea what those are, really, have never had those. I found it a fun level. - hbk
I use a mobile and I have never earned a space dash?
I beat it 1st try, although I did use a hammer and a hand switch for the last 2 jellys.
Finding this difficult, as for Space Dash, for me it's no use going back to level one to gather boosters unless that little helmet is on the main screen, I'm playing on IPad
KING.....I beat this level, but can't advance on my iPad! What's up?
Got it on about the 15th attempt with no boosters. The best combos are stripe/wrap and if you can get enough going, especially in the bottom right-hand set, then you'll find it's quite easy. BUT, a lot depends on how you start off and getting a bit of luck early (as Cookie says).
Can iPhone get the space dash everyone's talking about too?
Me too
Playing on tablet and phone. Cleared 2690. Can't move on. No more platforms. Anyone else struggling with this .
ME TOO! What's up.
This is totally normal. Mobile 15 new levels are available every Wednesday and are two weeks behind pc.
I passed 2690 but now board won't move ahead to 2691. Been frozen for three days....help
This level is ridiculous!! Used up my boosters and 2 hours of life. Could not complete it. Again waiting for the lucky board! Ready to quit!!
Space dash??? Posting for a lucky board
Waiting for next episode since 2 weeks. Though the app got updated today I didn't get the new episode. Anyone facing this problem?
I'm going through the same thing UNKNOWN!
I have used space dash for maximum boosters. I had 2 hours of free life. I have tried for days.There are not enough moves!! Lucky board may have come and gone!! Wouldn't notice! I only play on my android!! More moves on pc??!! Seriously??!! There are a lot of fun game apps! Time to move on
I totally agree! It's so tedious to go back and forth collecting booster from space dash! Because obviously it's not helping!! I use about 10-12 moves clearing spinners!!
ME! Was suppose to get new episodes today and nothing!!
I get new episodes on my mobile every Wednesday and got nothing today.
Yes me too! On Android as well. I don't get it..and it won't let me collect the special candies either. I beat this level and it won't let me progress.
Think this one defiantly needs a few more moves
I can't pass this level - only 18 moves and licorice keeps me from getting all the jellies!
Could somebody explain what means "space dash" I m French and I don't understand this word
How do I reclaim Magic Dash? That would be very helpful. I hate licorice!
When I go back and play 2000 I don't get a space dash. The only way I get a space dash is when CC offers it when you pass levels on the first try. I play on iPad and iPhone.
This level is impossible
Not enough moves to beat this level impossible and boring
Sage here: correct and the numbers are harder to read for us senior players.
Sage here: I get it on iPhone. Just wish I knew how to reclaim it when I lose it.
Sage her: kinda wishing I had a booster of choice for every time I read: level failed ....
Sage here: posting for luck.
Sage here: boy this is tough. Posting again hoping for a lucky board.
Ok i need lucky board plss
Also posting for luck.
What is space dash?
I'm still smh at Rick who claims he got all the levels except 2 the first time...I call bull shit..this level is so boring, this could do me in....I may actually be able to kick the cc habit
need luck for this.... very bad
Sage, if you do not want to lose your space dash when you lose a level, do this. Just before you give up the level restart your device. You then will keep the space dash for the next try at it. I have kept on doing this repeatedly with good success, until I forget myself and forget to restart on time. Good luck!
Started with 2 sprinkles to together. Passed with 7 moves left. Good luck
Clear your cache and data on your app and you will continue to next level, it has nothing to do with updating.
Posting for luck
Posting for luck
I need some luck here...
Been playing this impossible level for several weeks very tired of wasting my time came close - one move - but ran out of moves. This grandma is done.
Used all my boosters...this level is too much for me. Plz send me a lucky board!!!! HELP!!!!
I am starting to hate playing this game...its not fun anymore....this level sucks....
I need a lucky board very hard level
I must be doing something wrong. I can't even get close. After trying for two days. I've read all the comments here and nobody says anything about the upper right corner which I can't even begin to clear. If I do bust open the spawners and candies fall down there I get very few moves down there. This is not even a hard level! What am I doing wrong??
Boring....seems impossible despite the boosters ..just need Help!!! Waiting for a lucky board thanks
posting for luck
Need a lucky board please!!!
How do you get back without scrolling for hours
is this level even possible?? posting for luck....
posting for luck
This level is a bit buggy. The portals don't show at all.
There are green exit arrows in the bottom left and top right boxes but I have no clue HOW an ingredient would get into either box.
I'm going to try switching back to Internet Explorer. If that doesn't help I have no clue how I will ever pass this one.
posting for luck
Posting for luck, and boy do I need it!!
Been here for days and it is getting very old. Didn’t play a lot over the weekend, now I remember why!!! Need a lucky board.This is getting very old!!
So boring and seemingly impossible!
What genius thought this game up? Licorice pouring from everywhere. Tired of these last few levels. Need a lucky board.
This is so so boring, luck needed.
posting for luck
Posting for luck
This episode has been a bit better than some recent ones, but we are back to a stupid, boring, level that offers very little choice for each move and no strategy. The number of posters who say they won with space dash and the lack of comment that offer any hints is evidence that there really is no chance of passing this without a lucky board. I, for one, am getting tired of waiting.
What a frickin waste of time. Uggghhh.
Following tips is getting me nowhere,
I am swamped with liquorice and blockers , even a double colour bomb made zilch difference.
Can they really come up with nothing better than this?
Load of rubbish
Can’t get close, and this is a super boring level! Posting for luck!
Lucky board please!
Do i have to see, difficult level, hard levels nightmare levels, easy levels? Basic on nonsens cc. What a sad game, you distroy yourself.
What ever cc say on this game and level, hard levels difficult levels medium level, let me tell you, they are all shitt levels . Dont believe in cc anymore, sick of it. Not my game cc.
I dont even have the energy playinglevels like this. To capitulave is beter for me, not interesting in this game. Cc is to boring manipulative, and all the changes in moves give mme the idea they are fake, So why should i play?
I have used everything possible on this level and still don’t come close. This should be considered a hard level
Been on this far too long. Help,
Lucky board please...
No luck so far so going to get some free boosters from booster bot using level 1476....
Still no luck with boosters. Then no boosters but got lucky board. Still needed to use my last free hammers to finish.
Destroy spurners first. Then create stripe/wrap combos.
Impossible. Posting for luck.
After umteen tries got a lucky board. Got a cb an a strioe to start. It hit d blickers an in d cascade it removed dem an whole board opened up. Still had to use a hammer an switch in d end too
Oh god here we go again! Is there any point in continuing candy crush? It ceased to be about skill over a thousand levels ago and I presume its just money from here on in. Nauseating.
For me, this was one of the most difficult levels encountered in CC due to all of the obstacles that must be overcome. One of the hardest things to do was to destroy the mixers. It was all chance whether or not matches could be made in the restricted area provided, and that was only after being able to cut the licorice ties. Then the licorice dispensers top and bottom keeping the jellies covered was a curse. I beat this level once after 20 tries by using all boosters offered. The game went fairly quickly and I was going to recommend this to all you fellow crushers. But unfortunately, the next time I opened CC, the program had me playing this same level again!!! Has that ever happened to any of you? It's the 4th time in 6 weeks for me. But what a level to have to repeat! So I used all my boosters offered again and again and again, etc. No luck. Finally, I managed to pass with the 5 extra moves option, no boosters. This is one .. hard .. level! Good luck!
Outro nível ridículo e nojento. Saindo fora do CC.
Nível difícil? Impossível! Melhor parar com este jogo ridículo. Existem jogos melhores.
Realmente, o CC faliu.
Tenho coisas melhores para fazer do que perder meu tempo com isso.
CC nao faz mais sentido.
Super hard, waiting for a lucky board
Only way to pass anymore! Notice the amount of comments diminish from 2017 to 2019. Most people giving up this boring monotonous game!
All people who claim they cxan finish these very difficult levels in one try are bulls******s, easy to say but difficult to prove lol
This is a ridiculous level with asinine moves available. Quit adjusting the amount of moves!
Stupid level can’t get anywhere.
Posting for luck
Just did the stupid and bought bars to complete previous game....NEVER again even if this one takes forever!!!
Getting really aggravated with levels that are not fun
What is space dash. I have no idea. I am sick of playing this boring level futively. The country is in a mess, the pandemic is raging and I can’t even find it fun to play candy crush!
I really agree with the person above. Everyone is on about space dashes and morts hats or something and at this stage we have none of these things and this game is getting impossible and boring. I'm through.
Crap level… Impossible without the lucky board. Don’t waste your boosters… PFL
Lucky board needed. Another buy more moves level
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