Candy Crush Saga Level 2753 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2753 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have 18 moves to get 85,000 points and complete level 2753.
As with all score levels you must use up all your moves to complete the level regardless of how high your score is.
Colourbombs are the best for scoring but before you can make the best moves you will need to clear some blockers to open up the board a little.
Clearing the cake bomb isn't necessary, but it will give you a nice big playing area and will clear any chocolate that is blocking the board.
Once you get to the last few moves it is sometimes better to make as many special candies as you can and leave them on the board as they will be detonated after you have used your moves and can make up any points you need.
Video below

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Anonymous said...

18 moves now.

Kevin said...

Took 6 or 7 tries with no boosters, but not too difficult. You just need a bit of good fortune with forming colourbombs and other specials. It definitely helped to clear the cake, although I didn't concentrate on that particularly.

Anonymous said...

so angry of that again. why always change the game setting? only 18 moves in stead of 25.........unfair to gamers

daduk said...

I do not understand what is going on. I am on this level which says 25 moves to get a score of 65000. We today I show I only have 18 moves and need 85000. I just made the 65000 mark after playing for several days and it tells me I did not complete the level. I noticed the 85000 score. What is going on?

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Maria Fernanda said...

85.000 points and 18 moves! I can't play on android, I have to play on the PC.

Anonymous said...

Seems impossible to do on iPad with 18 moves. I had giant cascade, colourbombs and cleared cake and still only reached 67000. Tedious!

Brown dog said...

18 moves to get 85000,why was this changed? I can't even get close....need lots of luck

Anonymous said...

After I got the cake cleared matched every chocolate sprinkle I made with a candy of same color as a wrap or with a wrap. Made 25,000 to 30,000 points each time. Seemed to work the same as matching chocolate sprinkles with bombs in previous point levels.
First try finished with 269,000 points, three stars.

Anonymous said...

Not enough moves. Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Cleared the board and still only had 18,000 points, so where do the points come from?

Van5 said...

Finished the second try with 83K. Ugh. Spent another 10 gold bars to get the last points and ended up with 223 K. Made as many specials on the board as I could and left them there. Good luck everyone!

Anonymous said...

18 moves instead of 25 in video. Don't change the conditions without changing the video. Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Tried double sparkle chocolate with no success. Can't get close to the total needed with only18 moves.

Anonymous said...

Impossible level. highesr I!ve received is 70000. Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Used up so many boosters with no luck. I think it's goodbye for now. Wasting boosters I have worked so hard to accumulate and wasting my time. Bye!

Melanie said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

My board requires 85,000 points not 65,000. Impossible!

Anonymous said...

Don't see how it can be done. Re-played levels to collect helmet bonuses, tried combining them with boosters and still can't get past 50,000, let alone that you have to get 85,000 now! Anyone have a useful suggestion?

Anonymous said...


A2 said...

Just a joke. Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

pfff posting for luck

Missy said...

Just passed with 278,000! I couldn't pass this level and I came on here to get some tips. I finally had sprinkled candy with a wrap. Twice! That did it.
Just reading the boards gives me luck! 😊

Maiga said...

Not enough moves,posting for luck

Anonymous said...

I think King just want us buy boosters, NOT A CHANCE OF ME BUYING ANY OF IT, I'll just have to leave it 😢😢

Anonymous said...

Impossible in Only 18 moves! Lucky board maybe?

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous! King I taking the fun out of this game, Can't even get close

momma said...

Anonymous impossible level!

Anonymous said...

Not getting close..l.l

Francesmenth said...

Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck.

cherylb said...

Bored with this already....I had 78k, had a free spins and won extra moves, still only got 81k...guess I'll wait for a lucky board cause I used sprinkle balls and wraps and still no luck

Turkeylady3 said...

When I use a speckled bomb with stripe and 2 wrapped candies with stripes and not get close there's something wrong Oh wait nothing wrong that's why king cheats so u will be forced to buy boosters WELL NOT GONNA HAPPEN And I'd suggest no one buy boosters it only makes them cheat more

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Fed up! said...

Please help. Getting bored!

Anonymous said...

Have had colour bombs but can't get anywhere near the score needed,need help

Anonymous said...

I don't see how!!!

Unknown said...

Impossible round, went through all my colour bombs. Nothing works.. can't even get close to the score needed.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Flippenheck said...

Help please

Anonymous said...

40 odd games and the highest I can get is 30000
Good luck

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, this is a nightmare, posting for luck!!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck.

shelleyjim said...

Played several times hopeless

Anonymous said...

stupid level

Anonymous said...

When we have played over 2500 levels, we need to be able to move from one level to another level within the same world. It gets very boring, tedious and frustrating to have to play the same ridiculous, impossible level over and over.

Anonymous said...

Posting for lucky board

Di said...

Are you serious????? How about 20 more moves to make passing this level doable??? Posting for a lucky lucky board, that’s the only way it will be possible to pass this level!!!

Anonymous said...

Where do the points come from? Need boosters I guess

Anonymous said...

How to get 85K points....I can't even get 50K?? Need luck more than skill.

Anonymous said...

My highest score is 39000.....
85000 is impossible!

Alessandra said...

18 moves ?

I’ve even had a ton of colour bombs, exploded the cake and STILL didn’t get near enough points
What a waste of time

Glo said...

I only got 12 moves, impossible without boosters.

Susan said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Utterly ridiculous

Noella said...

I guess the lucky board will come along eventually...yawn!

Anonymous said...

c/candycrush here:
Medium difficulty, takes several tries but no boosters necessary if you can wait.

Unsatisfactory level to play as I don't believe you get by on skill at all. On an earlier game, I cleared the cake (not necessary to the game but you'd think it would boost the score a lot), plus had a combo or two and got nowhere close, but on my last game after the cake cleared, there was a cascade & lots of candies forming on their own, which got me to about 400,000.
So nothing to do with skill-you just need a cascade happening at the end.

Anne said...

Agree with above. It's all about cascades. It helps enormously if you can destroy the cake bomb, so much more room to play. Just break into the bottom half, work there, and watch the magic

Granny said...

Play and PAY seems to be the motto for Candy Crush.

Tisha Thomas said...

What is happening is that too many crushers are passing a level without buying boosters. Since King isn't creating these levels for our amusement but for their pocketbook, they are going to decrease the number of moves to increase the number of people who will purchase moves or boosters. It is really quite simple. You have several choices: (1) buy boosters (2) play levels to accumulate boosters (3) stick it out several days for the lucky board or (4) quit CC. But please...STOP WHINING!!!

Anônimo said...

CC Cassino. Jogo ridículo.

Blondie Blue said...

Please posting for luck ! Not even getting close , why take away moves !

Carol said...

Posting for luck!!!!!!!

Carole said...

Waiting for lucky moves

snow said...

Another HORRIBLE level way to few of moves here. I tried a ton of times on PC and could not get close. I used a hand switch to make a color bomb and used 2 hammers to open up the bottom so I could use a color bomb on as many of one color as I could. You need at least 5.

Mary said...

annoying level. Just got 84150....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz kill me now

Billie Girl said...

Posting for luck

Mom A said...

85000 shouldn't be that hard tonget....usually

Caz said...

What nonsense. I cleared the cake and had one sprinkle, six stripes and one wrap, all unexploded, and still didn’t hit the target.

Robin said...

Hi everyone first tried with boosters not enough points
On my third try I did not use boosters and on my very last move I passed, thought this was a fun level😊👍

Lb said...

Posting for luck! Good luck everyone! Come on CC I need a good board please?

Unknown said...

This level is a cheat. I got all the boosters and almost cleared the board and came well short.

Unknown said...

this level is a cheat. I got several boosters, almost fully cleared the board and still short!!