Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2937 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 2937 is a dual task level, you have 18 moves to clear all the jelly and collect the cherries to complete the level.
The first thing you need to do is make stripes and especially stripe/wrap combos to grow some of the popcorns, don't try to grow them all at the same time, if you can grow 2 or 3 close together the resulting colourbombs will drop down into the main part of the board where you can use them.
If 2 colourbombs stay together switch them to grow the rest by one stage and if you can get 2 together without wasting moves switch them also.
Switching a colourbomb with a stripe can also be useful, but don't switch with a wrap as it will waste both the colourbomb and the wrap.
Once the popcorns are out of the way you will get stripes dropping from the dispensers at the top, switch them together to hit the popcorns each side, don't worry about losing colourbombs when you switch the stripes, it's more important to clear the rest of the popcorns so you can clear the jelly and collect the cherries.
The jelly will more or less clear itself while you are clearing the popcorns so don't worry too much about it. Double colourbomb combos will take care of the jelly at the top.
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If the
level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have
changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know
in the comments and I will try to change it.
Nice story you tell. You make it sound that we have 50 moves.
Something doesn't add up . I got rid of all the candies except 2 empty jellies in the popcorn row with a blue stripe beside it going that way and a sprinkle ball in the main part beside a blue candy. So I set it off thinking the blue stripe would get rid of the 2 empty jellies. It didn't do anything at all. That's not right!
I used a fish booster with the space dash, but I also had to use several hammers to get the last two jellies which were empty.
Posting for luck
It just drops down into main playing area, no help at all
While playing and 2 neighbour popcorns were blinking, got 2 CBs next to each other in the field. After hitting them together, got 2 CBs out of the popcorn next to each other. After hitting them, another popcorn turned to CB. Could finally connect it to a stripe. Didn't need any booster. I assume the trick in general is to open 2 neighbour popcorns and hit the new CBs together.
I haven't won yet but just wanted to say at least it's a fun level that looks possible to win... Some levels are ridiculous! This is fun!
Yeah I’ve tried quite a few times and it’s a challenge, but it’s also a fun level at the same time. Shame they can’t make more like this. Wish me luck!
Posting for luck
Posting for luck
This was a fun level for a change. Got it on 3rd try. More of these please.
Yes, it happens every time! Very frustrating!
I have been on this level for a couple days. Even had a hour of unlimited play time. Still can't pass. Just not enough moves!! Another 10 moves this level would actually be fun. Instead of impossible!!
Posting for luck
Another impossible level. Tried all different boosters. Been on this level for over week. Still can't get it :(
That's bcos cb + candy destroys candies one at a time, not all at the same time.
Stuck for 2 days or so and just passed. No boosters used. Hard but not impossible, as usual. Used up all moves. Double cb is a good advice. 3 stars.
Ufff complicado :(
There are several times the stripes do not clear as they are suppose to. Lost several games this way.
Fun level but not enough moves for what needs to be done. Frustrating
Started with cb and fish booster. Matched cb with a stripe and it kind of finished itself. The fish got the remote jellies.
Posting for luck.. yeah , its kind of a fun level, at least no timed bombs...but cant get it...
So is 50 moves.
posting for luck
Posting for lucky board please!!
Just luck needed here!
I had been on this level for about two weeks. Finally finished it today and closed my iPad to do other things. When I came back to play I was on the same level. What is going on!!
Ok I've tried everything, anybody got any other ideas as to how one finishes this silly episode? Lucky board?
Lucky board please!! No sense even going into it. Just impossible!
Need more moves! Posting for luck please!
I haven't come close yet but at least it's fun. I'm sure there is some expertise needed. Tomorrow I'll concentrate.
Que? What the hell are you on about??
Really fed up with this level, been on it for ages and nowhere near completing it. Posting for luck now.
Posting for luck
I just can't seem to get anywhere with this one. I can only get down to 2 and then nothing. I have used any boosters I had left and now it is just really getting on my last nerve. I am hoping and praying a lucky board will come along and pay me a visit. Come on over lucky board.
Need some help p, posting for luck !!!!!
Second time posting, posting for luck !!!!!!
Posting for luck please !!!!!
Posting for luck
Not enough players, shit level l
Tell me enough. Not spending time on levels like this.
I also reach this level now, play iT three times, i did not know how fast i had to go to my other, not kingsize, games. Again desperate cc. They can make a game, how to lose a lot of players in a short time, Haha.
so the game is cheating again. Everyone needs to be aware that it is fixed and will only let you win if it wants you to win or you spend money.
Strategy involved with this level which is great. A nice change of pace. Might take awhile though.
Posting got that lucky board! I’m getting nowhere, even using my boosters! Help!
Outro nível ridículo e nojento. Deletando o CC.
Waiting for lucky moves
This is one of the hardest levels I have had in a LONG time!!! 18 moves? Really? Impossible.
I haven't been able to smash one popcorn as yet, let alone all of them. We seriously need more moves. A lot of posts mention using hammers. I have none.
been on this for weeks, getting really bored with this one. 18 moves , give us a break.
Posting for luck please
2 CB's together twice. Done.
I kind of like this level because of all the cascades that can be made. It even with that, it seems impossible.
Getting sick of this level now. Posting for luck!
Need more moves
Tired of this level.
Posting for much needed Lucky board
This level is absolutely ridiculous!!! Cant even get close with this amount of moves!
Posting for luck. Gotta have some help on this one please!
Posting again for some help on this level.
Need a lucky board please!
3rd time posting on this level. Need that luck board!!!
I’ve been on this level for so long now, used all the boosters I’ve earned. Now posting for luc
I’ve been on this level for so long now, used all the boosters I’ve earned. Now posting for luc
Lick on the balls for me!!
Not enough moves, lucky board please!
Can’t get close… not enough moves. Need Lucky Board
Interesting level that is made difficult by too few moves. Need Lucky Board… PFL
Really hard level. Not nearly enough moved. HELP! PLEASE
Still waiting for help.
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