Candy Crush Saga Level 3196 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3196 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have to collect 10 ingredients to complete level 3196 Candy Crush Saga.
The exits are along the bottom so you will need to clear some of the blockers so that the ingredients can drop. The ingredients need to go through the portals under the chocolate machines, then down to the bottom of the board so timing will play a part in collecting them.
There are only 5 ingredients on the board at a time so you'll need to get the blockers cleared and get them out of the exits quickly or you will run out of moves before you have them all.
Video below by Kazuohk
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


Anonymous said...

Very boring level. No skill required. The game plays itself, because most of the time there is only one available move on the board.
Just wait for that lucky board.

cookie56 said...

Posting for luck.

Naz said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Ugh awful level posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Over this level, ugh!! Luck please

CCAddict said...

Unbelievable... Pffft..sigh..

nodrog said...

Struggli g with this level.

Anonymous said...

Boring boring posting for luck and lots of it

Anonymous said...

Impossible Impossible Impossible - tried so many times.

Anonymous said...

Just waiting for a lucky board. No talent needed.

Anonymous said...

Very restricted moves. Posting out of frustration

Anonymous said...

Just waiting for my lucky board because no skilled needed..boring as hell now..2 days wasted

Anonymous said...

Very hard
Tried several times, no solution find so, wait for lucky board
Boring level

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck. To many ingredients!!! Also superboring

Anonymous said...

I have wasted so many boosters on this level. Not even close to passing it.

Anonymous said...

one move shuffle than another move shuffle this is stupid

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My hand hurts need help

Anonymous said...


Sultanate said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sultanate said...

This is such a frustrating level. Since yesterday I have used 15 coconut wheels and CB. Haven't even got close. Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Reading these comnents I think I must've got lucky. Started with full helmet, added coconut wheel and got it first time, phew! Good luck all x

Grandma said...

Need a lucky board please. What with shuffles and chocolate I'm lucky if I get five through let along ten

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Agnes Power said...

Posting for luck and a lucky board

Marylou said...

Lucky board please. Rather boring level.

katericia said...

A la espera de un tablero de suerte. he gastado muchas ruedas de coco sin éxito !!

Marielle said...

Just need a little bit more luck as no more booster ....

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck please!

Alessandra said...

Load of utter b*******ks
Most of the moves are totally useless
Coconut wheels a waste of space
And it’s damn boring too boot
CC get your act together please.
No comments here pre-2018
You’ve managed to piss off a lot of players with stupidly impossible levels - well done 👍 hand clap 👏

Unknown said...

Ya it is very difficult to pass pls. Help.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck.

Unknown said...

Pidiendo ayuda ,publicó para la suerte por favor ,gracias una vez más !!!

yshuummu said...

boring boring boring impossible impossible impossible

yshuummu said...

another bullshit boring impossible level

Anonymous said...

Horrible level; coconut wheels are useless. Constant reshuffling, totally ridiculous.

Nellebel said...

Volgens mij heb ik een heel ander spel. Ik moet chocolade en die soort slagroom verzamelen.
Lukt me niet. help. Help. Help. Help.

Nellebel said...

3196 is bij mij een heel ander spel, chocolade wegspelen, helemaal niet met uitgangen,
Dus please HELP H E L P