Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3401 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have to collect colourbombs to complete level 3401. The colourbombs will be provided by the lucky candies which drop from the left side of the board so all you need to do is match them and switch them until you have the ten you need.
There is however, a slight difficulty in the countdown bombs at the bottom of the board, you will have to use some of your colourbombs to keep the bombs under control or they will kill the game.
Mostly though, you can use each colourbomb to change the next lucky candy into a colourbomb. To do this you have to make sure that candies of the right colour are close to a gap in the candy canes, or beside your colourbomb.
You don't want to waste too many moves so try to have candies of the colour you want next to the first gap on the left so that you can either change a lucky candy or hit the wrapped candy to destroy the bombs etc.
You need a bit of luck with this level and it may take a few lives before everything works but it isn't a hard level at the moment.
The level has been changed slightly and here is the latest video from YT.
It is possible that the moves may be reduced in the future but the video below was completed in 13 moves so hopefully still useful.
The level has been changed slightly and here is the latest video from YT.
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If the
level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have
changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know
in the comments and I will try to change it.
Easy fun level, probably so because of helmet!
Helmet plus check mark booster made it fun.
Yep, easy and fun level, and space dash didn't hurt :)
How do you get the color bombs to compete in the popsicle planet game the weekly game ? Thanks for any tips
thanks for asking that question I was wondering the same thing mine never add up. hope someone can help us.
I had to use a checkmark booster to beat this level.
This was very easy, can't believe people have to use helmets and dashes, whatever the hell those are....
That's the only way Rick, Sharon and many others win.
They do not know how to win with skill only SD, then they brag about how easy it was!!
Posting for luck
Posting for luck
Finally CC is ok to play
you people speak of fun in this level , I'm sorry but I have failed to see the fun . Most annoying level I've seen in awhile .
No fun...need help...
There is nothing fun or easy about this level. It is now 15 moves to make 13 color bombs. I am not even getting close. This may be the end of my Candy Crush playing. I don't see any hope with this level.
I am finding this a hard level best I can do is get down to 2 definitely need more moves or a lucky board
What a stupi level
Not enough turns as usual. They want the players to use up their boosters and buy more.
Posting for luck.
Posting for luck
Ok, I'm always posting about not using boosters, but I think this is impossible without. Because it is simply not possible to reach the target otherwise. I started with CB and tick/check, used the CB on the most plentiful ticks, and from there, combined CB/CB all the way. No need to even look at the bombs. I feel defeated, cos I really want to pass levels by myself, but this takes the bikkie!
Not enough moves as usual. I’m sure it’s an easy level with more moves!
No fun. Not even close. Please help. Posting for luck.
this level is impossible to pass, very frustrating!!
Ya try it now... 14 moves to make 13 color bombs.... Thought I had it until the special candy kept falling back down....
Really hard. Waiting for lucky moves
Lucky board please
Sitting here stuck again. Need lucky board 😭😭
And you need 13 color bombs now 😬😬
Don’t know why this level is not rated as nightmarishly hard. Lucky board please!
Posting for luck
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