Candy Crush Saga Level 2893 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2893 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
First clear some of the blockers in the middle to give you space to work. 
The next job is to collect the keys, there are 4 keys to collect which will unlock the 4 ingredients and let them drop onto the board.
The exits are at the bottom of the 3 middle columns, so once you have the ingredients on the board look for matches in the bottom section.
Wait unti there are ingredients above the exits before you make the matches in the bottom so they can drop off the conveyor.
Moving the ingredients to the square between the two conveyors will stop them from going back to the sides again and give you a better chance of collecting them.
Video below from YT
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


Carol the elder said...

Helmet plus sprinkle and stripe/wrap boosters. Reset until a sprinkle and a wrap the same color as one or two of the keys. That cleared a lot especially simce there were a lot of that color on the board. I was able to drop the fruit from the conveyor as Cookie suggested.

Row said...

Really struggling with this level, can get ingredients on board but even with lots of moves can't get them to the dispensers been trying for days now even used all boosters, waiting for mort to appear I guess

Ellie said...

Used Carol’s advice and won on first try. Maybe lucky??

Emsa8 said...

Used sprinkle + Stripe as Carol said to start with (normal boosters from the daily wheel etc) and was lucky in the end (it's very tricky to get the ingredients down, you must save wraps and stripes in the middle for this).

McT said...

I really don't want to consider this a difficult level, but I just can't seem to get the magic going...can't get combinations to match up and work for me....I feel I am spending too much time on this level and that always frustrates me....I am really hoping for some luck soon.

Row said...

Still getting nowhere arggggggg

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck..

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Looks as if it should be easier than it is actually proving ....

Anonymous said...

Please help this ones hard and boring me

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Kaja said...

Used 40 coconut wheels by now. Not once I came close.

This game became boring, only hard levels and waiting for luck.

Francesmenth said...

Posting for luck. Carol's advice looks good.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck also. This is ridiculous!

Kaja said...

Well congrats Candy Crush, You did it!!!

After all these years, playing and buying gold and having fun I removed the game.

Just wasted nearly 70 boosters in 1 game and never came even close. Not to mention all the boosters I spend in the last 2 weeks trying just to get a lucky board, because you don't need skills anymore. Just move the candy's around like an idiot hoping something good comes out of it.

If a game makes me angry playing it, than it is a bad game and it is time to quit.

goodbye. hope you are proud of yourself loosing an other player

Anonymous said...

Impossible!!!!! Have played hundreds of times.....not even close

Anonymous said...

This one has to be the worst 4 days of playing and not even close..find it very frustrating..waiting for a lucky board..posting for luck

Anonymous said...

I have been playing this for two hours. Am I the only one who hits the keys, to unlock the fruit, but a different colored key appears in the same box? I thought one was only required to get four key? Smh

Grandma said...

Just used 4 precious boosters and no success please LUCKY BOARD

Anonymous said...

posting for your kindness
posting for luck

Anonymous said...

had three hours of free playing.....not even close 1 time! Verry frustrating.
Asking for a little help and luck

Grandma said...

Still posting for luck. Think this is a super hard board can't understand why there aren't more comments

peches4 said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

The worst level, not even coming close and it’s boring. Waiting for lucky board

Unknown said...

posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Well, having read all the comments I expected to be here for a while.
How lucky was I .. first time success!
Started with sprinkle and coconut wheel, reset until side by side, that got the game well underway.
Must've got lucky after that.

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Wow... stopped by before even starting. Now I'm petrified! Posting for luck!

Anonymous said...

King changed the game to 15 moves, verf boring level, not even getting close

Anonymous said...

This game is a joke! 30 goes with all my boosters no where near, need help.

Anonymous said...

Not getting anywhere with this

Anonymous said...

I hate this level more than I have hated any level for a very long time.

Anonymous said...

I have once again used all my boosters and cannot even come close. I am just lost as to what else I can do unless I was to have unlimited boosters. This is a very hard level. I sure would like a lucky board to come along and help he out on this one. Please come along lucky board.

Anonymous said...

Please put a NEXT in the user interface, it would be so easy. Every time I have to go back a few steps when on mobile to get to the next level or I have to modify the URL if on a desktop, to get to the next level. I have been a software developer for over 30 years and I love your site but this is a missing piece that would make it so much more user friendly for a Candy Crush player.

Jean said...

This is a hard level! Posting for luck!!

Aisha said...

Very very difficult level

Anne said...

If I understand you correctly, there is a "next" button. Bottom of page after all comments, you will see two arrows. The left one takes you to the next level, the right one is a step back. Sometimes, not often, the left one can take you to a more general page, but it is easy to search again for what you want.

Anne said...

1 free CB, got two more immediately, still needed 3 hammers and a switch, only 15 moves. Probably should have tried a bit harder but...done now

Princess said...

On this level for days now. Can’t even get close. When it stops being fun it’s time to stop.

Billie Girl said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

I got lucky on this level. It took a few tries then just got a good board, things fell into place and success. However, I wanted to comment on what Princess said, "when it stops being fun ...." There is no question they have sucked most of the fun out of most of the levels. Almost all have few moves, so it is nothing more than a money grab. We've all played a long time if we are approaching level 3000, and we have two choices, play the game over and over until we get that lucky board, or buy boosters. Guess which they want us to do. The levels are not difficult, but they make the games incredibly difficult to win mostly because of number of moves, essentially compelling gamers to spend money. I appreciate that for them it is a business, but for those just looking for a little enjoyment it seems cynical.

gp8656 said...

Posting for luck.