Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3318 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 3318 is a jelly level where quite a bit of luck is needed to clear it. There are spawners in the top right and bottom left corners which can make life hard as they continue to spawn out licorice just when you think you have it beaten?
The first moves will need to clear as much of the free licorice as possible so you have plenty of open space to look for special candies. You need these special candies and combos to unlock the locked licrice and clear it out of the way. Be aware that if you leave licorice close to the spawners for too long they can lock it again so making your job even harder.
Keep looking for those combos, especially colourbombs and wraps. Wraps will do the most damage to the licorice and jelly and if you can switch one with a colourbomb all the better.
Don't waste moves trying to destroy the spawners, there is no jelly under them so no need to clear them and they are quite hard to hit, so forget them. The moves have been reduced to 18, here is the updated video
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If the
level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have
changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know
in the comments and I will try to change it.
Easy level; combined 2 CBs which unlocked the locked licorice and cleared the unlocked ones; after that it was just cleanup using matches of 3 and some wraps and stripes. Had a CB form next to a wrap, which cleared the few remaining jellies. First try with 18 moves left.
18 moves left? I start with only 17
I start with only 17 moves also....very difficult!
My game starts with 20 moves.
To "Easy Level" ~~ 18 moves left? Nice job.
Dear RA, do you realize what you do to other players that either don't have helmet/dash plus CB or simply play to have fun and solve a riddle but not doing it the easy and fast way in order to claim a "first try". It's like making a race with a bike against a car. I will never win with my bike but I like moving. When you (or others) always claim how super easy the level is, King reduces the moves and adds difficulties. 17 ridiculous moves instead of 27 on this case. Suddenly I must climb weirdest hills with my bike and honestly spoken the fun is somewhat lost. Please think about it. (and YES, everyone here knows that 2 CBs normally do a good job, nobody needs this advice)
Ps: almost feel sorry for RA... How unbelievably boring it must be to reset the game until there are 2 CBs together... Saw no way to solve this level except playing 606 for the helmet 3 times and wanted to do it with 2 CBs also... But 20 attempts and resets later never my 2 CBs were even close to each other. Did it finally with only 1 CB and needed all 17+3 moves.
Just no point even trying lately unless you start with every booster. I too don't get the double sprinkle etc so I start with all boosters and reset the board until the sprinkle / wrap are together and hope for the best. I know we all get free boosters but it would be good to think there was a way of passing levels without them...not any more it seems...
So for the third time within eight levels, they have changed the level and made it almost impossible without multiple boosters and extreme luck. How on earth is the fair when other people way ahead have had all easy? To add insult to injury none of these levels are even considered 'hard' never mind 'super hard'. And note the fish have lost their appetite. Previously they were eating trapped liquorice when you wanted them to eat the jelly. Now they won't touch it. Grrrrrrrrr
Posting for luck. King has almost seen the last of me. This level is pure crap.
Only 17 moves here....getting tired of it...got down to 23 jelly's once. Posting for luck.
Struggling can’t get this one!
Posting for luck
Started with 2 cbs did the trick!!
There is no free licorice on my board. And only 17 moves. So far I cannot even get close.
Candy Crush...why do you think that impossible board after impossible board is fun??? It's NOT. Not fun anymore.
OK so after complaining here about how hard it is, I got lucky. What did it for me? A color bomb and a wrapped candy together. That freed up most of the licorice and the rest was clean-up.
Posting for luck not enough moves
This game is truly becoming increasingly boring. Used to be fun..I understand that levels should have more difficulty but one crap level after another is quite enough.
I have to show my frustrations...in order to win this level, my opinion, you have to start with 2 CBs or a CB/wrap...however, to get these combos, one has to continually go out and in before even playing the game....I want to play the game, period, but doing this is frustrating and with 17 moves, it is extremely difficult and unachievable...
Agree with you all. So fed up of the moves being reduced! Haven't got below 40 jellies yet😠
Ce jeu est pas le meme vérifié svp !
I am really done with this for awhile....with 17 moves, there is no effin' way to beat this level without monumental luck....I actually started with 2 CBs together, thinking I finally did it, but to no avail....in the end, I still had 2 left after the moves went to zero...close doesn't count....since then, I have been at 30-some jellies left...so frustrating to not have any fun playing a GAME....
luck,need luck.
Developers pl help
Posting for luck, again! I told King I would like to see a developer pass this level with no boosters. They haven't answered!
I took a day's vacation from this level, hoping to gain a new perspective, so I tackled it again today....I have come to the conclusion that this level is IMPOSSIBLE!!!...I cannot get a lucky board to at least get close....RIDICULOUS!!!....playing a level over and over again is beyond it even being a game anymore....See ya, Crush, but my time needs to be elsewhere....
He's full of it Joe.
Another ridiculous level. King should monitor the effects of the changes. I suppose we should just wait until King realizes the stupidity of these losing strategy leading to so much frustration.
Going on with this game is a nonsense. CC developers seem to be a gang of idiots trying to loose customers. Time to quit and choose something less stupid.
Candy is not fun anymore
It’s too hard
Time to find another game with pleasure
Q. How much FUN is this level?
(Clue: A kick in the nuts is more...)
This level is a complete waste of time (a bit like RA's comments).
As long as I ENJOY the challenge, I will play CC. However it is annoying to not be able to pass a level without starting boosters. Thanks to those who offer help here!
I keep wondering... how the hell can you play 3300+ levels and never win the jackpot!?
That is right
Never win the jackpot
Strange, no ?
Yet another ridiculous level. Even though the bottom spawner no longer seems to spawn, half the ‘specials’ that drop are either blockers or chocolate. Need at least another 10 moves to get anywhere near passing.
Quitting again?
even with 2 CC to start the game with no luck....I've been playing this level for 3 days not even close.
By the way I won the jackpot once!
Posting for luck
Level after level more boring shit if you're not in the wednesdaygroup. The nerfing is ridiculous you can try 100 times but impossible. After this you need to wait a week before changing.
I won it once too! Pretty rubbish really.
I finally won the jackpot for the first time last month also! But it wasn’t clear what I won (with just the new booster panel and a few bubbles going up). Afterwards looked like it may have at least been multiple hammers and hand switches. Does any one know what the jackpot prize is??
Finally done with this level, no boosters, one move left. Not really as bad as it looks up front. Had a bomb stripe combo midway and a fish stripe combo late. Tried earlier with fish boosters but too many alternative targets (only occas hitting the locked licorice). Bonus candy seem unpredictable, occas turning into a cream blocker, and ranging from light to heavy!
Absolutely rediculous...wasted a lot of lives...and gold bars...then ran out of gold bars ..was within 3 jellies to get ran out of moves tried to buy gold bars and the purchase wouldn't go through..this happened several times ...this is bs
No way!
Horrible!! otra vez esperando un panel de suerte :(
Porqué todos mis caramelos especiales son negativos? si usted dice que hay que esperar los caramelos especiales y en mi tablero no hay ni uno que ayude, todos son bombas o bloqueadores....
Please help, finding it impossible.
This level makes me want to quit, move on to something else. No fun, need luck!
Another impossible level! Help please! How come no one wins the jackpot anymore?.
RA is a troll just like Sharon and some of the others, I only come here to look at the video to be honest and work it out from there. They aren't real players just trolls.
Oh not another one...help please
Just another level that literally sucks all the fun and enjoyment out of this game! What seems to be the problem King?? Let’s put FUN back into play here, yes??
How come this is not the first time winning Dexter's contest and not getting the 6 hours colorbombs, stripes and wraps? Level 3309 was at least 250 colorbombs. 25,000 points. Got the boosters but no 6 hours.
Sure would have been helpful here.
Another what seems impossible level can't get anywhere close. I reckon 50 moves would still take some doing only a lucky board can get me out of this one
This is virtually impossible I feel can't get close I'll just have to wait for a lucky board I'm not going to get through by myself
Impossible level again! Help!
Not enough moves again. Boring and frustrating.
Imposible este nivel ,ya lo intente con todos los combos posibles ,y no hubo suerte ,publico para la suerte ,por favor ayuda ,gracias
Ayudaaaaaaaaa por favor ,publico para la suerte ,gracias !!!
Gracias ,gracias ,gracias !!!!
It is a very hard level. I need a lucky board
again? only need lucky?
so tired with this game
Only 10 comments in 2019. Seems this game is more tricky than before. For example, if you stop playing, you lose all your boosters. Well Well new system for cc to force you to buy extra moves? This game does not introducé you to play, this game give you a feeling to step aside and leave the game for What iT is.
Like every player, There is a time you are done with a game. I think i reach this point.
Shit level, less moves, pfffffff. Need a long vacation, Well, i have iT now.!!
Need a lucky board
Well said
Thanks for the tips, RA. Worked for me!
Wow, I just won the jackpot from the daily wheel spin for the third time since i’ve bee playing!
Bullshit bullshit bullshit IMPOSSIBLE level
These levels are getting way too hard , begging down on my knees for a lucky board . I have a Laptop , so I cannot reset .... no helmet for me either !!!
Lol not with reduced moves you didn't!
Waiting for lucky moves... way too hard
People say... Easy level, but most of the time fail to mention they reset the level 100 times waiting for 2 cb next to each other. Levels don't work that way anymore. So try it now, and see how easy it is
Stuck again. Why are these so hard.
Come on. This is getting boring. Wasting so many boosters for nothing.
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