Candy Crush Saga Level 3155 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3155 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Collecting the ingredients is easy on level 3155, but getting past the bomb countdown will stop you in your tracks every time!
The moves have been reduced to 21, but this is not too much of a problem as once you get past the bombs at the start you don't need many moves to complete the game.
You need a lot of luck and a very good start if you are to have any chance of clearing the bombs, starting with a colourbomb is helpful, especially if you can use it to get more than one key. You need to collect the keys in the first few moves to give you enough of the countdown left to clear the bombs, the countdown has been reduced to 11 moves since the video below was made so you need to get them even quicker.
It is a good idea to keep backing out without making a move until you have a board that looks promising. All three keys the same colour is good, or the chance to make a wrap or a colourbomb in the first move.
This is a really hard level unless everything goes well at the start.
The video below by Johnny Crush starts with more moves and a higher bomb countdown, but it is still a good example of how to pass the level.
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


Anonymous said...

completed level 3141 to 3155 with help
from lovely letters and boosters and gold bars

3153 is hard level

my first-go streak are 3000 to 3155 (Total 156)


Gil said...

Not an easy episode at all.
Yet, the streak is on and extended to 165 levels in a row.
I needed to use a set of gold bars on level 3151 (the spin only gave me a hammer) and bunch of boosters from my own collection in many other levels.

Good Luck.

Gil said...

We have similar strek, last level that I didn't pass on first go was 2990.
my first-go streak are 2991 to 3155 (Total 165).

Bear with me said...

Did not like this episode. I found several of the levels challenging to complete first try. Ended up using more switches and hammers than I would have liked.

Anonymous said...

Chocolate sprinkle/coconut wheel combo side by side in a long row with no other special candies. Finished with 18 moves left. Challenging episode but very easy to get three stars on every level. I have no complaints because today was a much better day for me playing candy crush. Yesterday I went by ambulance from a store to emergency at hospital and spent half the day having a cardioversion that wasn't working. Finally, just when they were going to try either the sedated paddle one or a fourth IV drug
something worked and I was able to come home last night. Til next Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Hoping for a lucky board.

Anonymous said...

congratulations on your long streaks but you people need a life. just saying. i come here for tips and all i get is posting for luck or bragging about how far you have come. well guess what i am just as far never bought a thing. and who cares how many levels in a row i got on the first try.

Carol the elder said...

Sharon’s tip worked well for me here. There were several nasty games in this episode. I spent a pile of boosters on several levels, but now can take it easy until next week. I guess we can’t expect easy games when we get this far. Sharon, take care, and I do hope your health improves. I’m still doing physical therapy after getting a steroid shot in the bursa at my hip. Now that it’s getting warmer, I’m waiting for the rain to stop and the golf course to dry off! My best to all!

Anonymous said...

Can anyone suggest any good sugar drop levels beyond 2256? (After all, that's what this brag, oh sorry, I mean blog, is all about?)
Enough already people, we get it, we are all good at candy crush. Please shut the hell up, unless you have a tip, yes that means you KK and GIl. Do you think it would be possible for all you brilliant first go streak CC to share your PM details and stay off this blog totally? Or perhaps you could start your own brag somewhere else and do the rest of us a favour?

Gil said...

If after more than 3000 levels you are still anonymous and still need tips, I feel sorry for you.

Gil said...

I feel sorry for you too.

Victoria said...

Sharon! How frightening! Hope you are now all better.

Anonymous said...

My tips to pass episode on first go is
to get sugar drops everyday.

Enough boosters and gold bars are great help.


Victoria said...

Gil, I would post my streaks also; however, like Anonymous, I'm not adept enough. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Gil, KK and the others, I agree with anon 12.29, as so others who may not have yet spoken up. Go start your own blog/brag. Call it whatever you like, just stay off this one please. Anon 12.29 is not after "tips" as you put it, but had quite a good question. Anyone else answer it? Have a look back at some of your other brags and you will see there are growing comments for you all to go away.

Anonymous said...

Agreed with anon 12.29 as well as anon 20.44. Post tips, if you have any, otherwise no-one gives a rats shit what you have to say. Not all of us want to pass each level on a first go using sugar drop bonuses. No need to feel sorry for me!

Gil said...

No need, I don't know anyone here in this blog (espacially when they hiding behind Anonymous).
I don't really care what they are writing about me.

Anonymous said...

(No tip about this level; just commenting. If I understand the protocol, delete as appropriate.) This is a little bit like going into the future for me, since I’m way back at level 3062, but I am compelled to write and thank you all, and figured the only way you’d see it is if I come to you. I have the same sentiments as New England, who posted a number of levels back. I’m not nearly as articulate as (s)he is, but, nonetheless, I am compelled to add my personal gratitude. I stumbled upon Cookies’ blog about 1000 levels ago and WOW, my life changed. I’d love to thank each of you separately -- not sure I’ll remember all names, but there’s: Carol the elder, Bear with me, Gil, Rick, Sharon, Ellie, Addicted, Dieter (honestly, I don’t know German but I keep trying to figure out what he’s saying!), all the many Anonymous, and of course Cookie herself. I’m sure there are others, and new names seem to keep coming up, so “thank you” from me as well.

I also realize that you are trailblazers since the game is often changed dramatically (and much easier) by the time I get to it. I read your comments, for example, and it’s supposed to be a times jelly level, but for me, just jelly!! (Timed levels, except for easy ones like 1538, make my blood pressure go up!) More moves often happens as well.

About 500 levels back, one of you (or maybe it was Cookie) talked about resetting the board. For some reason, I thought that this was only available on devices or platforms I don’t have. I play exclusively on IPhone -- I’m not on Facebook (old lady here) and although I have a MacBook Pro, I haven’t figured out how to play on that. I understood what resetting did and was bummed out not to be able to access. Then, some 20 levels ago (hard to judge time; sometimes I speed through and sometimes I’m stuck for days), Cookie explained with more specificity how to reset on IPhone. And voila!! I can now joyously do that too! One of you mentioned something about “losing the helmet” but (on IPhone, anyway) if you lose a level you don’t have to lose helmet (or similar prize) if you just click out of the game. You still lose a life, but don’t have to go back and rewin the helmet.

I can’t figure out how to add my name to this comment-- I’ve tried using my gmail account but it doesn’t let me post -- that’s why I’m “Anonymous”. But call me Elektra (on the “Left Coast” USA, since one of you -- Carol the elder??? -- usually asks where we’re writing from.)

Anonymous said...

I have been reading these criticisms with great interest. From my reading of the anonymous comments, none of them care if you post tips, but sadly, the braggers are not posting tips. That's the criticism you see. Read back a while and these comments are scattered everywhere, not just recently. So, please go ahead with your "winning streaks", but you are really cheating in my view as you are throwing all the bonuses you can get at the game.

Anonymous said...

EXACTLY..How can you boast about a streak when you are readily admitting you are using extra boosters in addition to space dash and to extend the level you are using gold bars to buy extra moves...once you have to use gold bars to buy extra moves the streak is over. Please feel free to brag about your streak but please make sure that it is a genuine streak not one that is extended by 4 or 5 hammers and a couple of switch hands and 5 or 10 extra moves.

carlton said...

Hi Sharon you are in my prayers ..get well..Candy Crush needs beautiful people like you

Gil said...

We are only using what King gives for free...

Gil said...

I can't understand you Anonymous.
I brag, so what? I have good reasons; I happen to be better player than most of you.
If you really don't give a shit like you wrote me many times in the past, just ignore and skip, but you can't do that so I guess you do care and jealous.
You think King is making levels harder because of my brag, WOW I'm flattered – King is changing levels because of me (nonsense)…

I brag but I also write tips.
I will not write start with 2 CB, use powerful combos and work in the bottom to cause cascades, these are too obvious.
I write tips when I think it may have added value.
To name 2, go back 2 levels to level 3153 or go to level 3040.
These are only 2 tips from the top of my head, but if you roll back, to will find many more.
I even explained the fixed route of the CB/strip combo and how you can count if the strips will go to the needed direction.

You don't know me, and I don't know you, so, I really don't care what you are writing about me.
Yet, you still want me out of this blog.
The thought that you are using my tips and after that run to this blog and try to offend me, make me want to leave.

So, along with my brag, goes also my Tips.


Anonymous said...

I finally landed on Jackpot on the wheel and got no reward. Has anyone else had this happen? I contacted King but only got generic response.

Carol the elder said...

To anonymous, AKA elektra, on 2 March at 20:18: thank you for your nice comments! I hope you will progress faster using your new found tips and you can catch up to us. I think if you sign in to Google, your name will show up in green at the top as the author of a post. At least that’s what happened to me and I didn’t even want it! I can’t brag about anything on here, but I did almost win HQ Trivia this week, just another addictive game! I wish we could meet to chat in a private group, the Geriatric Gamers. 😉 Sharon, please let us know how you are doing and best wishes to all. ❤️

Anonymous said...

Oh how sad!!!..we will all miss brag just facts..Bye Felicia

Anonymous said...

Hooray! Can it be true? Has one of the the braggers really gone? I doubt it. The whole reason for his or her existence is the adulation it receives from the other people. Please let it be true. I, too, have been reading these posts with interest and I would like nothing more than for them to be gone. Agree with anon 19.42 and the other comments. By all means, go ahead and throw your bonuses at the game, but that it not a winning streak, that is a cheating streak. (Some of us stay anon as we don't need the fan base and adulation.)
No doubt some people will come on and say please please come back.... and sadly, they will!

Anonymous said...

To anon, 3.32, all the way to level 3155 and never landed on jackpot, so no idea what the prize is. Sometimes one of the treasure chests comes up empty too.

Anonymous said...

You say you don't care what anon says, yet clearly you do. Adios. We have to read all that blah blah about winning streaks, etc , to get to some important information, so the less of your bragging, the better off we will certainly be.

Anonymous said...

Personally I am fed up with all the complaining over and over. The players that win every level easily are always the first few to post. So to the complainers just skip the top of the screen. Unfortunately it's your complaints that everyone has to wade through to find tips because I'm 100% sure that you use all your time complaining and never post helpful tips like some of the fastest players.

Anonymous said...

You are a 100% sure that I never post helpful that you Gil

Anonymous said...

Get off of Gil's back. Gil always posts his name and never hides behind anonymous.
Your complaining is getting more than annoying.

Anonymous said...

You are right I'm very sorry...Please accept my apology..Gil

Anonymous said...

I think maybe that was the worst episode ever. Used loads of boosters and had to just wait for lucky boards. It was the episode that made me think I need to give up this addiction because there really isn't enough skill going on any more. There is no question that many of the levels depended on luck and nothing else, even if I used all the boosters that could help. People posting on here about first go streaks that are 100+ long must be playing a different game. It's not how the game is designed, and not how it plays. It doesn't matter how good you are - that can't happen. I'd rather just see helpful tips than read about statistically impossible streaks.

Anonymous said...

You can stop posting to Gil, they are gone, allegedly.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to say anon 13.58, I am a complainer AND one of the fastest players and I DO post tips, just not about my ablilities, just tips.

bec said...

no bragging, Anonymous, just people saying they have finished. All the free boosters from the hat or whatever they call it now make it possible for most people and they are FREE.

Anonymous said...

My tip for winning? Simple. Gather as many free boosters as you can and use them. Great fun. The reason for playing

Brag on said...

What? No complaining or bragging? This is boring,

Anonymous said...

To Brag on.... here is my brag..... took me 4 days to play this game over 100+ Person hours. Can anyone beat my streak?

Anonymous said...

I hope Gil and the others don’t leave. I just can’t bel anyone could pass 3147 the first time. I thought this episode was very hard. My name is Dianne

Anonymous said...

Guys leave Gil fact I have my own streak..450 straight levels and not one on the first try..can anyone top this


Ellie said...

Any tips for this one please?

Anonymous said...

After finishing this level and After the latest update I notice I no longer have the daily bonus wheel on my iPad. Has this happened to anyone else? Any ideas how to get it back please?

Anonymous said...

Have finally joined "the Wednesday club"-it's the first time have had to wait for levels-am now redoing earlier levels to get 3 stars. (Have run out of levels before, then learned how to update)
Just want to say a big thank you to Cookie for this fab site. Have learned loads, both from Cookie and other regular commenters.
Hate to see petty personal politics popping up. The comments I loathe are those moaning at King, especially those that swear. To those that share tips and strategies they have found - thank you with one caveat;we all find this site at different levels, usually when perplexed or frustrated, so please refrain from treating someone asking a question with disdain. It's not nice. No one knows everything and we all learn from one another.

fearless future said...

Infinite gratitude for this blog, Cookie and commenters who posted helpful tips, advice& encouragements.I enjoyed coming here for inspiration & hilarious comments & complaints when I was stuck. I'm one of the silent creepers who just came to read tips. All the best to you all!

Anonymous said...

Here’s my winning streak... 3155 levels and all on the first go! If you believe that I have some really nice genuine Rolex watches I can sell you for a bargain. (Anna from Australia.)

Kiki1166 said...

I can't complete this level. .. for some reason only 2 cherries are given to me.... the third one will not release :(

Bear with me said...

Sharon - glad you are doing better. You too Carol the Elder. Our health is very precious to us. I hope you both are doing better this week. A lot of chatter. I usually don’t revisit comments but I’m still waiting to access the next episode so thought I’d check. I don’t mind people bragging or using boosters. It’s just a game and we are all playing for our own enjoyment and challenges. Some people win without boosters (more power to you) and some win with them. Some get it on the first try and others after multiple trys. I try to leave tips when I feel I have something helpful to say. At the end of an episode I usually leave an overall comment.. anyway - if you have reached this far you are obviously hooked on the game just like the rest of us.
Just try to enjoy.

Carol the elder said...

I wish we had “like” buttons as Facebook does. There are so many kind and helpful comments. I especially like and agree with what Bear with me said. Thank you! Carry on everyone, now we’re going to the new episode. I hope to see everyone on Cookies helpful blog this week!

Kiki1166 said...

Actually. .. of of my cherries gets kicked/killed off. . It's really strange. . anyone else have this happen?

Unknown said...

Same here!! I got the first 2 to drop right away and wasted over 10 moved trying to get the last cherry to drop and it never did! Argh!!!

Ed Zamoe said...

what the hell, the last cherry would never drop!! can't pass it. FIX ASAP!

anoniem said...

the same here. No third cherry! Is this a glitch CC?

Lisa said...

In the demo he has 30 moves not 21 and lucky for him 3 same color keys! Plus 12 countdown bombs while mine are set on just 11.
This must be the most painfully boring game yet. And there seem to be a lot of them.
All the games are set up that you must buy boosters or extra moves to play on or wait for the lucky board. I'm tired of this already.

Anonymous said...

Where is the 3rd cherry?

Anonymous said...

Unfair level. Like many others, last cherry never dropped,!!

Unknown said...

I have tried to pass this level for almost 2 weeks. Cannot get 3rd cherry?? Only 21 moves and bombs go off after 11. When does the 3rd cherry drop down??? How do you pass this level? HELP!!!!

Dee said...

My keys are not same color as in video. Are yours?

Danielle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

3rd cherry does not drop. THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED, KING.

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

This game is a cheapskate loser. whenever u use booster they always place it in somewhere thats useless at all. just wanner waste your booster. Loser !

Deb V. said...

This level is so unfair. Another level to promote booster purchase. Done C C.

Anonymous said...

Hate this level, can't even get close to passing. Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Need lucky board please! Impossible level!

Anonymous said...

Please send lucky board! Impossible level!

Anonymous said...

Gil, if you are such a good player, play without boosters. Probably bought boosters until they started given them for free. Better player hilarious! Show us the videos!

Anonymous said...

posting for a lucky bard and lots of luck to go with it

Flippenheck said...

Help please

LionHair99 said...

I already wrote a message so I may end up with two on here...I apologize if that is the case. I appreciate all the tips so many people post. Some work & some don’t & it’s appreciated regardless. What I do not appreciate is bullying! The time you spend messaging people that “brag” take a lot more time than reading their “bragging text “! When there is unhelpful information, pass it up. No, you can’t do that, you have to proceed to let whoever you target this blog, and rip them a new one. How do you know if they are maybe lonely, sick, depressed, or hurting!??? Just move on & stop telling people whether they can be on “Cookies” blog. If she has a problem with them, she can delete whoever. I would rather hear someone bragging then sitting here watching several bully’s pick on someone that they have no idea their circumstances. I appreciate all the tips, experiences, & chats several of the regulars share. I hope nobody is pushed off this blog due to people acting like middle school “anonymous” online bully’s!! Be kind!
Thank you,

Blueblood said...

Been a while, but posting for luck again.

Anon said...

Posting for luck again.

Anonymous said...

Need a lucky board to pass this level please!

CeCe said...

After days of frustration, I purchased bars to finally pass this level. However, it does not let me go to the next level!!!! What’s with that?

Candy Thompson said...

Posting for luck!

Nancy said...

I am having a terrible time with this level.
Just waiting for a good board

Anonymous said...

Getting nowhere. Need help, luck or mercy

Rena said...

I need a lucky board

Rena said...

Lucky board please

Unknown said...

Quiero y necesito ayuda ,no poseo boosters ,por lo tanto este nivel es muy dificil ,publico para la suerte ,por favor ,gracias ,gracias ,gracias

Marwanjo said...

Most comments in 2018. Clear to me that most players say goodbye.

Marwanjo said...

YES,indeed, most players say goodbye. Just luck you need. Sad that this game cant play by stratigy. Although not playing, because i Am boring this game, gives me less stress than playing iT.

Marwanjo said...

And i have a long break not to play this level.! Up to my other, not kingsize game. How relaxing is that?

Marwanjo said...

IT was Nice to play cc, Beside the shit levels, i say goodbye, not my game. My other not kingsize games give me more satisfy.

Unknown said...

Te pido por favor ,ayuda !!! Publicó para la suerte ,gracias

Marwanjo said...

Well, my time out nerds longer, no worries, to busy by my other games, leave the shit level of cc far behind me, Haha, no fun playing a game is no fun at all.

Trini said...

10 tries so far. Impossible.

yshuummu said...

another boring bullshit impossible level

yshuummu said...

I hate this game! Swipe your stress free..... Yeah right!This game is impossible and gives me a headache! I quit!

luckylau said...

I end the game when the tI'm runs down to 3, never be able to clear the bombs ...another game where the lucky board is needed.just wasting lives....

Daniel said...

non è difficile solo noioso, aspettare tabellone fortunato

Daniel said...

arriverà vero?

Daniel said...

non arriva, mi sento deluso da CC

Rhonda said...

Help I’m stuck. This level is soooo hard

King is corporate greed said...

Utter bollocks again!! Down to 24 moves video shows all keys the same colour! Just bullshit from king greed to buy a sprinkle for when all keys are the same colour while frustrating everyone! I just like leaving very negative comments and not spend a dime in the hope others don’t because they are being scammed with levels like this

King is corporate greed said...

So unless you can start with a sprinkle and all keys the same colour forget it impossible! The video shows all keys the same colour which is the lucky board, or surprise surprise need to purchase boosters!! Utter scam greedy twats!!

Nellebel said...

Echt onmogelijk. Bommen ontploffen veel te vroeg. Krijg de sleutels niet weg. HELP HELP HE L P

Kaba said...

Just here for lucky 🍀 board

txgranny said...

Posting for luck and I still haven't figured out how to "reset" the game on my PC :(

Unknown said...

Hard level!
Posting for luck.
Need a lucky board please!

TrevP said...

What a boring level. Without boosters it is impossible. Time to leave Candy Crush I feel!

Vicki said...

Yep another impossible level even if you have boosters.

Vicki said...

Yep still stuck

Vicki said...

Still stuck and tired of wasting boosters. Come on.

Vicki said...

Oh come on, where the heck is my lucky board. It’s been days of playing on my iPad and iPhone.

pammieruns said...

Getting a lucky board is no joke I know I will eventually pass but case of when. At the moment by the time I get all the keys haven't got enough moves to get rid of the bombs

pammieruns said...

Still here still waiting how much longer

Kate said...

Posting for luck