Candy Crush Saga Level 2878 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2878 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have 20 moves to clear the jelly, including the jelly under the spawners!
This level is all about clearing the spawners, hit them as many times as you can to slow down the spawning. They will cover the candies with chocolate and also licorice locks, so either way it will make your moves more restricted.
Wrapped candies are best for clearing the spawners as they will give 2 hits if you can get them close enough, or switch with a stripe or a colourbomb if you can't get them close.
Video below
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


Mrs. M said...

Wow! This is a really tough level. I was able to play over 10 games while holding on to my full space dash until 2878. I just can't seem to kill the spawners. Consequently, I don't know how many hits it takes to destroy the little buggers. Good luck everyone. :(

Never pay a cent Bobby said...

May be you missed a terrific hint a few levels ago. You do not have to loose the space ship. Just DO NOT hit quit. Copy the URL and open in a new tab. Then delete the losing tab. It works well. However, the game does keep track of lives, so you'll get down to zero sometime.

Anonymous said...

I had four moves left and decided to hit the slowest moving Spawner with a hammer and all the other Spawners blew up and disappeared. Amazing. Indy

Anonymous said...

Getting nowhere with this level. Need a lucky board like the video.

Anonymous said...

Even tried double chocolate sprinkles twice with no luck. Very hard level. Don’t know where to go from here. Frustrating!

Carol the elder said...

I added all 3 boosters to the space dash and always tried to match a sprinkle with a wrap. I did that a couple times, but still needed hammers on the last two spawner

Roger75 said...

Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Tried this level with the Gold spaceship a few times without success, then got fed up of that, so tried without boosters. A few lucky striped wrapped combos, and it was completed. Luck has a lot to do with this level.

Ellie said...

I matched wrapped with CB and lost the game. Then won second try without any boosters. Tried to always play close to bottom of the board.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Evil. Lol

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!

margaret said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Don't like this level :( Too many evil spawners and not enough moves. Posting for luck...

Ness said...

It has suddenly got harder!

Ness said...

Posting for luck. This is hideous!!!!

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Anonymous said...

:-( posting for luck

Anonymous said...

spend all my boosters. also the space which i held so dearly. gone and it did'nt work with anyone.
over and over again and coming nowhere.
posting for luck

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Please:-) I want to break free on this sundaymorning:-)
posting for luck

Ness said...

And....still at it! Ridiculous😬

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

How many times do you need to hit the spawners to destroy them? And I thought if you got a hit in, it stopped any spawning for one turn - I saw a spawner licorice cage candies immediately after I'd hit it.

Anonymous said...

Help please

Kevin said...

Took 4 tries with no boosters. Not a hard one. Onward.

Anonymous said...

I HATE this level, not even getting close after days and days and days Posting for luck :(

jenn2727 said...

posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck please

liloldlady said...

Totally dislike this EVIL level. Nearly impossible to pass. Surely not enough moves...

liloldlady said...

This level must be a big money maker for King! This must be the idea behind not allowing enough moves to complete this hard hard level.

Anonymous said...

20 moves is not a reasonable amount of moves to complete this task.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Very difficult chocolate takes over. Posting for luck again.

J.J. said...

Posting for luck....boring....boring

Anonymous said...

this is all about trying to make wraps and stripes and not able to and if you can, they are not in the right place.. hitting the spawners? what a joke that is? tried with and without helmet.. no difference , don't know what to do next... posting for luck

Bev said...

posting for luck,, having a lot of trouble here...

Anonymous said...

ok.. another level getting on my last nerve,, please,, posting for luck..

Shelly said...

Ok so I'm on level 2878 and have never gotten a jackpot spin or any free boosters such as space ship or paintbrush , just the normal ones , can anyone tell me how I get these w/o purchasing or is that possible ? BTW this level sucks lol

Flippenheck said...

Ooh I need help please

Anonymous said...

This level is evil, just like the spawners!

Flippenheck said...

Still not getting anywhere close... But it's a fun level even though it's evil...but I have had enough so would like a lucky board now....please......I have served my time lol

Anonymous said...

This level impossible.Started with cb+wrap and then got 2 cb together and still couldnt get through.How many times does spawners have to be hit.Totally rigged.

Anonymous said...

I can't win this without a lucky board.....please

Cmp said...

This level is impossible, posting for luck :(

Di said...

You can’t tell me these games aren’t rigged! Had full space dash and still didn’t pass!! Come on King , please give me a lucky board. This is ridiculous

Di said...

Still here! Could use a lucky board please!!!!

Di said...

This may be the longest I’ve ever been on 1 level!! Guess I don’t need to play! Begging for a lucky board, if I don’t pass this level today I’m done!!

Di said...

Have a few lives left and the I guess this is goodbye👋👋👋👋 totally ridiculous!!!

Anonymous said...

Been on this level for a few days now and frankly, I'm tired of playing over and over and over again with the same results.....chocolate takes over the board too fast! Posting for luck. Thanks ahead of time Mr. King

Anonymous said...

Need a lucky board to pass this level please!

Anonymous said...

Post for luck

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the lucky board...I've paid for it many times over!

Anonymous said...

I've thrown so many boosters at this level but haven't got that close yet. I am finding the two spawners at either end the hardest to get.

Anonymous said...

About over this crappy level

Anonymous said...


Annomous said...

Wow this game is tough, used a lot if different boosters and still not getting any where near finishing this game. Must have played 50+ times now how much longer have I got to wait for a lucky board. HELP NEEDED PLEASE CANDY CRUSH I NEED A BIT OF LUCK WITH THIS GAME.

CidDeMizar said...

I don' know what you are playing, King. I had 2 jellyes left and I still had 14 moves. What happened? Nothing. Only the game quit suddenly. And this has happened to me dozens of times during the last 8 months. Not only you do an awful work designing levels. In addition you don't like fair play. Great, King. I'm beginning to think that you are nothing but cheeters.

Anonymous said...

This is a very hard level. I have been on this one for a few days now. Not nearly enough moves. I have used all my boosters trying to get off of this one and I have no luck doing it. I need a lucky board to come pay me a visit as soon as possible.

Crusher said...

Please. Lucky board needed!!

Anonymous said...

This is sooooooo hard, posting for luck

Anonymous said...

This is an absolutely ridiculous level. Can’t get anywhere close to completing. Chocolate spawners just keep multiplying and can’t get rid of them. Frustrating!!!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck also! Too many spammers!

Unknown said...

Publicó para la suerte ,por favor ayuda !!!

Anônimo said...

Outro nível ridículo e nojento. Deletando o CC.

Laura said...

Thanks for the tip!

Laura said...

Was able to make a sprinkle/wrap next to spawners in the middle. This opened up the board a lot. Hope this helps.

Leatherpa said...


Billie Girl said...

Posting for luck please

JC said...

Lord here he go again 🤞🏻

gp8656 said...

This level is sooooo frustrating!!! Need a lucky board please.
Posting for luck.

Unknown said...

Claire - I’m obviously not useless at this game, I’ve gotten this far! This level is a shit show, been here for days and I’ve managed to hit 1 popcorn a couple of times and that’s nowhere close to completing this level! Think I’ll give up now

Annie said...

Horrible level. Doesn't seem to matter how many times I hit the spawners they just keep on spewing