Candy Crush Saga Level 3275 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3275 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 3275 Candy Crush Saga is classified as a super hard level so you will lose quite a few lives before you manage to pass it.
Collect the cherry to complete level 3275 Candy Crush Saga.
The cherry moves down the column in the middle and all you have to do to get it down to the exit is to clear all the cream blockers in the column, easy! BUT the column is inside a candy cane fence so the only way to clear the blockers is by using special candies and combos. This wouldn't be a problem except the licorice will block the blast from your combos and protect the blockers.
You will need to clear some of the licorice before you can start to clear the blockers and once you have some of it out of the way you can start to blast away at the blockers using either stripe/wrap combos, colourbomb combos or double wrap combos. The double wrap combo is great if you can switch the wraps close to the middle as the blast from this will clear most of the blockers. The bottom blocker is the hardest to clear so take any chance you get to clear it, a wrapped candy near the bottom works well.
The strategy is the same, keep the licorice under control. Probably the best combo is a colourbomb/wrap combo, but this will only work if there are candies of the right colour next to the blockers and not licorice.

The level has been made slightly more difficult than the original and here is the latest video by Cookie
Original video below
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


Anonymous said...

Best and quickest way to finish this? Combine 2 CBs at the beginning, game over.

Anonymous said...

Too easy...
As I said, the so called "Wednesday club" is growing, every week new names show up.
It will continue to grow if King will not bring back the challenge to this game.

My recommendations to King are:
1. Cancel the space dash and all its brothers and sisters.
2. Cancel the stupid golden crown for first try.
And as a respect for the elders, I will not mention the timed levels.

Anonymous said...

I only get 15 moves and a lot more jelly

anonymous said...

Started with 2 color bombs. Didn't get lucky board this time! Finished on second try with 7 moves left. Again started with 2 color bombs & was able to make strip & wrap combos. Used 2 hammers. I really had lucky levels in liquorice lounge got through everyone on first try except this one! Probably will never happen again. Good luck everyone!

Anonymous said...

Level different. Have to strike center blocker line 3 times to clear. Continous bombs. Completely impossible. Not worth playing. You basically have no chance!!!

Deb said...

This level is impossible . . . triple blockers and so many bombs and licorice!!!! can'be be done!!!!

Anonymous said...

completed level 3261 to 3275

two episodes this week

continue to next episode


Anonymous said...

Doable with the triple blockers, Strip/Wrap along the middle is the answer.

Anonymous said...

The only similarity in this video and the puzzle I get is the shape. That's it. I have 15 moves not 25. I have multi layered blockers in the middle not the one layer in the video. I have a continuous run of licorice and bombs with 8 counter. There is no earthly way to clear this board with all of those obstacles at the same time with only 15 moves. RIDICULOUS!!!!!

Carol the elder said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SAB said...

very different from video. Timed bombs, licorice that keeps coming back, triple layered blockers.. Way different, and not even classified a hard level... Started with 2 cb together and still not getting this. Posting for luck

Unknown said...

Impossible level !!!!

booklady said...

Also finding this impossible even with full space dash (please don't take it away king as I wouldn't be this far without it) The bombs count down too quickly and the licorice blocks any combos.

Anonymous said...

lost many lives with full space dash. wtf?

Anonymous said...

Agree with above comments the blockers in the middle need 3 hits and with the licorice dropping 15 moves (or 18 I had with space helmet) aren't enough. Didn't even clear 1 blocker. Presume the games been made harder already and its still only Wednesday. Help please this level is no fun at all.

Anonymous said...

how is it possible to get the bottom one?

Anonymous said...

The bombs are killing me!!!

Anonymous said...

I think the solution to the current problem is to

Anonymous said...

Well that's helpful to the forum giving advice how to pass isn't it?

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

my recommendation to king

DON'T cancel the space dash
as far and the golden crown who cares. some like the challenge
as for the timed levels NEVER bring them back

If you find it too easy or you don't like to use boosters then don't but why take them from others? So you can advance and be the top dog?

Geese said...

The video looks so easy. Not so much anymore. Like others have said, now down to 15 moves, triple layers in the center from top to bottom, licorice that drops down constantly and short timed bombs. I've tried combinations of everything and gotten nowhere. Would love to see a new video with the current conditions.

Anonymous said...

Why do they do a double release? I would rather just kick back at this point but if I do they will just make the next episode more impossible. Hmm... Diane froze San Diego

Anonymous said...

�� �� ��..Well said!!

Anita said...

Need some luck and help please.

Anonymous said... game and actual game very different.. .in video bombs... But in actuality only 15 moves.. .And bombs... Impossible. .Pl help...

Anonymous said...

Now that they changed this level it’s next to impossible. I know my lucky board will eventually come just hope it doesn’t take too long!

TNC said...

Tried double CB, doesn't work. Used coconut wheel which is helpful but still not close to getting past this level. Will probably need to collect hammers and once I get some of the blockers destroyed then hammer my way through this awful level.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck. King has done what I feared they do. Make the game impossible even with the space dash and all the boosters available. Impossible. Good luck everyone. And to the people she’s ning it’s too easy now stop raining on my parade. Go find a new game.

Anonymous said...

started with 2 cb's. was able to make a wrapped/stripped combo to get the 2nd layer in the center and used my 1 remaining party booster which totally cleared the center and dropped the fruit to the bottom.

booklady said...

Finally cracked it with full space helmet and used my last party booster which I'd forgotten about! This cleared the way for the fruit to drop.

Elektra said...

I also started with 2 CBs and had added all 3 boosters (sprinkle was free from Didi). Had 2 lucky wraps together which cleared bottom center column. But then licorice closed in. 2nd coconut wheel took out another layer from part of central column. Was down to 2 moves with no hope, so I used 3 hammers to finish. Not fun.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

My board has triple blockers unlike the single blockers in the video. I have tried everything I can think out to pass this level, and I'm not even coming close. Boosters are no help so if you are paying for them to help pass this level, save your money. I've made it this far without paying for boosters, but I do use the boosters from the space dash.

Anonymous said...

Sick of this level. It's not passable the way it's set up.

Redjam said...

Horrible level! I’ve tried every combo...don’t even come close! Hoping for a lucky board soon.

Anonymous said...

Too late!! They have now made this level impossible!
Hoping for a lucky board

Anonymous said...

played this 50 times, and never moved the cherries once...

Angered said...

Absolutely impossible..started with full space dash 54 times with a coconut wheel,problem with the coconut only appears on CC(King) has obviously designed this for the silly(no offence intended)people who spend money on this game..It's goodbye from me you rip-off artists at King

donna said...

rough one...used all my boosters...posting for luck...even close might be

Anonymous said...

I am the greatest in candy crush I believe this level is impossible even with space dash . King do something about this level 😡😡😡

Anonymous said...

Ok finally I just pass it that was hard with 2 lollipop 😜 I am not upset anymore because I am the greatest in Candy crush one level at the time ❤️😘

Anonymous said...

I don’t believe I will ever get this level! I have started with 2CB smashing together on numerous occasions - NOTHING, I don’t think in 2 days I have moved the cherry one space. 15 in not enough moves!

2sweet said...

Not possible .... needs modifying

Anonymous said...

Awful level ugh!!!! Luck needed!!

Unknown said...

Agree with many, 3 rows to clear with all the blockers and 15 moves. Not even close to possible.

Anonymous said...

Pl modify this level.... Impossible... Still not cracked this level... Past 3 days.. .Space ship also didn't work..

Anonymous said...

Need a miracle to pass this level. King has found so many ways to make sure this is Impossible to do now.

Very frustrating. Nothing works for me. Will be stuck here forever

Helen said...

Not possible with so few moves, liquorice and triple layer locked blockers, started several times with 2 cb's also with cb/wrap, not come close, have no strategy to combat this level!

Anonymous said...

Seriously King..have used everything I have and full space dash and not even close...anybody have some useful tip besides just Luck!!

Francisco Diego said...

The only key for this level is luck. I had luck and could pass the level with 5 hammers at the end .

Anonymous said...

King you should now stop making this game as the board we get are always different from video you keep changing board it seems you want that everyone should stop playing God knows what is in your mind

Brenda said...

Why does King do the same trick over and over: They make a nice enjoyable fun level, then they decide it is too easy and make it essentially impossible to pass, even after wasting a zillion boosters? Everyone quits so then they have to back off and change it again, or else they will lose all their players. It is so FRUSTRATING to read about how simple it is to pass, but the level has been completely changed for later players. (And, what is the "party booster"? Haven't seen that one.)

Anonymous said...

Sage here: posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Oh so now King labels it Super Hard Level. BS..

Sultanate said...

Very difficult level. Few moves. Even after using all the boosters can't even get close. Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Up to third level magic helmet, added all 3 boosters, got nowhere for many tries, either with or without combining sprinkles at the start. Finally got lucky and was down to 2 almost destroyed blockers, so used a couple of lollipop hammers to finish.

LynnKaiser07 said...

I need some help with this one! Crazy hard!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck.

liloldlady said...

Wish King would realize this level has become impossible to pass. It is unfair to make such insane changes to the game for the later p!ayers when it seems it was found too easy at first.
Awful level without luck.

Anonymous said...


Texan said...

This lecvel is a bitch. Send luck please.

nodrog said...

Struggling with this level .

Anonymous said...

impossible level even without licorice and bomb.

jonithorne said...

I tried last night, nothing! Third try today with double chocolate bomb, 3 extra moves, stripe/wrap, coconut wheel and one hammer and done. Glad it’s over, but ridiculous that you need so many boosters to beat a level!

susieq said...

I too am finding this level quite tricky. I’m throwing everything I have at it but getting nowhere. I start by crossing to CB’s but it’s not really helping. Just have to keep trying I suppose. Please don’t take away magic dash

Anonymous said...

How I defeated this awful level: First of all, I got out my ancient Galaxy S5 because I knew I still had a pinata bomb (or whatever they call it) on it, and I updated the app. I went back to level 3246 (the one that introduced the candy cane fences) and played it three times to get a full magic dash helmet, with a colour bomb, wrap and stripe and three extra moves. I went back to this level, turned on all the boosters (colour bomb, wrap and stripe and coconut wheel) and reset until the colour bombs were adjacent. I set those off and cleared one layer of cream, and two in some places. Then I tried to clear as much of the cream as possible to get the ingredient to drop, knowing that if I got close and was close to running out of moves (I had 23, 20 to start plus the three extra), I could use the pinata bomb, or if not, I could exit the app, reboot the phone and try again, retaining the full magic dash. As it turned out, I got a couple of fortunate wrap/stripe combos adjacent to the central column and some well-placed coconut wheels, and that greatly helped me make the level, without the need to reboot the phone or use the pinata bomb. A full space dash (or spaceship when doing this in the middle of the week) and a lucky board can go a long way in getting this level.

Sultanate said...

Nothing similar to the video shown above. Changed the level making it impossible with so few moves. There are so many bombs and then licorice and blockers to be cleared. How can we get through completing the level. Specially when I have never got a helmet or space dash.

A2 said...

For christ’s sake. I must have played a hundred times. Space dash, helmets, adjacent candy bombs—no luck. Come on.

Unknown said...

Ridiculous and impossible!!!! DONE.

Anita said...

Please help, stuck on this level forever. Please,please help me with a lucky board!

Anonymous said...

I have been playing this for days. Used all types of boosters and combos. Can't keep licorice clear long enough to clear blockers.
Please add moves or change the blockers to give us a chance!

donna said...

Third day and never moved that cherry once...tried everything...but I have 22 moves now so will give that a try....posting for luck as that seems to be what I need...

Dolce’ said...

Unbelievable! This is totally insane! Praying for some help here please! 😥

Anonymous said...

How on earth do people even get Space Dash? I have never seen it.
This level is hideous.

Dolce’ said...

I usually go down to level 606 and play it a few times and you will get a magic helmet. But it sucks because you can only use it once but it can help :)

Anonymous said...

It's really simple, just combine two colour bombs twice in 15 moves or use to up 40 candy hammers to break the walls. That's what it takes to pass dumb levels like this!

Maiga said...

Listing for luck

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Really impossible even with combos
22 moves are not enough
Please candy do something to help us

Anonymous said...

I'm posting for luck - as I'm having no luck with this level. Penny

Anonymous said...

Don't know how to pass this!

JaneM said...

I need some luck and boosters.

Cory said...

Not easy

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

My level 3275 is way different from this one....I have cream on top of cream on top of cream blockers plus licorice plus candy bombs plus that candy cane wrap ..... wtf this is a very difficult level even with space dash

Anonymous said...

More like impossible even with the space dash. You couldn’t beat this level if given 50 moves. I’m finally done with this game after this one. Good luck to everyone else dumb enough to keep playing at this point.

Anonymous said...

My level 3275 is different from this one, I only have 22 moves and I have triple blocks on the middle instead double blcoks, I can't break the blocks and I never move the cherry, it's impossible! I'm trying for three days and if I don't pass today I'm gonna live playing Candy Crush !

Sherry626 said...

Frustrating..posting for luck

Dolce’ said...

Come on candy crash give your valued customers a break here! This is a Rediculous level! Please!

Dolce’ said...

Time to quit this game, it’s just too stressful and it’s only a game!!! I just can’t stand how the developers change the amount of moves and the level of difficulty all the time it’s just not fair.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, I will try that

Unknown said...

Posted this and was ready to quit this app all together but thought I'd try some more. BIG JOKE!!! Used the spaceship for the extra moves and even had 2 chocolate bombs together for first move. Used hand switches as coconut wheel again but didn't even get close!!!! I am tired of wasting time! King, fix this pos Level or I am going!!

Unknown said...

Agree and I'm with you!

Winnie Wee said...

Posting for luck. Have been playing for several days with a full helmet and all boosters. Can't get anywhere close because of licorice blockers. Ugh! Please help!

Ness said...

For goodness sake! Totally different to video. Bombs are a nightmare, triple blocks and 15 moves! Give me a break😠

Anonymous said...

Has anyone beat this level the way it is now? It's not even worth playing. It's impossible with all the bombs and licorice. I may get one or two squares cleared and that's it. Maybe I'll get more things done around the house since I won't be playing candy crush any more.

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Ness said...

Not playing until it's changed. Absolutely no point!

Unknown said...

Video is different. Imposible to do.

Jo said...

I had to come for tips. The party popper sorted it for me! I'd got rid of a fair amount then set it off. I've only had a party popper once or twice - this one I collected by going back down to level 2000 a while ago and when I completed it (which is hardly difficult) I got a whole range of boosters as a reward. And on the different devices too. So maybe it's worth people seeing if they can pick up a PP that way too!

peches4 said...

Ridiculous and impossible!! Hopefully king will do the right thing and correct this level. Posting for luck too, I've tried every thing else!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Too many obstacles- endless licorice, bombs, fence, double layers. Make the game possible not impossible. This is supposed to be fun not frustrating. Enough comments have been made for some kind of tweaking needed.

susieq said...

Thanks Jo. I’m going to try that. Been stuck here for a while now and have almost used up my boosters.

Anonymous said...

Boring to the max!!!

Unknown said...

Jo, yours is the best advice on here for this level. I was about to give up-you’re a lifesaver. Thanks

susieq said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you!!!

Emsa8 said...

Same. See no way how to remove the top multi layered blockers. See on fact no way how to win the level. Even had a double CB during the game but no chance.

Emsa8 said...

I also think that space dash etc has reduced the challenge and fun as either many levels are too hard without or too easy with dash/helmet.... But taking space dash etc away now would mean that some levels are close to impossible (or have to be changed on order to be manageable). I think, to get boosters just by coming back faithfully each day, spinning the wheel (and get a jackpot from time to time - I never did in 3 years btw) was more fun than go back often to level 606 (played 606 meanwhile at least 200 times when I lost interest in levels I found almost impossible without space dash). The game is less fun and challenge, more diligence and playing "fast & furiously" now.

Anonymous said...

I did as Jo suggested and played through level 2000 again and ... got nothing. However, I opened up CC on my phone (as I passed level 2000 originally on CC on my iPad) and played level 2000 there and received the bonuses, including the Party Popper. I get to 3275 with a fully loaded Space Dash (having played 6060 a bunch of times), include a full batch of boosters, and ... the middle column is now single-hit cream blockers surrounded by the candy cane barricade! A totally different game that it was on the iPad! Two color bombs combined immediately took out the column and game was over in one move. I just checked the FB game on my laptop and the same -- middle column is single-hit cream blockers as well. iPad still shows the impossible level 3275. If you have access to multiple devices with CC installed, check them all. Hope this is helpful!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!!!

Anonymous said...

Very annoying and frustrating level and even with the full space dash came nowhere near. Kept making combos but they would explode before you could use them. I also found that a lot of stripes that I created that should have been horizontal ended up being vertical. After about 50 attempts and starting with a CB wrap combo I managed to take out most of the lower blockers. Then stripe wrap combos took out all bar the top two. Needed 2 handswitches to make a stripe stripe combo to take out one blocker and then used my one and only hammer to get the last one. This level has to be completely impossible without boosters and whilst I had lots of handswitches, they weren't much use because of the liquorice. You really need to have a few hammers at your disposal to get through this quickly. Nanny Annie

Anonymous said...

I give up. This level is absolutely impossible and is not fun or challenging to play. Cookie jam and juice jam have lots of various boards that are challenging and fun. Don't know why CC can't come up with something better than a level that is impossible without the use of several boosters. it seems somewhat unethical to change the board after it has been put up and also that it is different on different devices. Seems like there are a bunch of yahoos at King with no idea of what they're doing. Wonder how many people have become fed up with the nonsense and given up the game.

Anonymous said...

I've been playing for days...I give up. I get 22 moves and my blocks are layered in the middle...impossible to do.

Winnie Wee said...

Posting for luck again. King needs to get rid of the candy cane fence on this level and then the goal might be attainable!!

Winnie Wee said...

Thanks Jo! Your help finally got me through this level!! Good thinking. Thanks for sharing

mrs-baglady said...

Does anyone know if you can get the prizes on Level 2000 more than once? I followed Jo's tip and got them but when I played the level again they weren't on offer again.!! Maybe if I wait a few days and try again....just wish I had a space ship :-(

Anonymous said...

Have used up all my boosters and stuck on this level for days. With only 22 moves and all the multi-layered blockers, bombs and licorice to negotiate, I don't see how it is possible to pass this level. Guess it's time to leave and move onto another game. To those of you still working hard at this level, GOOD LUCK to you all!

Unknown said...

Verspilde energie, niet te doen dit niveau ben dr kotsmisselijk van, stop nu echt met candycrush

Nidhi said...

Shower some luck king plzzz

Anonymous said...

So fed up with this ridiculous level, I've got passed caring if I pass it or not.
Maybe getting time to call it a day x

JaneM said...

Getting bored now.

Unn said...

I have used a lot of time and money on this game. Think it's good bye now. Not funny at all anymore. 3275. What a waste!

Anonymous said...

This level is impossible, absolutely fed up and time to call it quits! To the techies who designed and programmed 3275, thank-you for reminding me there is life beyond Candy Crush Saga.

McT said...

What are you going to do?...another incredibly impossible level without LUCK or boosters left, thanks to recent, previous levels....and the loyalists get stuck, yet again, on another level...Help!!!

Anonymous said...

Level 3275 just changed to 31 moves iPad- much easier!

Timewaster said...

Also stuck for days. 71 comments must be a recent record for this high of a level! Used up a lot of boosters, now mostly down to my 100+ coconut wheels. Why not use them now? But most frustrating is sometimes they don’t convert bombs to stripes (but recently they sometimes do) and the licorice that drops down AFTER they’re triggered and block me from getting the top blockers.

Anonymous said...

Hate these type of levels so frustrating just waiting for a lucky board impossible without

Anonymous said...

Totally fed up with this level, I’ve tried all sorts, full space dash, 2xcb combo, you name it, I’ve tried it, the closest I’ve got has been just the bottom blocker to get rid of, very frustrating. It’s particularly annoying that licorice randomly appears during a move and cb’s, packets and stripes randomly set themselves off, particularly annoying when I have just got them lined up to use! Grrrrrrr. If the level doesn’t change soon I think I’ll quit forever and get on with my life instead of wasting more time on this stupid game. All I wanted to do was get to the end but there is no end they keep introducing more levels and a lot of them are silly, call it a day soon King, lots of people are getting sick of it!

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Never had a helmet said...

I didnt start with any boosters but I did need 2 hammers.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous (24 April 2018 at 15:31) Please do not blame the developers. It is their job to build challenging levels and if a Player wants to pass they can always buy more Boosters. The Candy shop is a large percentage of King's revenue without which the developers and designers will probably not get paid :( Keep up the good work guys and keep those challenging levels coming!

Grandma said...

Good grief Kinf what are you doing to us HELP WITH LUCKY Board needed please

Maria Fernanda said...

Without boosters?!

Redmonkey🐒 said...

Posting for luck - have been stuck here for weeks 😕

Anonymous said...

DEVELOPERS: Please remove the licorice. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Love a challenge, but this is ridiculous. Posting for luck

Becky said...

Miserable level!

Anonymous said...

Impossoble level. Time to find a life beyond CC

Anonymous said...

Help! Hard level!

Tammy Caison said...

Luck please!

Trini said...

Not usual luck. Some skill needed to get d top blocker. Keep d licorice an bombs away an get a booster in d game to drop down on d conveyor to combine with on d top levels in d game

Anonymous said...

No boosters, need luck...

Anonymous said...

Still needing a lucky board...

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous stupid level where again moves were reduced! Get real!

SJ said...

Wonder why this has now been classified as a regular level.. I don't think anything has been simplified.
Posting for luck :-/